Miss Complicated

By CCKens

21.1K 1.4K 457

Zara Wexler was so ready to graduate high school. She had it all planned out. She was going to go to Yale lik... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

637 34 9
By CCKens

Kenzie was definitely not happy when she saw us. She had a perpetual glare and it really didn't help that Amelia was there as well.

Monique shot up like a rocket and launched herself at Kenzie.

She caught Monique in her arms with ease even though she looked completely taken aback by the action.

"You were amazing!" Monique held onto Kenzie like a koala.

"Can you do that for me?" Renzo smirked as he looked at Monique.

Kenzie shoved him away with an elbow. "Why are you all here?"

I was surprised Kenzie didn't drop Monique but she just held her in her arms like she was holding a child.

"My friend works here and I asked them to hang out," Mei answered effortlessly.

"You brought the jezökşe." Kenzie's lips curled in disdained as she looked at Amelia.

"Kenzie," I scolded. I wasn't sure what she said but I knew it was not a nice word.

"Hello again." Renzo slid in next to me. "Renzo Benedetti." He extended a hand to me.

"Zara Wexler." I gave him a polite smile  as I shook his hand.

Renzo looked every bit of a lead singer with his long slicked back hair and the smoldering eyes that looked like they were copied from Damon Salvatore himself. If I liked men, I wouldn't mind his attention.

"Kenzie, has so many beautiful friends that she doesn't introduce us to," Renzo said dissapointedly.

"She's not interested," Kenzie said bluntly. "She likes that." She gestured to Amelia in disgust.

Renzo's eyes widened when he saw Amelia.

"Always rude as ever, MacKenzie," Amelia responded.

Kenzie looked like she would have hurled herself at Amelia but then she remembered she was still holding Monique, who looked like she was having the time of her life.
Kenzie quickly put her down on the ground.

Renzo let out a low whistle and shook his head at Amelia. "You have some guts for calling her that."

"Please don't make that habit." I didn't want Kenzie to actually follow through on her threats.

Amelia just gave me a michevious smile in return.

"So you like her too?" Renzo asked Amelia as he pointed toward me. He looked very confused.

"Yes," Amelia answered.

"Your taste has changed since the last time I saw you," Renzo replied. "It is so much better."

Amelia pursed her lips in disdain.

"Straight girls always have horrible taste in guys," Mei added as she glanced at Amelia. "I guess bi girls can too."

"Speaking for yourself?" I couldn't help but glare at her.

"Nope,I am neither," Mei answered with a grin.

Renzo was completely amused by Mei's answer.

"Then what are you?" Amelia stared at Mei in confusion.

"I am an equal opportunity employer," Mei stated. "If there's something attractive that I like in a person, then I will go to them."

"I like that. I think it's the same for me,"Amelia agreed.

Mei's eyes were fixating on someone in the distance. I followed her eyes as it landed on a tall boy, with long black hair and tan skin. He was making his way toward Kenzie.

"Dibs on the drummer," Mei called out.

"My friend, you cannot," Renzo warned.

Mei stopped in her tracks and stared back at Renzo like he was issuing a challenge to her.

"Kenzie will not like it," He stated.

I could feel my eyes widen as I turned my attention to the drummer. He situated himself beside Kenzie who actually smiled at him. Seeing Kenzie smile was a strange sight since she rarely did.

I could see Mei going through the process of whether it was worth it to make Kenzie mad and it didn't take long before the conclusion was no it wasn't. 

"Isn't there a rule that bandmates shouldn't date?" Mei questioned.

Renzo shrugged his shoulders. "Kenzie has a soft spot for Tomas."

"Interesting," Mei said as she glanced at me.

"Kenzie, Tomas," Renzo called out and beckoned them to come over.

Monique had her arm linked with Kenzie as though she was afraid the taller girl would run away.

"What," Kenzie said exasperatedly.

"Greg and Liz are heading to a party in Pasadena," Renzo explained. "You guys want to come?"

Kenzie rolled her eyes. "Don't ask questions you already know the answer to."

"Don't say I never asked you," Renzo replied. "Tomas?"

The drummer shook his head as he looked at Kenzie.

"Ladies?" He turned his attention to us.

"Sorry, I have plans." I glanced at Amelia.

Monique shook her head as well.

"I would love to, but I have a booty call," Mei answered with a grin. She waved her phone in the air.

"Again?" I stared at her in confusion. "The older woman?"

"What can I say, I have talents," Mei smirked at me. 

"How old is this older woman?' Amelia asked in curiosity. 

"Hmmm, late twenties," Mei said with a shrug.

"Does she know how old you are?" I had a feeling with Mei, she would be ambiguous.

Mei just smirked back at me. "She knows I am in college."

"Shouldn't you be dating someone around your age?" Monique questioned."And what does someone that age have in common with a nineteen-year-old?"

"Who said anything about dating," Mei scoffed. "We're just having fun. You definitely shouldn't be the one to point fingers about age gaps."

Monique quickly stopped talking as she was reminded of her parents' age gap.

"Goodbye my little babies." Mei blew a kiss at us as she waved goodbye. "Don't do anything I would do, Zara."

"I like her," Renzo stated.

"Who don't you like," Kenzie deadpanned. 

Renzo just smiled before turning toward me. "Ciao bella."

"Tomas that's Zara," Kenzie pointed toward me and this clingy one is Monique.

Tomas waved politely to us.

"You already know that one," Kenzie gestured to Amelia.

Tomas stifled a laugh and nodded.

"Okay, manners Kenzie," I scolded.

Kenzie rolled her eyes before turning to Tomas."Ice cream?"

A giant smile appeared on his lips as he nodded.

Kenzie placed her other arm around him, as a small smile graced her lips. "Come on cheerleader," she said to Monique who still had a hold of  her other arm.

"Bye Zara, bye Amelia," Monique called out as she left with Kenze and Tomas.

"I should have known better than to come here, especially with Kenzie," Amelia stated

"She really needs to work on her people skills," I replied.

"Come on let's get out of here." Amelia grabbed a hold of my hand as we headed out the door.

"Sorry, this is probably the worst date, you've been on," I said.

"Definitely not," Amelia said with a laugh. "It's the company that matter and you are fun, Zara Wexler."

I couldn't help myself from smiling. "I don't know what it is, but I like when you say my full name."

"Should I say it more then," Amelia teased.

"Maybe," I said with a laugh.

Amelia leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I do like saying your name, Zara Wexler."

I let out a slow breath."Uhh...let's get you, home."

"You don't have to,Zara. By the time you get back to your house, it could be past midnight," Amelia explained.

"I would not feel comfortable with you taking a taxi alone," I replied. It would be nice if she lived closer to my house then it wouldn't be that far of a drive. It's not like she could stay at my house... Maybe she could. Mom was in Shanghai until the end of the week and dad was in London. I am not sure if Mei would even come home tonight.

"What are thinking in that pretty brain of yours?"

"Crazy idea, but would you want to stay over at my place? My parents are out of the country," I asked. "Like stay in a platonic way."

An amused smirk appeard on Amelia's lips as she studied me."Platonic?"

"Like you will be in your own room and I will be in my own," I rambled. "Kind of like a hotel?"

"I'd like that," Amelia answered. "But I don't want us to be platonic."

"I just didn't want you to assume I was asking for any other reason," I stated.

"What if I wanted to assume?" Amelia had smirking as a superpower now and I was disarmed by it.

"Uhhh..." Say something Zara. Anything. Don't stand there like a stupid!

"You're so cute." Amelia gave me a peck on the cheek that unfroze me from my spot.

"Uhh...thanks?" I feel like my cheeks were flush with how heated I felt.

"You're like the first person, that hasn't tried anything with me," Amelia stated.

"That's never been my attention. I just want to get to know you first," I casually answered.

Before I knew it she pulled me into a kiss. Her hands slipped down my back as she pressed herself against me, deepening the kiss.

I was the first to break away as I couldn't help but stare at her in confusion. "What was that for?"

"For making it so easy to fall for you."

"Shouldn't it be normal for someone to get to know a person first," I asked. I thought of Mei and how she was. Okay, maybe not for everyone.

Amelia let out a laugh. "You would think right." She ran a hand down her luscious hair. "I've made so many stupid mistakes and for first time in my life, I think I'm making a good one."

"That's the thing about life right? You make mistakes and you learn from them," I answered. "Maybe it's my naivety but people shouldn't be judged by their mistakes. The mindset you have while making decisions during those times can be cause by inexperience or emotions."

I was so lost in my own dialogue that I didn't realize how intensely Amelia was staring at me.

"Zara, you might have to shut up or I'm going to pounce on you."

My eyes widened as I just nodded. I quickly walked over to my car and opened the passager door for her. "Let's get going."

That was the most tensed car ride I had ever had. Amelia had her hand on my thigh the entire time and I could not think straight.

"You can pick any spare room that you like," I stated as we walked upstairs.

"What if I like your room?" Amelia gave me her signature smirk.

"I'm nice but I'm not that nice," I answered with a laugh.

"Sharing is caring," Amelia replied.

"Not in this case. I want to be able to sleep."

"Why wouldn't you be able to sleep?"Amelia asked innocently.

"I think you know why." If the car ride was a hint of what it was like being that close to her, then I don't even want to imagine sharing the same bed with her. I would freaking implode.

"Enlighten me." Amelia tilted her head in to the side while she smiled micheviously.

"Okay, too late. You are going into that room." I pointed to room next to mine.

"Ooh, Zara Wexler is giving orders now." Amelia wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me from behind.

My breath caught in my throat and all I can think about was how this was a bad idea.

"I like that," she whispered. She slowly unwrapped herself and walked into the room.

I let out a deep breath. Bad idea, Zara. This is a bad idea. "Umm...I'll grab you some clothes to wear for the night."

I ran into my room. I think I need a cold shower to wake myself up.  I walked into my closet and rifled through my a drawer looking for a set of long sleeve pajamas.

"I prefer sleeping in the nude."

I shot up and turned toward the voice. Amelia was just in a black strapless bra and matching black panties. She was leaning against the doorframe watching me.

"I like the feeling of the sheets against my skin," She added as she walked toward me.

Think straight,Zara. Think straight! "Uhhh...."

"What about you?" Amelia placed a finger under my chin and lifted it up to close my mouth.

"Ummm...shorts and a tank unless my grandma is visiting then it would be a tee," I rambled.

"Why is that?" She was clearly having fun teasing me.

"She thinks showing the shoulders is for prostitutes," I answered.

"Is your grandma, Kenzie," Amelia said with a laugh.

I couldn't help but chuckle at that. "If Kenzie was my grandma, then she would at least accept me."

"You're grandma doesn't accept you?" The teasing smile disappeared from Amelia's lips.

"Let's just say I am her least favorite grandchild," I answered. "Mei thinks I would be her favorite if I was straight since I'm pretty." My grandma only liked pretty things. She once pinched a baby because she thought it was ugly. Luckily that baby was my cousin Elaine or she might of had a lawsuit brewing.

Amelia moved a stray strand of hair from my face. "I am so glad yout you're not straight because then I wouldn't be able to do this." She gently pulls me towards her and captures my lips in her own.

Amelia was just so smooth with her words that I couldn't help but become a mesmerized fool when I was around her. She made it hard for me to resist her. My jacket slipped off so easy that it fell to the floor with a soft thud.

"Want to join me in the shower," Amelia whispered.

I shouldn't. I should be doing the opposite of what Mei would do. This was wrong. Wait, why would it be?

"I would love to."

Amelia took a hold of my hand and lead me to the bathroom.

*Author's note: I am sorry for not staying consistent with my updates. I recently moved and just been too in my head with my wiring. This current chapter had so many re-writes. I am not sure when I will get back into my groove.

*jezökşe- prostitute/whore in Kazakh.
Please correct if it's wrong.

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