Voltron Legendary Defender A...

By DragonHeart416

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Growing up in the Galra Empire, I have no clue about my past nor how I ended in such a life of pain and tortu... More

Life in Prison
Pain or Death?
The Strange of Change
Nothing Makes Sense!
Earth and Humans
The Rise of Voltron
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
The Fall of the Castle of Lions
Tears Of The Balmera
Taking Flight
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
Across the Universe

Return To The Balmera

33 1 0
By DragonHeart416

After our encounter with the rebels on the desolate moon and getting my new armor, we continue to set course to our first mission, freeing the Balmera from the Galra.

"We'll be arriving at the Balmera soon." Allura says, "Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy."

"So, what's the plan? We go in there and just-- Pow, pow, pow! --And free the prisoners?" Lance asks, imitating lasers.

"What was that noise?" Keith asks.

"Laser guns."

"No, Lance, I think you mean-- Pow, pow, pow! POW!" Hunk holds his arms out and makes his own laser noises.

"That sounds like fireworks." Lance points out.

"Technically, they're more like-- ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!" Pidge chimes in.

"Okay, enough with the bad sound effects." Shiro says. I can understand why he interrupted their little fun banter. It's not very warrior-like if everyone is constantly--

"...Besides, it's more like-- blam, blam, blam!"

Never mind.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"What?" Keith follows.

"You're crazy." Pidge says.

"No way." Lance retorts.

"Wrong." Hunk adds.

"Paladins, focus!" Allura says, getting us back on track.

"Besides, we can't just shoot at the Galra." Hunk points out, "This Balmera, it's, like, alive. And from what we've seen, it doesn't look very good."

We look at the bio scan of the Balmera on the screen and see its heat signatures. It's not looking very healthy, who knows how much longer it will remain alive and stable.

I've heard of Balmeras during my time in prison, and I've learned that the Galra collected their crystals from these creatures. I've always found it extraordinary that there are living planet-like creatures that create the very resources needed to power ships and machines. But now I know that the Galra have been causing harm to these beasts, despite the benefits they provide for them.

"Yes, it's an atrocity what the Galra have been doing to this grand beast." Coran says, pulling up an image of the damage the Galra have done on the Balmera's surface, "Stealing its Crystals, its very life force, without ever performing the energy rejuvenation ceremonies to heal it."

"After seeing Shay's people enslaved, it made me realize how bad Zarkon really is. And we're the only ones who can stop him." Hunk says sadly.

"Okay, so we can't go into the tunnels guns blazing." Shiro says, "Plan B. We figure out how to draw the Galra up to the surface and battle them out there."

I take the moment to think. The Galra will definitely start attacking when the Lions appear, but we'll need something more to get them to come at us.

I perk up, "Wait a tick. If they're mining for crystals, then the Galra should have mining equipment. If we attack those on the surface, the Galra will have to defend them."

"Yeah, that's right. And when they come up, we beat them up, head down to the tunnels, Voltron saves the day." Hunk finishes.

"But how will we know how many are left down in the tunnels?" Keith asks.

"We can track the Galra and the Balmerans using Biothermal Life Indicator Point Technology." Allura says, creating a holographic image of the technology.

"Oh, BLIP Tech!" Pidge says, adjusting her lenses. Allura looks at Pidge confused.

"It's an acronym." Pidge clarifies. Allura continues.

"One of you will need to fly around the Balmera and drop sensors into the shafts on each side. Then we'll be able to see where the Galra and the Balmerans are. There are already sensors built into your suits."

"I can do it." Pidge volunteers, "I just modified the Green Lion with the invisible maze's cloaking ability. I should be able to fly around unnoticed."

Coran pulls up a visual from below, revealing a large generator on the Balmera's surface.

"That's their main power generator." He says, "If you take that down, it will severely weaken their defenses."

"We'll stay in cloud cover and give tactical support." Allura says, "With the Castle's defenses weakened from Sendak's Crystal, we won't be of much help to you."

"I'll take out the power generator. Keith, Lance, Hunk, you take out these big mining rigs around the area." Shiro says before turning to me.

"Kayleigha, you'll ride with me. You can back us up when we reach the tunnels. You think you're up for it?"

I nod in determination, "I'm more than prepared for the fight ahead."

"Yeah! Okay, let's do this! Let's go kick some alien butt!" Hunk shouts excitedly.

While the Paladins suit up and make their way to their Lions, I put on my armor and rush to the Black Lion's hanger. When I get there, the Lion is just preparing for launch.

"Hey, Shiro, I'm here!" I shout.

The Black Lion turns its gaze toward me and lowers its head to the ground, opening its mouth to allow me to enter.

"So, you've got armor now?" Shiro asks as I enter the cockpit.

"Yep. Allura and Coran gave it to me shortly after the rebel incident. Should make things a lot easier for this mission." I say before grabbing onto the back of his seat, "So, are we ready?"

Shiro responds silently by gripping the handles. We both watch the tunnel in front of us light the way out.

"You think the Balmerans will have a parade for us after we've freed everybody?" Lance asks, his face appearing on the dashboard. Keith then appears as well.

"It's not about the glory, Lance. It's about freeing prisoners from Zarkon." he says.

"No, I know. I know. But still. When they--" Lance is suddenly cut off by his Lion launching outside.

The Lions fly out into space and towards the Balmera. We break through its atmosphere and head for the surface. As soon as we get close, the Galra defenses come online and start firing at us as expected.

"This is it. Get your heads in the game." Shiro says, dodging the lasers, "Remember, the Balmera is a living creature. Make sure you pinpoint only the Galra installations and not its surface."

The Lions split up to complete their different missions, Black heading to the generator, Blue, Red, and Yellow are already attacking the Galra arsenal, and Green breaks off from the battle to drop the sensors.

"Initiating cloak." Pidge says. She activates the cloak and the Green Lion turns invisible.

Shiro hovers the Black Lion as we analyze the generator.

"How do I take this thing down?" Shiro asks, "Do you know any weak points I can hit?"

"I'm not an expert on schematics, but I think taking out those energy spires on the generator is the best target." I suggest.

Before he can ask any more questions, an image on the screen appears.

"What's that?" Shiro asks, "Jaw blade? Okay! Let's do this!"

The Black Lion thrusts forward as a purple double-edged blade appears in the Lion's jaws. I watch with amazement as Shiro flies us toward the generator, the blade slices through the energy spires as we fly by them with ease.

In an instant, the side that was damaged on the generator explodes, engulfing it in flames.

"Yeah! Nice one, Shiro!" I praise.

"All sensors delivered!" Pidge informs us.

"Whoa! Did you guys just see that? I got fire power!" Keith exclaims excitedly.

I look toward the others and see a large hole melted through the tallest cannon pillar.

"Hey! I want that!" Lance pouts.

"Oh, no!"

The cannon suddenly breaks and begins the fall. Hunk quickly flies the Yellow Lion under the cannon to keep it from crashing on the Balmera.

"Hey, we can't let this thing hurt the Balmera!" Hunk says as he struggles to hold the cannon in place.

"I think my Lion knows what to do!" Lance says flying his lion towards the cannon. The Blue Lion fires a blue beam at the pillar. As soon as the light touches the cannon, ice grows all over the weapon, freezing it in place.

"Aw, snap! These rays are super cool, just like me!" Lance says.

We gather on top of the now-frozen cannon.

"Great job, team!" Shiro praises.

We wait for the Galra troops to come out and attack, but nothing comes from the tunnels.

"Where are all the troops? They're not coming to the surface." Keith says.

"Yeah, I remember seeing a lot of Galra guys down in the mines." Hunk recalls.

"This doesn't feel right." I say.

"We've located a hangar full of Galra fighters just below the surface." Allura informs us, "Someone has to take those out before they can launch."

"They're luring us down, but we have no choice." Shiro says, "Keith, Lance, you guys hit the hangar. Hunk, head to the prison to rescue Shay and the other Balmerans. Pidge, Kayleigha, and I will track down the Galra soldiers."

"Yes, sir."


"On it."

"Let's do this!"

The Lions split to complete their tasks, flying down into the mines to free the Balmera.

The Black Lion lands in one of the shafts.

"All right, Kayleigha. Let's head out." Shiro says.

I nod and rush out of the cockpit. At the Lion's mouth, I fly out when it opens and hover in front of it, waiting for Shiro to follow. He comes out in his black speeder and heads for the tunnels with me right behind.

I glance back at the Black Lion, its particle barrier goes up as soon as we leave.

The tunnel is dark and kind of narrow, but it's wide enough for me to stretch my wings. I make sure to stay on Shiro's tail when up ahead, we see that the tunnel divides into two different directions.

"Kayleigha, you go down the tunnel on the left. I'll go to the right." Shiro says.

"Copy." I reply. We separate into our tunnels as he said.

I glide swiftly and smoothly through the tunnel while keeping my guard up for any Galra. So far, I haven't found anything. The tunnel is almost dark and it might just be me, but I think the space around me is gradually getting smaller. I believe I'll have to move on foot sooner or later.

After a few minutes of a silent flight in the mines, Allura speaks on the comms.

"Kayleigha, be on alert. There are Galra soldiers further down the tunnel you're heading. It looks like they're holding Balmerans hostage."

"How many soldiers are there?" I ask.

"Not many. Only three. But still, be careful when you approach them. And make sure to get the Balmerans to safety."

"Thanks, Princess. I'll do whatever I can to help them."

I flap faster to pick up speed, heading deeper into the tunnel. It's pretty dark, but thankfully, the visor on my helmet helps map out where I'm going.

Just before I can make a sharp right turn, I land and carefully peek around the corner. I see a small group of Galra sentries guarding Balmerans as they walk down the tunnel, away from my current position. There are only three drones, just like Allura said.

Blasting them with my fire should be easy, but I know that I would risk hitting the Balmerans and hurting the Balmera in the process. I need to think this through carefully, but quickly before they are out of range. Then I remember my new weapon, the blade that's attached to my tail.

I might have an idea, but I'm gonna need to get closer.

I carefully step around the corner without making any noise. I walk towards the Galra with their backs facing me, crouching down as I walk towards them, my tail-blade appearing when I get closer.

When I get close enough to the first drone in the back of the group, I stab my blade straight into the robot's back, immediately making it inactive. The noise from my attack alerts the other two sentries and the Balmerans. I leap at the robot on my right, while avoiding hitting the Balmerans as they move away from the fight. I pounce on the sentry and bash it with my talons, damaging it more than the first one. I look at the last sentry with a growl, at the same time the drone aims its blaster at me, ready to fire. I act quickly and swipe my tail-blade at the drone, slicing its arms off. With the blaster on the ground, I slash my talons at the sentry's head, causing it to hit the ground hard.

I exhale as I see sparks come off the drones, "That felt good."

I feel eyes on me and turn to see the Balmerans I just rescued staring at me. I smile at them reassuringly.

"It's okay. I'm a friend, and I'm with Voltron. You're safe now."

"Paladins, are you there?" Allura says, turning my attention from the Balmerans, "The Galra troops are moving down the tunnels. It looks like they're going down toward the center."

"They must be headed to the core of the Balmera. That's where they're holding Shay." Hunk informs us.

"They're drawing us into an ambush, but we don't have a choice if we want to save Shay. We have to follow." Shiro says, "Lance, Keith, get to the core. I think we're going to need everyone together to get through this firefight."

"Copy that. We're on our way." Lance replies.

Before I leave, I turn back to the Balmerans to tell them to go find someplace safe. Even though they barely know me, they listen and make their leave.

After briefly looking at the map of the tunnels, I make my way down to the core of the Balmera. I start by flying, until the tunnel becomes narrow enough that I can't keep my wings open, so I continue on foot.

As I stride further down, I suddenly freeze. I skid to a halt as I feel pain course through my body and a loud pain-filled moan erupts in my head. My heartbeat quickens and my breathing turns into gasps.

Just as it came, the pain stops. I breathe deeply until my heartbeat steadies. Thank goodness that was only brief. But it was also strange how I was able to feel this pain, even when it wasn't my own.

"Hey, team, be careful. The Balmera is very unstable." Pidge informs us, snapping me back into reality.

I continue heading to the core without any further delay, though I still hear the sounds from earlier ringing in my ears. I try to ignore the strange moans and focus on the mission.

I see an opening ahead of the tunnel and pick up speed. I growl as I mentally prepare myself for the upcoming fight ahead.

With a snarl, I leap into the chamber and get into my battle stance. But I cease when there is no Galra to fight. The only people here are Hunk and Shay.

That's strange. There's no danger of the Galra here.

"Where are the Galra?" Shiro's voice asks from another entrance to the core, "If this is an ambush, they should be here waiting for us."

As everyone else enters the cave, the doors suddenly close behind us. I growl as I try clawing at the door I just came through to open it, but it's no use. We're locked in.

"Not an ambush. More like a trap." Hunk says.

"Whatever it is, keep your guard up." Keith says. We gather next to the core with Hunk and Shay.

"The Galra, they gained knowledge that you would return to the Balmera." Shay explains.

"How?" Pidge asks.

"I know not. But they set this trap just for you. I was the bait."

"Who could have possibly known that we were heading here to save Shay?" Shiro wonders out loud.

An answer pops in my head.

"Rolo!" Hunk and I say.

"Those liars must have told Zarkon." He says angrily.

"They did. They informed the Galra we were nearby when I was captured." I add, "But that doesn't matter at the moment."

"We have to figure out how to get out of here." Shiro says, looking around.

"Wait! We have a giant Castleship hovering in the sky." Lance says, "Allura, can you please come get us?"

"How do you expect her to do that, genius?" Keith sarcastically asks.

"I don't know, maybe they got teleporters or something."

"We're quite occupied at the moment." Allura says, grunting, "We're completely surrounded by Galra ships and we're taking heavy fire! Paladins, you need to get out of there as soon as you can!"

Lance slumps back, tears forming in his eyes as he cries dramatically.

"This is it! We're going to die in here. I can say bye-bye to that parade."

Everyone looks at him unimpressed.

"Get it together, guys." Shiro says, "Allura, we'll get there as soon as we can."

"Perhaps my people can help us get out." Shay says.

She goes to the core and gently places her hand on it.

"This is how we communicate. The Balmera senses the vibrations and sends a message to those in the tunnels."

"Are you sure someone will be able to hear your... hand from all the way down here?" Keith asks.

"The Balmera will deliver the message." Shay assures. She closes her eyes and focuses on her message.

Light appears where Shay's hand is, the Balmera moans, and my heart slows just a little bit.

I feel light as I listen to the Balmera's moans as it sends Shay's message. The sounds become louder to me.

This feeling is strange but also calming. I don't know exactly how or why this is happening or what could be causing it.

"Paladins, the Lions are in danger! You must get back to them immediately!" Allura shouts, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Paladins, do you copy? There's a battle cruiser locked onto us. If it fires with its ion cannon, I don't know if we can survive."

"We're trying, Allura." Lance replies, "Shay's pressing her hand against the wall, which apparently sends vibrations to the other rock people, who vibrate back or something? Hand talking? I guess the answer to your question is, 'Yes, we copy.'"

"Shay, are you sure the Balmera is sending your message?" Shiro asks.

Shay doesn't respond, she only focuses harder.

Suddenly, there is a loud crash in the cave and one of the doors is crushed by the Balmera's walls.

When the dust cloud clears, a group of Balmerans are standing at the opening.

"Rax!" Shay says happily.

"We must make haste. We know a shortcut through the tunnels." Rax says.

"Allura, stand by. We're on our way up." Shiro informs the princess.

We run up the stairs and through the tunnels, heading back to the Paladins' speeders.

"Kayleigha, stay down here with the Balmerans." Shiro orders, "They'll need someone to defend them in case the Galra head back into the tunnels."

"Understood." I nod.

I slow my pace and let the others run ahead. They get to the speeders and race to their lions. I stay behind as ordered and remain with Shay and her family.

"Paladins, hurry! They're taking off with the Lions!" Allura exclaims.

I hear Shiro yelling through my communicator, following him are the Lions' roars which echo in the tunnels. Knowing that the Paladins made it in time, I sigh in relief.

"Guys, did everyone make it to the Lions in time?" Shiro asks.

"Come on, Shiro." Lance says, "Who do you think you're dealing with, a bunch of amateurs?"

Lance suddenly yelps and I flinch at a crashing sound from the comms.

"Do you really want me to answer that?"


I can hear the Paladins fighting the Galra, but I focus on staying with the Balmerans as we head further up the tunnels. We are almost to the opening of the mines when Allura suddenly shouts, grabbing back my attention.

"Paladins, I need you immediately! Five more ticks and we're finished!"

Shiro gives the command to form Voltron. Everything is quiet for a couple of ticks, before the Paladins let out their battle cries.

After they stop, Allura gives the order to fire weapons at the Galra.

I, along with Shay and Rax, reach a large opening, light from the sky illuminating above us. We look up and watch as a blue light streaks across the sky. The laser beam from the Castle of Lions makes its mark on the cruiser.

Bright lights erupt in the sky and a huge explosion destroys the entire Galra fleet.

The Galra are defeated again. The Balmera is free.

I hear the Paladins cheering at their victory. I smile as I flap my wings excitedly and spin in the air.

"They did it!" I cheer, touching the ground.

"Mission accomplished." Keith says.

"And just in the tick of time. The Castle's defenses are battered and will need to fully recharge." Allura says.

Suddenly, an alarm goes off from the Castle.

"There's an unknown object incoming! It's about to crash into the Balmera!" Coran shouts.

As the Altean said, something crashes into the Balmera's surface. The impact from it causes the area to shake, I can feel it vibrating the ground from down here.

"Paladins, what's up there?" I ask in worry.

"What the heck is that?" Lance asks.

A small chill crawls up my dorsal fin when I worry about what just arrived on the Balmera. My fears grow even more when I hear the tone in Shiro's voice as he answers.


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