Favorite Slipup

By Itgworl_

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Her pain comes with a price! More



260 13 1
By Itgworl_

"Shit." I sighed. "Why are doing this to mommy just come on baby?"

I am going to have a Sag son, they are badmen, they be playing the fuck out of bitches. Not my son, not my nice baby boy.

"Good morning morning!" I yelled at Justice and Lamarcus swallowing eachothers face.

"Good morning." I stuck my hand out and Lamarcus quickly made his way to help me down the steps.

"You so pregnant." Justice laughed.

"I know, Joshua went to the office?" They nodded. "This pressure is no joke. Mommy is coming today."

"Have y'all thought about names?"

"No... Joshua been busy. He had the door locked." I pointed and they nodded.

"We saw it last night."

"Really what it look like?"

"Like that nigga ready for war?" Lamarcus shook his head and Justice laughed.

"Ew." I frowned. "I don't like it." I felt myself slowly start to cry.

"Not the lip." Lamarcus frowned as if he could feel my pain and my dumbass really started crying. "Awe bubbles I was playing." He hugged me.

"That is not funny." He rubbed my back. "I am sorry."

"you are fine. I am sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It are emotional right now."

"And hungry." I added.

"Oh, okay. What do you want?"

"Warm brownies." He kissed my forehead.

"Come on." He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the chair and I sat down. "Let's see, I might have to make it from scratch."

"You can cook?"

"I did 3 years of culinary school. I can do a little some. We don't have any box brownies, so do you want salted brownies or just sweet?"

"I don't know." He nodded.

The front door opened.

"Why are y'all sitting here with the door unlocked?" My mom walked in. "Hey babies." She greeted us.

"Hey momma." Lamarcus hugged her. "Where my kids?"

"With they grandpa." He nodded and she hugged Justice. "Hey pretty."

"Hey momma."

"Look at my baby..." she walked over to me. "You look so beautiful and... tired."

"Momma, I am nine month and two weeks." I sighed. "He is giving me a hard time." She laughed.

"The boys always do, this one was hard but he gave me hips and butt. I lost a lot of weight post partum. He did the body good but the mental, no hunny. I never wanted to level his sigh but I was so exhausted at the same time. Plus your dad was working every fucking day like the workaholic he is."

"My man ain't no different." I sighed and she smiled.

"He is. Your dad finally is taking a step back to be involved in this family. I mean he did do that for like the first two months of you girls being born but everything else was on me. He will be here. And the only reason why your situation is different is because you're more demanding and you communicate the things that you want any. When you know your father was going through everything we were going through, I did not want to be a bother, and I was scared to ask him to stay home. I was scared to fuck up his day, even though your dad has always been super nice. I was still scared because I had always been treated like a burden and I didn't want to come over to your father now I don't give a fuck." I laughed.

"Mom stop cursing." Lamarcus spoke.

" says the man who tried to argue me down to let his kids curse."

" It's expressive for their young minds... you- oh you need to get it together for I pop you." We laughed. "I'm not playing." My mom got up and smacked him in the back and he yelled.


We just laughed and joked. While Lamarcus made the brownies.


"These are good." My Mo nodded and I took another fork of gooey brownie.

"This is so good." I moaned as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. This is exactly what I needed.

The garage alarm went off and I got up and made my way to the door.

"My man is home! My man is home! My man is home!" I yelled as the door opened.

"Hey baby." He smiled and I ran into his arms. "I kissed you so much."

"Hey babe. I missed you too." I looked up at him and he kissed me and he grabbed my face and smelled my breath.

"What are you eating?"

"Brownie." He pulled off his tie and he bent down and I kissed him again. "You want some? Lamarcus made them from scratch." I hung his briefcase on the hook and I helped him take his jacket off.

" so I was thinking, you know how we were talking about getting a house in the neighborhood, I think we should start looking very soon. Tomorrow even."

" what is the budget?"

" whatever house you like." He shrugged. " there is no budget. That goes for furniture, you said that you wanted a new wardrobe, if you want to renovate the kitchen and we were talking about that, and then renovating you a closet, just whatever you want that's what you get. I got to get your push give, I'm going to get the things that I need to worry about when you figure that out, whatever you want so don't ask me, just do whatever you want." I nodded.

" can I get a office to in the house?"

" if that's what you want."

" OK, but you know what I really want right now? For him to get off of my uterus like this, he's putting so much pressure on me." I grabbed his hand and he lead me to the kitchen.

"Hey jojo." My mom got up. "How was work?"

" long." He hugged her. "Good evening."

"You hungry?" Lamarcus asked.

"Uh... yeah."

"I am about to cook us a dinner. What you want? Since he pay the bills he picks."

"Uh uhn." My mom frowned and we laughed.

"What you want?"

" Macaroni and cheese and gravy, but like turkey wing gravy and some yams."

" can I get some macaroni and cheese, but I wanna moist like not too dry, and I want it flavorful." Lamarcus nodded. " put some pepper in here, too, and give me some turkey wings. I want falling off the bone, I want you make some nice as thick ass gravy. And some candy yams with a little nutmeg and syrup."

" How else do you make these things?" Lamarcus frowned and Joshua shrugged.

"I am just letting you know." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't fuck around and get laid out."

"Didn't I kick your ass before?" Lamarcus closed the cabinet and laid his head against it and we laughed. "Oh I just felt like you needed to be reminded."

"Now I am not making shit." Lamarcus swung his body around dramatically and Joshua laughed. "Like why would you say that! You know I am trying!" He playing wiped his fake tears.

"Stop playing! I am hungry nigga." Joshua forced out. "You always trying to argue, just do what needs to be done."

"You can't take sarcasm." Lamarcus pointed at him.

"Man you so motherfucking girly." We laughed. "Stop doing that shit!"

"This is who I am!" Lamarcus jumped up and down shaking his hands.

"Lamarcus stop. I am not playing." Josh shook his head and I couldn't help but laugh. "Y'all think this funny and he is really gay." Lamarcus started dancing. "Nope let me go get myself cleaned up because this is too much."

"Yes because you looking like you ready to get domestic." Lamarcus stopped. "Nah though I am about to cook." He went back in the cabinet. "I need your keys and your card." Joshua shook his head.

"You not taking my car but my card is- hold up. Baby you got my card."

"It is in my wallet." I got up and I walked to the stairs.

"Awe look at the waddle! She is so cute." Justice gushed and I laughed.

"Justy please before you start crying." I looked at her and her lip was poked up. "Cry baby ass cancer."

"Stop you are so cute."

"Josh I don't think I can make it up the steps." He grabbed my hand. "Carry me." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up and I threw my legs around him and we went up stairs.

"You wanna take a nap?" He nodded. "By yourself?"


"You seem drained, I will get out your way let me just find my bag." I got down and he went his own way and I got the card and walked to the top of the steps. "Bud I need a hand." He popped up and came to helped me.

"Oh my goodness, look at you. Who would have thought?" My mom gushed.

"I know." I agreed. "I never saw kids in my future."

"Me neither but we you get in environments like this... where you are loved and protected and secure, you want kids and you want that forever. I instantly felt that way with your dad." I nodded. "We moved in together and life got harder but I knew my man had my back. He was working all the time and I was accusing him of cheating and Lamarcus was 10, only child right?" She laughed and we joined. "He was so motherfucking over us-"

"Because it was everyday... it was so frustrating." He added. "I remember that shit."

"He gone say right? I'm going to burn this motherfucking house down of y'all don't shut up! Mind you this is the first time he talked in like 5 days. So I just stopped mid argument and laughed. I couldn't to anything else." We laughed. "You dad was trying so hard not to laugh. He talking about you get that shit from you mom. Lamarcus talking about I am deadass serious! I will kill all of us! All of us! I should've beat his ass." We laughed.

"Mom stop lying! You never us to hit me."

"I know I hated when you cried, I cried everytime. It ached my heart so bad, I never hit any of you really. I did pop you though and you was slide down the wall and scream talking about I am going to jail." We laughed. "You been crazy." I laughed loudly.

"I really wanted to blow up the fucking house." He admitted. "Y'all stop arguing after that though." We laughed.

"We had long overdue sex." Lamarcus gagged.

"I thought you were classy?" Lamarcus covered his mouth.

"It is true and boom- Madison."

"And she came out deaf because she didn't wanna hear that shit either." Lamarcus shook his head and my mom and Justice gasped and I laughed hysterically. "Mm eat this." Lamarcus gave me a piece of a pepper.

"Is it hot?"

"Eat it." I ate it.

"This shit is hot." I swatted my mouth. "Ou shit. Sorry mom."

"Why would you give her that?"

"She wants him to come, I give it a hour." My shook her head. "What?"

"You and these Jamaican tendencies. I raised you too much in the mix." We laughed. "That is why you crazy now."

"I am not crazy." My mom did one of those Caribbean teeth sucks and we all looked at him.

The pressure on my coochie was just blowing my ass out the water.

I stood up.

"Mom." I sighed. "I am not even fucking-" she looked at me.

"Woah." She frowned. "What is going on."

"I am about to cry-"

"What?" She stood up and rubbed my back

"Joshua!" Justice yelled.

"I don't know, the pressure is too much." I feel like this uncomfortable feeling as if I felt my stomach pop but it didn't hurt. "Oh shit." I step forward and the gush fell between my legs and my mom gasped. "Mom? I think my water to broke."

"Joshua!" Justice yelled and I laughed.

She wa freaking the fuck out.

"I ain't gone lie it felt good. My back feel so my better."

"Come on."

"Well at least you can see the family car he brought. Everything is already in there." She grabbed my hand and as soon as I started walking again it started gushing again. "Wait."

"Just come on."

"Why are you yelling? You are gonna get the fuck out." Joshua walked down the steps. "What is it?"

"Her water broke." He woke right up and I laughed.

"Baby I am fine. Lamarcus did it."

"What are you laughing for?" He smile softly.

"This is the best I felt in a while."

"Wait for that first contraction."

"I don't know, hopefully I don't feel the hell because Braxton Hicks are a mother freaker."


"Ou shit..." I breathe throught the contraction. "Holy shit... Joshua."

"I know baby."

"You don't know!"

"Hey hey, listen." He squeezed my hips and if helped so much. "You got this. You are so amazing and I am so sorry that you are hurting but it is all going to be worth it. I am here every step of the way."

"I am sorry for yelling." He laughed. "Serious shit." The contraction was over.

"Serious shit?"

"Yes baby, I love you so much."I kissed his cheek. "After this, we get married and I get pregnant on the honeymoon and that is it. My tubes are tied."

"Okay I can get down with that."

"You ain't got no choice unless you pushing a baby out your ass." We laughed.

"Oh fuck no." I laughed. "Come on stand up and bend over."

"Ou..." I got up and he laughed. "This is how we got here in the first place." I bent over.

"Shut up. Stop playing so much."

"That is not a nice word."

"Be quiet." I laughed.

"Here it comes- this shit- Joshua I swear to god." I groaned. He applied counter pressure. "You hate me."

"I love you."

"Oh gosh!" I screamed.

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