Best Partner- freenbecky

By Freens_BecBec

73.5K 3.3K 441

Freen and Becky are two famous police of India Who has solved many cases but what caught their attention was... More

26. Part 2🔞🔞🔞🔞


1.5K 67 7
By Freens_BecBec

A scene from the new series "The royal Pin" the novel is available on ReadAwrite app you can read it there. It's a scene where Becky climbs trees to gather some fruits which is forbidden by her father to do so. So funny and stubborn princess 😂.


Freen's PoV
We came home after the hectic day. It was already 11:30. Becky already slept in the car so I just woke her up. I said "Becky.. baby wake up we are home already."

She yawned cutely and said "Let me sleep more Freen I'm tired."

I then thought to lift her. I carried her in my arms and led her home. She woke up in the middle of the left and she got down me. She said "Why did you not wake me up Freen. I can walk."

I chuckled and said "Someone wanted to sleep more in the car."

She rolled her eyes and said "Fine my mistake. I was tired after a hectic day. My brain is filled with complexity."

I said "Ya me too babe. We can't do anything until we first that asshole."

Becky nodded and we came out of the lift. Becky went to the shower and I waited for her patiently. As I was waiting I heard the door bell ring and I got curious on who it was at this time and my heart started to beat loudly. I took my gun and went down slowly to open the door. Becky who just came from the shower saw me and before she could talk. I gestured her to stay quite.

She nodded and came behind me. As I opened the door there stood the three idiots holding a cake. I let out a sigh and dropped the gun back. Nam said in shock "Are you going to kill me? God, Freen spare me please."

I said "I didn't know people brag in at others home during midnight."

I than rolled my eyes. Becky said "Freen let them in."

I nodded and went aside. They three came in and Nam opened the cake and said to Becky "Happy birthday nong. We wanted to give you surprise but your wife is so bad."

What today is Becky's birthday how can I forget? God I didn't bring my present I'm sure she'll be mad later. Please save me someone.

Becky chuckled and said "Yes my wife doesn't care about me. How did you know it's my birthday when I forgot my own?"

Tee said "I saw your id Becky and Yuki remembers your birthday so we thought to give you a surprise."

Becky hugged Yuki and said "Thank you so much Yuki. You are so good unlike this annoying person beside me."

I know she was referring to me but I can't help I just forgot. Yuki said "Ok Becky cut the cake fast I know you guys are tired."

Becky nodded and we all gathered near the table. Becky made a wish and blew the candle. She then cuts the cake I just stood there watching my cute little wife. She looked happy but I'm sad I didn't do anything for her birthday. As she cut the cake Nam said "Hello Miss. Sarocha go eat the cake and at least wish your wife."

I nodded and went near her she gave me a cold stare. She then bought the cake to my mouth and I ate. I fed her back. I said "Happy birthday Becky sorry I forgot I was busy..."

She smiled and hugged me . She said "It's ok Freen I'm not mad I was there with you the whole day so no worries ok."

I smiled and hugged her back. I said "Thank you for understanding me Becky I love you."

She hugged me even tighter and tears dropped from our eyes. She said "I love you too miss Sarocha."

Nam said wiping her tears "Hey buddies fine now make me eat the cake already."

Becky broke the hug unwillingly and cut the cake into another few pieces to feed them. As she fed them Phi Nam gave her some gift and Tee and Yuki gave her their gifts. They then left leaving us alone. I looked at Becky as I closed the door.

She said "Ok Freen now it's time for your punishment."

I said "Ah.. what? Punishment for what?"

She said seductively "Well you forgot my birthday so you have to pay for that."

I took a long breath as I felt hot already. Oh this girl can drive me crazy. Yet I love her. I nodded and we shared a hot kiss immediately. I think she is in urgent. Kissing me deeply till I was out of breath and I pushed her slightly.

Than we went to our room and I said "Ok Becky I'll give you gift now."

I then pulled her closer biting and sucking her lips till her collar bone. And rest was a mystery. We enjoyed each other company and forgot that we have a hectic days ahead and our jobs are in danger.

...............TO BE CONTINUED.............

Ok I just wanted to cut off the scene because not in mood 😂😉🤣.
Ok but left to ur imagination I know ur imagination is greater than my story so you can still imagine.
Bye until next chapter.

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