Sanscest Oneshots

By helpme1m

38.5K 817 794

This book mostly contains Nightkiller- 🤣 Just another random oneshot book about very gay magic skeletons and... More

The Bun is Warm [Nightkiller]
Just Lay Down🍋 [Cream]
A Monster And A God [Nightkiller]
After The Call 🍋 [Dustblue]
Valentines Day [Kustard]
Reverted 🍋 [Cream]
Attention Whore [Nightkiller]
Morning Tea & Coffee [Cream]
What Makes it Special [Nightkiller]
Kinda Fluffy [Nightkiller]
Jealousy Much? 🍋 [Inkerror]
Love Potion [Nightkiller]
Death's Lover [Afterdeath]
Black Kitty [Afterdeath]
Funny Business [Nightkiller]
Death & his Love [Afterdeath]
Compensation🍋 [Nightkiller]
Mr. VIP [Nightkiller]
What are you feeling? [Nightkiller]
Mrs. Joku & Mrs. Rahafwabas [Nightkiller]
We meet again (Not Finished) [Nightkiller]
My Lamia [Nightkiller]
Mistletoe [Nightkiller]
The Drink🍋 [Bloodlust]
Call of the Sea Conch [Nightkiller]
Fruits [Cream]
Fanart for Myself
Late together [Nightkiller]
Closed Visit [Dustblue]
Back Home [Nightkiller]
Sleepless be Engulfed in Slumber [Nightkiller]
Red Riding Hood and The Huntsman [Nightkiller]
Dirty! 🍋(Nightkiller)
Highschool Lovestory [Nightkiller]
Killer's Cats [Nightkiller]
Hate Comments [Dustblue]
Me too [Nightkiller]
Crescent Angst
Happy Family [Afterdeath]
Lesbian Sex🍋 [Nightkiller]
Bus Stop [Dustblue]
"Stargazing" [Cream]
"The Baby Fire" [Errorink]
Cuddles [Nightkiller]

A Little Insecure [Bloodlust]

611 17 3
By helpme1m

Requested by

Lust sighed as he held the beer in his hand. Lately, his club hired newer strip dancers and they were 2 times more times hotter than him and he was scared that he would get fired because of lesser demmand for him. He really needed this job but the worse part about that was he was getting insecure about himself...

I mean... they were skinnier, thiccer, had bigger boobs and bigger butts. They were also prettier and more handsome plus they offered blow jobs which can increase your popularity and demmand in his club and Lust didn't do it anymore since he was in a relationship with Horror.

He sighed some more before covering his mouth with his free hand before tearing up. He chugged the beer down and slammed it on the table and yelled out "Keep it coming Grillby, give me the bill when I die!" Before staring at his folded arms on the table. He was basically in an alchohol-induced depression and Grillby was getting concerned but nonetheless carried out the outrageous order.

Drink after drink, he began getting more wasted until the point of having noodles for legs. He was groaning now, regretting the drinks he just had.. he basically handed Grillby his wallet and drunkenly said "Hand *hiccup* m-me the change to- *hiccup* morrow Grillbs....*hiccup*". Grillby accepted the wallet and Lust continued on being miserable.

He kept overthinking and having 2nd thoughts, "I'm ugly, am I?". At this point he just wanted to commit suicide...

"Their fucking hotter than me..."

"They don't want me anymore..."

"Rori is probably gonna leave me for them..."

"I'm gonna loose this job..."

"I'll be broke in less than a week..."

"Fuck, I hate myself...."


Lust thought to himself as he stared at one of the whores pole dancing without her shirt and bra on. He slammed his head into his arms and began to sob some more. As many people left the club to call it a night, Lust was still in the bar section, shooting himself down. Grillby noticed this and seeing this was quite concerning and awkward, he reached a hand out to tap him but he stopped when Lust said "I'm not asleep.". So Grillby, not knowing what to do, just left him alone and didn't bother him for a few minutes.

Grillby was really concerned for him. Why? Well he has never seen Lust drunk-depressed before, normally when Lust drinks, the party was bound to get wild, and right now, Lust looked so pathetic. Grillby didn't even have the urge to flirt with him, being afraid that Lust would have a mental breakdown.

"Hey what happened to wild-ol'-Lust?" A bunny monster asked as he gestured his bottle of rum to the sad skeleton. Grillby didn't give any answer, in fact, he had none. He was not aware of Lust's growing anxiety. "Hey Grillbz, I think you should call his boyfriend...I mean just look at him...he's had too much than myself." A cat monster said to Grillby as she wrapped her arm around the bunny monster and the bunny in turn, nodded.

Grillby thought for a moment, writing what he was gonna say on his mind before walking up to his phone that was on the other side of the table, charging. He unplugged his phone and opened it before punching in someone's number. It took a while but someone finally picked up and a deep and voice fry voice answered "Who is it?".

Grillby paused for a while... The guy's voice on the other line was quite scary to listen on the phone. "Uhm... yes, Is this uhm.. Horror Sour? Uhh... Lust's boyfriend?" Grillby asked and he replied, "Yes, this is Horror...are you from that uh.. club Lust works for?". Grillby hummed awkwardly before replying "Yes, I'm the bartender and he's all... he can't walk-" but he was cut off by Horror shouting "Did he break his leg?!". "Uh no sir.. he's just very drunk and... he's crying, I think you need to pick him up." Grillby said, reassuring Horror that no bones were broken.

Horror quickly understood and replied "I'll be there as fast as I can..." before hanging up. Grillby sighed before putting his phone down. That interaction was really something...

He glanced over to Lust and saw that he was still in a bubble of misery. He kinda felt bad but all he could do was wait...

Then he waited...

Rain began to set in and no one came to the bar yet. An hour passed, then another 2. This "Horror" guy wasn't coming here was he? Everyone eventually left except Grillby and Lust. Lust at this point was asleep and Grillby was finishing up his duties. It was quiet in this place except for the sounds of quiet snoring coming from Lust. After Grillby was finished, he looked around the bar but no one was there except for him and Lust. He was getting really annoyed now at how Horror was running late.

He checked the time and it was exactly 12:00. He grabbed his phone and dialed Horror's number again, this time he immediately picked up and Grillby could hear heavy breathing and the pitter patter of heavy feet and also the heavy rain...

"Um, sir?-" Grillby asked but was cut off when Horror said "I'm heading there! sheesh! Can't blame someone with an axe on a rush.". Grillby stopped..

An axe?

Then the door opened and Grillby froze. He could see a huge skeleton by the entrance, wet by the rain and just as he said, he was wielding a fucking axe. There were faint blood stains on his shirt and his one glowing eye peirced through Grillby's soul. He was breathing heavily as he stepped in the club. He placed his axe over his shoulder, the sharp part looking at the ceiling. Lightning also struck as he did so, making everything dramatic.

Grillby took a step back and held his phone to his ear. "U-um.. S-sir, there's!-"

"U-um.. S-sir, there's!-" Grillby's voice was heard again in the pockets of this strange looking skeleton. This...was Lust's boyfriend?

Horror walked towards where Lust was sitting while Grillby took a step back as he lost his ability to speak. Horror stood next to where Lust was sitting and he tapped the petite skeleton lightly. Lust began to wake up from his nap and slowly processed what was happening, then he looked at his monstrous boyfriend.

"Rori? What are you doing here?" Lust asked in his normal tone and Horror looked at him with concern. "Your AU's Grillby called me because he said you were so drunk that you can't walk and apparently you were crying..." Horror said truthfully and Lust's smile dwindled. Horror noticed this and gave Lust a disappointed look, to which Lust responded by standing up and hugging Horror. Horror sighed and placed his axe on the table. He carried Lust up and Lust grabbed the axe on the table.

Grillby watched this all as it was happening. How was Lust keeping a straight face about all of this???

Then the two left.

Horror used his jacket to shelter Lust from the rain and Lust continued to snuggle into Horror's chest. It was a quiet atmostsphere despite the pouring rain.

"Lovely, what's wrong?" Horror asked as he continued walking through the sidewalk that barely had any illumination. Lust only hummed and didn't say anything. He didn't want to worry Horror.. "It's nothing-" Lust tried to say but he went quiet when he saw Horror's disappointed face. "Fine... you caught me Rori. Please don't freak out or something- Rori your jacket!" Lust said as Horror's jacket took off from the howling wind and Horror stopped.

"Ah, It's fine, please continue lovely." Horror said as he stared into Lust's beautiful pinpricks. Lust smiled weakly at Horror before sighing. "Well... it's just that... I think I'm gonna get fired." Lust said, muttering the last words. Horror stared with surprise at Lust before laughing a bit. Lust stared with confusion at Horror, he was hurt. Horror laughed at his pain?

"Rori, why are you laughing?" Lust asked and Horror suddenly tossed him up in the air, making him drop the axe. Lust screamed at this and the axe landed on the pavement next to Horror and Horror confidently caught Lust. "Lovely there's nothing to worry about. A strawberry shortcake like you can't get fired at a strip club, they'll loose costumers if they did." Horror said reassuringly in a manner that contradicted his deep voice. It didn't suit him but it made Lust smile a bit, he found this trait of Horror adorable.

"...but they're more attractive." Lust muttered under his breath, going back to his saddened state as he awkwardly laughed. He didn't expect Horror to hear that but he did, and this made Horror stop smilling. Then he looked concerned.

"Who's attractive?" Horror asked and Lust jolted from that question. He awkwardly laughed some more before saying "What? No one's attractive Rori...". "Lovely, you said that someone was attractive, is it a co-worker? Y'know that Debby is under you in every way, she reminds me of grass.". Horror said, trying his best to make Lust speak up. Lust only laughs at this, he was aware that Horror didn't like blond girls named "Debby".

"Hahaha what? Rori it isn't about her its...  its..." Lust said with laughter but it faded away when he got to the last part. "Its what?" Horror asked in a gentle tone, not trying to preassure Lust.

Lust sighed in defeat and pulled himself closer to Horror and basically shoved his face into his colar bone. "There's been new hires and they're prettier than me..." He said and Horror sighed. He rubbed Lust's back in a calming manner before asking "Is that what you're worried about?". Lust nodded and Horror placed his head on Lust's shoulder.

"Lovely, you're the prettiest person I've ever met... I don't even deserve you either way I serve you." Horror said as he rubbed circles onto Lust's back. Lust chuckles at this, this was an inside pun between them. "Besides, your very sexy and cute at the same time, I just don't know how but you are." Horror said, in a 'just saying' tone. Lust basically cried at this point and he hugged his "Rori" tightly, saying "Awww thank you Rori! I really needed this.".

Horror just happily smiles, happy that he could cheer his sad boyfriend up. Lust was still gripping tight onto Horror and Horror grabbed his axe that was next to him before continuing to walk home.

The rain had gotten softer and when they reached the doorstep of their apartment, Horror placed Lust down and reached into his pockets for the keys. Lust was still smiling as he eyed Horror from top to bottom. When the door opened, Lust grabbed Horror's hands and dragged him inside which really caught Horror off-guard.

Lust basically tossed Horror on the couch and quickly rushed to the door to lock it. Horror sat there very oblivious to what was happening. Then Lust walked over to Horror and helped himself to him.

He kissed Horror on the none existent lips and Horror quickly understood what Lust wanted. He kissed back and the two got wild with it. Horror laid down on the couch as Lust continued to kiss him on top. After a few minutes into their heated kiss, they parted. "Wooh! I need more~," Lust said out loud before sitting up and Horror blushed like a tomato.

"But we need to change, were soaking wet.." Lust said, making Horror realize that fact and the two got off the couch to go change, and after that...let's say they were y'know? Having fun in the bedroom.

A/N: As per usual, i did not proof read and I'm not planning to 😎. So random fact about Horror in my AU! He associates people with food and he associates Papyrus with spaghetti, with too much sauce and cheese in particular, and he associates Lust with many varietes of fruit/berry cakes.

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