8 |Surprise surprise|

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I lifted my head off my pillow slowly, I had a terrible night after that whole Hobie situation, I couldn't get him out of my head and I still felt his soft hands on me.

I checked the time and instantly got out of bed realizing I overslept.

I rushed to the bathroom and showered quickly,  I wanted to stay there longer but I had to get to rehearsal.

To be honest we hardly even practice at rehearsal, and I haven't written shit since Hobie has gotten here, so it's more than likely just going to be a hang out while playing random shit.

I got dressed and hesitated before walking out of my room, I just hoped Hobie was still sleeping.

I walked out the door and heard his soft snores from his room, I instantly sighed with relief. He knew I had rehearsal so I had nothing to worry about and I quickly left.

It was gonna be a long walk to Lauras place, but I didn't feel like dealing with any of them till I got there so I just enjoyed the calmness while I could.

I didn't really care if I was a bit late so I decided to stop for coffee.

"Hey, haven't seen you a minute where you been?" The barista Cara asks me as she sees me walking through the door.

"You know, life, people, School." I chuckle.

"So what will be Y/n?" She asks.

"Meh, I think I want a blueberry muffin, I havent eaten yet." I shrug.

"Alrighty, thats 2.27." she says and I hand her a 5.

She gave me my change and muffin and I left.

"Took you long enough, your late." Laura frowns as she opened the door.

"By 10 minutes calm down, I overslept." I tell her going down to the basement.

"Yea yea yea." She groans following me.

Once we got there Samara was just going ham on the drums and Nick was laying down on the beanbag chair taking photos.

"Look who finally showed up." Laura says eyeing me down.

"She's like 5 minutes late calm your non-existent tits Laura." Nick groans as he gets up.

"So have you written anything?" Samara asks.

"Unfortunately no, I should get something done by tonight-"

"What the fuck is that on your neck!" Nick cuts me off running over to me.

"Is that a hickey? Oh my fucking God it is!" Samara yells.

"The fuck did you do, spill it." Laura laughs.

I completely forgot about the hickeys Hobie left on me, I guess I was to busy worrying about being late.

"Shit.." I sigh.

"We don't got all day, pray tell." Nick says.

"Oh my god, ok fine." I sigh.

"That shit is big.." Laura says.

"Ok so. Hobie-"

"IT WAS HOBIE?" Samara cuts me off.

"Who else would it be." Nick jokes.

"Let me finish damn, but Hobie was letting me do his make up and the angle was so bad and I couldn't get his eyeliner right." I begin to say.

"He would let you do his makeup." Nick laughs.

"Shut up, but I decided to sit on his lap, not completely I was elevated, and I made him keep his eyes closed and I just kept doing his makeup. But then after I was done I didn't wanna get off-"

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