The Fifth Day

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To be honest, I really should be writing these like

Chapter One: day one

Chapter two: day two

Chapter three: day three

And so on, but I'm lazy and I don't wanna change it :P

So, yeah. Keep reading👌



"So boys, what are you planning on doing today?" Maura asked.

"We don't know yet, we were thinking of just staying at the house." Niall shrugged.

"You should really go out and do something, I don't want you to be cooped up in the house all day. I insist." She said.


"Niall, why don't you guys go down to the park? It's nice outside." Maura argued.

"Mum, not the park." Niall said softly. Maura's eyes widened.

"Okay, right. Not the park. But, you can still go do something." Maura said, piling the breakfast dishes into the sink.

"We only have two weeks left." Liam said.

Was anyone else wondering why Niall didn't want to go to the park?

"If we're going to be in Ireland I wanna see a castle!" Louis exclaimed.

A/N. Eww what kind of word is exclaimed?

"Good idea. Go bring that boy to go see a castle." Maura waved us away, and Louis cheered.

"Hey, maybe we'll find Niall's princess in that castle." I smirked. Niall didnt say anything, just looked down at his feet. Huh. Something was a bit off about him.

"So, we leave in fifteen?" Liam asked, nudging Niall in the stomach with his elbow. "Niall?"

Niall nodded, then followed us upstairs. He stopped in front of the empty room next to his, that he didn't let us see when we first got here.

I shrugged it off, watching Niall lean his forehead up against the door. I went into my room. Niall was not himself this morning, being all mopey and quiet. I cared, honestly, but right now wasn't the time to ask. I need to get ready...


I don't know why Mum brought up the park. She seemed a little annoyed when I told her we were going to stay here at the house. And, she doesn't seem sad about Charlotte's disappearance anymore. Or, even though I'm afraid to admit it, death. Possibly could be true. I mean, where the hell does a 12 year old run off to anyway? And not come back, to her family, me. I was Char's big brother, she looked up to me. And then she just forgot all that? Char isn't the type of sister to forget that.

"Niall?" Liam asked. I nodded, not knowing what he had asked. I'll find out eventually.

I stopped at Chars old room. The one I had helped her paint when she was seven. We had paint everywhere. I still remember how long it tong to get the paint out of her hair. Her brown hair had pink in it for weeks.

I wish Char was still here. When she left for private school, I couldn't wait for her to come back. Then I left for the X Factor, and when I came home for the break she was still at school. And then I had to go back again, and...she was just gone.

I never knew what happened to her. Mum just said the school called saying Char disappeared.

I don't think I really want to know what happened to her, either.

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