A Ghost Encounter: My Time wi...

By BumbleBre166

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Breanna, an army Sergeant, has never been the easiest to get along with and has struggled to get close to peo... More

Author's Note
Character Context
Backstory for Context
Part One: The News
Part Two: Joining Task Force 141
Part Three: Settling In
Part Four: Mission Briefing
Part Five: This Can't Be Happening
Part Six: A Ghost Encounter
Part Seven: The Plan
Part Eight: Training
Part Nine: Shopping Spree
Part Ten: Pushing Boundaries
Part Eleven: What the Hell Just Happened?
Part Twelve: The Truth
Part Thirteen: Drinks
Part Fourteen: Tension
Part Fifteen: New Experieces
Part Sixteen: The Beginning
Part Seventeen: Distance
Part Eighteen: Iran
Part Nineteen: The Hotel
Part Twenty: Dinner
Part Twenty-One: Understanding
Part Twenty-Two: Can't Hold Back
Part Twenty-Three: Falling
Part Twenty-Four: You
Part Twenty-Five: The Bar
Part Twenty-Six: Rage
Part Twenty-Seven: What Now?
Part Twent-Eight: Denial
Part Twenty-Nine: After the Nightmare
Part Thirty: Moving Forward
Part Thirty-One: The Sex Club
Part Thirty-Two: The Performance
Part Thirty-Three: Hassan
Part Thirty-Four: Trigger
Part Thirty-Five: The Update
Part Thirty-Six: Let's Begin
Part Thirty-Seven: The Set-Up
Part Thirty-Eight: I Love You
Part Thirty-Nine: Breaking Point
Part Forty: The Great Escape - Part One
Part Forty-One: The Great Escape - Part Two
Part Forty-Two: The Great Escape - Part Three
Part Forty-Three: Discernment
Part Fourty-Four: Intimacy
Part Fourty-Five: Return to Base
Part Forty-Six: Chicago
Part Forty-Seven: Arch Industries Tower
Part Forty-Eight: Are You Ready?
Part Forty-Nine: The Push
Part Fifty: Shepherd
Part Fifty-One: The Victory
Part Fifty-Two: Settling Back
Part Fifty-Three: The Celebration
Part Fifty-Four: Tipping Point
Part Fifty-Five: Turn of Events
Part Fifty-Six: Goodbye
Part Fifty-Seven: Simon Riley - Part One
Part Fifty-Eight: Simon Riley - Part Two
Part Fifty-Nine: Devotion
Part Sixty: Making Amends
Part Sixty-One: Johnny
Part Sixty-Two: Brothers in Arms
Part Sixty-Four: Breanna Roberts
Part Sixty-Five: We're Going Where Now?
Part Sixty-Six: Trepidation
Part Sixty-Seven: Burning
Part Sixty-Eight: The Departure to Afghanistan
Part Sixty-Nine: The Innocent Bystanders
Part Seventy: Mother Russia
Part Seventy-One: Where the Fuck is Makarov?
Part Seventy-Two: Getting to Know You
Part Seventy-Three: The Scrapyard
Part Seventy-Four: The Angel of Death
Part Seventy-Five: The Weight of Grief
Part Seventy-Six: It's Time
Part Seventy-Seven: Marching Forward
Part Seventy-Eight: Tête-à-tête
Part Seventy-Nine: Scheming
Part Eighty: The End of Makarov - Part One
Part Eighty-One: The End of Makarov - Part Two
Part Eighty-Two: The End of Makarov - Part Three
Part Eighty-Three: The End of Makarov - Part Four
Part Eighty-Four: Static
Part Eighty-Five: The Funeral - Part One
Part Eighty-Six: The Funeral - Part Two
Part Eighty-Seven: Please Don't Go
Part Eighty-Eight: One Month, Two Months, Three Months
Part Eighty-Nine: Las Almas
Part Ninety: For the Sake of the Mission
Part Ninety-One: Self-Destruction
Part Ninety-Two: Where is She?
Part Ninety-Three: A Ghost Haunting
Part Ninety-Four: Poking the Bear
Part Ninety-Five: The Intervention
Part Ninety-Six: Secondary Succesion
Part Ninety-Seven: Blossoming
Part Ninety-Eight: Yes
Part Ninety-Nine: You and Me
Part One Hundred: A Pursuit Of Happiness
Author's Ending Note

Part Sixty-Three: A New Chapter

1K 21 3
By BumbleBre166

It takes a couple of days for everything to calm down between Ghost, Soap, and I. But better late than never right?

I ended up taking Soap and Gaz to the movie like I promised. Wanna know what we watched?

Puss. In. Boots.

It was surprisingly really good I'm not gonna lie.

I also called Captain Winters and we reviewed the details of my transfer to 141—the semantics. Although she sounded incredibly proud of me and my accomplishments, I could tell she was sad to see me go.

My old team will always hold a special place in my heart but it's time for a new chapter in my life.

Laswell and Captain Price officiated the transfer and today marks my official status as a Task Force 141 Special Operator.

It's almost overwhelming looking back at it all. When I first got the news about the request to aid 141 in Iran I never thought this was how things would play out. I never thought that I would fit in or even make friends, let alone find a lover.

I've also honed my skills, something that wouldn't have happened without the determination and support from my colleagues.

All this to say, although skeptical at first, working with Task Force 141 has been the greatest decision of my life.

To celebrate my official joining of the Task Force, the team is setting up a "surprise" party for me tonight. How do I know this? I overheard Soap talking to Gaz about it...whoops.

But hey, I'll just act surprised.

As I get ready for the day, the words Laswell spoke to me when I was trying to find Ghost find its way to the forefront of my brain.

"I wanted to introduce you to König...he'll be joining us in an upcoming mission."

Upcoming mission, huh? I wonder what it will be this time. And it better not be another I-have-to-seduce-a-terrorist type mission.

The man called König has proven to be an interesting fellow: he's shy, soft-spoken, and very fucking tall.

Sometimes during training, he'll pop up behind me—without warning—and scare the shit out of me.

My startled responses and König's flusteredness always get a rile out of the two idiots of the group: Soap and Gaz.

König is not staying permanently but since he and I are both considered "new", Captain Price has assigned me to help train him and show him the ropes. Price said it would be good for me to review what I know and also learn some things from König, who's made quite a name for himself in the field.

According to his file, König apparently suffered from social anxiety growing up and was often the target of bullies, which explains why he's so shy now.

Poor thing...

König volunteered for the military at the age of 17. Initially, he wanted to join as a recon sniper, but due to his large stature and shakiness, he was denied the position. He was later assigned as an insertion specialist to be used as a battering ram—the first line of offense—charging through doors in contested environments.

König has only been at the base for a few days so it'll probably take him a little while before he feels comfortable, but, I can tell he's gravitating towards me.

Granted I have essentially been assigned to babysit him. I don't mind being a glorified babysitter but Ghost isn't the biggest fan of that.

"He follows you around like a lost fucking puppy," Ghost said to me the other day.

Jealous much? Pfft.

I don't mind the company, though. The higher-ranked Task Force members—or those with seniority—are a lot more occupied than I am so it's nice to have someone to regularly train and talk with.

Although not the easiest to talk to because I'm afraid the poor thing might burst into tears if I say the wrong thing, König is very kind and tries his best to be social. Well, with me, at least.

I truly hope the others are welcoming toward him. I know what it's like to be picked on or made to seem less than so I'm feeling this overwhelming need to protect him.

After getting ready for the day I go to meet König in the training room.

I see him sitting on a bench as I enter the room.

"Good morning, König. Sleep well?" I smile as I walk into the room and place my water bottle down.

He immediately jolts from his seat and approaches me.

"Good morning, Miss Breanna." He nearly bows.

Quite the oddity.

"You ready to train?" I look up at him. I don't even reach his collarbone...

"Ja," he responds. "Vat do you haffe planned?"

Aside from me, Laswell is the only other person who's American, so it takes time to get used to all these accents.

"I was thinking we could do some sparring. Sound good?" I move to the center of the room toward the mat, the place where Ghost has kicked my ass time and time again in combat.

"Zat is good." König joins me on the mat.

"Perfect." I give him a warm smile.

He's just staring at me with his bright blue eyes.

I hate small talk but I've been cornered.

"You were born in Austria, right? How is it over there?"

"Mein country und home are beautiful." His eyes grow slightly somber. "I miss it fery much."

I wonder what his home was like. What his family was like. What he's truly like.

"I bet." I give him a sympathetic smile. "Tell me something in German." I try to change the subject to lighten his mood.

König chuckles and then nods his head in agreement.

"Du bist sehr freundlich." I can tell he's smiling as his cheeks rise, forcing his eyes to squint.

"Which means?" I chuckle, waiting in anticipation.

"Vu are fery friendly," he says earnestly.

My cheeks instantly flush.

An oddity, but a kind one.

"That's sweet of you. Thank you." I place my hand gently on his bicep and he flinches a little.

Whoops...maybe he's not a fan of physical touch like I am? Or like I was.

Since joining the Task Force and our mission in Iran I've been a lot more touchy with others and haven't cared as much if they touch me.

Another reason why I love it here: this place has pushed me to be better; and stronger.

"Shall we get started then?" I smile, raising my brows.

"Ja." He nods.

König and I trained for a couple of hours but just like with Ghost, his height and strength overpowered me.

We finish our last spar and he reaches his hand out to help lift me after he smacked me straight to the ground.

I really have to work on building some more muscle or better my strategy and tactics. Both would probably be best.

I take his hand in mine and rise to stand.

"Good job. You're great at combat," I praise, our hands still intertwined.

"Ich habe einen guten Lehrer."

I smile and tilt my head, waiting for him to translate.

"I haffe en good teacher." He winks.

Someone's feeling comfortable...


Oh, I know that voice. And the picture König and I have just painted is an incriminating one.

I quickly snatch my hand back from König's grip.

"Lieutenant," I address Ghost.

Ghost stays by the entrance of the training room, leaning against the wall, and has his arms crossed.

"Finished?" He sounds annoyed.

"Yes, sir. König did exceptionally well." I shift my gaze back to König and smile.

He smiles back.

"Oh, I'm sure he did." Ghost nearly growls.

Oh, brother here we go...

It would appear Ghost is still worked up about the whole Soap thing.

"Is there something you need, Ghost?" I snap.

"My office. Ten minutes," he orders and then leaves the training room.

I can feel the tenseness emanating from König.

"Sorry. Don't mind him. He's always like that." I roll my eyes which earns me a chuckle from König.

"Well, you're dismissed. I'll see you tomorrow at the same time, alright?" I wave to him.

"Halright." He waves back.

I take my leave from the training room and head to Ghost's office.

This better be good considering the stunt he just pulled.

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