Forever & Always (Forever & A...

By TrishaHarrington

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"Hey, I'm Noah. Who are you?" he said, and that was how it started, how we started as small children in the p... More

Message From The Author
Starting High School
The Strength Of Friendship
A Not So Sudden Change
In The Light Of Day
Everything Comes Crashing Down
The Past, Part I
The Past, Part II
A Sudden Realization
A New Beginning
The Adjustment Period
Helping A Friend
A New Life
Facing The Truth
Celebrating Firsts
Return To The Lions Den
Hidden Suspicions
Friends & Foes
A Little Surprise
Time To Prepare
When One Door Closes...
Another Door Opens
Jesse's Fifteenth Birthday
Can You Feel The Love Tonight
The Wicked Witch
We Love What's Broken
Welcome To The World Baby J
Be Mine Forever
Let's Get It On
My Heart Is Yours Forever
A Fortnight In Paradise
Forever & Always
Thank you!
Interview with Jesse & Noah

Finding Our Roles

2.3K 72 13
By TrishaHarrington

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” 

― Dr. Seuss

The early morning sun woke me up the next morning. It was the first thing I noticed when I finally managed to open my eyes. Lying on my side all night with Noah on my stomach had been as relaxing as it had always been.

Blinking owlishly I peered down and saw his beautiful chocolate-brown eyes on me. They were wide awake and watching every move I made. He looked wide awake, I smiled and yawned. Stretching in the bed I felt a soft kiss pressed to my abdomen.

“Morning sunshine.” I yawned and he chuckled. My voice was rougher than usual and I presumed that was what made him laugh. Oh, how wrong I was. Before, I could say anything else he was talking me in his mouth.

My morning erection which had been very stiff beforehand suddenly became beautifully painful. His tongue teased the tip and the base before completely loving it. I moaned and writhed on the bed as he sucked and kissed my cock.

“God Noah! Warn a person...” I was cut off by his incredibly talented mouth. One thing I could not take from him, was his talent at giving blow jobs. It took less than two minutes for me to come in his mouth.

“You're good at that, love.” I whispered and he pressed his mouth to mine. It was a slow building, breath stealing kiss, and it left me hard and ready to go again. His wicked grin told me it was not one-sided either.

“I have a great inspiration for it. So, what shall we do this morning my angel. Mom and dad don't expect us back until midday or around then.” His seductive smile made me blush and I quickly leaned forward and kissed him.

“You mentioned something last night about me returning the favour. That's if you still want to, we can stick with the roles we had if you want.” I was babbling and he smiled at me. It looked nervous though.

Don't make him uncomfortable. He might prefer being on top. I know I love him in me fucking me long and slow. Oh God, what do I care? As long as I get sex I really don't mind who's where. I need more sex.

“I want to see what it's like. Your expression last night made me crave it even more. I want my angel to have his wicked, dirty way with me. That's not a crime, is it?” His teasing always made me smile. I loved him so much.

“No, but it will hurt, are you ready for that?” Nervous didn't cut how I was feeling. Bottoming was more natural for me, but I was kind of excited to see how it felt to top and to be inside the person I loved.

I kissed him deeply and rolled away from him. He whimpered and I pointed to the box in the corner where he'd point out the food the night before. His face did not change and I walked over in my birthday suit and started stuffing my face.

He hadn't packed a lot of food for the morning. Only enough for one of us to eat well or for two small meals. Throwing over one cereal bar and a ready-made pancake I took the same for myself and started eating.

“You're mean to me, angel. Very very mean. You know it's not what I want. I want sex. Not food, sex!” I peered at him through my eyelashes and smiled. “You will get sex once I get food. Now eat up. You'll need all the energy you can get.”

After a groan and a muttered “whatever” he dragged himself out of the bed and over to me. His arms wrapped around my waist and he took the cereal bar out of my hands and started to break of bits to feed me.

Smiling I took the small chunk and licked his fingers in the process. A low moan with the hint of a growl escaped and I smiled to myself. He was easy to get going and I intended to have him worked up before I topped him.

He took his time feeding me. Letting his fingers linger in my mouth and I would suck them for a minute before allowing him to take them out of my mouth. Every little groan was a victory in my eyes. He was adorable when he was basking in the feeling.

I could see the heat rising in more places than one. His cock was standing like a solider and his eyes were burning with passion. It made me harder looking at him and when he fed me the last bite I kept his fingers in my mouth for a long time, suckling on them and making him squirm slightly.

“Jesse, if you don't stop I'll have to top you again. You're making me harder than I thought humanly possible. So be warned. You have to stop the torture.” He was growling slightly when he said that and I looked at him in blatant disbelief.

He just shrugged and cursed himself. I flashed him a triumphant smile before looking over to the bed and around the small camper van. It was compact, but perfect for the night. Not much longer though or it would stink.

“You never cease to amaze me. Every time I think you have just done the biggest thing you can do and then you go and surprise me again. It's one of the reasons I love you as much as I do Noah. I'm glad you had the balls to tell me how you felt about me.” 

The smile I got told me he was grateful for my words. I meant them too. He out did himself with every grand gesture. I didn't know how much bigger they could get, but I knew whether big or small I would love them because they came from him.

“To quote Cyndi Lauper. I see your true colors, and that's why I love you, Jesse. It's true. When everyone else saw you before, they saw someone that was broken. I saw the smart, funny, kind, sweet and hot as hell, beautiful person you are.” 

“You want to know what first attracted me to you? It was those beautiful baby blues. I saw your eyes and I was lost. They were so beautiful and drew me in. I wanted to drown in their beauty, they make you absolutely perfect.” I heard the authority in his voice, it was thick enough to cut steel. 

He blushed before continuing. “It wasn't that I had the balls to say something, I had to. No matter how scared I was, I needed to have you and you were the first person I trusted more than my parents. That's how much I love you. It scared me for about five minutes, then I accepted it.”

More than his parents? Wow! Big commitment there.

“Since we're getting mushy here I should probably tell you why I woke up from the coma. I told you parts of it, but you deserve the full story.” He was looking at me with a huge smile on his face, but I could see weariness in his eyes.

“The day I collapsed and you told me to stop what I was going to do... You thought I was going to break up with you, and I was. But... I was only doing that because I planned on ending everything. You don't need me to be blunt about that, you know me well enough.”

His face crumpled and I could see the tears forming in his beautiful brown eyes. I wanted to stop talking, but he deserved to know everything. No matter how hard it might be to tell him, it was what he deserved.

“So I had a bad night and morning. Andrea was there. She almost killed me, I wanted her to. It would have been an out after years of torture. But she passed out before she could kill me. She wanted to though, it was in her eyes the moment she saw me.” His arms went around my waist his chin rested on my shoulder.

“Sometimes I wonder why she was like that. Something about her was different, more out of it or something, but all I could see what the way out. Never did I ask myself why, she was going so rough with me. It was something I should have asked, but didn't.”

Not much left to confess now. It's just about finishing this story up and putting it to bed forever. Easier said than done though.

“I never felt so low. I'd had one of the greatest days of my life, the greatest at that point, but in my mind you deserved so much better and the world would not miss me. It was my train of thought most of my life.” I shook and he steadied me.

“There were a lot of things that went wrong in my life. You were never one of them and if you need to know one thing about me, that's it. I would never feel like you were anything, but the best thing I have ever had in my life because in every sense of the word it's true. I had nothing before you.”

“But at the time, I promised myself the next time I saw you that I would end it. That would be it and we'd go our separate ways and you'd find someone else. Someone whole to love and someone who was worthy of you.” I smiled at the memory. It was a stupid memory.

“When you stopped me, I paused. I told myself all day I'd get around to it. Then, I collapsed. It was strange. It felt like a few hours I was out. While I was out I relived some of the best and worst moments of my life.” He squeezed me tightly.

“It was when I finally heard you talking to me. The real you. That I decided that I was ready to come home. Nothing else meant more to me than the fact you knew everything and still loved me. It was the reason I came home.” I whispered the last part, hoping he would believe me.

“Nothing means more to me than you, but I was never going to force you into staying with me. It was always supposed to be what was best for you. After, a while I figured out that what was best for you was me. So I stayed.”

When I finished he said nothing. Time stalled and I waited for his response. No matter what kind I was ready to fight for us. If he was pissed or upset or happy I was ready for the outcome. Waiting was a killer though.

Eventually he turned me around and I faced him. His eyes were not sad like I had expected, in fact they were shining with love, pride and another emotion I could not decipher. What mattered most was he didn't hate me.

“I love you, angel.” He finally said. “My baby, my angel. You are my everything and I live for the day that you will be my husband and we will have a family of our own. That is my goal for our lives.” 

That was all I needed to hear I tugged him into me and pulled him down into a passionate kiss. I savaged his mouth not caring to take my time or go slowly. It was like something inside me snapped and I didn't care what happened. He was going to be mine. 

Our tongues twisted and tangled together. My hands squeezed his firm ass, our cocks bobbed and I rubbed against him, making him growl and attack my mouth with the same savage need as I had moments ago.

I pinned him against the wall and stood between his legs. Moving my mouth from his I attacked his neck and chest, trailing biting kisses along his jaw down and back up. I let my tongue trace the same path and back again. His skin tasted delicious it had a sweet taste to it, I wanted to taste more.

He moaned and whimpered humping against me as I bit and thrust back. It was hot as hell and I was getting harder just imagining him whimpering under me. Once I finished my torture I took his cock into my mouth and he exploded almost immediately.

I stood and took Noah's mouth in another hard kiss. His instant reaction was to grab me and hold me tightly. His hands roamed my back and I gripped the firm globes of his ass again. It felt so natural now. I loved doing it.

We glided along the floor and when he stopped I brought us down on the mattress gently. Our movements were slow and gentle, or hands explored skin and our lips tasted lips. His tongue was demanding my mouth and I granted him that.

Our kiss became something slow and passionate. We seemed to have a rhythm down where we were gentle and caring, but it was still hot. I straddled his lap and we continued kissing. His hands twisting in my hair as the kiss went even deeper.

He was rutting against me before the kiss ended. His hips pushing up and mine shoving his down. It was a slower movement though. One born out of pure lust and passion and love. Although from the outside it would have looked like two horny teenagers.

His body was beautiful under me and I took advantage of his kiss and ran my hands along his rock hard abs. The muscles in his stomach felt funny under my thighs. His big chest was nice to kiss and his nipples were perfect little buds.

God he could pass for a Greek God. Oh I just want to run my tongue along that amazing six pack and kiss every inch of his chest.

We pulled away from the kiss and I moved to his jaw. Bite kissing along the edge of his jaw until there was a small wet trail along. His neck was one of his most sensitive spots and I kissed and nipped his neck, leaving a trail of hickeys in my wake.

I took extra time around his sweet spot. Kissing and nipping the place where his neck and shoulder met until he was whimpering under me. I smirked and looked up to see his eyes rolled back into his head and his mouth making an O shape.

“I want you to feel how much I love you.” I murmured into his neck. Kissing the spot again and gently peppering them around his neck.

“You are my one reason for living. I cannot wait to show you how much I love you. Forever and always I will be here, at your side, wanting to make you as happy as you make me.” I trailed kisses along his chest now.

“One day I want to look back and remember our youth as being nothing but happy.” Kissing along his left nipple and leaving it hard in my wake I took my time. Making sure every word and every kiss went into his head.

“For the past ten years you have been the reason I lived. You alone are the reason I am who I am. Who I become will be all down to you. I want to be worthy of your love. If that takes the rest of our life, then so be it. I will make myself better every day for you.”

Now on the right nipple I managed to press a few kisses along the tiny bud before I kissed my way along his chest again. His skin was smooth. His hairless chest was simply beautiful and was made to be kissed.

“You are my everything, Noah. My angel, my love, my life and I promise that I will be yours until the day we die. In each other's arms in our own home, in our old age, surrounded by our children and our grandchildren. Maybe even our great-grandchildren.”

He moaned and arched his back as I kissed a trail down his abdomen. Getting to his bellybutton and kissing the skin around it. His hands came down and twisted in my hair. Holding me in place as I kissed his beautiful stomach.

“Can you feel it Noah?” I took one of his hands in mine, kissed the palm and placed it over my heart. “This beats for you every day. It stopped beating for me on my first day of school. When I was a lost little boy. It's been yours every day since.”

Everyday since and everyday until the day I die. I will live because you are here. Because, you are my one reason for living, for being.

“I love you Noah Grabowski. I love you more than my own life. I love you more every day I know you. Every morning I wake up to you is the best day of my life. You are the most loving person in the world. You are mine and I am yours.”

For a minute his eyes widened and his breathing quickened. I gasped when I felt his come on my stomach. He looked at me with so much love and adoration that I came in that moment too. It was a magical moment.

“I came from just looking at you.” I whispered. His eyes quickly changed to humour and he chuckled low in his chest. “I came from your words alone. You have such a way with them, you should use them more.” His eyes quickly filled with love again and I knew I was on cloud nine. I almost forgot myself for a minute.

I took his mouth in a slow lingering kiss. One that I put every emotion I owned into. My heart and soul were his to take and do with as he pleased. He owned me more at that moment than any moment before.

Our tongues came together and fireworks exploded in my eyes and ears as I kissed him. His arms surrounding me and keeping me safe in warm, while his body showed how beautiful I was to him. It was a perfect moment.

Breaking the kiss, I kissed my way down his beautiful body again. Stopping for a moment when I reached his beautiful erect cock. The tip was seeping pre-come, but I just kissed the tip and continued my slow loving of his body.

Once I reached his navel I kissed it. Kissing and biting the area around his navel until it was claimed as my own. Moving along until I reached his thighs and loving them like I had the rest of him. 

I kissed and nipped the inside of his thighs until he was a writing mess under me. The sounds coming from his mouth made me feel alive. My cock reacted to those sounds too, and it was starting to protest.

For a minute I just watched him. His beautiful body glistening with sweat. He looked like he had just been fucked. That made me even more determined to make this experience great for him. I wanted to see how he would look after being fucked.

Once I finished my torture on his thighs I moved to something else. His hole was waiting for someone to fuck it, but I decided to try something else first. Leaning forward I kissed the area and he howled.

“Jesse. Jesus! Do that again.” His voice was loud and demanding.

This time I used my tongue and circled his hole with it. His reaction was just as powerful as the first and I moved in closer and licked the hole until it was wet. Then, I rimmed him. He seemed to enjoy the sensation because he was a writing, moaning mess on the bed.

It amazed me how strongly he reacted to my tongue. His hole begged for more and I pushed it in licking and listening to the sounds he was making. I loved the feeling of pleasuring him, even if it was something most people would find gross.

A few minutes later he came again. I wrapped my arms around his waist and waited until he was coherent again. It didn't take long, and before I could say anything his legs and arms wrapped around me, and he brought me up for another kiss. 

Every time he kissed me a little piece of me begged for more. It was like something awakened when his mouth was on mine or his hand was on me somewhere, anywhere. It was one of the best feelings in the world being able to touch him.

“Where did you learn how to do that?”He asked me when the kiss broke. Even though I knew what he was talking about, I decided to play the dumb blond. I arched an eyebrow and he growled. The sound made me giggle.

“You know damn well what I mean. Now come on, tell me. I'd love to know.” His voice was surprisingly not jealous. I had expected him to ask me if I'd imagined doing it with another guy, he was learning, which was good.

“I read a lot Noah. There are a lot of books out there that can teach you a thing or two. That was one of them. I was curious to see if you would hate it, some people find it sick. But I guess it's different when you're in love with the person.”

He looked down and smiled at me. “It's definitely something I want to do again. I actually think it's incredibly hot. But let's not think about it until the time comes. You have one on me now.”

I started stroking him and he was rock hard again. We kissed again, play wrestled on the bed until the time came where he wanted me to penetrate him. He wasn't nervous though and that was a good thing. The problem was, I was nervous.

“Are you ready?” I asked him as I climbed off him and reached for the lube. He gave me a sloppy wet kiss and slapped my ass in response.

I licked his hole again and squirted lube on my fingers. Slowly and carefully I circled his hole with my finger until it naturally slipped in. The first time my finger hit the hole Noah whimpered under me and rocked his hips against me.

He pushed down enough that my finger hit his prostate and he screamed his delight into the air. I watched him, pleased. Pressing the prostate several times until he was bucking his hips against nothing. He urgently impaled my finger.

“Don't go too slow, baby. I've wanted this for so long. You won't hurt me. I promise.” He was rocking his hips down and I took him at his word and gently glided my finger down. He welcomed me the whole way, not once did I have to stop.

His face looked heavenly and I wanted to be inside him so badly, I ached. Nothing could make me rush though and when he started begging for more, and so I gave him more. He took two fingers with a bit more difficulty.

His hole was tight. I knew why he had loved it. The feeling was incredible. When I started scissoring he really got into the mood. His moans and demands for more getting louder until he impaled himself on my fingers.

“Bad boy.” I scolded him and removed my fingers. He whimpered when I leaned over him and glared down. “This is me getting you ready now. You did the same to me yesterday. Now it's my turn. My torturing you.”

I'm turning into Noah. He's having a bad, or very good, effect on me. I guess it depends on who you ask. I say good, looking at him I think he would say bad. 

I kissed him and used three fingers this time. I kept the kiss going until both of us were breathless and it was a struggle to remember my fingers inside of him. Every time I hit his prostate he would moan and rut into me.

His response to me was beautiful and I took every chance I got, to find his prostate. My heart was racing as I waited for him to stretch enough. It took some time because he was really quite tight. Finally, comfortable I removed my fingers.

I slicked up my cock and eased it up to his hole. He moaned when I first penetrated him. The sound encouraging, so I let my cock go and laced our fingers. Our hands rested above his head and I kissed him again.

While we kissed I eased in. It was easy enough when he was responding as eagerly as he was. He gave me the confidence to take him without worry. All his little whimpers and moans were muffled by my mouth. I loved the sensation of his body around mine.

I love this feeling. It's so real. I love topping, but bottoming is definitely my thing. Topping is worth it to see his beautiful face when I'm making love to him.

“I love you.” I whispered and started thrusting slowly. I rocked back and forward gently. Making slow, long thrusts as I kissed him again, and again. Our breath mingled as we held on to each other. His legs wrapping around my waist.

It was painful to go slow, but it was also the most natural way of doing it. I made sure that I got his prostate with every thrust. He was screaming and begging me. It was all too much, I wanted to go faster, but I enjoyed torturing him too much.

We kept the slow and steady pace going until finally I felt my balls tighten and his body stiffened under mine. We came together in passion blurred haze. Our voices rose and when it was finally over I collapsed on top of him.

“That was amazing. So amazing, I can't believe we didn't do this sooner. God, I love you. I can see why you love being the bottom.” Noah groaned when I moved. I looked down at him and worried my lip.

Does he want to bottom all the time? Does he prefer it? I can top. I can if he likes bottoming. I mean it doesn't matter as long as we have sex with each other.

“Do you want to bottom the whole time?” I asked him quietly.

His eyes didn't meet mine when he answered. “Yeah, well I liked it...” I just looked down and told him “okay,” everything was not going how I had planned it at all. He stayed quiet and I sighed, it was stupid to worry over every little thing.

“If you prefer bottoming I can top. No worries!” My voice went up a few decibels which made him sit up, taking me with him. “Wait! You preferred bottoming?” His voice sounded tense.

“Well... Yeah. I mean I don't mind if I top, but would I prefer to bottom? Hell yeah. But I just want us to be happy. I thought you preferred bottoming.” I replied casually.

“Oh thank God! I thought you preferred topping,” He said and I looked at him. “Do you prefer topping?” I asked him and he nodded his reply. We smiled at each other, the relief must have been obvious on both of our faces, but it was better than us being tense the rest of the day.

“Well, that's a relief. I guess we were worried about nothing. I just want you to be happy, angel.” His soothing voice whispered into my ear. His warm breath breathed on my face and I sniffed, his scent filling my nostrils.

“I love you Noah. Never forget that, I don't know what I'd do if you ever forgot about me. You light up my life and give me a reason to live. I promise that I will do my best to make you happy for the rest of our life.” 

His face brightened instantly. He took both my hands in his and kissed the palms. “I could never forget you, angel. You are my forever and always. It's impossible to forget the person who completes you.”

“We're such saps. I don't know how we are, but we are. You are my everything too, my forever and always and my best friend and I love you more than life itself.” I kissed him and he returned the kiss, we kept it gentle.

Kisses like these make me feel even more special. They are so sweet, he is so sweet.

Eventually, we slumped against each other and fell asleep soon after. We had dodged a big bullet and I for one was glad we hadn't worried about it too much.

Mom was waiting for us when we walked in the front door. Her eyes widened when she saw us and she plastered a smirk on her face. To be fair to her, our necks must have been a pretty sight. I know, Noah had a lot of hickeys on his neck. 

“I was going to ask if you two had fun... I can see from your necks that the simple answer would be yes. Luke and Chris are in the living room. Join them when you boys freshen up. I'm going out tonight, the restaurant calls. I love you both.”

She kissed our foreheads before walking out the door. Noah and I looked at each other before going upstairs to shower. Noah and I washed each other, taking care to cherish the person we were with until the water started going cold.

“I love you, Jess. Remember that.” He kissed me before walking out of the bathroom. He had been trying to start again while we were in the shower, I just shoved him away. I didn't want daddy or Chris coming up to find us, you know.

Daddy and Chris were in the living room still when we went back down stairs. Daddy didn't look up, but he smirked into his beer. Chris met my eye and smiled, Noah blushed, but pulled me into his lap anyway.

“So, I can see you boys had fun last night.” Daddy finally said. His voice was teasing and strained, as if he was stifling a laugh.

“Of course we had fun. I always have fun when I'm with Jesse.” Noah replied evenly, which made daddy laugh out loud and fall back into the sofa. Chris looked down as if he found the floor was the most interesting thing in the world.

“What are we getting to eat?” I asked, not caring that everyone laughed, because I was hungry. It was me after all and I wanted to eat. Eating was something I did a lot of. “Come on guys. I need to eat. Jesse's need to eat!”

When they laughed I glared at them and tried to get off Noah. He was not happy about that and pulled me closer, growling as he did and making daddy and Chris laugh more. I wanted to stomp on them, but stopped myself because then, I wouldn't get to eat.

“Feed me!” I whined. “I want to be fed. I won't love any of you if you don't feed me.” I sounded like a child, but I honestly didn't care. I just wanted food. It was frustrating that no one wanted to feed me until I screamed.

I wonder if daddy went shopping. Mom went the last time... Sigh, if it was left to daddy I wont be eating any time soon. I'm really not loved.

“Why doesn't anybody love me?” I cried. “I just want to be loved.”

Daddy groaned and muttered something suspiciously like “you take a kid in, and this is what you get?” He knew I heard him too, he looked at me when I glared and pouted. Noah just growled at him and he relented and ordered pizza.

“Don't blame me. You chose to add me to the family, I've never hidden the fact I like to eat. So blame yourself if you want someone to blame, not me. I'm the innocent child here.” Noah and daddy scoffed at that.

“Okay, okay. Let's order pizza. I don't feel like cooking tonight.” Daddy's statement made Noah and me laugh. He just shot us a dirty glare and picked up the phone. Before he made the call he turned to Chris.

“Do you eat a lot Chris? I think Jesse has to get it from someone.” Daddy griped, Chris laughed and shook his head. Noah snorted and kissed my neck. Daddy rolled his eyes and slapped Noah on the back of the head.

“Ow. What the fuck was that?” Noah shouted. I kissed the back of his head gently and squeezed him. He kissed my mouth hard that left me feeling breathless. Daddy cleared his throat and rolled his eyes.

“Stop with the sexy stuff. You know you're not alone now. I know teenagers have bigger sex drives, but Christ almighty, we don't need to see it. Especially not on a guy's night, that's for date night.” Daddy scolded and I laughed.

Daddy made the call and Noah was making faces at him. Chris and I were smiling at each other and watching the change in faces. Noah was grinning like a loon and rolling his eyes when daddy turned back around.

“Yeah dad, cause you and mom never do this stuff.” Noah retorted. “It's not like I've seen you two doing freaky stuff together.” I hid my face in my hand and started giggling while Chris seemed to look away again.

Daddy smiled. “Yes, well we are adults. But I see your point. I just don't want any more priest around here. Your mom has been warned. Not that she'll listen, she never listens to me.” He grumbled.

“You married her dude. Don't blame me. Besides, you're just jealous that my sex life is better than yours now. My boyfriend isn't pregnant.” Noah was getting a rise out of daddy. Daddy just laughed it off though and shook his head.

“Yeah, well if he was pregnant there would be a problem somewhere. Besides it takes weeks to know, so it's still a possibility. But I don't want grandchildren yet, and if I've heard right, you two have been talking about it.” Noah gawked at daddy, who just smiled proudly at both of us. I smiled back and shoved Noah.

“Now, I'm afraid to ask this. But who's Kelly? Ricky called by earlier asking for Kelly.” Daddy winced when asking, I had a feeling he knew.

“Kelly's the killer carrot.” Noah answered without hesitation.  

Chris watched on in awe and I just smiled and giggled at the two of them. They were so alike that, they could fight like cat and dog. Although I could not deny that they loved each other as well. It showed when they were together.

“Kelly the killer carrot... I've heard it all now. Why was Ricky asking for her?” Daddy asked and Noah explained. “Well, he introduced us to Kelly, but we sort of murdered her. Well not really me, more Alex. But she's dead. He might have wanted to throw a funeral for her.”

Chris hunched over laughing. I did my best not to as well. It was hard considering the last time we had seen Kelly, Alex had almost died from laughter. Daddy looked bemused at Noah's answer and sighed. 

I snuggled back into Noah. Daddy and Chris went out to get the pizza. It was a guy's night all the way. Pizza, bear a game and action movies. Not really my thing, but it was time spent with the guys in my life.

When Noah, daddy and Chris got into the game I started an internet dating profile for Chris. I started off by searching the profiles already available, but most of those guys were drunks or pimps. So I gave up the struggle and set up one for him.

I might have lied a bit and there was no way I was going to tell anyone, until he got a guy. But it was fun to try and help him with his non existent love life. Chris looked at me a few times and I swore he knew what I was up to.

“Everything okay Jesse?” Daddy asked when I had gotten really quiet. That was a question I was asked a lot when I went quiet. We found out I was actually quite a talkative person when I was comfortable with people.

“Fine daddy, just tired. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.” I smirked when he blushed and turned around. “All right then. Sorry I asked. Please, please don't go into details. I am not your mother, I don't want to know the details.”

This is the life. With my sex God boyfriend and my dad's.

Noah and I snuggled together on the sofa until Chris left. He waved goodbye to us and gave me a hug and walked out. Noah kissed the top of my head and looked to daddy. Daddy went up to bed and we followed not long after.

I settled into his arms that night. Warm and comforted by his embrace. It was strange to sleep with him after the night before. But it was also so natural. I slept with a goofy grin on my face and I'm pretty sure Noah did too.

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