come back... be here x e.o

By lizzieisagoddess

1K 41 6

The delicate beginning rush The feeling you can know so much Without knowing anything at all And now that I c... More



75 5 3
By lizzieisagoddess

June 17th, 2005

It's been two weeks of all of us being here at our Malibu house. But that was sadly coming to end as my parents, my sister were packing their bags to go back to our actual house. I had already packed along with Lizzie as we both just wanted to chill back before the drive.

I was sad to say goodbye to the beach, but excited to be able to see some of our other friends. I knew that Lizzie didn't want to leave, well I just assume that she doesn't want to leave at least.

I was minding my own business while sitting on my bed as she stormed in and I looked at her confused. "What's wrong?", I ask and she smiled a little.

"Lizzie, what's going on?", I ask and she smiled a little more.

"We're going home", she says and I nod as I wasn't expecting her to be so cheery about going back to Sherman Oaks.

"Yes?", I say questionably as she walked over to me.

I was confused as she crawled onto my bed before sitting on my lap. I instantly wrapped my arms around her waist as she moved hers to my neck.

"What's going on in your mind?", I ask and she smiles as she looks at me.

"It's almost Clay's birthday and we are going to plan a huge party for him", she says with a huge smile and I smiled a little back.

"It's his birthday and then in a few months it's mine, don't forget that", I say to her and she smiled a little.

"I would never forget yours. I already have the best gift idea for you", she says before lightly kissing my cheek.

"It's gonna be the best birthday party for him. Just his closest friends and lots of food", she says all excitedly and I just was in awe over her.

"He's going to be seventeen, like how in the world is he so old", she jokingly says and I laughed a little.

"He's only a year older than us, what are you saying?", I say back and she laughs as she looks at me.

"I'm just saying that he's old now", she teases out and I shook my head as she moved off my lap.

Not even a split second after she moved my door was thrown open. I looked towards the door and saw Mac walk in with her giant teddy that she has to bring everywhere we go.

"Alex, mum said we are leaving soon", Mac says as she walks over to my bed.

"I don't wanna leave the beach", Mac then says and I watch out of my peripheral as Lizzie nods in agreement.

"Mac, we have a pool and it's not like we won't be coming back here. We have a few weeks before we come back for July Fourth", I tell my sister as she flings her teddy up onto my bed to crawl on.

"Here Mac, I'll help you up", Lizzie says as she gets off my bed to lift my sister up and on before getting on again herself.

"Mum and dad said that we will be back yeah, but I don't wanna leave. I wanna stay", Mac says with a slight pout making me feel bad.

Mac grabbed her teddy and moved to lay down on my bed. I moved slightly and she sprawled out making me giggle slightly at her comfort.

"Can we all cuddle for a little while before we go?", Mac asks as she looks at me and I nod.

"Yeah of course, we can little missy", I reply making Lizzie smile as she watches us.

I know this hurts her a lot, she has a sister the same age as Mac who she's not overly close with. She's close to her sister, but it's different for her. She doesn't get the everyday sisterly love, she gets the once in awhile kind of sisterly love.

Even her older sister's are rarely around anymore, her mom is present in her life but is also not always present. Which is why she tends to stick around with us.

I laid back down as Mac got more comfortable, she lifted her head and glared at Lizzie. "Come on, Lizzie it's cuddle time", she says as she glares at her making me laugh a little.

"Yeah come on Lizzie, it's cuddle time", I say teasingly and Lizzie laughs while looking at the two of us.

"Mhm okay then", Lizzie responds as she moves from her spot to cuddle up into me. I lifted my one arm as she got comfortable before laying my arm around her.

"Alex", I hear and I move a little to look at my sister.

"Mac", I respond and she giggles.

"I sleep", Mac faintly says and I smiled as I turned my attention to my best friend who was also half asleep. I knew that I was not going to be able to move for a while, Lizzie would wake up if I moved and that would wake up Mac.

I just let myself get comfortable as the two peacefully snored making me silently laugh. I heard footsteps leading towards my door before seeing my mum peer in.

She smiled a little as she looked at me before the two others. I weakly smiled back as she walked over quietly to pick up Mackenzie.

"We will be leaving soon, I'll carry Mac to the car.", my mum says quietly and I nodded a little as I softly traced lines on Lizzie's back.

"Hey wake up, we're going to be heading out soon", I whisper and she burrowed her head more into me.

"Come on, wakey wakey", I whisper again as I move my head from her back to brush her hair out of her face.

"I don't wanna get up", she whispers and I laugh a little.

"We have to head back, and start planning Clay's birthday", I whisper and she perked her head up immediately.

"Oh yeah, we should go then", she says jumping up from her laying position making me smile at her.

I slowly sat up beside her before getting off my bed with her following suit on the other side. We both instantly fixed my bedding before grabbing our things. I opened my door a little to let her walk out before following her out and down the hall.

We both walked down the hall towards my dad who was sitting in the kitchen looking at his phone. "Dad? Everything okay?", I ask and he looks at us with a soft smile.

"Yeah just was checking something out quickly. You both ready to head back to Sherman Oaks?", he asks and we both faintly nodded before walking towards the front.

I slid on my shoes as I looked at Lizzie. She also had a puzzled look on her face, the same look I knew that I had on mine. Both of us were confused on what was going on.

I opened the front door and I walked out with her right behind me. I looked around to make sure it was all good before leading her to the car. I opened the back and she climbed into the back of the van before I did. Our bags sitting on the empty seat beside Mac.

I was confused on why none of their stuff was here yet, I didn't think much of it though. I just assumed they were leaving it for when we come back in a few weeks.

I just ignored it as my dad came out of the house. He seemed very skidish and worried. Not his normal behaviour.

"Something is wrong", I whisper to Lizzie and she nods as she's also watching my dad closely.

"I wonder what happened", she whispers back as my dad went to open the door.

My dad got into the car and turned it on quickly. No normal "let's head home" speech or anything, I was confused as fuck.

I offered Lizzie my hand as my dad took off down the road. He was speeding, something happened. As soon as we got away from the house, he stopped speeding and instantly relaxed.

"Sorry for scaring any of you. I was alerted by the neighbour that someone had spotted Elizabeth at the beach house and called the paps. There was a swarm of them out on the lake taking photos of our place", my dad says and I felt Lizzie squeeze my hand tightly.

"We weren't planning this to happen. We have no idea who called or why. I'm dropping you both off at the Olsen's and then we're going back.", my dad says and I had no idea what to say.

My dad took a different turn than normal, we slowly made our way down a different highway then his usual way. I just relaxed as Lizzie laid her head on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes as I felt my body relaxing more. My breaths becoming lighter and before I knew it, I was out cold.

. . .

September 30th, 2005

"Alexandra, it's not up for decision. This is happening, I'm sorry but we can't let you stay back. You are coming with us", my dad says as I try my best to not break down in tears.

I found out about the move a few days ago. I didn't want to leave, I tried everything. I tried my best to not have to leave my life behind. I didn't want to say goodbye to anyone. I wanted to stay.

"WHY CAN'T I STAY?!", I yell angrily as I broke down in tears. I didn't want to be here, I pushed myself off the couch and walked away.

I didn't listen to them calling for me. I walked out of the house, I kept walking. I didn't have a place to go to. I didn't want to go back home.

I walked until my feet were sore, I looked up and saw a familiar face looking at me confused. I didn't realize where I went. I just walked. I smiled weakly as the familiar face walked over.

"Alexandra, what are you doing all the way over here?", the voice says and I weakly smile at my uncle.

"I.. I.. I walked out of the house. I can't leave Los Angeles. I can't leave her", I say as I play with my necklace that she got me for my birthday.

"I know my dear, I tried letting them keep you here with me. I don't know what else to do. They don't want you to stay", he says as he wraps his arms around me to hug me.

"I have to go say goodbye, but they aren't going to let me. They don't want me to tell her that I'm leaving", I say to him and I can hear him muttering something angrily.

"It's going to be okay, you will see her soon", he says trying to reassure me but I know that it's a lie.

I just went with it, I knew that fighting this would not work. I knew that I was in a lot of shit now for storming out of the house. I shook off my feelings and smiled as if I was suddenly fine.

My uncle looked at me with slight concern before I heard my dad's car pull up. He looked angry, upset and just not in the mood for this shit.

"Get in the fucking car Alexandra", he says angrily and I just hugged my hug.

"Don't you worry my dear, everything will be fine.", my uncle whispers as I let go of the hug. I took a deep breath before walking over to the car.

I got in and my dad just ignored me as he drove away from my uncle. I waved goodbye to him as we past him and continued on the way back to our house.

I didn't talk, I didn't make a sound. We pulled up to the house and my mum was already loading up her van with everything that we needed for the move.

I walked into the house and straight to my room. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote out my goodbye, in hopes that she gets this.

My Elizabeth,

I had to leave, I'm sorry for not saying goodbye. I don't even know if you'll get this. But if you do, I promise to find a way to reach out.

I wish you all the best, all the happiness and I wish I could be with you forever but life had other plans. Just promise me one thing, don't lose that gorgeous smile of yours, that silly goofy laugh or yourself.

I love you always forever. Wherever we are, whenever we met again, just know that I will always love you.


I folded up the paper and slipped it into an envelope writing her nickname "Lizard" on the front of it. I walked over to my bag that my mum must've packed and pulled out one of my jumpers. I took it out and sprayed it with her favourite perfume that I own.

I folded it up nicely before slipping the envelope into the pocket of the hoodie and put the bottle on top. I knew that I would never want to smell this bottle again now, so I might as well leave it for her.

I looked around my room and saw one of our photos sitting on my nightstand. I picked it up before putting it into my bag carefully.

I zipped up my bag before picking it up. I looked around one last time as the memories of this summer zoomed past me.

I felt a tear run down my face as I took a deep breath before walking out. I walked down the stairs and out the door. I didn't even look my parents in the eyes. I just walked towards the car.

I looked across the street and sighed, she won't know. She won't even know that I was gone. I dropped my bag and ran back inside. My parents looking at me as I ran up and grabbed the hoodie with the stuff before running back down.

I ran out of the house and looked both ways before crossing the street. I walked around the house to the back door. I knew it would be open, it always was for me.

I walked in and slipped off my shoes before walking up to her room. I felt the tears forming in my eyes as I looked into her peaceful room.

I gently put the things down before walking out of her room. I walked back down towards the back door and slipped my shoes back on.

"Goodbye Elizabeth", I whispered into the house before walking out and shutting the door behind me.

I walked back towards the street and looked both ways again before crossing the street. I just walked over to grab my bag before walking towards the van.

I got in and instantly broke down in tears. I wanted to just leave already, the pain getting harder to deal with. It feels like my soul was just torn in half.

. . .

September 31st, 2005

Elizabeth POV

I walked into the house after staying with my dad for the night. I wanted to change and go over to hangout with Alexandra.

So I ran up the stairs to my room, all excited to go and see my best friend. Something felt off, something was wrong though.

I walked into my room and saw my favourite hoodie of hers laying on my bed. I felt my heart drop.

"no no no", I softly yelled as I walked over to it.

I picked up the perfume and put it on my bed. I slipped off my own hoodie and slipped on the one she put on my bed.

The smell of her lingering in through my nose, the smell that I fell in love with. No not the smell, the person that I fell in love with.

My best friend, the first person that I ever said I love you to and meant it. I brought my knees to my chest and felt a weird feeling in the pocket.

I slipped my hand in and pulled out the envelope.

I looked at her handwriting and could feel the tears already forming. I carefully opened the envelope and read her note.

My tears falling onto the sleeves as I held the paper to my chest. My heart racing, my tears not stopping. I felt like I was about to pass out. I didn't want to believe it.

I carefully but shakily put the paper back into the envelope before putting it with my favourite picture of us. I walked out of my room, my vision blurry.

I walked down the stairs carefully, trying not to make a single plead out. I walked to the door and walked out.

I walked down our property and crossed the street. I walked straight to the door and knocked. I waited a moment before looking in.

There was furniture but not a single soul. I felt my knees buckle as I collasped onto the front porch. I slowly rocked back and forth as I heard footsteps walking towards me.

I looked up to see her uncle walking up the drive.

I tried to stand but failed. He weakly smiled as he walked over to me before helping me up and pulling me into a tight hug.

"She.. she.. left.. me", I cried out as he hugged me tighter.

"She.. she.. left.. after.. we.. told.. each.. other.. that.. we.. loved.. each.. other..", I cried out more as he consoled me.

"She.. was.. my.. every.. thing.. We.. we.. just.. just..", I cried out as I felt my heart pick up more and more. He walked over to the door while I hung off him and unlocked their house.

As soon as he opened the door he stepped back. "Go in and lay in her room. This house will stay how it is, they don't plan on selling it", he says as I let go of him. I nodded before looking into the house, I took off my shoes and walked up the steps.

I walked straight into her room and collapsed on her bed. She was gone, my best friend was gone. I do have Clay, but she was my rock, she was my world. And now she's gone.

I don't know how long I was there for, I must've fallen asleep. It was day when I got here and now it's night.

I heard the door peer open. My heart wishing it was her, but it was my sisters.

"We heard about this, we came as soon as we could", Mary-Kate says as her and Ashley climbed into the bed with me.

"I loved her. I love her so much", I cry out as they both hugged me.

"We know Liz, we know", Ashley says as they hold me.

"I.. want.. her.. to.. come.. back", I cried as my eyes got heavy again.


hi it's me :)

i hope y'all have been enjoying come back... be here so far. i will try to do weekly drops on tuesday's, but it may be biweekly here and there.

anyways i hope you all do enjoy my new story, it had been a long time since i wrote a story with lizzie and this story just came to me back in summer. so i truly enjoyed this one; it's a work in progress but i have a lot of saved drafts.. i'm just a little busy with my other story that i'm trying to get up asap so right now it's whatever i have written will be publishing.

i just mainly wanted to give you a little heads up with the next chapter aka ch 3.. it does take a time jump. so enjoy and we'll chat again sometime soon

- kay

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