9 |no more tears|

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I woke up groggily and realized I was in Hobies room, didn't freak me out, it was to early in the morning for that.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I had nothing planned for today so I could hopefully get some writing done or something.

I looked over at Hobie who's snoring, I had to record him snoring and make fun of him one day, I smile to myself and rub his forehead.

I had a slight headache and my back hurts. I thought I just slept wrong and didn't think much of it and I got on TikTok for around 15 minutes. I finally decided to get up, I lifted the covers and sight before me was mortifying.

I got my period, and it just happened, it's like a week early and I wasn't even having any of my usual signs. It looked like I just poured red paint on my pants and his bed.

Then I realized, he was right fucking next to me, and then everything started to kick in, I started crying, I wasn't even sad just embarrassed and overwhelmed.

I didn't want to cry that just made my head hurt even more, but the tears silently rolled down my face as I panicked internally, I had to calm down a bit.

"Luv?" Hobie yawned.

I fucking woke him up, this morning was already going amazing. I instantly put the cover back over me.

"Are you crying? What's wrong?" Hobie asks.

"I'm fine! I'm fine." I wipe my tears.

"Luv you don't look fine... Uhm whys the bed wet?" He looks over at me.

I instantly lost it and started balling my eyes out from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry! Fucking hell I didn't mean it." I sigh.

"Did you wet the bed?" He chuckles.

"No..." I say trying to hold down the covers.

"Um it's fine if you did..." Hobie lifts the covers and his eyes widen slightly.

I wish God would strike me down right now and kill me.

"Aw luv... There's nothing to be upset about." He laughs as he scoops me up lifting me into the air effortlessly.

"Wait what.. why are you holding me." I ask between sniffles.

He doesn't answer me and carries me to the bathroom.

"Luv, why would I be upset with you about that it's just an accident, and it's a natural thing, it's nothing bad." He chuckles and walks over to the bathtub.

"What are you doing..?" I ask wiping my eyes.

"Well, you don't wanna sit like that do ya?" He says starting the water.

He can't be actually running me a bath, of anything I should be washing his sheets or something, he's so sweet I wanted to cry all over again, my emotions are all over the place.

"This should help with other things to luv." He says exiting the bathroom.

I can't believe he actually did this, I take off my clothes and step into the bath and sink my body into it, feeling a wave of relief wash over me.

I sat in the bath as my body relaxed and tried to get the embarrassment from earlier out of my head. I begin to slowly wash my body, the warm water really helped my back. I dreaded getting out of here because as soon as I did I would probably get the worst cramps of my life.

I finally get out of the tub and dry off, I realized I can't be moving slow right now and hurried to my room to put something clean on.

I didn't feel like putting on actual clothes so I just got a fresh pair of pajamas. I put them on and sat on my bed and groan loudly.

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