7 |you embarrassed?|

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I had a absolute time with Hobie last night, I hated that he had gone to bed but Hobie did that alot, it was that or he was gonna fall asleep on the floor in my room.

I had to tell Samara and them dispite the fact I just woke up, I quickly grabbed my phone and went to our group chat.



Drummer whore: what what are dying you never text like this

Klutz: yea what's up? Tf happened

Nicky Minaj: it's to early for this shit and rehearsal isn't till tomorrow fuck y'all want.


Klutz: you lost your virginity?

Y/N: what no...

Nicky Minaj: you two finally got together?

Y/N: tf no

Drummer whore: you got me a sticker book

Y/N: no Samara 💀

Klutz: then tf is it

Y/N: so you see what happened was, last night me and Hobie were hanging out right and he let me touch his hair and it was so fucking soft.

Nicky Minaj: bitch is that it.

Klutz: stfu pretty boy

Drummer whore: well. Congratulations

Y/N: I'm not done idiots.

Drummer whore: wait guys we should meet up, bc what if it big like she's pregnant?

Nicky Minaj: if she's a virgin how tf would she be pregnant you dumb bitch...

Klutz: Samara sometimes I wonder how you graduated

Drummer whore: but Mary was a virgin

Y/N: shut your dumb ass up I ain't pregnant.

Drummer whore: awh man ☹️

Klutz: we should meet up, I'm bored

Nicky Minaj: what fucking no, I don't feel like getting ready

Drummer whore: I'll pick y'all up in 2 hourssss

Nicky Minaj: fuck you.

Klutz: ok I'ma go shower

Y/N: alrighttt

I set my phone to the side and walked to the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth and washed up. I didn't feel like picking an outfit but I guess I have to.

After getting ready I had another 45 minutes to myself so I made some toast slightly burnt but it won't kill me.

"Morning luv." Hobie walks into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

You Delinquent Little Punk |Hobie Brown X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now