Random thoughts and One-shots

De Leelei1980

9.1K 155 27

These are just Random thoughts that go running through my head on a daily basis , all about our favorite Dun... Mais

You give me fever
Let's Wrestle
Hot under the hood
All time high🌢️
Head over heels
104 Reasons🌢️
Fun in the sun 🌢️
Wet and wild🌢️
Island Time 🌢️
Daddy's Girl
Cabin Fever🌢️
Golden Girls
dilf Eddie x reader - Prologue - In the beginning - Part one- Connection 🌢️
Dilf Eddie and Reader- In the Beginning- Part two - Meeting Mr. Munson
Dilf Eddie and reader - In the beginning- Part Three - Betrayal
Dilf Eddie- I've got you Sweetheart 🌢️
Dilf Eddie part 3- Clearing the air🌢️
Dilf Eddie- Part 2 -Sticky Sweet🌢️
Hawkins High Reunion- Part 2🌢️
Dilf!Eddie Part 6 -Excuse me Sir...🌢️
Dilf!Eddie x reader -part 7 Parental warning
Dilf!Eddie part 8- Nothing else Matters 🌢️
Dilf!EddiexReader Part 9- Welcome Home🌢️
Dilf Eddie and reader- Part 10-New Routines 🌢️
Dilf Eddie and Reader - Part 11- Maybe it's Destiny
Dilf Eddie x Reader- Part 12 - Family Time 🌢️
Dilf Eddie x Reader Part 13- One Night Only🌢️
Dilf Eddie x reader part 14- Just for us
Dilf Eddie x Reader Part 15- To have and to hold - Part One
Dilf Eddie+Reader Part 16- To have and to hold Part 2🌢️
dilf Eddie and reader - In sickness and in health
Dilf Eddie x reader - Making Plans
Dilf Eddie xReader- The Bachelorette Party🌢️
Dilf Eddie xReader- Bachelorette Party -Part 2🌢️
DilfEddie xReader- Happy Birthday Baby 🌢️
Dilf Eddie x Reader- 80's Mixtapes🌢️
Dilf Eddie x Reader- Who's your Daddy?🌢️
Extra-Dilf Eddie and reader - Magic hands🌢️
Extra- Dilf Eddie x Reader- Squeaky Clean 🌢️
Extra-Dilf Eddie x reader - Gonna make you Sweat
Time of my life🌢️
Countdown to Christmas - A Steve Harrington one-shot
Up on the housetop
Mistletoe Menace 🌢️
Merry and Bright
The Final Countdown 🌢️
Bar Room Blitz 🌢️
Berry Sweet

Dilf Eddie- part 4- Hawkins High Reunion 🌢️

181 4 6
De Leelei1980

Eddie wasn't going to go to his high school reunion, but has a little more incentive now that he is with you. Time to take a trip to Hawkins to meet the gang.

" I'm so freaking excited!" You stand at the window of your apartment looking out, waiting for Eddie to arrive. This weekend he was taking you away, this weekend you would be meeting all of his friends, and go back to Eddie's old hometown, Hawkins Indiana.
He had hemmed and hawed, he wanted the opportunity to hang out with his friends, even his high school friends that weren't " The Class of 86" had coordinated to be there so that they would have a nice long weekend to catch up. With everyone having their own lives, work children it made it damn near impossible for them all to meet up regularly, it had been a very long time. That was the part Eddie was excited about, the reunion, not so much. Weeks earlier you had had a discussion with him about it.
" Why should I go? Those people fucking hated me, they called me a freak."
" You are a freak, a freak in the sheets." You slap his ass as you walk past him in the bedroom heading to his drawer to take out the cropped Iron Maiden shirt that you have since claimed as your own.
" Oh Sweetheart you have no fucking idea." He smiled devilishly at you.
" I am intrigued..." You slide the shirt over your naked chest . " Would you care to elaborate?"
" Later Princess, I promise, right now I just need to make a decision on whether or not I go to the reunion-"
" Of course your going to go! " You take his handsome face in your hands and place a soft kiss to his lips." Your fucking amazing Eddie Munson, and it's time you realize it. You were a young, single father that raised a child on his own, worked numerous jobs to keep him fed and clothed, keep a roof over his head. On top of that you started your own business, your own shop, sent your kid off to college, he was the first Munson to go to college, you did that, if that isn't success I don't know what is!! " You run your hands down his hard sculpted chest,stomach and Abs, admiring the artwork that was permanently imprinted into his skin. His chest, torso, arms and back were covered, and you absolutely loved it, it was so goddamn sexy. " And I bet that no one there will be as fucking hot as you are." You lean in and kiss his neck, hear him purr. " Your going to strut your fine ass into that gymnasium and their chins are going to drop when they see the sexy fucker that walks through that door." You nibble on his ear. " The women are going to look at their balding , out of shape husbands that peaked in high school and then slowly went downhill after that and wish that they had never picked on you."
" They are going to be looking at the fucking smoke show on my arm and wonder how I ever scored a girl like that."
" I'll tell them if they ask that not only are you a sweet, amazing human being, but you have a massive-"
Eddie laughed." Jesus Christ Darlin you don't need to be spreading rumors about my dick."
" Who said anything about your dick? I was talking about your massive heart." You pulled away and winked at him. "So you are going to call Steve and Nancy and tell them you are going to the reunion?"
Eddie sighed." Yes, I will go."
" Perfect!" Now back to the freak in the sheets comment...."
And now the weeks had passed and it was finally time to go. You had briefly met members of his friend group over the years ,heard Robbie talk about Uncle Steve, Uncle Dusty, but this would be a great opportunity to really connect with them, and get the real dirt on high school Eddie Munson.
You hear the rumble of an engine and you look down to see Eddie's  black 1970 Chevy Chevelle, the sexiest car you had ever seen pulling into a parking space in front of your building.
" He's here!" You have butterflies in your belly as you watch him get out of the car and walk to the entrance of your apartment.
Your roommate Lisa comes running to the window," That car is so sweet! God, your so lucky. Eddie is quite a guy, you definitely upgraded."
" 1000% . He really knows how to treat a lady, he's such a gentleman." There was a knock on the door and you rush to open it and when you do you are scooped up and spun around, his warm full lips placed on yours.
" Hey Sweetheart, ready to go?" He looked over and flashed a smile at Lisa. " Hi Lisa, how's it going?"
" Going great Eddie, thanks for asking!" Lisa smiled back. " She has had her bags packed for days you know, she even made me sit through a fashion show so that I could help her pick out ' the perfect outfit' for the reunion."
" You look perfect in everything you wear Princess," he leaned in close to your ear, his breath tickling your neck. "But you look your best wearing nothing at all." He pulled away and winked.
You smiled, your heart melting." That would not be an option for the reunion, Mr. Munson, after perhaps..."
" It will give me incentive to make it through the night." He slapped your ass. " These bags yours Dollface?" He hefted one," Holy shit Baby, what do you have in here? Your entire wardrobe?" He laughed.
" A girl has to have options Eddie, and accessories, and shoes and makeup-"
" Your fucking gorgeous, you don't need makeup."
You shrug. " It makes me feel pretty."
" Whatever makes you happy Sweetheart." He picks up the rest of your bags. " Ready ?"
" Ready!" You wave to your roommate, "Bye Lisa!"
" Bye Lisa!" Eddie echoes.
" Bye guys! Have fun!"
" I'm sure we will!"
Eddie stood aside ." Ladies first."
" Why thank you sir." You took the lead opening and closing doors since the poor man had his hands full of your luggage. When you got down to the car you stood in awe at its polished glory.
" This car is beautiful. "
" That she is. Black Beauty only comes out of storage for special occasions. Shit- my keys are in my pocket, can you grab them for me babe?"
You smirk at him. " Are those your keys in your pocket Mr. Munson or are you just happy to see me?" You walk up behind him,slipping your hand inside his left pocket, you knew the keys weren't in there but you brushed your fingertips lightly over the bulge in his pants. "Oops, pardon me."
" Your a fucking Minx."
" It was a simple mistake." You whispered in his ear, then reached into his right pocket to pull out the keys. "Got 'em." You quickly unlock the trunk ." Baby your bringing your guitar?" You ask staring at his amp.
He looks at you almost bashfully."Yeah, ya know in case any of my Corroded Coffin buddies show up." He carefully places your bags inside. " Is that lame?"
" Absolutely not! I would love to hear you play! I'm surprised I haven't yet."
" I'm a little rusty-"
" I'm sure you are still amazing at it." You smile at him and he smiles back. You love it when he smiles and the corners of his eyes crinkle and his dimples show. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. " I am so excited!"
" Ready to head out Sweetness?"
" Absolutely."
Eddie leaned forward and gave you a sweet kiss before slapping your ass and winking. " Let me get the door for ya Sweetcheeks." He opened the door for you and you slid inside. Black leather seats, shiny silver skull shifting knob,the interior was totally immaculate. Despite the cars age it still had the new car smell. You turned to check out the back seat as Eddie got in, you saw his guitar case laid across his black leather bench seat. " Baby, this car is amazing. I feel honored just to ride in it."
" I'm hoping by the end of the weekend I will have fucked you in it."
" That is an even bigger honor." You smirked and buckled yourself in.
You swooned as Eddie looked over his shoulder , arm draped over the back of the seat, to back out of his parking spot, then swooned again as he hopped on the interstate, one hand on the steering wheel , the other on the silver skull ,smoothly shifting from one gear to the next. His hair was blowing wildly in the breeze as you rode windows down music blaring. Eddie was singing along, occasionally tapping the steering wheel, hand on your knee when it wasn't shifting.He was a vision in a sleeveless,faded Metallica shirt.You couldn't take your eyes off him.
" Your sexy as hell Munson."
He looked over at you and smiled. "Even for an old fucking man?" He winked.
You smiled ." You got better with age."
" I don't know about that."
" Hope your friends have pictures of you. Do you think they have yearbooks?" You asked excitedly.
" There wouldn't be many pictures of me in the yearbook Sweetheart, I told you, I was a fucking outcast."
" But you were in a club weren't you?"
" The Hellfire Club. With a bunch of other social rejects, also known as my best friends."
" What kind of club was it again?"
" Dungeons and Dragons."
" No shit! I always wanted to play."
He looked over at you eyebrows raised." Really?"
" Yes , really." You smile again. " who was your, what's it called? Dragon Master?"
Eddie chuckled. " Dungeon Master. Your looking at him."
You gasped." For real? You like ran the game?"
Eddie smiled." I came up with the campaigns, had handbooks, strategy guides, like really fuckin got into it. I was maybe a tad dramatic-"
" I wish I could have seen you in action! Damn! Do you think you guys would ever play for old times sake?" You leaned in. " I have been having sex with a dungeon master this whole time and never knew it! "
He laughed." The secret is out now Princess. I will now expect you to call me Master in the bedroom." He smirked.
" I will call you whatever you want Baby."
" Fuck Sweetheart."
You laugh. " Ok, can you run over who's who again with me, I want to know as much as I can about your friends, and we have about an hour? Feed my brain with information Munson."
For the next hour he reviewed everything with you, who his friends were, how they met , pertinent information about each one, spouse, children, occupation etc, until you had it down. You wanted to show him how interested you were, how much you cared. These people meant a lot to him.
Time flew by and before you knew it you were pulling into the only Hotel in Hawkins, The Hawkins Inn- It was quaint and the room was very cute. You dropped off all of your things then headed directly to Steve Harrington's house.
It wasn't exactly a house, the place was more like a mansion. Steve Harrington had taken over his father's business and had done very well for himself. He had come a long way since slinging ice cream and renting out movies, and his wife Nancy, was a journalist. They had four children, 2 boys and two girls ages ranging from 17-13 .
Eddie was positively giddy as he parked the car infront of a giant garage. " I can't wait for you to meet everyone."
He hopped out of the car and came around to open your door." M'Lady."
You climbed out and took his hand.
The two of you hadn't even made it halfway up the walkway when the door opened. Steve Harrington jogged down the path, followed by who you assumed were Dustin, Mike and Lucas. You let go of his hand and stayed back, smiling as you watch him reunite with his friends.
" Well who do we got here? " Steve smiled and gave Eddie a hug. " How the hell are ya Munson? It's good to finally see you!"
" Good to see you too man!" He beamed, patting the other man on the back then pulling away. He turned to the other three. " It's the fucking Shrimp Squad. It's so fucking good to see you guys."
A man with curly hair smiled." Jesus Christ Eddie, we are almost 40 years old and and your still calling us that?"
" Dustin Henderson,You will forever and always be the Shrimp squad to me regardless of how old you are."
You watched these grown men greet each other with smiles and warm embraces and it melted your heart. His friends smiled and accepted you into the group with open arms. Once inside you met their spouses, Nancy, Suzie ,Max and El, as well as Robin . They all were welcoming and eager to meet you.
Once the introductions were over you all gathered in the giant living room where you all sat and chatted. Eddie was truly in his element surrounded by his friends.
Nancy sat beside you carefully placing a "Hawkins High class of 1986." Yearbook in your lap." I thought you might want to see this." She smirked.
My heart leapt." Oh my god! Thank you!" You quickly flipped through the pages and found him. Edward Munson. " Oh my god! He was fucking adorable!" You commented and Nancy chuckled.
His yearbook quote was," This is my year, 86 baby."
" Are there more pictures?"
Nancy quickly flipped to a page with school clubs on it and there was a picture of the Hellfire club, all wearing their matching shirts, Eddie of course had his tongue sticking out in the picture. " Oh my god, I love it!!"
" You are really going to love this," Nancy quickly turned the pages and opened to a picture of Eddie and his band 'Corroded Coffin' playing at the school talent show. Eddie had his foot up on his amp and had an intense look on his face. " He was so hot!"
" They won first place in the talent show. We were shocked that they even entered, it being a ' school event ' and all. You see he was kind of a pariah by everyone else's standards,he didn't typically take part in school activities. He was known for hopping up on lunchroom tables and ranting about forced conformity."
You laughed." So he was a little dramatic?"
" He was, but he found other kids that were awkward, outcasts and took them under his wing. Hence this strange group of friends was formed."
" I love how they are still so close." You looked back down at the picture in the yearbook. It was crazy how much Robbie looked like Eddie in these pictures.
Nancy smiled. " He's seems so happy. You have done that. He deserves it."
" He is amazing." You gush, looking over at him, your eyes meet and he winks." I have never been happier."
Robin walks over and plops down on the couch beside you, handing you a glass of wine. " I'm glad you talked him into coming, this is great. Look at them, it's like they were in high school again." She took a sip of her own wine. " People are going to shit their pants when they see him. He looks so good. You make him happy, that makes me happy." She gave you a sloppy side hug,it was obvious that the wine was starting to kick in." You're so cute, and sweet ,it's no wonder he's so in love with you."
Your heart fluttered. Had he really told them he loved you? " The , uh feeling is mutual."
The night carried on and it was wonderful, talking and eating and laughing. You loved listening their stories, watching Eddie laugh and talk excitedly, hands flailing around. These were his people, and they were good people.
As the night drew to a close and his friends were were all starting to crawl up to the room that they were occupying at Steve's house,Eddie came up behind you and wrapped you in his arms. His warm ,whiskey tinged breath tickled your neck. " Sweetheart?"
" Yeah baby?"
" Thank you."
" For what Eds?"
" For talking me into coming. This, this has been amazing. " he snuggled into your neck.
" This has been wonderful. Your friends are great." You felt his arms pull you closer, his warm lips just under your ear." I think it's time for us to head back to the hotel baby."
" I think your right, I think I can't wait to put my hands and my mouth all over you." He whispered.
You blushed." Where are your keys?"
" Maybe they are in my pocket? Maybe you should reach inside and check like you did earlier?"
" If I did that, Edward, you would be walking around your friends home with a very inappropriate bulge in your pants." You whispered back.
Eddie laughed." You right. The keys are over on the stand by the door. I think it would be best if you drove."
" You want me to drive Black Beauty?"
" Yes Princess. I know from experience that you know how to handle a stick."
It was your turn to laugh. " I will do my best."
" I hope I am not interrupting anything-" Steve slowly walks over. "Why don't you guys just stay here tonight? I have plenty of room-"
" Thanks for the offer Harrington, but I think my Sweetheart and I are going to need some alone time, and I wouldn't want to scar anyone for life with the sounds coming out of our bedroom, I mean there are children in the house." Eddie smirked, you blushed.
Steve shook his head , unphased and looked at you." So have you met Whisky Eddie yet? In case you haven't noticed he is a horny Motherfucker."
" I gathered that. I had best get him back to the hotel."
" Are you ok to drive?"
" Oh yeah, I have only had one glass of wine and that was hours ago."
" Ok, oh and Eddie, if you get thrown out the Hawkins Inn for noise complaints you will always have room for you here, downstairs, where no one will hear you."
" Your a good friend Steve." Eddie saluted him. You all said your goodbyes and you made your way back to the hotel.
You barely made it through the door to your room when Eddie attacked you, his mouth devouring yours, his hands undressing you. He needed you , wanted you so desperately that he didn't waste any time. You clawed at his clothes, only pulling away long enough to remove the garments.
" I want you so fucking bad," he growled, pressing you up against the wall, his forehead resting against yours.
" Please Eddie," you whined, your body throbbing, pulsing with need." Please take me. I need to feel you inside me. Please I can't -"
He  crushed his lips against yours,lifted you up and you wrapped your body around him. He slowly lowered you down onto his aching cock and the groans that escaped your mouths was almost pornographic, low and guttural.
" You feel so fucking good baby, so fucking good-" he drove up into you making you gasp." You were made for me, you are mine-" he panted into your ear as he fucked you into the wall.
" I'm yours Eddie, only yours," you moaned, and wound your hands into his hair giving it a tug.
" Fuck-"
You smirked and tugged again, and you reeled as he thrusted even further into you. " Eddie, oh god,-" he was pounding into your core, into that soft spot inside you, and you could feel your body igniting. " Eddie I- I'm-"
" I've got you sweet girl, go ahead and fall apart for me, cum for me."
You cried out his name again as your orgasm slammed through you and clung to him whimpering as you came down from your high.
" That's a good girl, that's my good fucking girl." He whispered into your ear as he chased his own release, the sweet sounds spilling from your lips sending him over the edge, his body shuttering against yours.
You brushed his sweaty hair from his face and kissed his neck as he panted, catching his breath." I love you Eddie Munson." You murmured into his ear.
He quickly pulled back , breath shaky and he searched your love drunk eyes.
You took his face in your hands ." I love you Edward Munson, with all of my heart."
He leaned forward and placed a light sweet kiss to your lips." I love you, so fucking much."
You smiled as you looked into his beautiful eyes. " You're mine."
" Forever." He ran his thumb over your lips and kissed them again.
When he pulled away you giggled." I'd hate to ruin this beautiful moment but Baby, the light switch on the wall is jabbing into my ass cheek."
" Oh shit! Sorry Sweetheart. " he carefully pulled you away from the wall and held you until your legs were no longer wobbly." I , uh got a little carried away there Darling. I should have checked the wall or at least fucked you on the bed, like a proper gentleman would."
" I like it when you manhandle me. I like being in your strong arms. Your the only man I've been with that has had the the strength to pick my fat ass up-"
" Princess, your ass, your body is perfect. You are absolutely perfect."
" You are too Mr. Munson, your perfect and your mine. Remember that tomorrow when you come face to face with your high school crush Chrissy Cunningham-"
" Who told you about Chrissy?"
" A little birdie."
" A Robin?" Eddie chuckled." Don't worry Dollface, I only have eyes for you."

Be on the lookout for part two of Dilf!Eddie Hawkins High reunion!

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