The Dragons that Fell // HOTD

By cara_de_cema

56.6K 1.9K 84

Rhaenyra and Rhaella get sent back in time and are given one more chance. Things play out differently then be... More

Two -
Three -
Four -
Five -
Eight -
Nine -
- Past -
Ten -
Eleven -
Twelve -
Thirteen -
Fourteen -
Fifteen -
Sixteen -
Seventeen -
Act Two
Eighteen -
Nineteen -
Twenty -
- Past -
Twenty one -
Twenty two -
Twenty Three -
Twenty Four -
Twenty Five -
Twenty Six -
Twenty Seven -
Twenty Eight -
Twenty Nine -
- Past -
Thirty -
Thirty One -
Thrirty Two -
Act 3
Thirty Three -
Thirty Four -
Thirty Five -
Thirty Six -
- Past -

Seven -

1.9K 70 3
By cara_de_cema


Days had gone by since Rhaella's name day. Laena had come back with a sour look on her face after her last visits to DriftMark.

Rhaella could have none of this and had locked themselves in her bed chambers with strict rules of not being disturbed.

A knock had startled the both of them as the titles of her sister were announced. Rhaella sighed as her head came from between Laena's thighs. "We'll finish this later" Rhaella promised kissing the girl before dressing in something comfortable.

"Rhaenyra! Sister" Rhaella smiled as she hugged her and guided her out of her bed chambers. Leaving Laena to dress.

"Did you forget we have a council meeting and you are cupbearer?" Rhaenyra asked. "Perhaps I did, should we then?" Rhaella grin.

"Dress like that?" Rhaella looked at what she was wearing. "What is wrong with what I am wearing?" It was her riding leathers.

The two made their way to the council room. Viserys sat as the rest of the council joined. Rhaenyra had sat next to her father as Rhaella grabbed the jar of wine.

Everyone waited for Tywin. The Lannister as always ran late and when he finally arrived the same joke left his mouth. "Have the Dornish invaded us?" No one in the room laughed.

The meeting when as always. "Ser Laenor has joined the war in the step stone joining his father Lord Corlys and my uncle Daemon" Rhaenyra began.

"The war has been going on for a moon now-"  Otto spoke cutting Rhaenyra. "What do you wish for us to do? Your uncle brought this upon himself. We do not have the coin to help them out!"

"Lord hand if you weren't to interrupt my sister, then we would know what she has in mind!" Rhaella smiled from were she stood. "We could send another dragon rider or two."

"Who?" Tywin spoke looking around. "Rhaenys and Meleys. The Red Queen has been in war, if my cousin were to agree I can guarantee the war would be over in half the time!" Rhaenyra propose.

"Winning the war will bring us no benefits?" Otto spoke. "It would Lord Hand if the step tones are won, save travel could be done from Westeros to Essos and vise versa. To ensure that the islands are not infested with pirates we could make guarding post!" Rhaenyra explained.

"We could send the men that resident in the black cells to keep the islands from being infested by pirates once more. We could get coin from ships that travel through there" Rhaella added giving her sister a small smile.

"That could work!" Lord Lyonel spoke some of the others nodded as well. "The coin we win could be used to finish what good queen Alysanne started. The orphanages this way we do not take coin from where we are currently using it!" Rhaenyra added.

Everyone looked at one another before Otto could speak Rhaella bumped her father's shoulder. "That is a marvelous idea Rhaenyra! Send word to Rhaenys that I wish to speak with her!" Viserys spoke.

"My king-" Otto spoke only to be cut by Viserys. "That is all for today!" Everyone stood and left leaving the royal family behind.

Rhaella and Rhaenyra shared a smile. "Has Cregan sent letter?" Rhaenyra whispered as Viserys hadn't yet left the room.

"He has, I wish to visit the north soon! Lord Rickon and his lady wife have sent invitation for me to stay as long as I wish!" Rhaella giggle.

"What of you and Harwin? I saw the both of you together yesterday..." Rhaella tease. "Sush... Lord Lyonel has asked that he does not spend much time with me because it will bring unwanted whispers!"

Viserys stood opposite to his daughter's his ear catching everything the both spoke off. Perhaps he should have a talk with Lord Lyonel. If Rhaella were to marry Cregan that could bring a great alliance to them. They have not had a sturdy alliance with the North in years.

"Should we fly? Laena has been down!" Rhaella spoke in common tongue. Rhaenyra nodded and the two left the room leaving Viserys to himself.

Pouring wine to a cup Viserys sat. Rhaella was shy of a year for her to be of age, Rhaenyra was only a few moons from being of age. Many letter's have been coming from Lords asking for both his daughter hands.

Rhaella was a wild one. Marrying her off to Jason had been nothing but angry words... Slapping her? That he could not forgive himself.

Rhaella looked like him. He was certain that he would look like his daughter if he had been born a woman. But she had his mothers temper, and hot mouth. Viserys could not help but laugh.

It seems neither of his girls got his calmness. Looking out the window he saw the familiar dragons of his girls and niece. Laena not long ago she had come in interest of being his wife.

She was shy of being of age just like Rhaenyra. He stood leaving the room his mind wondering to his daughters. With his mind elsewhere he had bump into someone.

"I apologize your highness." The familiar voice of Alicent came. "It's quite alright Lady Alicent!" Viserys smiled at the girl.

"Tell me Alicent, do my girls speak of marriage?" Alicent went wide eye at Viserys words. Neither Rhaella or Rhaenyra spoke of marrying at least not in her presence. "No, my king... they only speak of wanting to grow their ladies that is all." Alicent smiled. Viserys nodded before leaving.

Outside three shadows felt upon the Keep. Two larger than the other.

Laughter filled the sky as the three girls flew above fleas bottom. The people underneath them looked up in amazement, the kids imitating the dragons movements with their own toys.

"Dracarys!" Rhaella had shouted as her dragon dove down. The flames hitting Rhaenyra and her own dragon causing the Velaryon girl to giggle as she too flew down.

The three had remained in the skies for the entirety of the day. The three had only come down when the sun began to go down. Ser Harwin and Harrold waited for the three of them. A grin on Rhaellas lips as she began to talk with the old man her fingers intertwined with Laenas.

"Why do you frown?" Rhaenyra had ask Harwin noticing he was not in his usual mood. "Father has asked me not to see you anymore then necessary." He spoke as he help her mount the horse.

"That is not good... what if he is to sent you back to Harrenhal?" Rhaenyra spoke, that would not be good. She needed to hurry with her plan.

"I would not be surprised. I believe we should not see each other as often..." Rhaenyra went wide eye at his words. "In front of the court." Harwin added a grin on his lips causing Rhaenyra to laugh.

After showering the three of them had left. Rhaella choosing to wear blue to get in her fathers good side for once. When they arrived the three of them took a seat joining Viserys who smiled at the three of them his eyes lingering on Rhaella.

"How was the flight?" Viserys asked. "Much needed. I do not understand how you can keep calm during the meetings." Rhaella spoke surprising Rhaenyra.

"Well after a decade you get use to it!" Viserys spoke after the sudden shock. "I heard from Lady Alicent that the two of you wish to extend you ladies?" Viserys added.

The three girl shared a looked before Rhaenyra spoke. "We do, if I am to be Queen. I believe that I should at least have a lady from each house!"

"I only wish to have more ladies in this castle!" Rhaella spoke before declining the wine receiving even more confused looked from the others.

"Also we all know that the lords will take this opportunity to present to us their heir or themselves as candidates for our hands!" Rhaella added.

"Rhaella is right father. We could used this tour to seek candidates for our hand." Rhaenyra added. Viserys could not help but be surprised, Rhaella having a civil conversation with him since gods know when, and Rhaenyra speaking of marriage?

"If the two of you wish to extend your ladies then I should bring this up in our next meeting. If the two of you are to go on tour then it would take no more than six moons!" Viserys spoke.

Six moons without his girls, much-needed calmest for the keep. He loved them dearly but he needed a break from them. The entirety of supper was spent with the four of them speaking among themselves a view that had not been seen since Aemma had died.

Laena and Rhaella had arrived at her bedchamber only for Laena to flop to bed. "I know, that us offering your mother as an option for backup was not great as we did not ask for your opinion my love." Rhaella spoke as Laena lay in bed.

"But you must know we would not have made such offered if we knew your mother was not capable of defending herself."

"I know is just... if she were to agree then my entire family is out there fighting while I'm here doing nothing..." Laena confessed sighing as Rhaella brought her into her chest.

"I know my love, I also know that if given the chance you would mount Vhagar and fly to the steptones yourself." And I would be right behind you Rhaella thought.

"I would, I would be by my family's side." Laena looked up seeing Rhaellas eyes already on her. "I know." Rhaella smile as she played with the curly hair of the Velaryon.

"I love you!" Laena smile kissing Rhaella before resting her head once more on her chest.

The following morning Rhalla woke with Laena by her side. "Rhaella, your septa ask for you!" The soft voice of Loren came. "That wretched witch can go die!" Rhaella grumble before screaming as Loren pulled her feet.

"Rhaella it's mid day! The both of you must dress!" Loren spoke as she gently shook Laena. "Midday!?" Rhaella spoke as she stood.

The three of them walked out of the keep. Still no sign of her sister. "You sure she did not tell you were she would go?" Rhaella asked once more. "Rhaella, Rhaenyra did not mention to me where she was off to!" Loren spoke once more.

Before they went any further Rhaella spotted her sister with a knight she had not seen before. "Who might that be?"

"A new knight." A voice from behind them spoke. Rhaella turned to see Harwin. "New knight?" Harwin nodded. "He came to the keep a few days ago... Arkel. Your sister vouch for him."

Rhaella gave him a look. "What would my sister know of knights? Much less if they are trustworthy?" Rhaella spoke not liking that Rhaenyra had not spoken to her about this.

What was she up to?

She could not remember a man by that name in their previous life. Much less someone that was of her sister's knights. "What do we know of this knight?" Laena asked.

"We know that he fought alongside Daemon, Rhaenyra says that he is more than capable of keeping the both of you safe," Harwin spoke his lips in a tight line as he saw Rhaenyra and Arkel speak with one another.

Laena and Rhaella left, they had been informed that Rhaenys had arrived a few hours ago at Kings Landing.  It did not take long for them to arrive at Viserys Solar where their titles were announced as they made their way inside. "Mother!" Laena spoke as she hugged the older woman.

Rhanella smiled as she looked at the piece his father had been working on since she was a child, she could not help but pick the pieces from the display. "That is your dragon," Rhaella looked up to see her father looking at her. "Valaries?" Viserys nodded.

"Rhaella, I do wish to speak with you!" The girl nodded as she waited for Rhaenys at the door. The two made their way the balcony. "What is it?" Rhaella asked as the both of them walked. "Have they shown you?"

"They have... We win, but many die... with your help, we can cut the wartime in half. Your help will be of much use and in return big news will come your way soon enough" Rhaenys nodded.

Rhaella, prayed that they did not lie to her with that dream. "Once you get there I will send a letter of what you must do." Rhaenys nodded.

The two of them rejoin the Laena and Viserys whom seem to be in a conversation of their own. A satisfied smile on Rhaella's lips as she held Laena's hand.


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