Fell In Love With A Star | Ch...

By marvel_doll

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When you star in a movie named 'Drunk Kisses' amongst the famous actor Robert Downey Jr., the media goes craz... More

Chapter 1: 'Chris Evans here'
Chapter 2: 'Aha! Got it!'
Chapter 3: 'In the Italian restaurant'
Chapter 4: 'Where do you think you're going?'
Chapter 5: 'Who the hell is this guy you're seeing?'
Chapter 6: 'Who is your celebrity crush?'
Chapter 7: 'You look like you haven't slept in days'
Chapter 9: 'Get the fuck away!'
Chapter 10: 'Now why don't I help you relax a little bit?'
Chapter 11: 'So, what's new in your life?'
Chapter 12: 'You are not going anywhere right now but down on me.'
Chapter 13: 'You can't imagine how happy I am to hear from you. I love you.'
Chapter 14: 'Come here and I'll show you how handsome I am.'
Chapter 15: 'Anxiety buddies'
Chapter 16: 'I am a jealous man. I told you that.'
Chapter 17: 'You! You did this!'
Chapter 18: 'Could I get your number?'
Chapter 19: 'I have something to say.'
Chapter 20: 'Damn! I forgot my line!'

Chapter 8: 'Don't fucking touch her!'

398 9 43
By marvel_doll

Warnings: teasing, cursing, discomfort

Chris and I read trough the script a couple of times before getting ready for our date.

He said fancy so he'll probably go in a suit himself. I want to match it a little but he won't let me see his outfit.

"Chris c'mon! Just let me see it." I whine against the locked bathroom door.

"No, you can see it when we're ready to go. Now go change." He replies calmly.

I give up and go into my wardrobe. I am going with a dress but I don't know which one.

I finally decide on a brown short dress that hugs my curves perfectly and isn't too tight. I put my makeup on a take a brown bag to go with it.

When I tell Chris I'm done he finally comes out of the bathroom and shows me his outfit.

"I had a better dress to match with that!" I whine.

"You look beautiful doll." He assures me. I smile at the new nickname.

"Doll?" I repeat. He pulls me closer and holds my waist with both his hands. Our mouths are only a few inches away from each other.

"Yes." He then kisses me. "We should go, Chris." I remind him after we pulled out.

"Yes, let's go." He takes my hand and leads us out of the apartment. I lock up and we leave.

In the car he can't stop touching me. He keeps his hand steady on my thigh the whole car ride.

In return I have my hand in his hair and I scratch his scalp gently. We arrive at a fancy restaurant.

At the entrance a pretty male host welcomes us.

"We have a reservation under the name of Evans." Chris says and the male checks it.

"Ah yes, follow me." He leads us to a table with a pretty rose in a little vase in the middle. There's a lit up candle and a bottle of champagne stuffed into a bucket filled with ice cubes.

Chris pulls out my chair for me and I sit down. He then sits down across from me.

A younger waiter then opens the bottle of champagne and pours us some.

"What are we celebrating?" I ask. "That a beautiful woman agreed to go on a date with me."

We clink glasses and both take a sip. A waitress comes up with the menus and explains the daily specials to us.

"Thank you." I say before she walks off. "I'm not interested in the specials to be honest." I admit.

"Me neither. They have a really wide selection." He comments. And I agree.

"Do you want a starter?" He asks and I shake my head. "Not really, I'm kind of hungry." He agrees.

After a few minutes of silence since we're both looking on what to eat, Chris speaks.

"I'm having the steak, medium cooked." He informs me. "Good choice. The steak must be good here but I'm going for a chicken salad." I inform him.

"Ah yes, also a great choice." We close our menus and soon enough a waiter comes up to us.

"Have you decided on a drink? Or maybe the food even?" He asks us.

"We've decided on both. For me a chicken salad and a sex on the beach cocktail please." I say and he writes it down.

"Okay. And for you sir?"

"For me Bud Light beer and a steak, medium cooked." He orders. "I got that, it's coming right up."

"I pictured you as a wine and cocktail guy if I'm being honest." I laugh. "I am, just not right now."

"One of us has to drive after." I remind him.

"That'll be alright. I'm not drunk after one beer." He assures me. "Mhm" I tease.

"So.. we've been seeing each other for a little while now, I finally got you to agree on a date.. we've been together almost every day for a week now.. I'm just curious how you see us?"

"I know we've been very close this week and the media already thinks we're dating but I'm doubting.. because we have to play in the movie together soon enough and I think it'll be harder for us to work together like that. That doesn't take away that I like you though." I explain.

"I get it, it might be harder. But it could also be more fun and easier. I'm sure we will have to kiss in the movie and that way it'll look more real." He says.

"True, it's a tough decision." The waiter comes up to us with our drinks.

"Can I try your beer?" I ask. "You like beer?"

"Sometimes I feel like drinking a beer, yes." I reply.

"Here, have a sip. Can I try your cocktail then?" I nod and hand him my cocktail.

"Ooh this beer is nice." I say, setting it on his side of the table. "This cocktail is way too sweet." I laugh at his face. He then gives it back.

"I have an idea. We keep seeing each other, you go on more dates with me, we won't get into a relationship until after the movie." Chris suggests.

"Okay." I bite my lip while staring into his eyes. "Don't do that, y/n." He threatens.

"Why not?" I ask, as if I don't know. "You know exactly why." He glares at me.

"Do I now?" I smirk. "Yes you do." He bites his lip now too. "Don't do that, Chris." I imitate him.

He laughs. "I see how it is."

A waitress comes up with a plate and a big bowl.

"Thank you." We both say after she set everything down in front of us.

"The steak looks amazing." I comment. "Your salad bowl is very big, do you think you can eat all of it?"

"I don't know. Do you want to try it?" I ask and he nods. I put my fork into the salad and shove everything on it. I then feed it to him.

"Mmh it's delicious." He then gives me a bite of his steak. "Mmh delicious."

We then eat of our own plates. After a few bites I stare at Chris. He takes another bite of his steak and then looks at me and sighs.

"Switch?" I nod eagerly and we switch plates so I have his steak and he has my chicken salad.

"You left me 3 chicken pieces!" He whines. "I'm sorry, the chicken was the good part of it."

I eat his steak and he eats my salad. When we're done we get the menus back for desert after they cleaned up our table.

"Do you want a refill on our drinks?" I ask. "No. I have to drive, remember?" I laugh. "Ah yes, sorry."

"You can have a refill though." "No I don't want a refill then. Let's look at desert." He doesn't try to argue and just goes to look at the menu.

"I'm having tiramisu." I tell Chris. "Good choice, I'm totally agreeing with you on that one." He decides.

I wave at one of the waiters and the young waiter who poured us champagne walks up.

"Good evening, how may I help you?"

"We would like to order dessert." I state. He grabs his phone and gets ready for our order. "What may it be for u?" He asks.

"We would like the tiramisu twice." He types it into the phone and then grabs our menus.

"That will be right up. Would u like another drink? " We both tell him 'no thank you' and he then walks off.

Chris is staring into nowhere intensely, licking his lips and playing with his beard.

I feel wetness form between my legs the longer I watch him. He suddenly snaps out of his thoughts and I quickly look somewhere else.

"What were you looking at?" He smirks, knowing exactly at what I was looking.

"Nothing, I was just thinking." He looks right trough me, I can feel it. "Mmh and what was that pretty head of yours thinking about?" He teases.

I cough so I have more time to think. "Just work, that's all."

"Mmh" He stares right into my soul with his baby blue eyes. "Are you sure you weren't thinking about anything else?"

"Mhm" I smile at him. "Okay." He growls. He keeps staring at me, waiting for me to give him the answer he's looking for.

The waiter comes up and puts the tiramisus on the table. We both take a bite.

"Mm nice." We both say. We then lock arms and feed ourselves while being locked in. We laugh while doing so since it's not really working.

"Okay I give up, the spoon isn't getting anywhere near my mouth." He laughs.

"I was going good, I almost had it in." He brags as a joke.

"Mhm ofcourse you were going so great." I say sarcastically, also joking.

We eat further and when we're done we get into an argument about who's paying.

"I'm definitely paying, no discussion." He states. "No I want to pay or we split."

"No it's my job, as the man, to pay." He says, his tone actually not leaving any room for discussion but I still go against him.

"Then just split!" I say. "No. Don't cause a scene and just let me pay." He demands.

The waiter comes back with the ATM and Chris puts his card on it. "Thank you and have a nice evening." The waiter says, smiling at us.

"Thank you, have a nice evening also." We say before getting our coats and walking to the door. Chris holds the door open for me and we then get into the car.

He touches my thigh again but keeps getting closer to my womanhood by the minute, teasing me.

I then decide to tease him also so I put my hand on his thigh, very close to his manhood.

He tries to ignore it and keep his eyes on the road but grabs my hand softly and puts it on my own thigh when I try to go further.

He then puts his hand on my thigh again and is fully focused on the road. I bite my lip at the sight of his side-profile.

When he moves closer I can't help but let out a breath that sounds like a soft moan.

Not a second later, he pulls over and grabs my wrist. Not harsh, but tight enough to let me flinch.

"Stop it, okay?" I look into his baby blue eyes that are now filled with lust. I then bite my lip again.

"Stop that. Just stop it. Wait until we get home. Let me focus on the road okay?" He asks, his tone sounding more demanding.

"Okay." I whisper. He then lets go of my wrist and gets back on the road.

He puts his hand back on my thigh, now further away from my womanhood.

I bite my lip again, this time because I'm somewhat anxious. The rest of the car ride is somewhat quiet but it's not akward.

When we get home I open the door but Chris runs around the car, closes the door and then reopens it.

He offers me his hand and I take it. We go inside of the apartment and Ruby jumps up to me.

"Yes yes, we're going for a walk." I tell her and grab her leash. "Are you seriously going on a walk right now?" Chris asks, almost as if he's annoyed.

"Yes, she needs her walk. Where's Dodger?"

"At my parents'." He answers me. "I don't really have anyone I can drop her off to so I have to walk her."

"Can I come with then at least?" I nod. "Ofcourse."

He gets up and we leave the apartment, still fully dressed. On the walk we talk some more, holding hands. We have a laugh and talk a lot.

Then it happens, the paparazzi shows up.

"Oh no." I warn Chris, he's also seen them.

"Are you together?" They shout as they put their camera very close to my face, almost in it.

"Hey hey don't do that man." Chris says, putting the camera away with his hand.

One of them tries to grab me but Chris sees it before he can and puts his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch her!" He warns.

He stands in front of me, in full protection mode.

They keep flashing their lights in our faces. I don't have sunglasses with me so I just put my hand above my eyes for a little coverage.

"Why are you dressed up?!" One shouts. "Are you guys in a relationship?!" The second shouts.

"We're not answering anything, just leave us alone." Chris warns.

They mostly try to take pictures of me because that probably pays more but Chris' muscled and tall figure keeps them from it.

Ruby is normally not bothered by the paparazzi but when one of them stands on her paw she starts barking, very loudly. She jumps up to the paparazzi, not happy jumps, angry jumps.

"Ruby, calm down." I hold her back by her leash. She keeps aggressively barking, it works. The paparazzi backs off.

Her leash is wrapped around Chris a little, probably because they didn't give her any space by coming so close.

"Ruby! Come on, sit down." She turns around to look at me and starts whining.

She doesn't like when I use my angry tone because she now thinks she's done something wrong.

I give her ear scratches and that makes everything okay for her, she stops whining.

"God they're so annoying." Chris says, frustrated getting his hand trough his hair. He's anxious.

I unwrap the leash around him and then get Ruby to walk with me.

"Chris, c'mon. Let's go home." I say, grabbing his hand. "Yes, let's go." He exhales loudly.

We get home and I put Ruby in her bench, freshen her water and give her a snack. It was tough for her too. Chris sits down on the couch.

I sigh, pouring myself some wine. "Would you like some wine?" I ask but he just stares into nothing and shakes his head. I hate seeing him stressed.

When I sit down on the couch also, he puts his hand on my thigh again. I take a sip of my wine and then shuffle up close to him.

I put my head on his shoulder. He pets my hair, still staring. After a minute he stops staring and pulls me onto his lap.

The rest of the night we just make out and talk about the bad experience.
A/N: sorry for the long wait, I hope you enjoyed!

About the teasing that could've let to smut, I'm not sure what to do. I don't know if I can write smut (if I'm comfortable to actually write it) but I also don't want readers to stop reading because there's no smut in the book. Any advice?

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