Coming Back To You | JENSOO [...

By jensooau

43.2K 2K 397

Kim Jisoo ran off from her family and her lover Jennie Kim. Jennie did everything to find Jisoo and to make h... More

Chapter One: The Unexpected
Chapter Two: Overdue ConversationπŸ”ž
Chapter Three: Coming Home
Chapter Four: Before I Left
Chapter Five: Putting It All Out There
Chapter Six: Secrets
Chapter Seven: Propositions and Requests
Chapter Eight: Quality TimeπŸ”ž
Chapter Nine: Fun Times
Chapter Ten: Date NightπŸ”ž
Chapter Eleven: Fights, Admissions, and Searching for A.L.I.E.
Chapter Twelve: The Sunshine State
Chapter Thirteen: Under The FireworksπŸ”ž
Chapter Fourteen: What is A.L.I.E.?πŸ”ž
Chapter Fifteen: Smut with FeelingsπŸ”ž
Chapter Seventeen: Moving Day IπŸ”ž
Chapter Eighteen: Moving Day II
Chapter Nineteen: Explanations and Baseball GamesπŸ”ž
Chapter Twenty: Happy Birthday, Jennie!πŸ”ž
Chapter Twenty-One: Yoshi and Lia
Chapter Twenty-Two: Expanding The FamilyπŸ”ž
Chapter Twenty-Three: Sibling Squabbles and FluffπŸ”ž
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Unwelcome GuestπŸ”ž
Chapter Twenty-Five: Just Fluff
Chapter Twenty-Six: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Welcome to the Family
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Day To Remember
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Beautiful FamilyπŸ”ž

Chapter Sixteen: The Ultrasound

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By jensooau

Jisoo was sore as hell this morning, and the run did nothing to improve her exhaustion. Jennie's hormones over the last three weeks kept her busy and she wasn't sure how she was going to make it at this rate.

Pouring herself an unusually large coffee, Jisoo leaned over the papers sprawled in front of her. She stared at the words trying to make sense of the mess that seemed to never end.

Over the last few weeks, Jisoo spent three evenings a week having dinner with Chaeyoung trying to reconnect. The last time she was there, Chaeyoung had exploded in frustration. She wasn't violent, her voice just raised as she yelled out her irritation at not understanding anything. Jisoo had been grateful Lisa missed dinner because when Chaeyoung dissolved into frustrated tears, she finally felt like she had her sister back. It was a special moment the two girls needed, and they spent the rest of the night in each other's arms as their bond began to restore, and Jisoo felt her heart healing.

Jisoo understood Chaeyoung's frustration at not understanding anything, she could feel it herself when trying to figure out what Tiffany wanted with Jennie. Her eyes scanned the new information that Donghyuk provided her with as she drank from her mug.

"Find anything?" Jennie's sultry voice pulled her from her thoughts.

"Nothing that makes sense," Jisoo responded repositioning herself so the other girl could sit in her lap.

"You're up too early, you're exhausted." Jennie cuddled into her body wrapping her arms tightly around Jisoo's neck.

"Who's fault is that?" Jisoo chuckled kissing Jennie gently.

"I won't apologize for needing you, last time was hell."

"How'd you deal with it?"

"When I wasn't crying, I was masturbating." Jisoo smiled softly at the girl's words.

"I'm sorry, love," Jisoo kissed Jennie again. The kiss intensified, and Jisoo barely managed to pull away for air. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"I missed you," Jennie smiled kissing Jisoo again. "Also, the realtor called and we got the house."

Jisoo smiled as the girl's words sunk in. "We got the house?" Excitement coursed through her as she set Jennie on the table in front of her. Jennie nodded as Jisoo's hands ran up and down her thighs, kissing her hard.

"Not in the kitchen," Lisa grumbled interrupting them.

"We weren't doing anything, just a mini celebration laced with promises for later." Jennie smiled kissing Jisoo firmly.

They heard the familiar shuffling of tiny feet as Jisu walked into the kitchen. Jisoo felt arms wrap around her thigh and bent over to pick up the little boy.

"Good thing I interrupted or he would be scarred," Lisa chuckled snagging Jisoo's coffee.

Jisoo would have smacked Lisa's hand if she would have been anyone else. Over the last few months, the two girls had become more sisters than friends, and although the action wasn't to inflict pain, she knew it may trigger the girl. She could see the mischievous glint in the other girl's eyes and knew that Lisa was taking advantage, but couldn't find it in her to care.

"We have an appointment today, my Dad is going to pick up Jisu in two hours," Jennie said sliding off the table.

"Surfing lessons?" Jisu asked from his spot on Jisoo's neck. Jisoo laughed at the groan that emanated from Jennie.

"Not today, baby boy," Jisoo kissed his forehead and set him down so she could clean up her mess. "I think you're going to the aquarium today."

Jisu nodded his head and attached himself to Jisoo's leg unhappy at being set down. Jisoo rushed to clean up and put away the paperwork so she could pick him back up. This was her favorite part of the day; much like Jennie, Jisu would snuggle into her for 30 minutes every morning as he attempted to wake up.

Picking the young boy back up, Jisoo watched Jennie and Lisa cook breakfast.

"What kind of appointment do you have?" Lisa asked Jennie.

"Just a check-up," Jisoo watched Jennie avoiding Lisa's eyes.

"With the noises, I constantly hear coming from your room, you should also get a pregnancy test," Lisa spoke pouring juice into four glasses. With her back turned, she missed the shared grin between Jisoo and Jennie.

"Let's worry about my niece that Wendy will be pushing out first," Jisoo said. "Baby boy, you're getting a baby cousin soon. Are you excited?"

Jisu nodded and launched into everything he wanted to do with the baby. Jisoo laughed, happily avoiding Lisa's comment for now.


The office was cozy and Jennie felt content. Jisoo sat beside her holding her hand as they waited for the doctor to enter the room.

"I'm so excited, do you think we will hear the heartbeat today?" Jisoo grinned up at her.

"Maybe, I was a little further along when I went to the doctor for the first time with Jisu." Jennie bent over and kissed Jisoo before a pout could be formed on her girlfriend's lips. She knew how much Jisoo hated not being there for Jisu, but this time would be different and this was the baby she wanted to focus on.

A knock sounded on the door, and both girls called out for the doctor to enter. A tall redhead entered with a bright smile. Doctor Park was the best in her field and delivered Jisu. Jennie was excited to see her and the two caught up briefly before getting back to her current pregnancy.

"Sorry babe, this is Doctor Park. Doctor Park, this is my girlfriend Jisoo." Jennie watched the two shake hands and kissed Jisoo's cheek excited at what they were about to do.

"Nice to finally meet you Jisoo, I'm glad you're back! Please, call me Joy even though this one refuses." Joy pointed at Jennie with a smile.

The three women continued to catch up as Jennie laid back and Joy set up her tools. Jennie enjoyed listening to the list of questions Jisoo rattled off at the doctor.

"Are you sure sex won't hurt it?" Jisoo asked.

"I'm positive, you two can continue as long as it's comfortable for Jennie," Joy said with a laugh. "This will be cold," she added squirting gel onto Jennie's stomach.

Jennie felt Jisoo place a kiss on her cheek and smiled at the other girl. She could feel pressure on her belly and turned towards the doctor.

"This is your baby," Joy smiled turning the screen for the girls to see

"Wow, it's smaller than I thought," Jisoo said voice laced with happiness.

"Well, Jennie's only about 14 weeks pregnant so it still has time to grow. Let's check the heartbeat," Joy smiled pressing buttons on the machine.

Jennie watched Jisoo's excitement grow, and couldn't hold in her laughter. Jisoo kissed her hard as the sound of a strong heartbeat sounded through the room. Jennie looked at Joy in confusion.

"Why does it sound different this time? New machines?" Jennie was confused it sounded like there was an echo. She held Jisoo's hand tightly to her chest rubbing a soothing thumb over her knuckles. She could see worry seeping into the other girl's forehead.

"Nothing's new but let me look around." Joy began to move around Jennie's stomach before stopping suddenly. "Well, it looks like this one was hiding."

"I'm sorry, what?" Jisoo asked still worried.

"Congratulations, it looks like you're having twins!" Joy said and Jennie felt Jisoo's hand let go of hers.

She turned her head to see Jisoo sitting back in the chair with a happy smile on her face. Jisoo leaned over to kiss Jennie softly.

"We're having twins," Jisoo's joy spilled through her tone. Jennie had never felt this amount of love and happiness in her life. This was going to be the perfect pregnancy to complete her perfect family.

"I'm so glad we're doing this together," Jennie spoke as she sat up to get changed. She noticed Joy had left the room, and bent over to kiss Jisoo one more time.

"I'm so fucking happy Jennie," Jisoo beamed at her. "Two healthy boys coming soon."

"Umm, no." Jennie rolled her eyes. "I better get at least one girl. I need someone to play with when you're all watching sports."

"Hey, just because we have boys doesn't mean they all have to love sports. Who's to say our little girl isn't a future Seagal?"

"You'd let your daughter wear those skimpy outfits? Especially on rainy days?"

Jennie laughed at the sudden frown that crossed Jisoo's face.

"You're right, she can be a soccer player." Jennie groaned at Jisoo's words and finished changing. Before she could respond, Jisoo's phone rang.

"I'm at the hospital now, I'll be there in a minute." Jennie heard Jisoo say before hanging up the call. "Wendy's in labor, they want us to be there."

The two girls rushed out of the room to find Joy, Jennie was excited for the baby but first, she needed copies of the ultrasound of the two little ones growing in her stomach.


The day had gone so well, and now Jisoo stood terrified to drop the baby nestled in her arms. She had never held a baby before and the fear of breaking her niece was cared her.

"Relax, babe, she'll be fine." Jennie's voice calmed Jisoo's tense nerves, and she relaxed holding the new addition to their family.

"She looks just like you Wen," Jisoo sighed pressing a kiss on the baby's forehead. Jisoo gently rocked the little girl in her arms finally feeling comfortable. Her mind wandered to the two little ones growing inside of Jennie and she smiled.

"See, you're a natural." Donghyuk smiled, taking the baby from Jisoo. Jisoo frowned wanting more time with her new niece.

"You have to share her," Jennie laughed kissing her cheek. "Will I ever get to hold our little ones if I'm not breastfeeding?"

Jisoo's eyes widened at Jennie's slip of the tongue. The room was suddenly silent as everyone turned to stare at them. Rubbing Jennie's back, Jisoo shut her eyes preparing for the questions that would soon be thrown her way.

"I was just joking about the pregnancy test," Lisa broke the silence.

"You're pregnant?" Dara asked.

"Thought you were just gaining weight," Wendy added.

"Little ones? Plural?" Jiyong asked.

"I thought you were on the pill," Lisa said confused.

"Congratulations," Donghyuk said with a soft smile.

"We weren't going to say anything until next month." Jisoo finally spoke up. "We had our first ultrasound today."

"Twins," a soft voice rang from the doorway.

Jisoo felt Jennie stiffen beside her.

"Congratulations Wendy and Donghyuk Oppa," Chaeyoung said with a nod of her head setting a gift on the table next to the bed. "Congratulations to the two of you as well. I didn't think everyone would still be here and wanted to leave this for my niece."

Jisoo watched Chaeyoung's head drop after she finished talking. She could see the discomfort in her sister's face, this was the first time the whole group had been together since she returned. It was the first time she had seen Wendy and Jennie.

"It's my fault, I didn't expect the delivery to last as long as it did. I thought everyone would be gone by now." Donghyuk spoke softly as he hugged her.

"Do you want to hold her?" Wendy asked with a small smile.

The tension in the room melted eased as Chaeyoung walked over to the baby who was nestled on her mother's chest.

"Meet your niece, Kim Ryujin," Wendy said transferring the baby to Chaeyoung.

Jisoo felt Jennie relax in her arms and watched the smile cross Chaeyoung's face.

"Thank you," Chaeyoung spoke softly. "She's beautiful."

The group remained in the room for the next hour talking quietly. Jennie and Chaeyoung spoke softly towards the end catching up on what they had missed over the last few months. Watching Chaeyoung interact with everyone gave Jisoo a sense of peace, and finally, she felt like her family could be repaired.

As everyone said their goodbyes, Jisoo wrapped Chaeyoung in her arms tightly. Jennie followed behind her mimicking her actions.

"Dinner soon, the four of us okay. I'll get a sitter for Jisu and cook." Jennie spoke when she let go of the taller girl.

"I'd like that Jennie, just text me and make sure I'm not at a group therapy session," Chaeyoung responded with a genuine smile.

Jisoo took Jennie's hand and they exited the room.

"That went better than I expected," Jennie said. "She seems so much different, she seems happier."

"She is doing much better now. Thank you, love."

"For what?"

"For including her in dinner plans."

Jennie bent over to kiss Jisoo before she spoke again. "I want to get to know her again before she sees Jisu, but I am ready to try."

"You set the pace, I'm glad we're finally making progress." Jisoo opened the car door and helped Jennie into her seat.

"I'm ready for bed, it's been a long day," Jisoo said once she slid into the driver's seat.

"Your days are not over yet," Jennie husked biting on her ear.

Jisoo shivered at the thought and melted into the girl beside her. She suddenly felt energy bursting through her veins and started the truck so they could return home quickly.


A/N: It's a win, everyone! Congrats Jensoo!

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