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I wake up earlier than usual to get some extra study time in, my test isn't until 10 so I have about 4 hours.

I take a nice long shower to take the stress off once I get out I dry off and head back to my room. I look in my closet and put on some shorts and a oversized shirt then I throw my dirty clothes into my hamper.

I need to do laundry later, I'll probably forget but oh well. I go to the kitchen and make a small bowl of cinnamon toast crunch.

After I eat it I go to the living room to study. I hate biology, I mean I hate school in general but at least some classes are genuine interesting, like a culinary class that actually lets you cook or a dissecting something and mixing chemical to make something explode.

I have about 8 pages of notes and Ive read the same unit damn near 14 times, I wasn't missing shit. I want a perfect score on this test so I read over it again. It's not like it was long just about 20 pages I underlined things, circled, highlighted wrote facts in my notebook.

"What are you doing?" Hobie yawns.

Bro the hell did you come from.

I jump a little. "Shit! Hobie what did I tell you about doing that..." I sigh looking over at him.

"Sorry, I thought you would have heard me get up and shower." He shrugs.

"It's fine, but I'm studying." I told him.

"Yea I can see that... The thing is, you've read that same shit I don't know how many times. What are you even studying for?" Hobie asks.

"Well for one. How long have you been standing there. And it's a biology test I have in a few hours." I say.

"Meh about twenty minutes now. Waiting for you to notice me." He smirks.

"Your a weirdo." I roll my eyes and take a few more notes.

"Awh, I'm flattered." He chuckles sitting on the far end of the couch and as usual putting his feet up. "Why are you studying so hard for a biology test, you got a F in the class or something?" He peers over at me.

"I've never gotten an F in my fucking life." I state pretty proudly. "I'm trying to get my B to an A, so my mom can give me some money." I told him.

"Your doing all this, when you already have a B? I mean you could just you know.. cheat. Having all Bs isn't bad anyway." He shrugged.

"I've never cheated, and I'm not going to start now. I'm completely capable of getting a A on the test. I just have to apply myself. And the audacity of you to think I have all Bs" I say rolling my eyes. "I have all As and this is my only B." I say.

"You have all As and you haven't cheated? Bullshit." Hobie states.

"I'm just pretty smart. And it's self paced since I do it from home." I shrug.

Hobie just shrugged and nodded at me then just stared at the ceiling. Wonder what he's thinking about.

I study some more and Hobie eventually breaks the silence.

"You said your mom was going to give you money if you got your grade up to an A? What are you going to do with the money and how much?" He asked not taking his eyes from the ceiling.

"I asked for about 500 dollars-"

"Damn, the hell are you buying with that?" He cuts me off.

"Well I told her that I had a friend staying who didn't have anything, and she and my dad agreed to give me the money if I got my grade up." I roll my eyes.

"Aww, I'm your friend." Hobie gives me a cheeky grin.

"Shut up. Go away." I groan

"Nah, you'd miss me too much." He chuckles.

You Delinquent Little Punk |Hobie Brown X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now