Wicked Steps

By Trewest

1K 99 43

Emberlee Ortega was born and raised to be her Mother's Heir; the Marchioness of their March and the symbolic... More

Season 1: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Season 2: Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Season 3: Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Season 4: Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 21

18 4 1
By Trewest

Prince Damien had kissed her, Méabh had set her up to bring a political plus one to Adaba, and her birthday was finally arriving. Jimena's guilty judgement had passed without incident, the funerals held for Ainsley and Deirdre without Emberlee attending, and there was still no word from her Father on the frontlines. She'd been excluded from the planning of her debut as the Emperor and Imperial Princess organized it concurrently; Emberlee was left with no proper distraction from thinking about Prince Damien and the unexpected kiss.

It hadn't been like these in the novels they'd mocked the previous day; a simple dry press of lips instead of anything involving battling tongues, but it was been nice in its own way. As far as a first kiss went, it was pleasant and respectful; but she surprised herself by kissing him back, uncertain if she was doing so correctly. It was different than reading or even seeing others kiss; she hadn't been prepared for it and so didn't know what to do other than push her lips back against his; it didn't even occur to her to close her eyes.

"I was almost expecting you to pull your sword on me," he confessed as he stepped back.

"If you had gotten inappropriate, I would have," she confirmed, hiding that he had surprised the daylights out of her with that. "So you talked Oberon into taking us both," she phrased it deliberately, earning a laugh.

"From the formal invitation it seems all I succeeded in doing was convincing Méabh you should be allowed to bring a date with you," he corrected.

She ignored him, "Clara will try to convince the Emperor, or the Noble's Council, to send a noble of her choice with me. I wouldn't put it past her to try and declare the person and expect me to obediently accept it. Even after the Emperor made it obvious that I'm discussing the matter with you."

It wasn't hard to understand why the Emperor had pre-emptively implied that Emberlee was going to take the Imperial Prince as her allotted guest; mentioning it in front of Oberon rendered it impossible for the Empress to try and claim she was speaking on the Emperor's behalf. And if she were thinking like an Emperor, Emberlee could also see the benefit of sending the engaged couple to Adaba together; forced proximity could breed intimacy. And supply the first of the next generation if she were permissible.

"Are you prepared for your debut?" He changed topics unexpectedly; he had something to say on the matter.

"As prepared as I can be given that I wasn't permitted to plan it myself," she managed not to indicate all the effort already spent in the Ortega March as she'd been preparing to host it herself there.

He smiled lightly, "I'll present you your gift on the day if that's alright with you," it implied that his gift was meant to draw a reaction from the attending Nobles, so it was either something manipulative, or audacious.

"It'll have to be impressive, Oberon has already gifted me a custom gown in Adaban fabrics and jewels for the day," she didn't mention how uncomfortable she'd been having the Royal tailor prioritizing her gown.

"I suspect you'll like mine better," he promised, piquing her curiosity.

"I'll be sure to let you know," it was easy enough to promise at the time.

But the day of Emberlee's debut dawned and she felt nervous. She'd refused to attend Jimena's trial or the twins' funeral, so this was the first public appearance she was making since Princess Vivian's debut. Even though she had conducted business while staying at the Imperial castle, High Society was behaving as if she'd been locked in a Tower herself.

And then presents started to be delivered.

Vivian had gifted her Stussican pearls, a strand holding every colour of the sunrise, and not a single one of them replicated in Ortega pearls. It was beautiful and reminded Emberlee of Vivian's colouration. Uncle Albert had sent a literal crate of his favourite brandy for her to enjoy. Unexpectedly, the Vassals near Ortega had worked together with her Grandfather; they all sent letters of congratulations listing their presents to her. Grandfather had gifted a residence in the Capital to live in while her Capital Manor could be rebuilt; a permanent suite at the Goldstone Hotel. Her Vassals had all collectively determined to cover the cost of rebuilding the Capitol House, and her neighbour, Count Poinsette, pre-emptively paid to refurbish it. And her reputation for being a shrewd Marchioness had gotten out amongst all the gossip because a collection of her gifts came in the form of resources sent to Ortega.

But Oberon's gift did stand in its own category. She'd worn suits and one dress since arriving in the Capital, as far as High Society had seen, so only Oberon had gifted her a dress, and he'd done so by gifting her the Adaban materials to fashion it. The Royal Tailor, or the Imperial Tailor now actually had taken the provided, Emberlee's measurements, and promised to deliver a gown utterly suited to her features. What was delivered was a dress that looked like a work of art just on the dress form. It looked like stained glass in fabric, the material as draping and clingy as silk but far more comfortable. The colours of the gown spanned the entirety of the heavens above, from glittering and darkest blue to sunrise golden, through day's glory, and into sunset splendour. But instead of the lead lines of glass detailing, the black sections were detailed into shapes and patterns of butterfly's wings. The tailor had worked with the design; the bust to be the top part of the wing, held up by a strap over one shoulder and leaving the back entirely free of material. The skirts looked like the button section of the wings, one for the front and one for the back, leaving high slits on both sides. Each colourful section had a pattern of similar coloured gemstones worked into the dress directly. Instead of having fabric on her back, the wing shape was emulated by chains of gold with matching gemstone tones worked into it so her back was framed in an echo of the front. With her hair up in a complicated layer of braids, more gold and gems glittering in its depths, she looked like Fairy Magic come to life. Only this outfit wouldn't disappear at midnight, so she was safe to ignore the clock.

She left the Ruby in one ear, and put a dangling chain of gold in the other ear, suiting the asymmetry of her dress, and had a simple black dance slipper with gemstone buckles. Thankfully, she was tall enough to forgo high-heeled shoes, so she was astonishingly comfortable.

A knock at the door of course precluded Prince Damien entering, but he came to a surprised stop as soon as he saw her. "You look beautiful, Emberlee Ortega."

The simple but forthright compliment, combined with the use of her name like that left her battling not to blush. The Prince was wearing an amber-coloured jacket to match the shade in her dress, with black trousers and detailing. "And you look quite debonair your Imperial Highness," she tried to cover her reaction.

He had a bottle and two glasses in hand, something she was only realizing as he set them on her bedroom vanity. It looked like liquid sunlight as he poured it, and smelled like raw honey, "I wanted to do this before anyone else could toast you," he offered her one of the glasses. "Happy birthday Marchioness, I wanted to promise you that from this birthday on you will never have to face a birthday alone." She couldn't tell what her face was showing, the emotion she felt was a painful mix of hope, heartbreak, and wariness all at once because his words cut through her defences.

Father was at war, Mother and Aubin gone, and he was promising to never leave her. "I will hold you to that Damien," she admitted solemnly as their glasses clunked together. The liquor burned, as warm as the sunlight it resembled.

As he escorted her to the Celebration Hall filled with the same Nobles as had attended Princess Vivian's debut, Emberlee felt the nerves pestering her fall away. This would become her new normal, in the same way being Marchioness had become her every day. This at least was like a practice run before she became the Imperial Crown Princess. "Just so you know," the Imperial Prince distracted her during their introductions, escorting her to the dancefloor as if he were her designated partner, "the promise I made isn't my birthday gift to you; this is," and he spun her unexpectedly around.

"Dad," the word was all but sobbed as Emberlee saw her Father for the first time in years.

Decorum and expectations be damned, Emberlee hugged her Father tightly while tears fell beyond her control. Around them, people were applauding and reacting, and she knew they were a spectacle of the entire Court but she didn't care. Her Father was finally here, this was a significantly better gift than even a masterpiece of a dress.

Prince Damien was a manipulative mastermind and knew to draw attention off them for a moment by having Oberon introduced. Her fellow Envoy was in a pure white suit, the back of his suit nearly identical to Emberlee's gown in a playful way. But on his arm tight was Imperial Princess Vivian, wearing a delicately lavender Stussican gown, the neck and straps holding it up pure silver and diamonds. The amethyst necklace, bracelet and earrings from Emberlee's birthday gift were in evidence, as was the tiara Even if their outfits didn't match they looked good together.

Emberlee finally regained her composure, surprised to find how close to her Father's height she'd become since she'd last seen him. He was wearing the pure black uniform of the General, only his wedding ring was in silver. It was the ring Mother that given him, and he'd never removed it even after her death. "I wasn't sure I'd make it here in time, so I made the Imperial Crown Prince swear to keep it secret."

"You won the war?" She couldn't say everything she wanted, emotions and diplomacy at odds in such a public setting.

"The last of the Guita Provinces signed as Stussican claimed lands, it's over." He confined. They'd kept it from her, and she couldn't even be mad at the overt manipulation. The music cued the start of the dancing, and Emberlee was spared trying to converse, or think, while she danced with her Father. Her future husband might be a manipulative dragon, but he clearly understood her well enough to arrange all of this.

"Has Prince Damien told you everything then, Father?" she finally got to inquire when the song came to an end.

"Everything?" He sounded doubtful, face lined with more age and scars than she was accustomed to witnessing.

But even as he asked, he spun her as Prince Damien had, only this time she was facing the Imperial Crown Prince himself. And he was getting on one knee with a ring held aloft, "Marchioness," humour glittered in his eyes as he caught her brief moment of surprise, "would you do me the honour of being my Imperial Crown Princess?" He'd said he was going to wait until she'd come of age, Emberlee just hadn't anticipated it being at her coming of age.

Vivian squealed in delight, Oberon and most of the Xutian High Society clapped, and the Emperor looked pleased, but Empress Clara looked ready to claw Emberlee's heart out of her chest.

"Yes Prince Damien," the ring he presented to her for their engagement was a starburst amethyst, the rarest type, "I will be your Crown Princess."

When he kissed her this time, she understood the other day to have been so that their first kiss wasn't in the public eye. Unlike the first time, he held her close to him often to whisper, "Tell me Emberlee; who's gift did you like better, mine or Oberon's?" This time Emberlee grabbed the Prince's suit to catch him in surprise with a kiss. He'd brought her FATHER back to her, all the pretty dresses in the world couldn't measure.

But the manipulative dragon that he was, Damien turned a press of lips into one more like those from the naughty novels. Emberlee's cheeks burned hotly at such a public display, thankfully it was quick enough that she didn't feel too unsettled; Prince Damien was half holding her with an arm curled around her.

"Yours, and you know it Damien," her tone scolding instead of grateful, but the Imperial Prince just laughed and kissed her cheek before shifting them into dancing to the music.

"I suspect it'll be better for my ongoing health to keep you happy Emberlee; you seem like a terrible opponent to face," he danced impeccably and Emberlee strove to be as flawless.

"I'd say ask my stepmother, "she was enjoying the dance, "except the Emperor has already proven her guilt and banished her to the Peaks."

Life as a Garrison servant, in the near eternal winter of the Peaks, Emberlee's punishment for Jimena was to live in hell until it killed her. Then whatever god Jimena believed in could judge her soul as they saw fit. But Emberlee would spare the woman no more mental or emotional thought. "So since Jimena is not an option, I'll say ask your stepmother," she'd noticed that Clara was smiling, but the knuckles of her hand were white.

"At least now I can assign you an Imperial Knight, even if you insist on it being Sir Ludwig," he seemed worried about her safety despite knowing everything she'd done.

"I will have a loyal Hound, you will have peace of mind, and Clara will lose a once obedient knight," she reminded him even if he wasn't arguing.

"She will target you," he didn't act persuaded.

Then let us give him her corpse as a wedding gift, Cinderella suggested and Emberlee couldn't help smiling in response to it.

"Let me enjoy celebrating my birthday before I focus on worrying about death," she insisted to them both.

The song ended and this time it was Oberon stealing her for a dance, following the Xutian choreography without hesitation. "One, happy birthday Cinderella," he spun her out of sequence deliberately and she had to follow his lead, "two, you look truly stunning today," he bent her back in a dip that worked with the music but she couldn't predict, "And three, congratulations on your engagement."

The song continued and everyone applauded their unorthodox dance, "Thank you, Oberon, I hope to be happy with the choices I've made."

"I shall tell Méabh that you're bringing your lover with you to Bipedee," his choice of words was meant to leave her uncomfortable, "He may be given a Name as unique as your own."

"Will we be able to pass from the Mirror I anointed here to my home in Ortega with my fiancée along?" she hadn't attempted to bring others through a Mirror.

"Some of that will depend on you, but at the very least I can step through with you to Ortega before going on to Adaba on my own and returning with another vial," He declared as if it were a perfectly normal thing.

"No one has properly explained to me what makes me so unique as Cinderella compared to the Bonded in Adaba," she decided to point out, hoping that the day would make him feel generous. "I've deciphered that it has to do with the Dragon sealing Xutia off from Fairy interference, but other than that I don't understand."

Oberon's smile was bright against his brown skin, "The stronger the Fairy, the stronger the Summons required to call a Fairy. Despite the barrier, you managed a Call like no other has ever achieved," to her delight Oberon answered directly, "You have done something on a level that only Méabh can understand."

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but is Méabh the Fairy whose Bond was broken with Landquester?" The song was ending.

Oberon spun her instead of answering, and Emberlee Found herself grasped by the Emperor himself for a turn around the dance floor. "I am pleased that your debut and engagement to my son are both being received so well, by so many," he danced with the same control he used to dominate the Court.

"When did you decide I was worthy to marry your son?" she didn't try to provoke the Emperor as she would the Prince. She expected him to say when she'd successfully been Named by Adaba, or if more recently when she'd used his instructions to thwart Jimena's schemes.

"When you sent me a sternly worded letter after I refused to release your Father from his duties as

General so he could attend the funerals of your Mother and Brother." That had been years ago before even Emberlee had anticipated. Prince Damien had said his Mother had a list of candidates, but unbeknownst to either of them the union had been the Emperor's plan all along. "Your solitude made you resolute," he honoured her by explaining his reasoning," When everyone expected you to falter, you instead stood firm as Marchioness." Now the Emperor's smile reminded her of Prince Damien when he was about to manipulate her, "Appointing you to Ambassador was the final test. And at every challenge you persevered."

"Thank you for your support your Imperial Majesty," she managed not to sound sarcastic.

"I'll be your Father-in-law soon, please call me Imperial Father," it wasn't a request she knew how to decline, not having expected it at all.

"I'm not even accustomed to calling His Imperial Highness by name yet, Imperial Majesty, you'll have to forgive my inadequacies."

"You are the best choice for the future of my Empire," his kindness held worry," but there are certainly other Empires that have their eyes on you too." Stussica and Adaba, and she was about to head into the heart of one of them with his son along for the trip.

"Have you settled Xutia's borders again?" She decided to question her Emperor.

"I dare not reach further; now I must solidify if I want the borders of my Empire to be as secure as the founder made our original Nation," she knew enough of the unspoken history to understand.

"As Marchioness Ortega, Xutia's Shield, Imperial Prince Damien's fiancée, and Cinderella in the eyes of Adaba," the dance was thankfully ending, "I will help you protect our people my Liege," she could promise that if nothing else. He didn't acknowledge her words, bowing as the song and dance ended.

Uncle Albert thankfully brought her a glass of wine instead of a request to dance and took her to where her Father was. "Well done firecracker," he tapped his wine glass to hers before leaving her with her Father.

"Your Mother would be proud of you," her father hugged her tightly, knowing exactly what she needed to hear in the moment. "You have become a remarkable woman, a capable Marchioness, and now a future Imperial Crown Princess. Sapphira would be delighted."

That kiss must have convinced him that their engagement was based on love instead of logic. She didn't want him to be concerned for her though; she was satisfied with this even if it wasn't what she'd initially desired. One day she and Prince Damien would have their version of love, even if it didn't match the passion Mother and Father had shared.

"He doesn't doubt me," that was honest enough, "and he has seen all of what I can do and it doesn't deter him." He called her a malevolent Fairy and he was her manipulative dragon, neither of which she could say.

"Good, I may serve his Father as General, but if he doubts you he's not worthy of you," her Father warned as only a parent could.

"I'm so glad you're home dad," She sat with her Father on a small couch off to the side of the Celebration Hall.

"I'm glad to be home, and I'm sorry to have missed so much," he summarized so much history.

"Now I'm the one who'll soon be going away," she felt happy and sad all at once, a terrible jumble of emotions.

"Do you know how proud I am? I'm a General of war, but my daughter is an Ambassador and will be Imperial Crown Princess before long," he seemed uncertain how to have a glass of wine with her, but Emberlee cherished it all the same.

"Do you know how proud I am? "She countered with playful mimicry, "My Father is the General who expanded two Empires, and never lost a battle he fought in." She'd hung on every rumour and news of the war since he'd left.

"I couldn't let you suffer losing me too," he hugged her again, as if afraid she'd disappear, "My biggest fear wasn't losing the War, it was leaving you to face the world alone."

Prince Damien's promise earlier came to mind, he was a very different man than her Father and yet in this aspect, they were fundamentally the same. "I'm just as glad to have you come as you are to be here."

Neither one mentioned again that now it'd be Emberlee going away, her trip to Adaba setting out next month to reach their capital for the celebration of Méabh's coronation. Like Oberon's visit here, it'd be a visit of months, more of an exchange of culture and diplomatic building than a negotiation for an alliance. While Stussica's alliance came with the weight of debt expectations, Adaba just presumed friendship. But if Emberlee's inference about who Méabh was proved correct, her visit to Adaba with the Heir of that history might prove more complicated than anticipated. She pushed the concern aside, determined to enjoy her birthday and worry about the future tomorrow.

So she sat with her Father, letting guests approach with their birthday cheers instead of being out dancing or socializing. And not a single High Society socialite could hold it against her, right now only three people could compel her attention and she'd already danced with the Imperial men. Empress Clara approached, both Emberlee and her Father coming to their feet as etiquette required to greet her Imperial Majesty.

"I'm honoured to have the Moon of the Empire at my debut," Emberlee turned her curtsey into an introductory gesture before the Empress could proceed, "and it is my pleasure to be able to introduce my Father to your Imperial Majesty. I could tell you seemed as surprised at his presence today as I was," had the Empress tried to have her Father eliminated?

Her Father executed a precise bow, if he picked up on the animosity he made no sign of it, "May your fire burn eternal," he spoke Stussica with hardly any accent as he gave their Imperial greeting.

"The Bloodied Right Hand," Empress Clara returned to her Stussican roots almost gladly it seemed, "What will you do now that you've won my husband's war and settled my Father's Lands?"

"Stay vigilant," her Father didn't seem to like the Empress any more than Emberlee had.

"I need to have a word with the birthday girl," the Empress' switch back to Xutian functioned as a way to dismiss her Father.

"I'll go fetch us fresh glasses," her Father took Emberlee's empty wineglass, etiquette constraining his options.

"Please sit your Imperial Majesty," she gestured to the couch and waited for the Empress to repose first. "I must compliment you on your gown tonight, it is truly striking."

The Empress' gown was a velvety purple so dark it was nearly black, carefully tucked into a sweetheart bust. The gown cupped the curves of the Empress' body and had a heavy enough material to swish around as she moved, but unlike the usual Stussican fashions, this gown had neither embroidery on painted scenes on it. Instead, the Empress has worn Stussican-crafted jewelry; heavy gold bands around her wrists, a single diamond settled in the middle of a thick golden band around her neck, and a Crown that likely weighed a fair bit. And the dark colour combined with lack of glamorizing gave the Empress a faint funereal air.

"You are wasted in an engagement with the Imperial Prince," Empress Clara smiled as she said it, "You're an intelligent woman, but you're young and one makes the mistakes that go with the impetuousness of youth. You could be so much more than a glittering accessory, and I could help you with that but not if you're only at the Imperial Prince's side." They hadn't even been officially engaged for an entire day yet, and the Empress was trying to get her to back out of it. Ostensibly so that the Empress could help her, but they both knew who Clara wanted to marry the Prince and so Emberlee stayed silent. "It would be a shame for you to have to give up the Ortega March if you did proceed," now the threat since the bait failed, "all those people depending on you, even your Father who's just returned; who'll protect them if you become the Crown Princess?" The Empress was all but stating her intent to target Ortega if Emberlee insisted on staying engaged to Prince Damien, but without actually promising to forgo retribution if Emberlee stayed only Marchioness.

"Prince Damien is aware of how precious Ortega is to me, and the Emperor knows I take my duties as Xutia's Shield seriously, and both have assured me that they'll work with me to protect my people." Emberlee sounded like she was simply grateful for their generosity, but Clara understood the deeper message; these were all a series of moves in the Imperial Game and Emberlee was here to play. And she had the full support of the Emperor and Heir, with the apparent alliance to Adaba waiting in the wings.

If only Jimena had acted accordingly; then none of this would have happened, or at least it'd look vastly different. "If you're truly worried about what happens when someone targets those I love, you can always visit Jimena at the Peaks' Garrison," she offered in Stussican, her smile dripping venom. "And she didn't even have to threaten my Father's life for her to be removed, she merely became burdensome."

Just this morning Emberlee wouldn't have threatened the Empress like this but this morning she'd been a Marchioness working with only promises and an absent Father on her side. Now she had a little more substance to work with, and the need to establish right away that she had no intention of quitting. Stussica's Emperor was still the commanding force behind Empress Clara's actions, her interests would ultimately be about empowering him. They'd used Xutia to take over Guita, getting all the benefits of expansion with none of the sacrifices of protracted War. They'd tried to use the Imperial Crown Prince to gain a hold on the throne permanently, and they'd tried to embed their Nobles into Xutia all so that they'd be able to take over in the next generation. And if Jimena had successfully discredited Emberlee to the Emperor, she wouldn't have established the friendly connection to Adaba, removing an alliance that would help deter Stussica's spread. But just because this method had failed, didn't mean the matter was entirely settled. The Emperor was still obligated to keep Clara as the Empress, and she would endlessly work to reduce Xutia's capacity so it could be subsumed into her Father's Empire.

And now Emberlee was joining the Imperial family, the Shield holding the enemy at bay.

Emberlee's Father returned with fresh glasses of wine, but more importantly with the Emperor at his side as well. "We need to dance at least once," the Emperor was all smiles as he held a hand out to the Empress but although he appeared to be a man mid romance the request felt more like a demand. The Empress didn't dare reject, taking his hand and rising gracefully without another word to Emberlee.

She didn't even taste the wine her Father passed her, drinking it entirely to wash the taste of that encounter out of her mouth. "She's going to try and kill you to prove a point to me, and if not you then Uncle Albert."

"I'm fairly positive she's already tried," her Father agreed so mildly that it took Emberlee a heartbeat to process what it meant. But when she gave her Father an incredulous look, he laughed." I'd just gotten Guita to sign the capitulation to Stussica when my tent was attacked. The assailants came in, astonishingly well armed and professional, knowing exactly which tent to go to even without banners being flown." That meant they had inside information, and it was the Stussican Army he'd been helping lead at the time, easy to do the deductions from there.

"You escaped unscathed?" He hadn't appeared injured but could be disguising it to not worry her.

"I am still alive," he'd been hurt then, "and I am home. But from what my future son-in-law tells me you endured your violent encounters." Every part of that statement deserved its consideration.

Her Father was avoiding telling her how badly hurt he'd been or even how he'd survived, he'd been talking to the Imperial Prince enough to seem comfortable with it, and they'd discussed what little Prince Damien knew what had been done to her. But it was her Father calling him son-in-law that ground Emberlee's thinking to a halt.

"I have learned, sometimes the hard way," She finally answered his masked question.

"Your Mother's lessons have served you well," he gestured to the Imperial Hall her debut was held.

The Emperor danced with the Empress, and as much hatred as they had for each other, some other chemistry had them dancing gracefully together. Princess Vivian danced with Oberon, her looking like a butterfly landing on a wildflower, and she spotted Prince Damien in some deep discussion with Uncle Albert. The other gathered Nobles and servants were all important in their way, but as of today, it was those seven who had the most impact in her life. For good or ill. And of course, Emberlee could feel the part of herself that was Cinderella ready and wanting to be called upon.

Bemusedly, Emberlee celebrated her birthday knowing that although her story included Blessings, Dragons, Fairies, and Family, it was certainly no Fairy-tale.

There was still too much blood to be shed to call it happily ever after.

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