You Delinquent Little Punk |H...

By Moodgirl101

116K 2.5K 5.4K

"Ugh.. I can't stand you... you delinquent little punk" I groan. "well sit down then." Hobie says with a smir... More

1 |Spider who?|
2 |he's not my boyfriend|
3 |700$|
4 |The chaotic five|
5 |his world|
Just the characters
6 |I don't belong here|
7 |you embarrassed?|
8 |Surprise surprise|
Just a A/N
9 |no more tears|
10 |To bad we can't|
11 |Fucking tease|
12 |please what|
13 |Crest 3D White|
14 |special girl|
16 |unexpected visit|
17 |So petty|
18 |Mary Jane|
20 |I love you|
21 |Craving her|
22 |Gooble Gooble|
23| House of memories|
24 |Stuff me like a stocking|

15 |An exception|

3.6K 88 175
By Moodgirl101

A/n- You ever been woken up to a child's ass jumping onto your face? I have. Very recently. I want to go. HOME.
I WANNA GOOOOOO HOMEEEEEE. (Please get that reference)

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!

"SpongeBob SquarePants." Hobie yells.

This fucker just woke me up, singing about a yellow fry cook. No hate to SpongeBob but he needs to be quiet.

"Hobie." I mumble.

"Oh hi luv, good morning." He smiles at me.

"Shhh, you're too loud." I shush him, putting my finger to his lips.

"Luv, it's 1:30." He chuckles.

"Oh... I don't care, good night." I say laying down.

"No, come on get up." He says scoping me up, carrying me to the kitchen.

"Nooo, let me sleep." I tell him.

"No you've been sleeping for ages and I want to spend time with you." He groaned.

"You can cuddle and spend time with me. As I sleep." I say.

"Well your friends are coming over." He chuckled.

"Hobie, why." I say.

"They wanted to check on you." He says.

"Am I dead? No. Am I in a coma? No. Am I alive and well? Yes. That's all they need to know." I groan.

"If you let them come I'll kiss you." He says.

"You'd do that anyway." I say.

"Damn. Please luv, I'll be happy." He smiles.

"You know what you'd be happier with? Getting your shit sucked again, but we cant do that if they here." I tell him, closing my eyes.

"Your so grumpy this morning." He chuckled.

"That's because a little British man decided to wake me up singing about a yellow fry cook kitchen appliance." I say sarcastically.

"Ok I'm not little, second stop being grumpy." Hobie says poking my forehead.

"No. I enjoy being grumpy." I say.

"I swear I will fuck-" He stops himself and sighs.

"You gonna what? You know what I don't even wanna know, yes I do, but I'm not asking, now put me down. The three musketeers will be here soon." I say giving him a quick kiss.

"I'm surprised Y/n didn't rip that cheap ass wig off her head." Nick says while posing for a picture.

"Why are you thirst trapping?" Samara asks him.

"Because, I look good, and the guys love it." He says.

"In my house man." I say.

"You have the best lighting!" He says.

"Virgin, hows your lip." Laura says looking up from her phone.

"Rude, but it's fine, Hobie made me feel better." I smile.

"They fuck-"

"We cuddled." I say cutting her off.

"Y/n can you make us brownies." Samara begs.

"Oh yea! You make the best brownies." Nick says.

"Ugh, y'all work me, but only if y'all help." I chuckle getting up and going to the kitchen.

"Luv, can you make homemade cookies too? I love yours." Hobie asks.

"Am I just a bakery now?" I laugh.

"Yes, now let's bake!" Samara says.

"Alright we're making cookies first, and since I'm the one baking, y'all getting the ingredients, flour, eggs, brown sugar, sugar, chocolate chips, vanilla extract, two sticks of butter." I say as they start grabbing things.

Hobie got the bowls for mixing, mara got the eggs, breaking one in the process, Laura got the sugar and butter and pretty boy got the flour and extract. (Probably missing something,but ykw. Oh well.)

"Alright, sit back and let me work people." I tell them.

They all sit back and watch me do my thing, I was in the zone, measuring, pouring, mixing when finally we got the dough and I put the chocolate chips in the microwave, just for a second, didn't melt them completely just softened them. Then I mixed everything in.

"Ta-da. Cookie dough." I say.

"Luv, you have flour on your face." Hobie chuckles and pulls me towards him, wiping off my face.

"Y/n I got flour on my face too, wipe it off me." Samara mocks.

Then Nick throws a dish rag at her face.

"Wipe it bitch." He laughs.

"Die." She laughs.

"I hate happy people." Laura frowns.

"Because you're miserable." Nick says.

"Fuck you." Laura says.

"Hobie! Stop trying to eat the dough." I yell at him.

"You can't make me do anything." He says with a mouth full of cookie dough.

"Ooo! I want some!" Samara says taking some as well.

"Keep eating the dough and no more brownies." I say.

"Samara is like a child." Nick Laughs.

We finally got the cookies in the oven and I made the brownies, with a lot of distractions but at least I got it done, they need to pay me or something.

"I'm in love with these brownies." Nick says.

"I need milk." Samara says.

We were all chilling in the living room, watching Mulan, Nick was on the floor, mara was laying on Laura and I was sitting on Hobie, laying sideways. We were just eating and singing.

"How could I! Make a man... Out of you.." I sing.

"Bro he's so fine." Nick says.

"You.. I can't even say anything, he is hot." Laura sighs.

"Luv, cookie." Hobie says and I raise my cookie up and he takes a bite.

"Dishonor on you! Dishonor on ya cow! Dishonor upon ya whole family!" Samara mimics.

"Best brownies ever." Laura says with a mouth full.

"You're the best luv." Hobie tells me.

"I should have made y'all pay." I laugh giving Hobie another bite.

"Thanks luv." Hobie says.

After they left me and Hobie chilled, eating more cookies. It was getting dark out, right now I'm watching him drink his evening tea. He has to have tea at least four times a day to function I swear.

"Lovely." He smiles taking a sip.

"You always look so calm drinking tea. But I have a question." I say.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Uh, you don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable, but uhm. You know how you hate consistency and labels. Does that mean you can't be in a relationship?" I ask him.

This question has been killing me inside and I was dreading the answer.

"In normal circumstances. Yea, I wouldn't want to be." He says, sipping on his tea.

"Ah, got it." I say trying not to be upset.

"But, you know what you are luv?" He looks at me putting his tea down.

"Hm?" I stare at him in confusion.

He pulled me closer to him, making me stand in-between his legs, his hands on my waist.

"An exception." Hobie tells me.

"Hobie I-"

He cuts me off kissing me deeply, I don't know why I was shocked. But I also felt relieved, maybe because I can finally accept my feelings for him.

My heart flutters as I finally stop guarding myself, I wrap my arms around him. I know I was doing all this other shit with him but I felt like I couldn't love him. I didn't know what to expect, I mean he didn't say he loved me, but I felt it.

He holds me close to him and eventually breaks the kiss.

"You were saying?" He asks.

"Are you saying that?" I stop myself trying to think of what to say.

"Yes. I want you, I want to be with you." He chuckles.

"Are you sure? You know... You're always changing your mind about something." I say nervously.

"I'm not changing my mind about this luv, I have my mind made up, I want you, I have for a while now." He says.

"And you just now telling me." I say offended.

"I didn't know if you felt the same." He shrugged.

I just stare at him, he knows damn well.

"Now you know damn well." I say.

"I didn't, I'm serious, I mean I kinda did, but I didn't think you'd want to be with me." He told me.

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask.

"You know, the whole different dimension thing." He sighs.

"I think we can make it work." I rub his cheek.

"I know we can." He says as he kisses me.

"So are we?-"

"Yes. No more questions, I want to nap." He said.

About two hours later Hobie was working on his watch, while I sat on his bed, he didn't take that nap, I was on tik tok taking occasional glances at him my heart fluttering whenever I did.

The way he sat there at the desk his eyes focused on the little watch, tinkering with it, adding things to it. He screwed in the tiny little parts. He definitely knew what he was doing, he took little breaks, cracking his knuckles and just observing the little gadget then getting back to work.

He looked so amazing, the way he rubbed his head out of frustration or when he was thinking about it. He eyebrows furrowed as he began bouncing his leg. Then I knew he needed a break.

I get up out of his bed and walk over behind him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and laying my head against his.

"I think you need a break Hobie." I tell him.

"I'm fine luv." He says continuing to tinker with the watch.

"Please Hobie, I can tell you're getting frustrated." I say.

"Fine, only because you asked." He smiled.

I take his hand and yank him to get up.

"You hungry?" He asks.

"Yea, a little." I tell him.

"You want, what's it called, McDonald's?" He asks.

(If you don't like that, TO DAMN BAD. You gon like it today. Or theres burger king and other places like Wendy's 😃)

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Please." I say happily.

"Ok I'll go and get it, text me what you want." He says.

"Why can't I go with you!" I say.

"Wanna get a surprise for you luv." He smiles.

"Aw, ok fine. But be safe." I tell him.

"I will." He says kissing my head, then he was off.

He was gone for about a half hour, they were busy on days like this, so I wasn't worried, I told him what I wanted and as usual he had my money, not that I mind, my parents give me more than enough.

I decided to clean my room a bit, and Hobie's too, hurt my back sweeping underneath the beds but I got through it. I put in a load of laundry and since my back was killing me I could ask Hobie for another massage, but instead I'm gonna take a hot shower.

I walk into the bathroom turning on the light, blinding me for a second. I grab my body wash, exploitation scrub and a few other things for my shower.

I stepped into the hot water, sighing heavily, I wanted to soak in the water, all my thoughts about Hobie and the whole situation earlier.

I can't believe I'm dating Spiderman, it sounds dumb thinking about it, but he is, he doesn't show it off though, I wanna see more of it, but I know he doesn't like being bothered about it. Lost in my thoughts I just began washing myself.

I don't know what's going to happen when he leaves, I hope we work out, Hobie is unpredictable he could change his mind in an instant, that's what scared me the most.

I'm not dependent on him, it's not like I need him to live, but it'd still hurt, a lot. If he did just spontaneously leave, he did say that he has his mind made up, and I feel so special, could have been anyone and he picked me.

I wasn't ready to tell him I loved him yet, I do, I just don't want to take things too fast, especially with him, I feel like if I make him too uncomfortable, or accidentally take things too fast or too far he'll leave me in an instant. And I'd beg him to stay, changing everything I do for him to be with me. This is a terrible mindset to have, but we all have this little phase when it comes to that one person. Hobie was that person for me.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt two firm hands grip my hips. I gasped despite immediately knowing who it was.

"Hi luv." Hobie says planting kisses on the back of my neck.

My breath hitched in my throat as his fingers grazed my skin leaving a fevering trail wherever they touched. His hands grasp my breasts, the soap seeping onto his fingers.

He played with nipples as I moan softly pressing myself against him, the shower only grew hotter when he turned me around, the steaming hot water running down my back as he leaves open mouth kisses down my collar bone.

In the blink of an eye he turned me around once more and pinned me against the shower wall, my breasts shiver from the coldness.

His hand slowly ran down my back, before stopping at my ass, gripping it firmly, before he sends a light smack to it, I bit my lip as the stinging sensation only turned me on more.

He leaves kisses all down the back side of my body, leaving hickeys wherever he wanted, as I leaned into him desperately.

He flipped me around crouching in front of me, slamming my hips against the wet shower wall, I gasped loudly, putting my hands on his shoulders for support.

His lust filled eyes stared up at me right before he gave a long lick up my folds. I grasp his hair moaning loudly as his tongue flicked against my clit.

My hips grinded against his wet tongue as I pushed his head eagerly. His tongue was swirling against my clit, when he grabbed my leg throwing it over his shoulder.

He held my hips firmly as he continued to devour my sensitive folds. Suddenly I felt him shove two fingers inside me, stretching my tight walls.

The pleasure was unbearable, I couldn't take it, I needed release, my grip on his hair tightened as I arched my back, my moans echoing throughout the shower.

His fingers pumped into me as his tongue flicked against my clit, the knot in my stomach becoming tighter and tighter. My legs began to shake and he tightened his grip to support me.

His free hand gripped my thigh as it trembled on top of his shoulder. His tongue began to slowly circle my clit, his fingers pounding me.

The pleasure finally became to much as I felt myself tighten around his fingers, moaning uncontrollably. The immense pleasure making me shake, and throw my head back,my vision becoming blurry.

He continued till my powerful orgasm subsided, easing my leg off his shoulder and I just collapse into his arms, trembling tremendously as my vision refocused.

He held me close, giving me soft kisses, whispering praises into my ear, my body trembling in his arms as he picked me up, rinsing off the rest of the soap from my body and stayed by my side the rest of the night.

A/n- yayyy your finally together. Took me long enough.

yes it was published earlier, my nephew clicked the button. It wasn't finished then so I unpublished it.

Bro half of these kids gathered around trying to read the shit. THEY KEPT PUTTING THEY LITTLE DIRTY FEET ON ME.


this wasn't requested, I just did it so.. if you think it weird. Stfu.

Fun fact of the chapter- that was the surprise 😃

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