black | sirius black

De slythedork

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Sirius Black finds his brother's fiancée irresistible. ~ "I don't like you at all, Black." "Call me by my l... Mai multe

Fuck Gryffindor
Remus Is A What?
Quidditch With The Marauders
Wanna Be Yours
Teach Me, Sirius
Sirius's Girl?
A Soul Sucking Experience
Sirius's Girlfriend
Sirius Got A Little Too Excited
Sirius's Clone
Just Kiss Me Already
Cutting Ties
The Brightest Star In The Sky
The Marauders Map
Guilt Drain
I Wanna Make You Mine
Green Is Many Things And Envy Is Just One
Bellatrix Lestrange
Sirius's Date
His Good Girl
The Sisters Of House Black
James Potter The Cockblocker
Leather And Kisses
Love Triangle
Sirius And Regulus
Love Antidote
Red Is Your Color
Losing Someone I Never Had
Ink Me
Calm Before The Storm
Death Of Lupin
Sirius's Girlfriend 2.0
Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Roadtrip Gone wrong
Godfather And Godson
Bryce? Exposed
Au Revoir, Sixth Year
The Selwyn Estate
Regulus And The Stag
The Weasleys
For Now And Forever
Petunia Evans
Kylian Marshall
Sirius's Jealousy
Let's Break Up
Hogwarts #1 Fuckboy
Firewhiskey And Tears Don't Mix
The Dark Mark
I Hate You, Black
I'm In Love With Your Best Friend
Harry Potter Returns
Worse Than Sirius Black
Wrong Way, Princess
The Hot New Butler
The Masked Stranger
Marrying The Wrong Brother
I Like You, Black
The Triwizard Tournament
Guess Who? It's Haru
Bryce's Lies
You, Me, The Ball?
The Yule Ball
The Potters' Demise
You're So Foxy
Death And Realization
Mischief Unmanaged
The Order Of The Phoenix
James Potter And Vernon Dursley
Black's Obsession
The Traitor
James And Lily Potter
All Mine
Prongs Junior
Pregnancies And Prophecies
Alice And Frank
October 31, 1981
After 12 Years
Prisoner Of Azkaban
Skepticism At 2AM
Black's Return
Romances And Responsibilities
Always Mine, Doll
Mrs. Black
Horcrux Hunt
Harry Potter Is Dead
Battle Of Hogwarts

Mischief Managed

1.6K 26 32
De slythedork


"I've got you, Alice."

Lily cradled a sobbing Alice in her arms, whose red face was stained with glass-like tears.

Mary leaned against one of the many pillars of the Astronomy tower, blankly watching Lily comfort Alice.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Mary coughed, trying to be the sole voice of reason, but Alice paid her no heed, burying her head in Lily's shoulder.

Lily shot Mary a look, shaking her head warningly.

Alice was emotional and she needed to let her thoughts out–

Laughter echoed up the Astronomy tower and Mary rolled her eyes.

James, Marlene, and Jayce climbed the stairs to the Astronomy Tower with boundless energy, laughter bubbling between them as they shared whispers about the prank they had just pulled on a couple of unsuspecting fifth years.

Their steps echoed in the quiet tower, a stark contrast to the emotional scene awaiting them.

As they reached the top, the trio's exuberance waned.

The atmosphere in the tower felt heavy, and they were met with the sight of Lily comforting Alice, who appeared distraught. Mary, leaning against a pillar, wore a concerned expression.

Marlene's eyes narrowed with realization, and she exchanged a somber glance with Jayce and James. They fell into a contemplative silence, their joy dampened by the evident distress of their friends.

James cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably. "What's going on here?"

Lily looked up, her expression pained. "Alice and Frank broke up."

James and Jayce exchanged glances, eyebrows raised.

"But–" A look from Mary was enough to shut Marlene up.

"I'm sorry." James cleared his throat and said to Alice, hoping to make her feel better.

"It's alright, she just needs to let this all out and she'll be okay." Lily nodded at the boy with pursed lips.

At this point, it all just felt like a routine.

More footsteps were heard going up the stairs and both Lily and Mary turned to the other three with raised eyebrows.

When James gestured for them that it was nothing and Peter, Sirius, and Remus sauntered in, their laughter echoing through the otherwise somber atmosphere, Lily knew why.

Their eyes were alight with the remnants of shared mischief from the prank they had helped orchestrate with Marlene, Jayce, and James.

"You guys will not believe what we did–"

Remus's hand immediately closed Sirius's mouth.

Their jubilant demeanor faltered upon realizing the solemn mood that enveloped the group.

Peter was the first to notice, his laughter tapering off as he scanned the room. "What's happened?"

James, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, explained, "Alice and Frank broke up."

Sirius's eyes widened in surprise, and he exchanged a quick glance with Remus.

Marlene opened her mouth, perhaps ready to divert the conversation with a light comment, but a stern look from Mary silenced her.

Remus awkwardly cleared his throat and spoke gently, "We're sorry to hear that, Alice."

Alice offered a faint smile, appreciating the sentiment. "Thanks, Remus."

Sirius, however, was not having it.

"Didn't you two break up last week too?"

And just like that, another sob.

This time, a menacing look from Jayce was enough to shut Sirius up.

Remus, attempting to defuse the tension, stepped in. "Maybe we should give Alice some space. We can catch up later."

Peter quickly nodded, looking uncertain. "Yeah, we don't want to make things worse-"

"It's quite alright." Alice sniffled, finally pulling away from Lily and turning to the others. "I could use a laugh."

Marlene, trying to inject some lightness into the heavy atmosphere, said, "Maybe we should plan another prank, something to take our minds off things?"

"Yeah, let's get Frank's arse for fumbling the bag." James snickered, elbowing Jayce with a new idea bubbling in his head.

"No, you will not do that." Alice was quick to shut the idea down, but she was laughing and that was what mattered.

Laughter, though tinged with traces of sadness, began to fill the Astronomy Tower as the friends rallied to lift each other's spirits.

The suggestion of another prank, despite Alice's initial reluctance, seemed to have a therapeutic effect on the group.

Jayce, joining in on the banter, gave James a playful shove. "Leave Frank alone, James. He's got enough on his plate right now."

Alice, appreciating the effort to lighten the mood, smiled through her tears. "Honestly, I could use a good distraction. Just promise not to get us into too much trouble, okay?"

Sirius grinned mischievously.

"Trouble is our middle name, but we'll keep it light. A harmless prank to turn those frowns upside down."

Lily, nodding in agreement, added, "And no hexes. We don't need another incident with Filch."

"Certainly not with me and Evans here being Headboy and Girl," James said.

"Yeah, but a prank every now and then wouldn't hurt," Peter added. "Plus, you just executed one right now, Headboy."

"Right, if anything, you could abuse your power." Mary winked at James, who genuinely seemed to think about it.

"Alright, then," James declared, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "A lighthearted prank it is. We'll keep it simple, just for some good laughs."

As the conversation flowed, laughter interweaving with tales of pranks past, the group found solace in the shared moments that defined their bond.

However, the jovial atmosphere took an unexpected turn as another pair of feet hurried up the tower's stairs abruptly, and in walked Frank, looking disheveled and determined.

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at him.

"Alice!" Frank declared, his eyes locking onto hers with a sense of urgency.

Alice, caught off guard, exchanged glances with her friends, uncertainty etched on her face.

The laughter that had filled the room now hung in the air, a stark contrast to the tension that gripped the moment.

James, sensing the shift, cleared his throat awkwardly. "Maybe we should, uh, give them some privacy–"

But, when Frank pushed through the small crowd of people and pulled Alice closer to him before crashing his lips against hers, everyone turned around, not sure of what to do.

James pursed his lips and turned to Mary with an uncomfortable expression. "Maybe we're all getting a little too comfortable with one another."

"First time?" Mary rolled her eyes, hinting that this was a normal thing.

"Honestly, at this point, we should all just leave." Remus awkwardly suggested, with Peter nodding aggressively, his face beet red.

"Unless they're into being watched–" A smack from Jayce cut Sirius off.

"You never know when to shut up, Sirius."

"You could try, darling–"

"Shut up, Black."

"And what have I told you about calling me by my last name?"

It was Jayce's turn to roll her eyes at the boy, but when he quickly caught her lips with his, a small smile played on her lips.

"I swear, no one in this group has an ounce of shame in their body." Lily winced. "First Alice and Frank, and now it's you two?"

"Cut them some slack, Evans, we could be next." James winked, running a hand through his dark locks provocatively.

Marlene made a face at his gesture, but Lily, on the other hand, was a blushing mess because, fuck, she was in love with James Potter.

"You guys are all gross." Peter made a throwing-up face before taking a sneak peek at the scene behind him. Immediately, he turned right back around. "When are we leaving again?"

"They're still not done?" Jayce chuckled, her cheeks tinting a slight red.

"Nope. They sure are taking their time." Peter rolled his eyes.

"Maybe that's our cue to leave." Remus softly suggested for the nth time.

"You really think so?"

"Trust me, I know so."

And if God were to curse any of them with eternal life, they would simply turn it down, for a life without any one of them was no different than death itself.

In another universe, they stayed teenagers for a little longer.


"Red, I really don't want you doing all that, especially not when you're pregnant." Jayce winced upon noticing Lily carrying a fucking Christmas tree with her bare hands.

"Relax, I'm fine." Lily waved the girl away with a smile. "I'm not that pregnant."

"You are quite exactly three months pregnant." Remus reminded her. "A critical period for you and the child, I might add."

"He's right, I don't want this visit to turn into something other than Christmas," Sirius added, but James was quick to jump to his wife's defense.

"It won't." James quickly stated. "The only hard job she has left to do was to bring the tree in-"

"–Which she did without magic." A just-as-pregnant Alice cut James off with a knowing look.

"Man, you know Lily, she's tough to hold down." James rolled his eyes, watching his wife plant the tree and fix the angles.

It was Christmas Eve and who was left of the Marauders gathered at Lily and James's place to celebrate.

"Tell me about it, I know Alice does shit like that all the time." Frank rolled his eyes, earning a glare from his wife.

The atmosphere in Lily and James's home was filled with the scent of pine and the warmth of shared laughter.

The group of friends gathered around, admiring the Christmas tree that Lily had insisted on bringing in herself, despite the gentle protests from those who were concerned for her and the growing child within her.

Jayce couldn't help but smile as she observed the camaraderie in the room. "You know, I never thought I'd see the day when Lily Evans–"


"–Lily 'I Married James' Evans Potter, the fearless Gryffindor, would be taking it easy."

Lily shot her a mock glare. "I'm still a Gryffindor, and I'm perfectly capable of handling a Christmas tree. Besides, it's tradition!"

Peter chuckled at Lily's enthusiasm. "Tradition or not, Lily, maybe next time let James or someone else do the heavy lifting."

"She's got a point though, Wormy. Lily's not one to sit idly by while everyone else does the work."

"We might as well make the best of it." Sirius suddenly said, pulling Jayce into his lap. "This might as well be our last Christmas together because the next generations are sprouting pretty quickly."

The shared excitement for the babies soon to be born brought a sense of hope and renewal, a reminder that life continued to flourish even in the face of adversity.

"Are you hinting at something, Padfoot?" Remus knowingly turned to Sirius, a smirk playing on his lips.

"If you think we're starting a family anytime soon, forget about it," Jayce interjected, planting a kiss on Sirius's head as she turned to Remus.

Sirius, melting into Jayce's touch, eagerly nodded.

"We're in no rush to settle." He said, pleasing her. "I want all the time in the world with her before mini me or mini her enters the world."

"Gross." Jayce playfully rolled her eyes.

The room erupted in laughter at Sirius and Jayce's banter, the lighthearted teasing providing a welcome break from the weight of the world outside.

Remus, still smirking, raised an eyebrow at Sirius. "Thinking of starting a family, huh? I thought you'd never settle down, Padfoot. Jayce must be quite the catch."

Jayce shot Sirius a playful glare. "You see, this is why I don't let him do the talking. He makes it sound like we're gonna die soon."

Sirius, ever the charmer, grinned. "But you'd make a fantastic mum, Jayce. Just imagine the little troublemaker we'd raise together."

"Uh oh, don't let them get to your head, Black."

"What did I say about calling me by my last name?"

"Fuck off, Black."

The teasing continued, with Peter and Frank joining in, each throwing their own playful jabs at the couple.

Amid the laughter, a moment of reflection settled in as Lily mentioned, "I miss Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas. They'd be the ones making the most fun of Sirius and Jayce right now."

A bittersweet hush fell over the room as the mention of their departed friends brought a mix of fond memories and a tinge of sadness.

Jayce, her playful demeanor momentarily subdued, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they would've had a field day with this," She said, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "Marlene especially. She'd probably be the first one to suggest baby names."

Sirius, his eyes glinting with both mischief and nostalgia, added, "And Dorcas would be placing bets on whether the kid inherits Jayce's wit or my charm."

The room fell into a reflective pause as the friends shared a silent moment, their thoughts drifting to those who were no longer there to share in the laughter and joy.

Despite the absence of Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas, their spirits lingered in the memories and bonds that remained. Alice, breaking the solemnity with a gentle smile, said, "They may not be here with us, but I like to think they're watching over and sharing in the laughter from wherever they are."

"Well, then I suggest we make a toast to our dear friends: Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas, the only ones lucky enough to be stuck at twenty while we age," James suggested, hoping to lighten the mood.

The room, though touched by a bittersweet air, embraced James's suggestion, and the friends raised their glasses in a silent toast.

The clinking of glasses echoed through the room, a poignant reminder of the absent friends who had once been an integral part of their lives.

"To Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas," Frank said, his voice carrying a mixture of fondness and melancholy. "May their laughter and spirit forever be a part of our celebrations, even if they can't be here with us in person."

For one more day, I wish to be just like before: the good old days, sitting at one table, speaking with laughter, fighting over which food tastes better– every meal I forward with you.

I miss the good old days when we always greeted each other with a 'hello', and not 'are you safe?'.

And sometimes, late at night, our memories sneak out of my eyes, and roll down my cheek.

In another universe, we sat across from each other at the kitchen table and went over the Christmas list. All of us.


The kitchen was cloaked in silence.

Jayce sat on the cold floor, her gaze fixed on a point beyond the confines of the room. The air hung heavy with grief, an indescribable weight that pressed upon her chest, making every breath a laborious task.

In the adjacent nursery, the cries of baby Harry, an innocent soul who had unwittingly become an orphan, pierced through the silence. The echoes of his wails reverberated in the desolate space, a haunting reminder of a life forever altered by a cruel twist of fate.

The events of that fateful Halloween night played on an endless loop in Jayce's mind — the flashes of green light, the anguished cries, and the indelible mark left on the world by the betrayal of a trusted friend.

The arrest of Sirius and her miscarriage– everything had been nothing but a horrid movie playing nonstop in her head.

As Harry's cries continued, Jayce's eyes remained vacant, unseeing.

The once vibrant and lively woman, known for her quick wit and unyielding spirit, now seemed a mere shell of herself. The kitchen, once a place of shared laughter and the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals, had transformed into a solemn sanctuary of grief.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway, drawing closer with a heavy solemnity.

Remus, having recently returned from the world outside, entered the kitchen.

His eyes, a reflection of shared sorrow, met Jayce's vacant gaze.

There were no words to offer, no platitudes to ease the pain that lingered like an unwelcome guest.

Silently, Remus lowered himself to the floor beside Jayce, his presence a small comfort in a world suddenly devoid of it.

Jayce's physical state bore the weight of unbearable grief, a palpable transformation that Remus could hardly fathom.

Her once-lustrous hair hung limp and disheveled, a stark departure from the vibrant mane that had danced around her face in moments of joy. Dark circles clung to her eyes, windows into a soul that had been weathered by an unrelenting storm. The pallor of her skin spoke of sleepless nights and the toll exacted by relentless sorrow.

Gently, Remus reached out, his hand resting on Jayce's shoulder.

It was a gesture, a silent acknowledgment of shared pain and a reminder that she was not alone in this desolate journey. The silence between them carried the weight of unspoken words, the heaviness of grief that clung to the air.

"Jayce," Remus began, his voice soft but carrying an undercurrent of concern. "You've been sitting in this spot for months. I... I'm worried about you."

She barely ate.

Only ate when Remus fed her, which he tried to do consecutively thrice a day, but he was a busy and working man, so sometimes Jayce was hopeless.

Jayce's vacant gaze met Remus's, and for a moment, the only response was the distant echo of Harry's cries from the nursery. She seemed to stir from her reverie, as if the weight of Remus's words had pierced through the fog of her grief.

For a split second, Remus felt relief upon seeing her open her mouth, but when she closed it, Remus's heart sank.

She hadn't spoken to him since the incident.

Remus sighed, grappling with the helplessness that enveloped them both. "I know it feels like the world has crumbled, but we have to find a way to go on. For Harry, for the ones we've lost, and for ourselves."

As Remus spoke, Jayce's gaze flickered toward the nursery, where the cries of baby Harry had subsided into a gentle murmur.

The weight of her responsibilities as a mother mingled with the depths of her grief, creating a complex tapestry of emotions that seemed impossible to navigate.

Remus, sensing an opportunity to gently pull Jayce from the depths of her despair, began to speak softly.

"Jayce, Harry needs you. Perhaps spending a moment with him—"

Before Remus could finish his sentence, the soft patter of tiny footsteps interrupted the air.

The nursery door creaked open, and there, with a tuft of unruly black hair and curious green eyes, stood Harry.

His round cheeks bore a faint resemblance to his parents, and the innocence of his gaze held a purity untouched by the darkness that loomed over their lives.

Jayce's vacant stare shifted from Remus to the unexpected visitor. A flicker of surprise crossed her face, and in that moment, a glimmer of emotion returned to her eyes.

Harry, oblivious to the weight of the world that surrounded him, took a few unsteady steps toward Jayce.

"Jayce," Remus said gently, "Look who's here."

The toddler waddled toward Jayce with a determined expression, as if he could sense the need for a connection that transcended words. And then, with a simplicity only a child could possess, Harry reached up, his small arms outstretched, and wrapped them around Jayce's leg.

A stunned silence filled the room as Jayce stared down at the child who sought solace in her presence. It was as if a dormant spark had been ignited, a connection rekindled by the unspoken language of love.

In that moment, the weight of grief seemed to momentarily lift, replaced by the simple purity of a child's love.

Yet, before Jayce could fully comprehend the depth of this connection, Harry, with an earnest expression, dropped a small black stuffed animal dog into her lap.

The sight of the plush toy sent shockwaves through Jayce's fragile emotional state.


The dormant spark ignited into a blaze of memories, and Jayce, unable to contain the overwhelming flood of emotions, felt tears welling up in her eyes once again.

As Harry stood there, his expression still innocent and curious, Jayce clutched the stuffed animal tightly, her sobs escaping in gasps.

"Siri," Was all she could whisper, her voice trembling with sorrow.

The black dog in her lap became a tangible link to the soulmate she had lost, a silent reminder of the void that now occupied her heart.

In the midst of Jayce's emotional turmoil, Remus, sensing the overwhelming impact of the moment, approached gently. He carefully picked up Harry, who looked between Jayce and Remus with wide, confused eyes.

Remus couldn't bring himself to let Harry watch his godmother in such a state.

As Harry was led away, Jayce clutched the stuffed animal to her chest, the weight of loss heavy in the air.

The room, once filled with the tentative promise of healing, now echoed with the rawness of grief.

The simple purity of a child's love, juxtaposed with the cruel reminder of the past, left Jayce grappling with the complexities of mourning and the fragile threads that connected her to a world forever altered by tragedy.

These months, she had felt physical pain without being hurt.

False promises.

But, how could she blame him?

He promised her his last name and yet, all she received was misery.

Minutes turned to hours, hours turned into days, days to months, and yet she never stopped missing him for he would always be a vital part of her.

And so she waited.

For twelve long years, she waited.

Because what is delayed is not lost.

Present Time, Year 2000

The living room was adorned with festive decorations, and the soft glow of Christmas lights reflected off the walls. The crackling fire in the hearth added a touch of warmth to the room, and the scent of pine from the decorated tree permeated the air.

Remus and Kendall, Remus's wife of two years, moved gracefully around, putting the finishing touches on the table, while the anticipation of the impending arrival of the others heightened the festive atmosphere.

"It's so nice just being able to sit down and relax without having to worry about-"

"Blimey, is that a television?"

Ginny rolled her eyes at her brother's loud exclamation.

"Yes, we've recently bought it, you can turn it on and watch something if you'd like." Kendall offered to an eager Ron.

"Would you believe me if I said we have a television at home?" Hermione huffed strands of her hair out of her face after setting up the fireplace with Harry.

"Yeah, but we never watch anything on it–"

"Ronald, you just can't figure out how to use the remote." Hermione rolled her eyes at her boyfriend before turning to Kendall with an 'I told you so' look.

"It takes a while to get accustomed to Muggle stuff," Harry admitted, turning to Ron with a small smile.

"Easy for you to say, you grew up with Muggles," Ginny yelled at Harry, earning a sheepish chuckle from him.

Kendall muffled a laugh upon seeing the young adults bickering about the technology that she had grown up with.

And when her husband swiftly pulled her to him with a smile on his face, she couldn't help but let the laugh out.

"What's up?"

"Hope you're getting used to all the magical language." Remus smiled fondly at his wife. "I know it can be a lot."

"It's quite fun, actually," Kendall admitted. "You guys really didn't have to set up Christmas this year with no wands, I like the magic you guys do."

"I know, but normalcy is also quite nice." Remus shrugged.

The banter and laughter continued, creating a lively atmosphere in the Lupin household. Harry and Ginny's playful argument about technology gradually shifted to other topics, ranging from magical creatures to the latest Quidditch scores, much to Hermione's dismay.

As the group continued to enjoy the festive atmosphere, the door burst open, and in stumbled Neville, Luna, and Regulus, each covered in a layer of snow.

The room fell silent for a moment before erupting into laughter at the unexpected sight.

Neville shook the snow from his hair, grinning, "Looks like the snow had other plans for us."

Luna, with her characteristic dreamy expression, added, "It's like the Nargles wanted to join the celebration."

Regulus, now getting used to the festivals and holidays, couldn't help but crack a small smile at their camaraderie. The warmth of the room was contagious, and he found himself easing into the joyous atmosphere.

"I bumped into these two on my way here," Regulus said after shaking some of the snow off of him. "They were just standing and looking at some–"

"We were trying to buy something for the Lupins." Neville rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you guys don't have to get us anything. You being here is more than enough." Kendall kindly said.

The room, now filled with snowflakes and laughter, seemed to capture the essence of a magical Christmas.

As they gathered around the fire to warm up, Kendall handed each of them a cup of steaming hot cocoa.

"Haz, where the Hell are your godparents?" Regulus turned to Harry with a smug look.

"I should be asking you that, he is your brother after all." Harry retorted.

"They are coming, right?" Kendall turned to Remus with a doubtful look, but upon seeing Remus's laidback expression, she relaxed.

"They wouldn't miss it for the world."

And he was right.

They were just running a little late.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion, a feeling that kept one warm despite the cold. And one would do anything just to live like this.

Somewhere in Godric's Hollow

The fire crackled, casting a warm glow on the walls adorned with magical tapestries.

The scent of freshly baked gingerbread wafted through the air, and the twinkling Christmas tree in the corner added to the festive atmosphere.

Sirius held a worn leather-bound book and Jayce rested her head against his shoulder as he read.

"Here is my secret, it is very simple." Sirius read, his soft voice flowing melodiously with the crackle of the fire and the sound of the snow falling.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Jayce continued.

Sirius chuckled and looked down at his wife.

His wife.

All his.

He managed to keep his promise to her.

Tenderly, he planted a kiss on her temple.

"You always manage to make even the bedtime stories sound adventurous."

With a gentle flick of his wand, Sirius illuminated the pages of the book, and together they continued to read 'Le Petit Prince'.

As the tale concluded, Jayce closed the book with a gentle thud.

She exchanged a glance with Sirius, a small smile playing on her lips.

"You think we're good now?"

Sirius shrugged before looking away from his wife and to the other person on him.

"He's out like a light," Sirius whispered, tracing a finger over the boy's tousled hair.

Jayce nodded, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her son's forehead.

"Perfect timing. We should get going if we want to make it to Remus's place in time for Christmas."

Gently, Sirius lifted his son a little, giving Jayce enough space to slip by without waking him up.

"Do you need anything before we leave, doll?" Sirius whispered, to which Jayce softly shook her head no.

"If anything, I think we should be back a little early," Jayce said, caressing her stomach. "This one doesn't like parties as much as him."

Sirius chuckled and shook his head before slowly picking his son up as he stood up.

"He has to, it's a trait." Sirius winked at his wife, who waved him away with a flustered chuckle.

"Partying? Already, Salazar, not even out of the womb yet and–"

Her hand immediately flew to her stomach, holding it in pain.

Not again.

Swiftly laying their son back on the sofa, Sirius was next to his wife in no time, holding her shoulders in place as he looked at her in worry.

"Are you okay? Did he kick again?"

Jayce managed to nod and inhaled sharply.

She wasn't used to having a difficult pregnancy.

Her first son was the sweetest pregnancy ever.

Bryce Evan Black was, according to Sirius, the easiest baby ever born.

In appearance, he was an almost perfect replica of Sirius, except for his mannerisms. His smile, his nose scrunches, his giggles– it was all his mother.

He was a rather active baby and it took both Sirius and Jayce hours just to get him to sleep.

He would lie for hours in his overly indulgent father's arms, snoozing on his chest while they both watched Jayce practice for her Quidditch games.

But, he never gave her any trouble when he was in her stomach.

His sibling, however– the same can't be said.

There were nights when Sirius had to stay up with Jayce because their child wouldn't stop kicking and moving around, making it impossible for Jayce to sleep even for a few hours.

Momentarily, the pain ceased and Jayce could feel her body again.

"I'm fine."

Sirius was not.

"I don't understand why he wants to hurt you, I just–"

"It's a baby." Jayce reminded him.

Sirius had always been extra overprotective over her and now that she was pregnant again, he was going for the extra mile.

So, naturally, when Sirius didn't seem convinced or ready to let the topic go, she kissed him.

They were both alive.

They'd survived, and they had each other.

He slid his hand along her throat, kissing down her sternum, and she heard him murmur "mine" against her skin.

"I'm yours, Black. I'm always going to be yours. I'm not going anywhere."

When Sirius pulled away, he still didn't seem like he was ready to leave, but upon seeing Jayce's confident expression, he let out a sigh.

"I just don't want this to end."

Even years after the war, the thought of not seeing her for even just a second scared him.

"It won't."

Another kiss.

And just like that, Bryce was awake.

"Where 'Arry?"

Sirius chuckled, exchanging a glance with his wife.

If there was anyone Bryce loved just a little bit more than his own parents– it was Harry James Potter.

"Harry's with Uncle Remus and Aunt Kendall. They're getting ready for Christmas, just like us. We wouldn't want to be late now, would we?"

Bryce's eyes widened with anticipation, and when his father took him in his arms, he almost fell asleep.

Sirius's arms had a gentle touch to them that would put anyone to sleep.

But, Bryce wasn't asleep.

Because the key word was almost.

As Bryce settled into Sirius's arms, a warmth enveloped the room— a warmth that surpassed the flickering candlelight and the crackling fireplace. He was going to see Harry and there was no way he would fall back asleep anytime soon.

Jayce melted at the sight of her two favorite people in the whole world together and her smile didn't go unnoticed by Sirius, who turned to her with the same charming smile she fell head over heels for him over two decades ago.

"What's up, wife?" Sirius teased, earning a bashful eye-roll from his wife.

He loved moments like this. Moments where he could see that his wife treasured him just as much as he treasured her.

"Shut up, Black."

Sirius walked over to Jayce, taking her waist by his free arm to pull her dangerously close.

"What did I tell you about calling me by my last name?"

Jayce chuckled, not meeting her husband's eyes, but when his finger lifted her chin up to meet her eyes with his cloudy gray ones, she folded for him in an instant.

Wasting no time, she captured his lips with hers and after tugging at his lip for a split second longer, she pulled away, not wanting her son to watch any more than he should.

"That it would be mine." She finally answered, out of breath.

Sirius grinned.

"And I did just that, didn't I, Mrs. Black?" 

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