Soulmate System

By Kuurechr

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In the world that Assassination Classroom takes place, the population has drastically decreased. Because of t... More

SCHOOL TRIP TIME, 1st period
CLOSING TIME (first semester)

SCHOOL TRIP TIME, 2nd period

277 17 0
By Kuurechr

September. 15. 2023.

"When did you move here?" You asked as you stepped inside Karma's home, taking your shoes off as you looked around.

Karma sighed, "Like a month ago."

"Did you buy it on your own?" You asked, knowing how expensive houses in the area could be. You also knew Karma was never the type to ask his parents for money.

"My parents owned the house before and sold it to me, for a bit cheaper," he explained. "I was gonna pass this up honestly... tell them to sell it for the value, until Nagisa told me he was gonna propose. I thought we should have one nice place to live in, right?"

Despite indirectly insulting where you lived (he was right though, your place sucked), you were happy he did this. You didn't think either of you wanted kids anytime soon; sure you were getting married but you were still only 21 years old. But it was nice to have a bigger place, with more room. It was always something you knew you wanted if you got married to someone; a shared house. Not just some dingy apartment you rented out. Your own home.

That's when the thought properly sunk into your head. "This is our home," you muttered.

Karma was a bit startled at your wording. Sure, he'd thought about it, but when you said it aloud, he was shocked you thought of it the same way. "Our home," he repeated, softly. "There's a guest room if you want to stay there for now."

You felt heat creep up your face as you took in his words.

For now.

Less than a year from now, you'd have to actually share things with Karma. A home, a mortgage, a family, a bed. It was weird thinking about it, not that you hadn't slept in a bed together before, or do other things, but this time you wouldn't? Or would you?

Well you'd have to wait and see.

The rest of the night, consisted of you cracking open some beers and sitting around talking, reminiscing over random moments that you brought up as you remembered them. As Karma changed the television, into some other show that would probably be ignored as you continued talking, Karma looked over at you.

"So, you know, I've been wondering." You hummed, taking a sip of your drink. "When did you start liking me?"

Pausing, you did your best to not spit out the beer.

Karma grinned at your shocked expression. "Come on. Want me to go first?"

"I mean," you wiped your mouth, looking away. "Mine's kinda embarrassing. I liked you for a while before we started dating."

"Can't be as bad as me," Karma shrugged, challenging you.

You remembered what he'd told you before, leaning back into the couch. "Oh yeah, after that first assembly... so yeah, that was pretty early."

"Earlier than you?" Karma asked, raising a brow.

You shrugged. "I'm not really sure how long I liked you. But I know when I realized I liked you. And that was on the Kyoto field trip."

Karma grinned. "Seeing me beat people up turned you on, huh?" You hit him, less playfully, and he laughed at your anger. "Oh come on, tell me about it."

June. 10. 2015.

As the group surrounded Kanzaki as she played arcade games, watching at how impressive she was, Karma announced that he was going to go get a drink. "Oh, hey, I'm thirsty too," you said, ripping yourself away from the screen, and looking up at Karma. "Mind if I tag along?"

Shaking his head, Karma walked off, and didn't really say anything as you walked beside him. "You know, despite everyone complaining," you said, as you looked around at the older inn you were staying, "I like this place. I think its more fun than if we had to stay in some fancy suites with just like one other person. It lets us bond a bit more."

Karma nodded, looking down at you for a moment, before deciding to say what had been plaguing his mind. "Hey, it's my bad that those dudes were able to get their hands on you." You looked up at him in surprise. He glared ahead of him, not making eye contact with you. "Or Kanzaki and Kayano. That should've never happened. I let my guard down, that was stupid of me."

"Hey, what're you talking about?!" You scolded, looking up at him with furrowed brows. "It's not your fault that happened. If anything, I should have been more careful. We're assassins in training. I have to learn how to defend myself better."

"Hey, the headbutt was good defense," Karma complimented, leading you around a corner. "To do it in that situation, though, probably not the best idea you've ever had."

"Yeah, well, what can I say, I'm in E Class for a rea"-

You bowed your head immediately. "Sorry!" You apologized, before dragging Karma away as he laughed at you. You'd just ran into two people making out in a corner, in a dead end. Realizing, you glared up at Karma. "You took me there on purpose."

He raised his hands innocently. "I would never do that. I just have no idea where the vending machine is."

"So why were you leading me with so much confidence?!" You screeched.

"Because I thought it would be fun to get lost," he said, nonchalantly. "Oh, look, here it is."

You were still feeling warm from running into that couple. God, why were you always in the most awkward of situations? As Karma took a drink from the vending machine, however, your mind started to wander somewhere else.

"Hey Karma," you said, catching his attention after he'd gotten his drink. You tilted your head. "You'd say we're friends right?"

Karma frowned a little, nodding. "Yeah. We're friends."

"Well," you said, very clearly in deep thought. "Would you do me a favour?"

"Depends," Karma's frown quickly turned into a smirk. "I mean, I'm up for a lot of things, but you're gonna have to do something for me too."

You leaned in closer to him as you lowered your voice. Karma almost tensed up and backed away, but he kept himself composed. "Find out who the boys like for me."

Karma raised a brow. "How am I supposed to do that?"

You shrugged. "It's an overnight trip! And all the guys and girls are alone in their rooms. The topic of discussion tonight, in both rooms, is bound to be about the opposite sex."

"In that case," Karma said. "I mean, if you're wanting me to break a code between guys, you're going to have to break your code between the girls. You'd have to give me the sweet details too, you know?"

Sighing, you crossed your arms. "I can tell you who I like. And Nakamura too, she probably wouldn't mind, it's an eye for a toe really."

"Nakamura's gonna play it safe, she won't actually admit to a proper crush," Karma said, rolling his eyes. "You, however, could be interesting. Why don't you tell me first before I get secrets for you to spill."

"Absolutely not," you said, shaking your head. "I'll spill once you have the information."

At the sound of the boys commotion in their room, Karma tilted his head in their direction, smirking at you. "Won't take me very long then. I'll meet you back here in 15, once you get the girls information." You agreed to his deal, and he slipped into the boys room.

Of course, you were planning to listen all along.

"Sounds like a party in here," Karma commented as he slid the door behind him.

"Karma!" Isogai exclaimed. "Great timing!"

"Which of the girls in our class do you like?" Maehara asked. Perfect, getting straight to the point.

Karma hummed in though before answering. "I believe I'll have to go with Okuda."

Oh. Why did you feel a little pang in your chest?

"Dude, you're kidding, really?" Sugaya asked.

"Huh, interesting," Maehara commented. "But why Okuda?"

"She's a demon with chemistry," he explained. "Think of all the concoctions she can brew up for my shenanigans. It would be a match made in heaven."

"Yeah," Maehara chuckled. "Heaven, sure."

"I thought you'd go for Y/N, honestly," Sugaya commented, earning some agreement from the other boys. "Maybe it's just because you both are together often since you're friends with Nagisa."

"Didn't you like her for a while?" Terasaka huffed, looking over the paper that the boys had voted with. "I'm surprised you didn't vote for her."

"You did too, right?" Sugaya asked, crossing his arms, deflecting some of the attention. "But, yeah, after she got in her first swing at Korosensei using Karma, I thought you guys were a good duo. No point in liking a girl I've got no chance with."

"And what, you have a chance with Yada?" Sugino asked.

"Says the one who's madly in love wi"-

"Shut up!" You didn't need to listen in on that part. Everyone - besides Kanzaki - knew that Sugino liked Kanzaki.

"Hey guys," Isogai brought the attention in the room back to him. "We're agreeing to keep these ratings just between us, yeah?"

"Of course, we're not stupid!"

"So absolutely none of what we're saying leaves this room?" You listened in closely. It seemed like Isogai was going to give some juicy gossip and of course you wanted to hear what the prince of the classroom was going to say about his romance prospects. "If this information got out, we'd have a real pro...blem."

You heard the sound of Korosensei's voice and then beats of silence before the boys started yelling and ran out of the room, presumably chasing after their teacher. Once you were sure they all had left their rooms, you peeked inside, seeing a paper on the ground. That must've been what they were voting on. Picking it up, you looked over the votes. Kanzaki obviously got the most and second to her was Yada. Kurahashi and Kayano had gotten two votes each, while Megu got one. They all had doodled pictures and notes of their personalities and looks; or just what the boys liked them for.

You chuckled to yourself before heading over to the girls room.

"Oh good, you're here!" Nakamura cheered, dragging you over with her once you'd come into the room.

"What took you so long?" Kayano asked, as you sat next to her.

"I got lost," you shrugged. You did want to tell the girls about the gossip you'd listened to, or the paper you had tucked away in your sleeve, but you didn't want to make any of them feel bad. Even without this trip, you could tell who liked who. Okano clearly liked Maehara, and she'd gotten no votes, so seeing the paper would just make her feel bad.

The only person you'd feel okay with showing this to was Nakamura, but it was something you'd use to exchange something with her for. As for the boys, it would be great blackmail against Isogai, the more prince like boy of the whole bunch, who wouldn't want it known that he gets up to these sorts of things.

"So, what're we talking about?" Yada asked.

"Boys, of course!" Nakamura exclaimed.

Megu looked up at her in disgust. "Ew, who wants to talk about boys?"

Nakamura sighed, crossing her arms. "Come on, that's what girls talk about on trips like these, don't be a party pooper."

Kurahashi raised her hand first. "I'll start! I have a huge crush on Mr.Karasuma!"

"Honey, there's no one here who doesn't have a thing for that man," Nakamura shut her down. "I'm talking about boys in our class that we think are hotties." Kurahashi frowned, pouting. "I guess I'll get the ball rolling," Nakamura sighed. "Isogai and Maehara are half decent I guess."

"Gross, you don't seriously like them," Megu commented.

"Why not?" Nakamura asked, rhetorically.

You agreed with her. "Isogai is totally cute." You raised a brow at Megu. "Come on, you're saying you wouldn't go out with him if he asked? You guys always talk."

Megu deflected, narrowing her eyes at you. "And what, you would?"

"Totally!" You nodded.

"Maehara plays the field though, so I'd never go out with him or anything." Nakamura added. "Isogai's class monitor, so I totally get Y/N's thing, I'd go out with him too."

"I don't know, Karma's the cutest of the bunch if you ask me," Yada added, before sighing. "Too bad he's such a psycho."

Almost everyone sighed in agreement. "True."

"Come on," Okuda defended. "I don't think he's that bad when you get to know him."

"Hey, at least he's quiet most of the time," Kayano added.

"Yeah, so are wild animals," Hayami added quickly, making you chuckle.

Nakamura's eyes narrowed on you. "Hey, you can defend Okuda's argument right? Aren't you and Karma pretty close?" She smirked, wagging her finger at you. "I always feel like you guys are bound to be a thing."

Your shoulders sagged momentarily as you remembered what Karma had told the boys, but you smiled shaking your head. "He's attractive, I'll admit, but I've never thought about dating him. Wild animal and all. Besides Isogai, I'd ask out like Sugaya or something. He sits near me, so you know, I'm used to him."

"I wasn't expecting that," Kayano hummed, before looking over at Kanzaki. "Who'd you pick Kanzaki?"

"I don't really think about it, no idea, sorry," she answered.

"Oh please," Kayano got up to jump on Kanzaki and push her too the ground. "Liar!"

Nakamura joined in on the teasing of Kanzaki, pinning her hand down as she tickled her with Kayano. The laughter was interrupted by the door sliding open, Professor Bitch speaking up. "Okay girls, settle down. I'm supposed to tell you lights out, so I don't know at least pretend to sleep."

"Wow, what a chaperone there," Nakamura muttered under her breath.

"We all know your gonna stay up jibber jabbering," she said. "Just keep the antics to a dull roar. Okay?"

Before she could get an answer she began to slide the door closed, but Kurahashi went crawling over. "Hang on! How come you get to drink beer?! Meanie!"

Professor Bitch looked back down at her. "I'm an adult sweetie," she spoke slowly, as if to a young child. "Adults get to drink beer."

"Why don't you stay up with us?" Yada offered. "You can tell us some adult stories." She began to walk forwards as Professor Bitch was taken aback by the request.

Kurahashi added on, with a smile. "We'd probably get more out of them than your usual classes."

"Why you trashy little ginger"- Yada pushed Professor Bitch into the room, interrupting her insult thrown at Kurahashi as she was pushed inside.

You went to slide the door behind her, and very soon, once Yada had gotten Professor Bitch seated and everyone else had moved to sit around her, bringing the food and drinks into the middle, everyone, including the bitch professor, were comfortable and listening intently to Professor Bitch's stories.

However, once she brought up her age in passing, everyone in the room gasped. "No way, you're only twenty!" Nakamura exclaimed.

"You look great," Megu exclaimed. "It's just... you're so... experienced."

"I know right!" Okano exclaimed. "And the whole black widow vibe."

"Ladies, I wouldn't have gotten far in this line of work if I wasn't- WHO THE HELL JUST CALLED ME A BLACK WIDOW?!"

"Delayed reaction much?" Nakamura muttered under her breath.

"Whatever," Professor Bitch continued. "Point is, if I teach you nothing else. You should know sex appeal is skin deep and by the time you get it, it fades. In a place like the one I was born in, you learn that all too quickly."

The class was shocked by the words coming out of her mouth, and Okano worded that wonder. "Professor Bitch actually said something profound for a change."

Nakamura narrowed her eyes at her. "Feels like BS."

"I heard that you hussy!"

Yada, ever the protégé of Professor Bitch, changed the topic to improve Professor Bitch's mood. "Oh, just ignore her! Tell us about all the rich men you seduced and killed! That's what we're dying to hear!"

The class agreed, and as Yada had predicted, that totally changed Professor Bitch's mood. "Well, if you insist," she started. "Be warned my life story may be a bit too spicy for girls like you. It all began at the tender age of 17. I DON'T THINK SO PAL!"

Everyone screamed as they noticed Korosensei in the group of girls. How you or anyone else didn't notice him, you didn't know.

"Aw," Korosensei sighed. "But I want to know your stories too. Why can't an impartial observer get in on this action."

"Hah!" Nakamura yelled back. "You never tell us about your love life! You wanna sit there and listen, fine, but give us the goods!"

As the girls of the class started yelling and pointing fingers at him, Korosensei had realized he'd dug himself into a hole. Quickly he sped off, and all the girls got out their knives from their sleeves, running off after the yellow tentacled creature.

As most of the class, and Professor Bitch, went after him, you found Karma and Nagisa watching the whole ordeal on the side. "You guys still trying to kill him?" Karma asked, falling to deaf ears of most of the students. "Assassination doesn't have a curfew huh?"

"Hey, it would've if he kept his nose out of our business," you huffed, leaning against the wall, next to Nagisa's other side.

"Ironic coming from you," Karma commented, looking over. "Do you have the needed information for the exchange?"

You sighed, shaking your head. "Professor Bitch came along to tell us her life story, and I got distracted." You grinned at him despite that. "Next time, though. Although, I don't think I'll need it, knowing about your thing for Okuda."

Karma only raised a brow, but Nagisa blushed, panicking. "You heard what we said?!"

You smirked, waving around the paper in your hands. "God, I wonder who voted for Kayano"-

"Hey! Give that back!" Nagisa tried swiping for it, but you put it back up your sleeve, far away from his or Karma's reach and good reflexes.

"Nope," your smile was so wide, you were sure it resembled Korosensei's. "I'm using this for all it's worth, Shiota, you better bet on that."

Kayano eventually came over, sighing in exhaustion. "Wanna go on a walk?" Nagisa asked, tilting his head at the hallway ahead of you. Kayano nodded, but you and Karma looked at each other, grinning, before shaking your heads.

Karma faked a yawn. "I'm beat."

"Yeah," you nodded in agreement. "I'm heading out."

As you and Karma walked away, you whispered to him. "Want me to set you up now?"

Karma ignored that, and turned it around on you. "Hey, do it when you owe me for setting you up with Sugaya."

It felt like someone had stopped your blood supply. "HOW'D YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!"

Karma shrugged, sticking his tongue out. "I just guessed."

You sighed, as you passed by the girls room. "You sneaky little shit. Well, I'm actually gonna sleep. Have sweet dreams about Okuda."

Before he could answer snarkily, you slammed the door closed.

No amount of joking could help you deflect your stupid feelings huh?

September. 15. 2023.

"So, I tried suppressing my feelings for a really long time," you explained. "Kinda stupid that I got so jealous when you didn't even like her, huh?"

Karma glanced away. "Yeah."

Would he feel better if he was completely transparent? 

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