Alpha's Blind Mate

By bellagrl96

149K 4.6K 492

(ON HOLD) Mavis Lynne Kingston grew up unloved and bullied by her pack members and blood. Ever since her birt... More

Alpha's Blind Mate
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

9.5K 328 25
By bellagrl96

Wake up call part 1

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Hope you enjoy this chapter and that it helps you understand the last few chapters.

"What are you doing Mavis?"

Elder? Is that really her??

"Elder? Where am I? How are you here? Where did that man go?"

"My beautiful girl, you have been hallucinating from the poison in your system and I was able to reach you as you reached the edge."

"My girl I fear you have fallen into terrible danger.."

"What do you mean, what's going on?"

"Someone tried to kill you. "

"Then how am I still alive?"

"Your mate was able to find you in time after you were infected and got you medical attention, but by then, the damage had already been done."

"What do you mean damage???"

"Mavis you are in a coma and your wolf has been badly injured. I am not sure you will be able to wake up from this."

"Layla!! Layla are you there talk to me! (Layla Mavis's wolf) why isn't she answering me!!"

"As I told you before your wolf is baldy injured and in a sort of comatose state where she can't hear you and you won't be able to reach her."

"How is this possible! And why can't I wake up from this!!! Are you telling me I'm going to die is that it? Is there no hope at all!?"

"Only you can decide that.."

What does that even mean!
"I don't understand!.. Elder?Elder! Where are you!?"

Jake's POV:
What is wrong with me?! I marked my own mate against her will and I'm acting like a petulant child that doesn't get their way.

*You bet your ass you are, my wolf Ryder growled out.

I don't have to explain myself to you!

*Our mate hates us and it's all because you couldn't freaking control yourself all mighty alpha, the sarcasm was clearly evident.

She needed to be marked or other wolves would hurt her, is that what you want? I was seriously getting ticked off arguing with my wolf. He also had a part in it he wasn't guiltless.

*well you screwed that up, now you have hurt our mate she may never talk to us again, my wolf whined in a pain filled voice.

She may never talk to us again?! What have I done?!! How could I be so stupid and let my urges make me act like that to my innocent and weak mate!!

*You better fix this and fast I long... wait.. What is that smell?!

*Ryder what's going on?..

*mate... Danger!!


I ran as fast as I could to my room linking the pack warriors and my beta Jeremiah. I ran past the kitchen and up the stairs leaping towards the door and breaking it down with my body.

I ran in and saw the back of a man as he jumped out the broken window. I went to follow him when I saw Mavis on the floor unconscious with a syringe laying next to her.

I rushed to her side, "Mavis! Mavis, can you hear me?! Please baby wake up."

I felt for a pulse and when I found none I began to get panicked. I started CPR immediately and forced myself to focus on my mate who wasn't breathing.

I heard my men barge into the room and rush over to help.

"Alpha what happened?!", Lucas one of my pack warriors urgently asked while searching the room for any threat.

While continuing CPR, "Some wolf was in here and injected something into my mate, I wasn't able to follow him and his scent is unfamiliar."

I finally heard the smallest pulse in my mates chest and quickly grabbed her in my arms. "Call the pack doctor immediately, and send a group of my best trackers to find this wolf! He will pay dearly for crossing me and harming my mate."

"Yes Alpha" echoed around the room as they went to follow my orders.

I raced out of my room and went to the pack doctors medical office, "help! My mate is barely breathing and she was injected with something."

The pack doctor, Mark, with no delay, rushed over to me "place her on the bed.. Do you have the syringe with you?"

"I have it here." My best mate and beta Jeremiah came over and handed it over to Mark to examine.

Several nurses were examining my mate and placed a breathing mask and IV on her. The heart monitor was low and we could barley see her pulse.

I was panicking and so was Ryder, we couldn't lose our mate, not now, we never got the chance to tell her how much we truly love her and how sorry we are for everything we've done to her.

"Alpha, I know what was injected into her system.."

"Well What is it spit it out already!!" I growled, I had no time for long speeches.

"Dude let him speak, he's here to help." Jeremiah put his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.

"The syringe was filled with pure silver nitrate.."

Oh my god! Silver was absolutely deadly to a werewolf. The only ones who knew about this were hunters and our species. My poor mate! My god could this get any worse.

"You got to your mate just in time before the poison could completely infect all of her blood, however, it did spread and your mate is in a coma. I am sorry Alpha Jake, things don't look good for your mate." He said in sad and weak voice.

"There has to be something we can do right.?!" I couldn't keep the panic out of my voice, my wolf felt like it was dying and kept howling in agony for our mate, unable to hear or connect to her wolf Layla.

"I removed as much poison as I could, but it's already infected over half of her body. All we can do is wait and pray she is strong enough to come back from this." He looked towards me with such sorrow and then walked out of the room.

I collapsed on the floor next to my mates bed and lost it. I sobbed my heart out and couldn't stop the regret, guilt, anger and sadness from consuming my entire being. Jeremiah kneeled down next to me, saddened by the news that his Luna may never wake up again.

"Buddy, you have to keep it together, for the pack.." He stressed urgently.

"Fuck the pack, my mate is in a coma because of me!! I should have been there! This never would have happened if I hadn't forced a marking on her! God damn it!! Why?! Why did it have to be her?? She's been through so much already.." I choked out, unable to look at Jeremiah while I confessed my guilt.

"Jake, this is not your fault, okay?! Do you hear me? You have to stop blaming yourself and be strong for your mate! Mavis will wake up, but until then you need to keep it together and be there for the pack and also so you can find this guy." Jeremiah gripped both my shoulders and stared straight into my eyes, I don't know what he saw, but he must of been satisfied because he nodded his head at me with a small smile.

"You're right. I have to find the man who did this and make him pay!!" I was fueled by rage and pure determination, me and my wolf in agreeance.

"Do you think we have a traitor in our pack? How else could he have gotten into our land and past the Warriors without being detected?" Jeremiah had a good point. How did he get past us without us catching his scent? How is that possible?

"Jeremiah link all the pack, announce a pack meeting in twenty minutes. We have much to discuss and strategize on... Also, I want you to alert the warriors have them double the patrol." I commanded in my alpha voice. "Oh and make sure to relay all this to my father."

"Of course Alpha." Jeremiah ran off to alert the pack while I walked up to Mavis's bed. She was so pale and looked so lifeless laying there, the only indication that she was alive was the beeping of the monitor.

I clasped Mavis's hand gently in mine and just looked at my mate. "Mavis, I vow that from this day forward things will change in this pack. You won't wake up to ever face cruel treatment again if I have anything to say about it. I love you so much and I'm so sorry for everything. Baby I promise to change my ways and be the mate that you truly deserve.

Please wake up soon okay?. I  slowly turned away from my mate and indicated to the nurse to watch over her. I had a pack meeting to get to..

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.. I'm sorry I haven't written in so long things have been crazy at home since the move and I'm starting college in August.

Please make sure to vote and comment! Oh and let me know if you have any ideas you want me to incorporate:)

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