
By ashtonirwiie

9.3K 215 18

My name's Charlotte. Charlotte Horan. Yeah, my last name's Horan. It's complicated. Everyone knows about... More

Im Screwed
The Fifth Day
Let Us Make Cake!
Frosting Saves Lives
Story Time
Snapbacks and Onesies
Oh Shit
Quiffity Quiff Quiff Quiffers
Castle Walls
Sneaky Phone Calls
FroYo Savings Card
Christmas Mario Kart
Cuddling Sessions


2.1K 18 2
By ashtonirwiie

My name's Charlotte. Charlotte Horan. Yeah, my last name's Horan. It's complicated.

You see, everyone thought it was just Niall and Greg. That there was just two Horan kids. But there isn't. There are three. There's me. When I was nine, my mum sent me to a private school for three years. When I got back home Niall was gone, my favorite brother was gone. He left to audition for the X factor, and he never got to say goodbye. Greg could barely handle the pressure when Niall became famous- so he and my mum thought that I would be crushed by it. They were determined to keep me hidden, so mum kept me out of school, and Greg tutored me. I lived in the attic, and it kinda reminded me of one of the books I read when I was in private school, Among the Hidden by Suzanne Collins. I was just like Luke, I had to be hidden. Only, I could go outside, only I had to go out the back door and go outside with Greg, or Denise, his fiancé. I still haven't seen Niall, haven't heard his voice in a year. Whenever he comes home to visit I have to spend the nights over at Greg's flat. Mum says that I disappeared one day and never came back, and that it would be best if no one else knew about me.

So the boys don't know me. None of my friends know I'm here, no one probably even remembers me. People forget after the years. So, here I am. Alone. As far as anyone knows, I'm dead.

"Greg can't watch you." Mum said worriedly. "And Niall's coming home in two hours with the rest of the band, your father just went to go pick them up from the airport. I can't let you be seen."

This was how it went every time, mum would call to see if I could Greg could pick me up two hours before Niall came. I always wondered when he wouldn't be able to take me and what would happen then. Now I was going to find out.

"I don't want to keep you in your room for three weeks, Charlotte." Mum said.

"Mum, there's no other place to put me. Unless they walk in and I'm sitting on the couch watching a movie, and we say 'your sister has been hiding in the attic for the past year, don't worry, she's not dead. We've just never told you the truth about your sister.' Mum, I'll be fine in the attic, I'll make sure my mini fridge has enough food, and I'll come down when the boys are out."!

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I don't want you to feel left out."

"I'm fine, mum."

No I'm not. I do feel left out, I want to meet the boys, I want to be able to walk outside everyday and go to the mall like a normal teen without having to dye my hair or wear sunglasses everywhere, but most of all, I want to be able to speak to my brother. The one who I haven't seen in four years. The one that used to keep me company when I was sick, who would let me help to make hot chocolate on snow days, who helped teach me how to swim, who would let me sleep in his bed when I had nightmares. He was the older brother that was your best friend, the one who you could trust, who was the one you could tell anything.

Yeah, that's why 'I'm fine' is one of the biggest lies someone could ever tell.

"We have to get all your stuff out of here."

Mum helped me bring my pile of stuff up into the attic, she also brought up my laptop and iphone, while I filled a giant cardboard box with bags of chips, water bottles, and other food and drinks. I brought it all upstairs, then went back downstairs to grab the pre-made lunches and dinners my mom had, when she wasn't home to make me lunch or dinner, which happens every once and a while. I stacked them up in a cardboard box, then carrying that upstairs. My mum came up, carrying a plastic bin. Forks, knives, spoons. Even a stack of paper plates. This was routine for whenever we had company over, if it was a Christmas party, or just dinner with some friends, this was what we did.

"Thanks mum."

"Your welcome, Charlotte. You sure you're gonna be okay?"

"I said I'll be fine. And I'll be careful not to be seen, and I'll only come out when the boys aren't home." I promised, giving her a reassuring smile. She pulled me into a giant hug. You would've thought I was leaving to go to private school for three years again.

Mum pulled away just as we heard a car pull up into the drive way. She sighed.

" I should go downstairs. From what I've heard from Niall, the boys will probably destroy the house within the first five minutes."

I laughed softly.

"'Kay mum."

"If you run out of food, just text Greg to tell me to bring you some." Mum said, before kissing the top of my head and then walking down the stairs and shutting the door behind her. I sat down on my bed, sighing. Three weeks, alone in my room.

It's nice, honestly, and mum had it remodeled for me, and they put in a bathroom and I had a flat screen tv, and they soundproofed the walls to make sure no one would be able to hear me. But it's still just a room, and its nice outside. Sunny, and I have to stay inside for a while.

Pity me, I don't care if you feel bad. It's not going to help me.

I grabbed a white tank top and my orange pajama shorts, and my green onesie. I changed into the outfit, then started putting all the food we had brought up into my mini fridge. Well, not exactly mini... I put all the chips and snack food into the cabinets I had next to the "mini" fridge. I kept a bag of gummy bears and a can of root beer out, and sat back down on my comfy bed, opening the bag of gummy bears. I ate a red one as I got up to pick out a movie. I decided to have a two day Disney and Pixar marathon, so I chose a stack of movies for today and put Finding Nemo into the DVD player. You can't go wrong with the classics, I mean come on. They're CLASSICS, so yeah.

I flopped back down on my bed and began to watch as the opening scene started to play, where Coral gets killed.

I opened my eyes, yawning. I must have fallen asleep after The Little Mermaid.

I looked over at my alarm clock. 10:25 in the morning. Day two of the boys' visit. Only 19 more days after today. Of being stuck in my room all day. Paradise, isn't it?

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Okay, good? Bad? Yeah, I know a bunch of fan fics do the whole 'secret sister and then she gets discovered and she falls in love with one of the boys' theme, but this one's not with the 'fall in love' part. Charlotte's 14, come on. Not every fan fic has to have romance, the main character doesn't always have to fall in love. It makes for a good story, but it happens in almost all of them. And some people can't write, so yeah, the falling in love part absolutely sucks. So, Vote! Comment!

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