13 |Crest 3D White|

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A/N- Guess who's back. Back again. In LOVE with that pic btw. There's the picture.

This morning is going absolutely lovely. Hobie kept bringing up last night, just what I needed while studying.

"You were moaning so loud." He laughs.

"Yes, Hobie, people tend to do that during sexual activity." I groan.

"Ahh, ahhhhhhh!" He mimics.

"Enough, don't piss me off." I peer over at him.

"You wouldn't stay mad at me forever luv." He smirks.

"Try me fucker." I say turning away from him.

"So mean." He says pulling me closer to him and begins kissing my neck gently.

"Hobie, not right now." I sigh.

"I know, just bored." He smiles against my neck.

"You're an idiot." I smile as I get back to studying.

I was studying in my bed as he buried his face in the back of my neck, his arms wrapped around my waist.

He finally toned down his teasing and let me get some shit done, which I was thankful for, I did enjoy his embrace and company.

As I studied I could feel him breathing against my neck, my fingers grazed up his hand as he tightened his grip on me. He's so cute being clingy like this.

I smile to myself and I enlace my fingers with his, holding his large soft hand. He squeezed my hand, I can tell he was probably tired still, hes normally still sleeping at this time.

I set my pencil down on my notebook, pushing it and my laptop to the side and I turn around facing Hobie.

He looks at me with tired eyes and I embrace him, his head laying against my chest. I wrap my arms around his neck caressing his hair line gently.

His hands rest on my lower back, I leave a few kisses on his forehead and he looks up his eyes soft and filled with vulnerability. I kiss his soft lips a few times, before hobie buried his face back into my chest.

His scent fills my nostrils, giving me butterflies, I rock him in my arms, our silence laced with care and safety.

I soon hear soft snores coming from Hobie, I rest my head on top of his, closing my eyes also. Hobie was the only thing I could feel as I drifted off into sleep.

(Y'all like cute little snippets like this or?)


I jolted awake when I heard the sound of knocking on the door, a banging sound almost. I look down at Hobie who's still sound asleep in my arms, my gaze softened at his vulnerable state, I kiss his head and I ease my way out of his grasp, careful not to wake him.

Whoever the hell it was wouldn't stop banging on the door, I really need to invest in a damn peephole because who the hell is banging on my door like this.

I groggily walk to the door, I open it rubbing my eyes and the person I see before me instantly makes me want to slam the door.

"Y/n! Took you long enough, I knew you were here, not like you go anywhere." Roxanne says walking in and looking around.

"Mm, yes opening the door to see who's banging on it means waltz right in, I guess that's just a new way to invite people in." I groan.

"Where's Hobie?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"Dead." I say nonchalantly.

"Don't be like that Y/n, where is he." She whines.

"He died." I say again, I don't feel like dealing with her shit.

You Delinquent Little Punk |Hobie Brown X Reader|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant