In Her Shadow (ACOTAR)

By theycalledherAurora

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A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfiction After Mor is gravely injured in an assassination attempt in Valhallan... More

Chapter One: Small Talk
Chapter Two: Darkness
Chapter Three: Mind Games
Chapter Four: Light
Chapter Five: Little Bird
Chapter Six: Torn
Chapter Seven: Floating
Chapter Eight: Heart Racing
Chapter Nine: Common Ground
Chapter Ten: Nightmares
Chapter Eleven: Secrets
Chapter Twelve: Revelations
Chapter Thirteen: Winter Solstice
Chapter Fourteen: Safe
Chapter Fifteen: Not A Monster
Chapter Sixteen: Thawing Out
Chapter Seventeen: A Mere Distraction
Chapter Eighteen: Control
Chapter Nineteen: White Hot Jealousy
Chapter Twenty: A Spark
Chapter Twenty-One: Playing Dirty
Chapter Twenty-Two: Baiting
Chapter Twenty-Three: Pride
Chapter Twenty-Four: Magic Pet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Consequences
Chapter Twenty-Six: Choices
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Lies and Magic
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Unraveling Fate
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Out of Time
Chapter Thirty: Just You
Chapter Thirty-Two: Chosen
Chapter Thirty-Three: Courting
Chapter Thirty-Four: Beyond Attraction
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Court of Nightmares
Chapter Thirty-Six: Sunlight and Glamours
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Coming Undone
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Favour of a King
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Trying to Forget
Chapter Forty: Wine and Winnowing

Chapter Thirty-One: Experiments and Bargains

449 22 9
By theycalledherAurora

"I asked you a question, High Lord," Elinoire picked the letter up again and shook it. "What is this?

"That is private," he came towards her and tried to grab the letter but she ducked out of his reach.

"Like hells it is. This is about my sister and I so you'd better start talking or I will melt you from the inside out,"

Momentary surprise flashed across Tamlin's face as he registered her words. But that was gone in an instant, his chest puffing out proudly.

"Do you really think you stand a chance against me, little girl. I am a High Lord of Prythian,"

Elinoire paced forward until she was nose to nose with him, "And I'm your worst nightmare you useless sack of muscle. Answer the question,"

He backed up a few paces, clearly weighing up how much he would reveal to her. Elinoire did not break his gaze, although her insides began to feel watery. She'd faced many foes, but never a High Lord before. If it came down to a fight, she had no idea if she'd survive this.

But the High Lord did not fight, instead he sat heavily in a chair and looked up at her, his green eyes solemn, "Your mother was Hybern's lover during the war. Against her will, which is how things usually went with Hybern. I don't know much else except my uncle found out through a seer that your mother would bear twins of great consequence to him, one of them being his mate. We smuggled your mother out of Hybern and sent her to Valhallan to live out her days with a male she'd known when she lived in Prythian, who I anticipate is the male you think is your father. That's all I know,"

Elinoire's world began to spin. Hybern was their father and Isolde was the king's mate. Of course he was, it was so obvious now. The obsession, why she could never fight back, it had all been there in front of them all these years and they hadn't seen it.

"Oh my gods," Elinoire sank into a chair. "And... my brothers? Are they really my brothers?"

"I don't know. What is contained in that letter is all the information I have. I helped smuggle your mother as far as the Spring Court. My father never spoke of it again,"

The Golden Thorn stood and stalked over to Tamlin, pulling him from his chair by the scruff of his shirt and slamming him against a wall.

"Do you know what you set in motion that day?" She was nose to nose with him and she could see the surprise and restraint in his eyes. "My sister spends her days and nights tortured, mutilated, chained up and used by that monster you call family. I had barely reached maturity before I took my first victim as the king's assassin and now I have killed more people than I can remember. Think about that. One little girl brutalised and one little girl forced into becoming a heartless killer. Is that what you thought would come out of your so-called good deed?"

"I didn't know what would happen. My father said we were to do this and-"

"So you didn't think to question what your uncle would want with a pregnant woman apparently carrying his mate?"

"Of course I didn't think he would harm his mate,"

Elinoire shook him, "He's a psychopath! You led us into the den of a psychopath! We have not known a moment of peace since we were taken to court,"

Tamlin gently placed his hands over hers and looked into her eyes, "For that I am sorry. You... you didn't deserve it. But life with Hybern as your father would have been much worse,"

Pushing herself away from Tamlin, Elinoire began to pace, the letter still scrunched in her hand. Everything made so much sense and she mentally slapped herself for not seeing this before. And she hadn't heard from her sister in so long, what if Isolde was back in Valhallan, married to the king with a baby in her belly, forced to accept the mating bond. How could the cauldron want this?

She turned back to Tamlin, "Well then, I need to find my sister. And you're going to help me,"

"If your sister is in the Night Court I can't... I can't go there,"

"Figure it out, High Lord. You owe us that much,"


The morning dawned bright and dewy, the sun making its first proper appearance in what had been months of nothing but grey. The covers were tucked tightly around Isolde as she awoke and as soon as she opened her eyes the memories of the night before came flooding back to her. The heated words with Azriel, the confessions and that kiss. Oh that kiss. She didn't know she could want someone so much until his lips had touched hers. Until she had fallen asleep wrapped in his arms.

She rolled over reaching for him but he was not there. Instead on his pillow was a single rose and a note that read:

Rhys needed me for some business with the Illyrian generals this morning, I won't be long. Don't get out of bed.

- A

Isolde smiled and held the note to her chest. He was so different, so different from the terrifying male she had met in the dungeon all those months ago. The way his eyes softened when they fell on her, the way he had kissed her last night. And the way she felt whenever he was near. Surely this had to be stronger than a mating bond that brought her nothing but misery. Surely fate meant her and Azriel to meet, meant for them to find each other. She held onto that, held onto the idea that fate wanted her to choose for herself, that fate wanted her to be loved.

The door opened and all of the breath left her body as Azriel stepped into the room. How had she not figured it out before? The very sight of him sent her into a spin and all she wanted was him pressed against her, kissing her, whispering to her-

He chuckled, "You'll have to keep that under control around the others,"

She stretched out her arms for him, "What?"

"Your very obvious lust for me," he sat on the edge of the bed and touched her cheek. "I could smell it as soon as I walked in the door,"

"Oh don't be foul," she leaned her face into the palm of his hand. "Why did you want me to stay in bed?"

"Because you feel so lovely and warm when you've just woken up," Azriel bundled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

She responded immediately, winding her arms around his neck and all but climbing onto this lap. He moved his mouth from hers and began to kiss her neck, but she wanted more of his lips and tried to kiss him again. Holding back a smirk he moved his mouth away from hers, tangling a hand in her hair so she couldn't move her head.

"Az..." she whined.

"What is it, beautiful?" he purred, nipping at her ear.

"Kiss me,"

"Where are your manners, Isolde?" he nuzzled her cheek.

"Kiss me immediately, you brute,"

In a moment he had flipped her onto her back and pinned her hands to the bed, "Say please and I will,"

She struggled but he held onto her, delight all over his face, his eyes boring into hers. She managed to get a hand free but found she had no idea what to do. Never in her life had she wanted to touch a man and be touched by him. But Azriel, he made her feel feral and desperate. Like if she wasn't connected with him she would go mad. She reached up and ran a finger down his wing. Azriel's pupils immediately dilated and he stared down at her, a great shudder going through his body.

"Don't do that," he growled.


He pinned her free wrist again and leaned down to her ear, "Because that will send me mad. And then I may just keep you in this room for weeks,"

"I don't see a problem with that,"

He laughed and kissed her again, a deep all consuming kiss. As he did he moved his knee so it was in between her legs and nudged the spot he must know was aching for him.

She gasped, "Oh!"


"You're teasing me,"

"Got it in one, clever girl,"

She rolled her hips, grinding on his leg and he groaned again as he let go of her wrists and buried his face in her neck. She hugged him close, winding her hands in his hair.

"We could just stay in here all day, you know," she whispered.

"We could,"

"So why don't we?"

He sighed, "Rhys wants you to come and train as normal,"

"Oh boring,"

"Don't tell Rhys that, he's quite fond of you," Azriel sat up and pulled her with him.

She straddled his lap and snaked her arms around his shoulders, "I'd much rather have training with you,"

"Well as much as I'd enjoy watching you struggle through push ups again, we'll have to continue training tomorrow, there won't be time today,"

She sat back and glared at him, "Why, where will you be?"

"I'll be with you, at your training,"


He chuckled, "You sound like a parrot,"

"Tell me,"

"Rhys has some... ideas about how to get you more comfortable with your Daemati powers,"

She rolled her eyes, "Fine,"

Isolde kissed him again and waited until he was well distracted before she ran her finger down that sensitive spot on his wing. Before he could react she leapt off his lap and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

"You're in so much trouble for that," he called, banging his fist on the door.

"Give me your worst, Shadowsinger!"

She heard him chuckle before he left the bedroom. Isolde leaned on the door, willing her heart to stop racing, unable to control the unmistakable glow that was now covering her body, her magic responding to him. A thought occurred to her. The king had only ever made her glow when her magic was protecting her. But she was not scared right now, she was so happy, so content. And she knew she was glowing for him.

She was glowing for Azriel.


"No, absolutely not," Isolde exclaimed later at the River House.

Rhys lounged opposite her, feet up on his desk, surveying her, eyebrows raised, like he would look at a petulant child.

"It was an idea,"

"Well it's a stupid one and I'm not doing it,"

She looked at Azriel, leaning nonchalantly against the wall, studying his nails and deliberately avoiding her gaze.

"Did you already agree to this?"

He looked at her, "No I said I'd only do it if you were okay with it. Which evidently you're not. So, conversation closed,"

Rhys narrowed his eyes at his brother, "Conversation absolutely not closed, this is the only way to-"

"Rhys I don't want to fight with you about this, if she's not-"

The two males began to bicker back and forth, they honestly sounded like children and Isolde had to stop herself from giggling. She managed to sneak her way past both of their mental shields while they were distracted and before they could react, she made them slap each other across the face.

Rhys' eyes were wide as he realised it was her, "I thought you couldn't-"

"I never said I couldn't, I just said I don't like to unless the person has consented. And I don't have as much practice as you,"

She felt Azriel come up to hug her from behind, leaning his head on her shoulder, "I trust you,"

Rhys' eyes darted back and forth between them, "Oh you two are going to be insufferable aren't you?"

"What, you mean like you and Feyre were?" Azriel bit back. "You're just moody because I kissed her first,"

"Oh enough you two, what has gotten into you today?" Isolde dug her nails into Azriels arn

I don't know but from the looks of it, Az has gotten into you, Rhys said silkily into her mind.

Isolde called up a whip of fire and smacked it as hard as she could against his mental walls. He flinched and rubbed the back of his head.

"Right well if you do that to your enemies, you'll be just as formidable as me,"

Isolde sighed and leaned her head back on Azriel's chest, "Fine, we'll try it your way. But I'd like it to be known I'm not happy about it,"

Azriel kissed her cheek, "Don't worry, I'll fix that later,"

With one last withering look Rhys brushed past them as he said, "And I've had just about enough of that. Come find me when you're done being disgusting, I'm going to find my mate and be just as disgusting,"

From outside the room, down the hall where Nyx's room was, Feyre called, "Not interested darling!"


His mind was a swirling web of shadows and blue lights, thoughts that were hard to grab onto, nowhere for her to really sink her claws in and take control. She didn't know how she'd done it before in Rhys' office. She had just... seen them slapping each other in her head and suddenly they were doing it. But taking over someone's mind, someone who she was currently eye to eye with was proving difficult. Especially when his very presence set her alight.

"Tell me again," Isolde said, staring into those beautiful hazel eyes.

"I do not consent. You cannot enter my mind," Azriels thumbs made circles over her knuckles, attempting to sooth her.

She pulled her hands away, "My enemies won't try to comfort me. I have to get past the... fear,"

"What do you need from me,"

Isolde stood and began to pace, both Azriel and Rhys following her with their eyes.

She paused, "Most of the time if I didn't bury my magic I was beaten up or sliced into. When it did want to protect me from the king, it wouldn't usually because I was scared... or it couldn't ignore the bond," she looked at the two males. "So one of you needs to make a bargain with me,"

"Reason being?" Rhys' eyebrows were raised but he didn't look completely against the idea.

"I need the same blocks in place that I had before. So you both need to stop going so easy on me otherwise all I'll ever be is a scared little girl who can sometimes make interesting things happen," Isolde's eyes slid to Azriel's knife. "So one of you needs to make a bargain with me. And Az, you need to use that,"

Azriel bristled, "Absolutely not,"

"It's not like you haven't before,"

"Yes, when I was... torturing you for information,"

"So just pretend you are now,"



"I don't want to hurt you,"

"Then other people will,"

He turned away, "I'm not doing it,"

Isolde paced slowly towards him, lifting her chin, "Scared Shadowsinger?"

Azriel turned back to her, eyes flashing, "Stop baiting me,"

She crossed her arms, "No,"

Rhys' voice slid into her mind, and what are you hoping to achieve with this?

I don't want to be afraid anymore.

The High Lord cleared his throat, "I'll make a bargain,"

Azriel's head shot up, "No way,"

"Azriel, would you relax please?" Rhys snapped as he held out his hand for Isolde to take, which she did and the two of them faced each other.

The High Lord's face revealed nothing of how he felt about this, but his eyes were looking upon her like he always had, with fondness and understanding.

He slid into her head, there's no going back now.


Are you ready?


He stared for a moment and Isolde's stomach was in knots. They hadn't actually said what the bargain would be, only that they would make one. Perhaps she had misplaced her trust in him, in all of them. Perhaps they finally had her in the spot they wanted her and this was just another manipulation.

"I claim you, Isolde of Valhallan for the Night Court," Rhys' voice was soft. "I will protect you as a member of this court and my inner circle as long as I live and you will serve me as your High Lord for as long as you live,"

Azriel leapt forward, "Rhys wait-"

But he was knocked backwards as the dark tendrils of Rhys' power shielded them and shut Azriel out. Isolde could hear him yelling but did not know what he was saying. She stared at Rhys, tears threatening to spill.

"You... want me to stay?"

"Until the day you or I leave this plane of existence, yes,"

Isolde's heart swelled. Here in this place she had found a family, people that wanted her to be free, to choose the life she desired. They didn't seek to torture or maim her. All they had ever wanted from the beginning was to understand her and keep her safe. Azriel still yelled for her on the other side of Rhys' darkness but she blocked that out and took a breath.

"I accept,"

The skin on the arm which Rhys held began to tingle. She looked down. Black swirls made their way to her elbow settling into an elaborate pattern on her forearm, beginning in the palm of her hand. She opened her hand to see the design of a mountain with three stars overhead, the symbol she'd come to know as that of the Night Court.

The darkness cleared and Azriel all but knocked her to the ground as he barrelled towards her. He pulled her to face him, eyes searching her face frantically.

Rhys scoffed, "For Cauldrons sake Az, she's fine,"

"You shut up," Azriel didn't even look at Rhys. "Are you?"

Isolde nodded, "This was my choice,"

A breath left Azriel's body and he turned to Rhys, his head bowed, "Sorry,"

"If I didn't know better, I'd say the two of you were mates the way he's been carrying on," Rhys bumped Isolde with his shoulder. "Well, I guess you're one of us now. And just in time for Starfall,"


Rhys winked, "You'll find out,"

He backed up a few paces and nodded to Azriel to do the same.

"Now that's all out of the way," darkness flooded the area again, threatening to engulf her as taunting violet eyes met hers and she saw the flash of a knife.

"Let's play," 

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