One Last Beginning: Something...

بواسطة shewayward-

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Little do they know it, Jensen and Gale are both on independent paths, discovering world-shattering truths al... المزيد

Chapter 1: Fading Memories
Chapter 2: Bleeding Eventide
Chapter 3: The Waiting Game
Chapter 4: Life after Life
Chapter 5: Forever and Always
Chapter 6: Away
Chapter 7: Be Mine
Chapter 8: Union
Chapter 9: Paving a Yellow Brick Road
Chapter 10: A Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 11: Shattered Secrets
Chapter 12: Burning Passion
Chapter 13: Fighters
Chapter 14: A Merciless Dawn
Chapter 15: Better Than Me
Chapter 17: A Foreboding Permeate
Chapter 18: Piecing The Puzzle
Chapter 19: I Dare You
Chapter 20: A Deafening Sin

Chapter 16: A Dawning Reality

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بواسطة shewayward-

"Definitely that one," Gale turned her pleading eyes on Jensen, as she licked her fingers. Shrugging, he gave a simple smile. "Why not?" He looked tired out: he had been dragged all around the mall, subject to her endless shopping. The majestic cake displayed in front of them was a mixture of blue and white- it was an infused lavender taste but a chocolate filling: Both their choices. Towering 5 stacks high, Gale gestured at the woman in front of them that this was the one. 

"Wonderful," She laughed, scribbling down a few notes. "It'll be ready when your wedding date is...?" 

"12th July," Gale sang, practically hopping about in her position. 

"Done! It will be ready for then," Extending a friendly hand, Jensen and Gale both shook it confidently and voiced their thank you's on the way out. Pulling out her notepad, she checked off another task on her lShoving it back into her bag, she wound an arm around Jensen's, smiling dazzlingly into the bright sun. The breeze whipped Gales hair around, but that was the least of her worries: she was marrying Jensen. The sunlight brightened around them as people threw appreciative glances their way. Taking a short cut through the park, Jensen picked a nearby white flower and placed it in Gale's hair. Grinning, he wound an arm around her shoulders, Gale leaning into his embrace. Gale wished she could stay in this moment forever- but the very thought of this reminded her of her reality. The fact that Sloan was her father, the ring was dead set on Jensen's demise, and their countless threats. A reluctant grimace formed on her face, but however much she tried to hide it from Jensen, he still seemed to notice. 

"What's wrong?" He looked down into her face, his expression worried. Sighing defeatedly, she decided if she was going to be his wife, she was going to share everything with him- apart from the things that would cause him hurt, where in this case it was hurting him but would hurt him further if she didn't tell him. 

"It's just the realisation of everything," Looking at the ground, her eyes seemed to look at the surface beneath her but were indeed encapsulated by her mind. 

"I try to escape the reality of going back to having to deal with whatever we are dealing with," Sorrow overwhelmed her. Dressed in an elegant coat, her legs were wrapped with black, fitting jeans  disappearing into navy, buckled ankle high boots. Fall was indeed her favourite season, with the different shades of red crunching under her feet. Her chocolate hair was tousled and glossed to perfection. Staring at the ground, she carried on walking, her grip loosening from Jensen as she wound her arms around herself, feeling self conscious. Jensen watched her, disheartened, and guilt ridden. Walking on silently, he looked on ahead and frowned, falling into his own deep thoughts. On they walked, only separately, so lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Jensen turned away, just as Gale did, trying to hide the single tear rolling down her cheek. Quickly patting away her tears, she willed herself to stop, the ground beneath her turning hazy, and formidable. 

I'm never going to escape this... 

Anguish took over his expression as he ran a hand through his hair, sighing raggedly before turning back around. Before he knew it, Gale had taken off, running opposite home's direction. Her hair flew behind her, a small part of nature's beautiful display. Her long legs carried her gracefully across the park, but Jensen was too torn to notice. His hand leapt for her, catching air in its grip as he watched Gale sprint away. 

"Gale, where are you going?!" Petrified, his frantic voice broke as he stood there, knowing to run after her would be completely pointless. 

"I need to be alone," She said brokenly, her face turning a round for a split second to reveal a faraway expression- her face was blank but her eyes were tear brimmed and terrified. Turning a corner, she disappeared leaving a apprehensive Jensen behind. Only moments ago were they happy and now Jensen doesn't even know where Gale is. Rapidly, he yanked out his phone, ringing Gale and peering out towards the faraway street. It went straight to voicemail and he became even more frantic. 

"Gale I need to know you okay, ring me please." Shoving his phone back into his pocket, he sprinted down the street, searching every nook and cranny of his surroundings. 

6:37 pm - 3 hours later: 

Breathing heavily, he burst into another place, hoping he would find Gale, that hope being constantly crushed. "Where are you?" He whispered, walking defeatedly into the bar nearby, falling into the stool near the bar top. Gesturing at the barman, he poured him bourbon and Jensen gulped it down, grimacing at its strength. Already feeling dazed, he casually looked around the bar only to see a woman flailing about on the floor, obviously down the deep end. Her hair covered her face, her legs falling about everywhere like jelly. Her hands latched onto the beer bottle hanging from her hands. However when she turned her head Jensen nearly fell over in shock. He recognised that colour hair, those striking blue eyes. But before he could react, he noticed a beer bellied drunk saunter up to her, trying to finger her in all the wrong places. The woman, so drunk, wracked his hands away lightly, grimacing and pouting fiercely. Shooting up, the glass in his hand smashed to the floor, the contents spilling out consequently. 

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" Jensen roared, swift and already shielding her with his body. 

Slurring, he eyed her maliciously. "I can't wait to wrap her hair around my-" He was cut off by Jensen who had punched him, his rage swarming his body. "She's a sex bomb," He ogled her a little more, trying to catch a glimpse of her behind his back. Jensen however, was throwing him all manner of violence. His face swung this way and that, blood trickling from every place known to man. Jensen pierced him with his cold stare as he fell to the ground, before raising his boot  and bringing it down on his face. Unconscious, his face lolled to the side. Turning back to Gale, he ran his hands over her face. Gale looked up at him, then ran her hands over his busted lip, her hands falling about his face. "Come on," Jensen grunted, picking up Gale In his arms then stepping over the man's body. Spitting on his face, Jensen swept out of the dank place, taking relief in the fresh, cool night air. Calling a cab, he placed her in carefully before hopping in himself. Half out of it, she collapsed on him, her breath reeking of alcohol. "I never drink," Gale said somewhat confused, pouting and prodding her throat, trying to be sick. Retracting her hand immediately, Jensen held it firmly in his hands, entwining both of them with hers. 

"I should have ripped his balls out," Jensen growled, glaring towards the bar again, before looking back at Gale. He kissed the top of her head, pulling her gently into his embrace. Accepting his warmth, she fell into him, smiling at his comfort. "I couldn't find you," She mumbled into his chest, her eyes closing. "I didn't want any of this," Gale waved her hands about for the last time, before knocking out and once again falling on him. Once they reached home, Jensen took her into her room and laid her down slowly before turning back and pulling the covers over her. Brushing tendrils of hair away from her face, his eyes lingered on her weak face, remorse and guilt eating away at him. Walking quietly out of the room, he heard the door open and immediately shielded Gale's door, braced for an attack. When he saw that it was just Misha, he sighed with relief before relaxing and sitting on the nearby sofa chair. "Hey," Jensen said tiredly, before running hands through his hair. 

"What's wrong?" Misha asked, placing his elbows on his knees and surveying him. 

"I should have never come into her life," Jensen closed his eyes, mentally kicking himself for even allowing himself to fall in love with anyone. 

"Whoever I was going to be with was going to end up like this," He stared at the ceiling, regretting his meeting with Gale but then again grateful. "She chose to be with you, knowing your circumstances. No one chose for her, she did. So stop moping and go," Misha gave him a sympathetic look before looking serious and sending him towards Gale. "Time is precious, for you especially, spend it wisely." He stood up slowly, staring at Misha, realisation dawning on his features. Nodding slowly, he walked slowly into Gale's room, but upon arrival, saw her standing there, looking vulnerable and alone. Arms by her side, she looked at him with hair falling about her carelessly, her pyjama's spilling onto the floor, high up to her waist, over her silk vest clinging to her stomach. She then proceeded to hold out a hand to him, grabbing his hand in her own, before guiding him to her bed. Laying him down, she silently crawled on top of him and caught him in her siren's song. 

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