Don't Leave Me Here (boyxboy)

By stressedwriting

42.9K 1.4K 598

"I had nowhere else to go" What happens when the misunderstood villain shows up at the hero's doorstep bleed... More

Chapter 1 Part 1
Chapter 1 Part 2
Chapter 2 Part 1
Chapter 2 part 2
Chapter 3 part 1
Chapter 4 part 1
Chapter 4 part 2
Chapter 5 part 1
Chapter 5 part 2
Chapter 6 part 1
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7 part 1
Chapter 7 part 2
Chapter 8 part 1
Chapter 8 Part 2
Chapter 9 part 1
Chapter 9 part 2
Chapter 10 part 1
Chapter 10 part 2
Chapter 11 part 1
Chapter 11 part 2
Chapter 12 part 1
Chapter 12 part 2
Chapter 13 part 1
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14 part 1
Chapter 14 part 2
Chapter 15 part 1
Chapter 15 part 2
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2
Chapter 19 part 1
Chapter 19 part 2
Chapter 20 part 1
Chapter 20 part 2
Chapter 21 part 1
Chapter 21 part 2
Chapter 22 part 1
Chapter 22 part 2
Chapter 23 part 1
Chapter 23 part 2
Chapter 24 part 1
Chapter 24 part 2
Chapter 25 part 1
Chapter 25 part 2
Chapter 26 part 1
Chapter 26 part 2
Chapter 27 part 1
Chapter 27 part 2
Chapter 28 part 1
Chapter 28 part 2
Chapter 29 part 1
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30 part 1
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 31 part 1
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32 part 1
Chapter 32 part 2
Chapter 33 part 1
Chapter 33 part 2
Chapter 34 part 1 (finale)
New Story ??

Chapter 3 part 2

1K 30 2
By stressedwriting

Chapter 3 part 2


Samuel rushed into his house and checked the time. 8:50. That means he has 40 minutes to shower, get into his suit, and make it to the police station.

However there were a few issues. Firstly, he didn't have time to change all of the bandages on his leg, but he couldn't shower without ruining the ones he had on. More importantly, Samual always walked to the station since it just under 20 minutes to get there walking, but he didn't have 20 minutes to spare. He would just drive his car but he can't be seen in Samuels car with Samuels license plate. He could call a cab or someone to drive him but then he'd have to be dropped off near the station, get into his suit, and then go into the station. Which is not only inconvenient, but would also take longer than just walking.

Samual grabbed a trash bag and some bands to tie around his leg to protect his bandages while he showered. He wasn't sure how exactly you were supposed to do it but he was pretty sure he did a good enough job.

Unfortunately, he wasn't very thorough with it and rushed a bit too much. Only minutes into his shower he felt warm water leak into the bag and onto his bandages.

"Are you kidding me?" He partially complained and partially scolded himself.

He sighed dramatically and decided to just continue his shower. He'd deal with the bag full of water once he got out.

Samuel ended up sitting on the floor of his bathroom once again. He opted to a pair of basketball shorts and was too bothered by the wet bandage to get a shirt. He dug under his sink and fetched out all that he needed to clean and replace everything.

The warm water stung as it pressed onto his wound. With every move of the bandage he was wincing and grunting.

Samuel had given up on rushing. He was already destined to be late even if the left right that second, and can the police really not survive such a short time without him?

He hadn't missed a day at the station in almost a year, he went in even when he was sick and even after deaths in his family, though it was awfully small. Samuel just couldn't stay home without stressing that something will happen and he won't be able to help.

Though today felt different for some reason. Was it because he had been stressing all morning? Or was it because his weird encounter at the coffee shop?

Samuel tried to come up with a reason to feel different but he could no longer deny. The villain had saved him, and Samuel needed to know why. He knew he couldn't work and would never be able to fight until he talked to the villain.

With that he finished bandaging up his leg and threw on a t-shirt. He went outside to use the public phone that was right outside his house. He called the police station and did his best to sound serious.

"Hello, this is the hero" Samuel cringed at calling himself that, but they wouldn't know who he was otherwise.

"I'm just calling to say I cannot come in to help today and I'm very, very sorry. Something urgent has come up and I likely will not be able to come in for a few days. Maybe not even for a week."

Samuel just kept talking, not giving the person on the other end a chance to say a word.

"If anything too urgent comes up I'll do my best but I simply cannot at the moment. Thank you and goodbye."

Samuel hung up quickly and glanced around before leaving the phone and going back into his house with a smile on his face.

He loved helping out the police and keeping everyone safe, but doing it every day for a large part of the day was exhausting. He was always busy with something and his stress levels were starting to get out of hand. It was really nice to get a break.

Samuel sat down on his couch and laid back, letting his mind wander off. He thought about his daughter and how he could pick her up early and finally spend time with her. He thought about the police and how he hoped they were okay, but pushed it out of his mind before he started worrying too much. Most importantly, he thought about the villain. He thought about how he had stolen and killed. He thought about how they had been fighting for so long. He thought about every second of the previous night. And he thought about how hard it's going to be to manage a conversation with him after all that happened.

Four hours had passed and Samuel hadn't moved from his spot on the couch. He had just sat there in his own thoughts. Of course he also took a nap, but he wasn't used to sleeping in the day so it lasted no longer than 45 minutes.

He finally sat up and checked his watch which read 1:28p.m. He didn't want to pick his daughter up too soon after dropping her off and, honestly, he needed time away from everyone, including her. But now it had been a while and the daycare allowed pick ups at any time before 5:00p.m, so he slowly pushed himself off the couch and went to change into something a bit more presentable.

Once he was dressed in some regular blue jeans and a warm, light gray, sweater, he went out the door.

Samuel didn't know if it was good or bad to be walking through an injury like he had, but walking was painful so he opted for his car once again.

He was used to walking everywhere but it felt like today he was in his car all day long. It made everything in the city around him feel smaller and closer together. He couldn't observe people through windows or on the sidewalk, and more frustratingly, he couldn't looks at, smell, or feel of the flowers that grew all around the area.

Ellie had always loved flowers and her interest in them made Samuel grow to love them too. Now whenever he goes anywhere he makes a point to observe the flowers. Now that was just another thing that was messed up and thrown off of his everyday schedule.

Usually slight schedule changes messed with Samuels head, but even with the many major changes, Samuel felt surprisingly relaxed.

He made it to the daycare in just a few minutes and the lady at the front desk, though she didn't say anything about it, was obviously surprised that Samuel Reed of all people was picking his kid up early from daycare.

It's safe to say Ellie was happy to see him. She burst out of the classroom door and gripped onto Samuels left leg as if he was going to run away.

They both made their way home, and Samuel had a day of fun planned for the two. He had movies, board games, video games, and maybe even a trip to the park planned out.

Samuel knew it hurt Ellie how little he could play with her, but he was going to do his best to make it up to her today.


Sorry this part is kinda short & boring. I know I've said this multiple times but we're leading up to the good part! I promise!!

I would've preferred this update to be on Matias because his life is getting fucked while Samuel is hangin with his kid. However, if you didn't notice (which you prolly did) every chapter has one part with Matias and one part with Samuel. I didn't want to mess that up just because Samuel was gonna have one boring chapter.

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