๐˜š๐˜ถ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜“๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ช๐˜ฏ' - Hy...

By Skzhoe

37.1K 1.4K 1K

School has reach its end and Lee Felix has just befriended the slightly new, reserved boy, Hwang Hyunjin. Ove... More

Meeting you
Time with you
Laughing with you
Affection and you
Fresh waters with you
Under the stars with you
Opening up to you
A day with you
Looking at you
Close to you
Dancing with you
Fun with you
Closer to you
Lustful for you
After with you
Trusting you
Leaving you.
I miss you
Near you
Thinking of you
Protecting you
Talking to you
Attracting you
I like you
I love you

The storm with you

1K 44 47
By Skzhoe

Felix pov

School starts in about two weeks. Me and Hyunjin have been together for roughly two months. Though it hasn't been very long, I've never been happier. We take walks on the beach, bike rides, midnight drives to the gas station, etc. It was perfect. He was perfect. I've never been with someone like him. He made me feel so loved; like I was the only person in his world.

Within these two months, we've spent nearly everyday with each other. And the days we didn't, we called and told each other how much we missed the other. Cheesy and gross, I know, but I was happy. He made me happy. Part of me began fantasizing what the rest of our lives would be like. A dream.

I was currently in my room, reading a book. It was pouring rain outside in the pitch black night when my phone suddenly buzzed. I looked at the notification and giddily smiled.

Handsome boy🤍
Hey :)
You home?

Yeah, just reading a book. Can't fall asleep :/

Handsome boy🤍
Well it must be your lucky day

Just as I read the message, I heard a tap on my bedroom window.

'No way this boy really came here in the middle of the night in the pouring rain.' I thought to myself.

I rushed over to my window and pulled up the blinds, immediately spotting my beautiful boyfriend looking up at my window. I quickly opened it, trying to dodge the rain.

"Are you crazy?! Hyunjin, it's practically storming right now!" I slightly yelled with a small smile of awe.

"The only thing I'm crazy for is you, my dear." He smirked.

"Come on! I didn't drive here and stand in the rain for nothing!" He yelled playfully.

He was drenched. Wearing sweatpants and a hoodie that didn't do him any justice, his hair was stuck to his face and dripping in front of him. But he kept that same smile on him, no matter his situation.

I quickly ran into my room to grab my shoes and jacket, even though they'll be useless. Going back to the window, I realized there was no way down other than the small platform above a downstairs window.

"How am I supposed to get down, Hyunjin?"

"I'll catch you. Just fall!" He replied.

"You're crazy!" I exclaimed while stepping onto the small landing. It was slippery.

"Just trust me, Lix! I've got you."

I took a deep breath and exhaled through my mouth. Closing the window and then my eyes, I let myself slide down. My eyes shot open as I felt myself slip completely off the surface and in the air. Keeping his promise, Hyunjin was able to catch me. It wasn't a huge fall, but it was still falling.

With a stumble and a grunt from the impact coming from both of us, we looked at each other and bursted into laughter. I was immediately drenched by the heavy downpour.

"So where exactly are we going?" I ask as he set me down to stand.

"Not sure, let's go figure it out." He shrugged and smiled as he grabbed my hand to lead me to his car.

I shook my head and smiled at his recklessness. I loved that about him. I loved him.

We got in the car, immediately making the seats wet and shivering. I instantly reached for the aux cord. Hyunjin chuckled at my habit and began driving.

Now playing: Perfect Blues- Hannah Bahng

"Will we get killed if you get caught sneaking out?" He asked with a smile.

"I won't get caught. It takes the sky to be falling in order to wake up my parents." I said sarcastically.

I had no idea where we were going. Neither of us did. But we didn't care. We just wanted to take the night in our own hands. As the rain poured down the windshield, it created the perfect melody with the music and our voices. It was perfect.

"Where do you hope to be in 5 years?" He asked, adding onto the other countless topics we've been talking about for the past 30 minutes.

"I hope to be in Seoul, with my own bakery. Selling little treats while my fiancé, Hwang Hyunjin, is working in a Dance studio. Then I come home to our apartment and make us dinner as we eat on the couch, even though we have a dining table, watching tv and talking about our day. We play with our small puppy that we got as an anniversary gift. Then we fall asleep listening to the beautiful noises of the city and do the same thing the next day." I say while smiling and imagining the whole scenario in my head.

I looked over and saw Hyunjin smiling to himself.

"Fiancé huh?" He smirked.

I couldn't help but grow flustered. I said it to be funny and serious but completely forgot the fact that actions have consequences.

"I mean, well,  yeah." Was all I could manage to respond with, completely red in the face.

"I like the idea of that. I'll pray for you to let it come true." He teased and put his hand on my thigh.

I smiled and looked forward, loving the fact that he enjoyed my idea of our future.

Just then, he suddenly pulled into an empty parking lot under the open sky, rain crashing down.

"What are we doing at a closed Food-Mart ?" I giggled.

He simply smiled and scrolled through my playlist of music, happily clicking a specific song. He quickly got out of his side of the car and walked over to my side. I watched, confused as to what his plan was. He opened my door and pulled my hand to guide me outside. He pulled me close to him, our faces inches apart.

"Dance with me."

Now playing: Understand- Keshi

I smiled at him as I heard the tune to one of our favorite songs playing. He rested his forehead against mine and put one arm around my waist, his other hand holding mine. We swayed to the music and closed our eyes, taking in every second of this moment.

Suddenly, he began singing along to the song. I was starstruck. He never sang in front of me, no matter how much I begged him to.  God, he sounded so beautiful. I rested my head on his chest, listening to the angel-like sounds coming from him. I could stay like this for a while, in each others embrace, slow dancing to the music from his car, gradually getting more and more drenched from the rain.

"I love you, Felix." He whispered with his chin resting on my head.

I grabbed his cheeks and locked eyes with him, smiling before pressing my lips against his. He put his hands around my waist tighter than before and smiled through the kiss. Once we pulled away, I looked into his starry orbs and smiled.

Just after the sweet moment, a more upbeat love song began playing, causing us both to burst into giggle fits.

Now playing: Polaroid Love- Enhypen

He pulled our bodies apart, keeping a grasp on my hands and moving our arms around to dance with nearly no rhythm. I laughed and went along with his silliness. He twirled me around multiple times and I stood on my toes to do the same for him.

He suddenly hugged my waist tightly and laugh-groaned in my neck as I giggled at the sudden gesture.

"You're too cute, Lix." He gushed.

I gave a small laugh in response, taken aback by the compliment.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked while looking into my eyes.

"The real question is, what didn't you do? You make me feel so safe, Hyunjin."

After a while longer, we went back into his car and drove around some more. Keeping up conversation, I began looking around his car and outside. The stars taking over the night and rain lightening up made everything seem more peaceful.

"Hey, Hyun, do you have any hand sanitizer?" I asked while already looking at the compartments around me.

I pushed the button to open the larger compartment in front of me.

"No! Don't open that-"

As soon as it popped open, countless of papers and Polaroids fell out onto my lap. I had never gone through this little storage area.

They were letters. Love letters. And pictures of this same girl. She was pale with flawless skin and long, brown hair that was feathered. She was beautiful. All of the Polaroids were of her smiling or posing funnily. I picked up a larger one that was flipped over and was speechless at the photo. It was a collage of 4 pictures, all of them including her and Hyunjin. One of her kissing his cheek, another of the reversed, one of them making a heart, and one more of them smiling happily. Who was she?

"Hyunjin.. what are these? Who is this..?"

Before he could answer, I began reading the notes. They were full of caring words and love. I felt shattered, coming to the conclusion that Hyunjin had everything his ex gave him.

"Felix I-"

"Who is this?"

He went quiet.

"I asked you a question, Hwang." I said sternly, but hurt.

As he was taking his time to think of an answer, I'd already begun reading one of the letters. Dated back to June. When we began dating.

Whatever was going on, I knew I was about to feel betrayed. There's no good outcome for a situation like this.

My heart shattered into a million pieces as I turned the paper over, only  to find Hyunjin's handwriting.

This told me one thing and one thing only.

"You've kept your ex's belongings. And you write about her as she writes to you." I say in a slightly broken tone.

"Felix let me explain."

"I'm not sure if there's anything to explain. Is this your ex?"

He nodded.

"Are you writing about her?"

He hesitantly nodded again.

A large exhale left my lips, knowing that this may be over.

"So, have you been lying to me?" I asked .

"Felix, please-"

"Hyunjin. Why are you writing about your ex girlfriend if you're with me?"

He stayed quiet.

"Hyunjin. Do you still love your ex?" I suddenly asked, feeling the tears well up in my eyes.


"God dammit, Hyunjin! I asked you a fucking question!" I slightly yelled, my voice breaking.

"Felix-" he began.

I felt my heart break more as I thought of more potential reasonings behind this whole thing.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly says.

"You said you loved me."

"I do."

"Then why are you still writing sad letters to your ex about how guilty you feel? And why is she talking about you in the same way?" I questioned.

"Why are you with me, Hyunjin?"

"Because you are the biggest ball of sunshine I know and I fell in love with you."

"Bullshit. You only used me for the attention, didn't you?" I spat, tears beginning to fall.

Just then, a thought came rushing to my mind.

"Is that who you've been texting? That unlabeled number?"

Hyunjin looked over at me with a shocked expression, dumb founded.

"Don't play dumb. I know you lied about it. You're so stupid, Hyunjin. You made me fall in love with you. Had I known you were still communicating like this with someone, maybe I would've held back."


"I thought you were gonna be different, Hwang." I coldly stated, looking in front of me.

"Felix, I do love you. I just found you at the wrong time ." He tried explaining.

"Maybe you should figure that out before you ask someone about their future dreams with you and dance with them in the rain." I scolded, his expression showing true remorse.

"It's not what you th-"

"Hyunjin, look out!"

That was the last thing I said and heard, before the world went black.

Hi guys! Dramaaaa
I know this chapter is kinda long but I wanted it to not just be another fluff chapter. It's so late and I'm really about to pass out😅

Have an amazing day everyone, and be sure to take of yourselves! I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Love ya!

Title pic

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