A Vampire Life | Book 4

By Anslee247

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With the death of another family member, how will it affect the new path of motherhood that Taylor is on. Fin... More

A Trail Of Bodies
Family Friend
Tristan de Martel
Mrs. Ripper
Moms Coming Home To You
Blast From The Past
Prophecy Coming True
Our Boys
Ghost Of Taylor's Past
Three Breeds. One Baby
Salvatore Boarding School
Reaper Pole
Death Threat
Almost Out
Momma Alpha
President Teller
Zane Christopher Orton
We're Here For You

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

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By Anslee247

*Taylor and Eric didn't get too far from Uhtred, when she heard movement in the bushes. Eric and her looked over, they both popped their fangs and were ready for a fight. Eric clicked his fangs back in when it was just the witches. He looked back at Taylor to see her eyes glowing and wasn't backing down*

Milo: What is happening? The air. Uhtred, are they okay? I feel something.

Uhtred: Not so sure. Stay here with the others...*Uhtred jogged over*

Eric: Taylor.

Taylor: I should kill all of you.

Eric: What are you doing? We can trust them.

Nattie: We can't let the kids live.

Eric: So it was you all along.

Nattie: I'm sorry but we have to start with you Taylor...*Eric stood in front of Taylor*

Taylor: They lied. Everything has been a lie. They are working with Clay and Tara. They plotted the images, making the prophecy seem real. Lies.

Uhtred: You did what!?...*Taylor and Eric looked over at Uhtred*

Nattie: Witches...*Eric ran and grabbed her throat*

Eric: You cold hearted bitch.

Uhtred: Run.

Taylor: But?...*He caressed her face*

Uhtred: Thank you for helping us. You will always hold a special place in my heart but your husband and children need you.

Taylor: But?

Uhtred: There is no time my lady. We are vampires and we are bound to see each other again. We will hold them off.

Taylor: Till we meet again...*He smiled and kissed her forehead. Taylor looked at Eric and he nodded. Taylor ran off but stopped when she felt the vampire spell. She grabbed her head in pain and dropped to her knees. Uhtred fought it and attacked one of the witches breaking the spell. Taylor ran off while they fought and like always Eric eventually caught up with her*

Eric: I'm sorry I gave you so much trouble.

Taylor: Doesn't matter. Are you okay?

Eric: I'm fine. They are no longer an issue. Why didn't you tell me? You can tell me anything.

Taylor: Because these are your people Eric. Uhtred is like your only friend...*They both smiled*...I knew that it was important to you that you helped him. I didn't want you to give any reason to have to choose between us.

Eric: I would have picked you in a heartbeat. You know that...*She looked at her phone and looked confused*...What is it?

Taylor: Jax...He wants me in England?...*Eric sighed*

Eric: Be careful. Keep in touch. As your maker I command you to keep in touch.

Taylor: No fair. Eric, he said you couldn't know.

Eric: You think I care...*She smiled and held his hand*...I love you.

Taylor: I love you even more.

Michael: Your wife flys in today?

Jax: Yes.

Michael: Good. It's good to finally have you here Ray...

(Everyone meet Raymond Smith)

*Jax smiled slightly*...The wife and I are having dinner later. If you and your lady feel up to it. Join us.

Jax: I'm sure she may want to get out. After the funeral, I know she may want to breathe.

Michael: Splendid. See you then...*Taylor pulled up the house and honestly felt at home. She actually really enjoyed the time in nature and loved that she was able to run wild on the nights that she couldn't sleep. To be somewhere with electricity and a shower, well...Made her very happy. She took in the big house and made sure this was the right address that Jax had sent her. She heard a car behind her and turned around to see Jax. He smiled and hugged her*

Jax: Inside. Shall we?...*She raised an eyebrow at him as they walked inside*

Taylor: What's with the accent? How did you get so good at it? Why are you dressed like that?...*He pulls out pictures*...Who are they? I've never seen these people before.

Jax: My boss, Michael. This is his wife and I need you to be her friend. So they don't get suspicious...*Taylor sighed*...Fletcher, he is out to get my boss. Guy goes by dry eyes...T, he is working with Clay...*She made her eyes glow*

Taylor: How the hell did they find each other?

Jax: Our kids...Word travels fast. Trafficking...*Taylor covered her mouth*...I'm not going to let anything happen to our boys...They call this one...Lord George. I haven't figured out if Dry is going behind his bosses back or not. It sounds like it though.

Taylor: Jax, how do you know all of this? If Clay is talking to him...How do they not know about you?

Jax: Online, a lot of communication. We're safe. You really think I would bring you out here...Knowing Eric would be waiting for me...*She chuckled*

Taylor: Okay, so what does Michael do so well that you took to it?...*He stared at her and she nodded, knowing what that meant*...Really? Jax, this sounds like some heavy duty people. Let's just get who we need to and then be on our way.

Jax: They also have no clue that I am a vampire. So we have to act human.

Taylor: You're kidding me...Right? Wait...The hell do you mean we?

Jax: You're my wife...*She stared at him*...Part of the role?...*She nodded*

Taylor: Right...Because you're with Tara.

Jax: Something like that. Here is your ring and ID. We-

Taylor: ID? Jax...*She opened it*...Phoebe Smith? Smith...Jax, that was.

Jax: I know. How crazy right...*She smiled*...We have dinner with them soon. Your room is back here. We should get ready...*She nodded as he carried her bags to the room. After the wonderful shower she had, Bonnie was calling*

Taylor: Man, it is good to hear your voice...*Bonnie smiled*

Bonnie: How is everything so far?

Taylor: What do you?...Jax knows...Like knows?

Bonnie: Um? Why else do you think he called and got you out of danger?

Taylor: Oh...

Bonnie: Do you have any idea what you are going to do?

Taylor: My head can't even...I don't know. I'm here and I just...It's awkward.

Bonnie: But?

Taylor: It's really good to see him. When he called...It...It felt like home.

Caroline: Duh because he's still in love with you...*Jax smiled as he heard*

Taylor: Really? You put me on speaker.

Bonnie: Sorry but we are kind of on his side with this one...*Taylor sighed*

Taylor: I've been throwing Tara in his face.

Bonnie: Well...Don't.

Caroline: Just relax and see where it goes.

Bonnie: Right. Be with him and just relax.

Taylor: Alright...*They hung up and she finished getting ready. Jax smiled as they walked to the car*...Do I have to have an accent?...*He smiled*

Jax: No...*They made it through dinner and Jax was very pleased with how things went. Michael and his wife bought into everything. One step closer to finding Dry eyes and ending this for his kids. As they walked back into the house, Taylor saw Fletcher taking pictures*

Taylor: Fletcher, two o'clock...*Jax smiled and caressed her face. Making it look like they were having a moment and he saw Fletcher*

Jax: Good eye...*He locked the door back and she looked away as he started to unbutton his shirt*...Thirsty? Blood?

Taylor: I...I'm just...Long day. I'm going to lay down.

Jax: You sure?

Taylor: Yeah...Night...*He nodded and she sighed walking back to her room. Of course, there was sexual tension. Of course there was. He didn't stop loving her and she didn't stop loving him...The next morning, he saw her looking over the files and drinking blood*

Jax: Sleep okay?...*She looked over and nodded*...Can I...Can I take you out to dinner tonight?

Taylor: Me?...*He looked around and she smiled*

Jax: Unless you have somewhere else to be?

Taylor: Dinner is fine.

Jax: Great. I'll be back. Michael has something he needs help with...*She nodded*...Jess should be calling with the boys soon...*He smiled as she smiled so big*

Taylor: Be careful...*He nodded and walked off. Taylor groaned, running her fingers through her hair. She felt like she was in highschool, things just felt so awkward but so natural with him. Taylor thought of their time in Charming and it made her heart miss Eric and her boys. She was missing home and wanted to snuggle with her boys. As Jess called, Taylor teared up at seeing her boys again*

Jax: T?

Taylor: Yeah, almost ready!...*Taylor walked down in a dark green dress and he smiled as she looked at her*...Too English?...*He chuckled as he shook his head*

Jax: You look great.

Taylor: So, what's this dinner for?...*He held her hand as they walked in to make it look natural*

Jax: Wanted to do something nice.

Taylor: Can I admit. The accent is pretty hot...*Jax laughed and she smiled as he pulled her chair out*

Jax: I've been thinking about this school...*She slowly nodded*...You still want it?

Taylor: To give our kids the chances we didn't have...Yes. I think so. I think that there are certain things that they will learn that we had to adapt to or learn ourselves...*He stared into her eyes as she talked. Jax missed his wife and after all they have been through. All he wanted was her again. He wanted her and their family to be safe and happy*...What?

Jax: Nothing, nothing. I...You just look really nice tonight...*She blushed*

Taylor: Thank you...*They made it through dinner and went back home. Taylor grabbed blood to distract her mind from the sexual tension that was in the air. Jax went to walk by her to get to the bourbon when he rubbed on her hips and she gasped*

Jax: I'm sorry. I didn't mean...Sorry.

Taylor: All good...I should go...*He nodded as he sipped his whiskey. Taylor finished her blood bag and let her dress fall to the floor. Jax thought it was now or never. He finished his shot and vamp sped to her. Taylor turned around as she felt him behind her*...Everything okay?...*Jax took in the sight of her body in lingerie. Oh, how he missed that so much. As he walked closer to her, Taylor kept taking steps back until she was against the wall. He unbuttoned his shirt as he never broke eye contact with her and she swallowed hard*...Jax...*He slowly put one hand on the wall above her head and the other on her waist*

Jax: Yeah...*Taylor felt her eyes change as she picked up on his scent of arousal. Jax bit his lip as he slowly held her throat and leaned in to kiss her*

Taylor: We can't.

Jax: Why not?...*He slowly rubbed passed her torso, passed her stomach and stopped at the very top of her thong*

Taylor: Jax...We.

Jax: We? If you wanted me to stop then why haven't you stopped me? You are much, much stronger than me...*She moaned as she felt his fingers. They kissed as she ran her fingers through his hair. Jax picked her up and vamp sped her to his room. Jax slowly took her thong off and Taylor arched her back as she felt his tongue*

Taylor: Yes Jax!

Jax: You like that baby?

Taylor: Ohh yess!

Jax: You taste so good...*Taylor then remembered all of their crazy, hot sex. How good he made her feel. How they took care of each other and even though they had their moments...They really did love each other. Jax towered over top of her as they kissed and Taylor rolled him over. She took her bra off, he chuckled as she ripped his clothes off and they made out.

Taylor kissed his chest until she was getting his pants off. She slowly kissed up his legs and he groaned as he waited to feel her lips. He put his head back as he finally felt her, remembering their crazy and hot sex. The passion and how much he missed her. The love that they had was like no other, different than what she felt for Eric but wouldn't ever match what she had with Eric....

Damn baby!...*He smiled and he kissed her as he laid her back down on the bed. They groaned feeling as he inserted in her. Feeling as one again and she grabbed his arms, feeling him stretch her out. Just like that the bond that was never broken came back like a wave crashing over them*

Taylor: Wow...*He smiled as they were breathing heavy and he kissed her hand*...Jax..

Jax: Let me...I am so sorry. We have been through so much and you didn't deserve that. I need you to know that I never stopped loving you.

Taylor: It wasn't you. It was the witches...I love you too.

Jax: Tomorrow. I need you to stay here. Pack all of our stuff.

Taylor: But?

Jax: We got Fletcher and tomorrow we'll get Dry eyes.

Taylor: We're going home?

Jax: Thank you for being here...You kept my head on straight. If not it would have been a murder scene...*She kissed him....Taylor spent the next day packing their stuff and waiting for nightfall for them to leave. Jax wanted to wait for dark so that there were less eyes. Taylor just wanted her boys more than anything*

Abel: MOMMY!

Taylor: ABEL!...*Taylor picked him up and swung him around*...Oh, I missed you baby! Oh my gosh. I promise...Mommy won't ever be gone that long again.

Abel: It's okay mommy...*She kissed him*

Gemma: Taylor!

Taylor: Thomas!...*He laughed as he stumbled*

Gemma: You're back baby...*Taylor hugged her. Despite their differences, Taylor was just happy to be home*

Abel: I missed you daddy.

Jax: I missed you too.

Chibs: So you two went on a marriage counselor trip? You leave fighting and you come back happy...*Taylor smiled and kissed Jax*

Jax: You okay to get them home?

Taylor: Yeah, go. I'll see you later...*He kissed her*

Eric: Finally!

Abel: Pop Eric!

Eric: Abel!...*Taylor smiled as he ran to Eric*...Love...*She hugged him tightly. He smiled and rubbed her hair*...Trots att du inte är min. Att du är hemma och säker är en fantastisk känsla min älskade. (Even though you are not mine. You being back home and safe is a great feeling my love.)

Taylor: Jag älskar dig mer än något annat. (I love you more than anything)...*He smiled and Abel called him over to play*

Eric: Where is your ring?

Taylor: Don't...*He grinned*

Eric: You and Jax talk about the school...*Taylor gave him a look*...What? I think they should be there and safe.

Taylor: You don't think I want that? I want them there. Where I know they can learn about who they are, what they are and what is to come. Jax...He...He's not on board yet.

Eric: Those are his kids? How could he not?

Taylor: Please. Just...He isn't here so can we be a family. Just the four of us for a little...*He smiled and held her hand*...I love you.

Eric: I love you too.

*So this chapter went into the movie that Charlie was in, The Gentlemen. His character was Raymond Smith. I thought at the time when I wrote this that it would be cool to mesh this in with the story. I did rewrite it and this was a better, shorter version. Hope you all like it! Xoxo ~ Anslee❤️*

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