His Lips

By ilovekat_

90.4K 2.6K 507

"I can't change the past but I can change the future and I want that future to be with you." ~~~ After one ki... More

New Years Eve Is Evil
Define History
Family Dinner
White Guys
So This Was Happening
Ponce De Leon
0 to 100
Slightly Less Of A Heartless Bitch
Booty Call
Friendly Advice
Glutton For Punishment
Monongahela River
Double Date
40? 50? 55?
Never Have I Ever
Neck Deep
Guys Are Idiots
¡Dios mío

The Future

1.8K 66 6
By ilovekat_

Authors Note: I posted a picture of the hunky Carter Sanders- aka Keith Powers. So, this will be the last chapter (kinda), there will be an epilogue. I honestly had more ideas for this story and an alternate ending but I believe it would just be prolonging the story unnecessarily so I'm just going to end it here. I thank everyone for reading so much, you guys are amazing. Xoxo.

|Chapter 26|

7 days in Cozmuel had flown by all too quickly. We spent most of our time outdoors doing activities: snorkeling, swimming with the dolphins, jet skiing, deep sea fishing, hiking through nature and visiting the museums. We also spent a great amount of time having sex but what else would you expect from Carter and I?

So, it was our last night in Cozmuel and we were spending it at a lovely little seafood restaurant. There was a beautiful meal in front of me but I was paying it no attention. I could only stare at the man before me.

Carter looked incredibly handsome tonight; he was wearing a short sleeved white button up with a navy blue pair of khakis. He almost looked like a sailor, minus the hat. A Rolex watch clung to his wrist and his gold dog tag with my name on it was hanging around his neck.

He was currently cracking a lobster's shell and cutting the meat out of it. I always thought eating lobster involved much more work than I was willing to partake in just to eat it but to each their own I guess.

This past week had been amazing; there had been zero drama, zero fighting and zero time apart. I wouldn't say that he didn't still annoy me sometimes because oh, he did. But there's no one else I'd rather spend my first out of the U.S. vacation with. I wasn't even ready to go back yet, staying here with Carter was like living in a completely different world.

I wouldn't even know how to function when we got back home; we had spent so much time together, I couldn't imagine being apart. Carter was a part of me now.

Carter broke me from my trance, "Are you not going to eat?"

I looked into his eyes, "Oh yeah, sorry. I was just thinking."

Carter rose an eyebrow, "About what?"

I sipped on my glass of water and shrugged, "It's just going to be weird going back to Pittsburgh...not sleeping in the same bed, not being together 24/7. I'll miss it."

Carter stared into my eyes and spoke seriously, "Then move in with me."

I gawked at him. Was he being serious? He just continued staring at me, not speaking. Holy shit, I think he's serious!

I looked down at my hands as I fidgeted in my seat, "Um, wow, way to just spring that on me."

Carter grabbed my hand, "Look at me."

I sighed and forced myself to look at him.

Carter stated, "I would really like it if you moved in with me, Phoenix. Like you said, it'll be weird being apart but we don't have to be, there is another option and that's for you to move in with me. Why not?"

I gulped, "I don't know. Don't you think you need to really think about that some more? I mean, what if I'm a crazy roommate or something?"

Carter rolled his eyes, "I have thought about it and for one, you wouldn't be my roommate, you would be my girlfriend and it would be your home just as much as mine. Secondly, I think I've been around you long enough to know that you're not crazy."

I can't believe Carter fucking Sanders wants me to move in with me. Is he intoxicated? No, he's only had one glass of wine. Shit, I don't know what to say. I mean, is it really that terrible of a proposal? No. Am I scared like hell though? Yes.

I stammered, "But-but we've only been together for two months. I-I-I thought you wanted to take things slow?"

Carter exclaimed, "Fuck it. I'm in love with you, Phoenix. I love you! And I want you to be with me, always. I never want to go to sleep without you by my side and I never want to wake up without seeing your gorgeous face. I want to take care of you and be there for you. I want to hold you when you're upset and make love to you when you're happy. I want to make you love me as much as I love you. I..."

I shushed him, putting a finger against his lips. I shook my head, smiling at him, "You idiot. I already do. I've been in love with you since you put yourself in that damned hospital."

Carter looked like a giddy 8 year old on Christmas morning as he spoke, "Really?"

Was he honestly that surprised?

I nodded, "Yeah, really."

Carter bit his bottom lip, as pulled on my hand to stand up. He beamed, "Dance with me."

In the front of the restaurant was a small stage where some natives were singing, playing guitar and beating on some conga drums. I glanced at the stage and back at Carter. I seethed hesitantly, "Eh, I don't know. Not that many people are dancing. I'll look like an idiot."

Carter rolled his eyes, "Oh, come on. Where's that courageous girl I kissed on New Years Eve?" Carter winked at me and I sighed loudly, "Fine, fine."

We made our way to the dance floor and started attempting to salsa dance but I was god awful at it. Carter was blowing me away with his dance skills though, who knew he could dance like that? We danced terribly and laughed like hyenas for half an hour.

Everything was perfect. Carter loved me, I loved him. No matter what struggles our futures faced, I would think back to this moment and know that we could get through it-- the memories of pure bliss would keep our love alive. We would always have Cozmuel. We would always have each other. I believed in us, I believed in the love we have. This once in a lifetime kind of love, it was powerful and I knew nothing could break it.

We were bound to one another, like the fish were bound to the sea.

After dancing for a bit, we returned to our now cold food and ate what we could of it. Then we walked hand-in-hand down to the beach. The sky had turned pitch black but the lights from nearby hotels and restaurants kept everything lit up.

As we walked down the beach, I could feel the presence of Carter's security team near us but I had grown accustomed to that over the past week. Not even Zac Efron stalking behind us, could distract me from Carter's eyes on mine.

Carter cleared his throat, "So, how about after we leave here, we fly up and see your parents?"

My eyes widened in shock, "Seriously?"

Carter nodded, "Yeah, and then if you wanted to we could meet mine. Although, I have to warn you that they're not the most enjoyable people to be around."

I jumped in excitement, "Oh my god. Yes, I would love that!" I added with a smirk, "Look at you, growing up and finally acting like a man."

Carter scoffed, "What'd you just say to me?"

I giggled, "You heard me."

Carter abruptly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He screamed playfully, "Apologize or I'm throwing you in the water."

He walked closed to the waters edge and I shrieked, "Carter, don't you dare. This dress is expensive!"

Carter just cackled and slid off his shoes as he stepped into the ocean. I began kicking my legs wildly and trying not to laugh. He wouldn't actually throw me into the water, right? I swear to God, I would kill him.

I warned, "Carter, seriously, put me down! You don't want to suffer the consequences!"

He loosened his grip on me as if he was going to drop me. I screamed louder and Carter continued laughing.

Carter asked, "And what consequences would I suffer?"

I hissed, "I won't have sex with you for a week!"

Carter chuckled, "Whatever you say, princess."

Carter loosened his grip once again and I cried out, "Wait, no, no! If you put me down on DRY land, I'll move in with you."

Carter frowned, "I don't want to bribe you into it, Phoenix."

I chewed on my bottom lip anxiously. Dear God, please don't make me regret this decision.

I shook my head with a grin, "No...I want to."

Carter's beautiful smile stretched across his face, "Really? You're not just saying that? You actually want to move in with me?"

I nodded, "Yeah, let's do it."

Carter began twirling us around, while I laughed loudly. He screamed to no one in particular, "She said yes! She's moving in with! Did you guys hear that?!"

He acted as if I had just said yes to marriage but it was adorable to see him so happy. I could see his security team laughing at him, not too far away.

Carter walked us back to the beach and set me down on my feet. I giggled, "You're crazy."

Carter bit his lip, "But you love me."

I agreed, "But I love you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he leaned down to kiss me. His lips met mine and it was like that first night all over again. His lips consumed me and filled me with a thrill that no one could ever be able to reciprocate. His lips were mine...

Carter suddenly pulled back, making me whimper. Why was he breaking our moment?

Carter spoke breathlessly, "Oh, by the way, guess who's going to be performing in Pittsburgh next week?"

I looked at him in confusion, "Who?"

Carter retorted, "Kendrick Lamar."

I laughed, thinking back to one of our first memories of him promising to take me to meet Kendrick Lamar. He really did remember everything.

I was unable to express my love for Carter into words, my love for him extended across the galaxy. The only thing I could do to prove my love was to show him.

So, I mumbled out, "I love you" before smashing my lips into his again.

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