Dilf Eddie x reader - Making Plans

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Things were starting to come together, wedding plans were being made. You and Eddie had sat and collaborated on every single detail of your "big" wedding- date, bridal party, guest lists, flowers ,cake- you loved and appreciated how invested Eddie was in the planning. You were in this together, you would always be in this together, a promise you made to each other on the day that you had officially taken your vows.
That day, that private and intimate ceremony had meant so much to you, because that day the focus wasn't on all of the extravagant flourishes of a wedding, the focus was on the love that you and Eddie Munson had for each other and that to you, was more important than any dress or any flower. That is why you had again chosen the same date for your larger scale wedding, what a way to celebrate your first anniversary than with a vow renewal.
Your Mother had been beside herself with glee when you had first stepped out of a dressing room wearing a gown of tulle and lace, Lisa cried,  and you had to admit, seeing yourself in it made your heart flutter. You felt like a princess. You enjoyed trying on the dresses,the tiaras and the veils, they made you feel lovely. You had found the perfect dress, it was beautiful and unique, virginal white but the trim on the bodice and the back , the train was deep Claret red with white flowers. It was the perfect pop of color for your fall wedding, and your Maid of honor and bridesmaids would all have gowns that same color, they would be beautiful.
It gave you butterflies to imagine the look on Eddie's face when he saw you walk down the aisle. Would he cry? Would you be able to hold yourself together?It made your heart pitter patter to imagine your husband standing at the end of the aisle in a sexy suit that fit him perfectly, it made you drool thinking about taking it off of him at the end of the night.

Planning your wedding had been something your Mother had dreamt about since you were a little girl. You were her only daughter and she wanted it to be perfect. Your Mother was the main reason you were doing this, the poor woman has been through a lot with you this past year, through all of the trouble you had had with your Father. You know that it had put a strain on your parents relationship, yet your mother still stood by your side. He had been stubborn, and hateful and wrong, absolutely wrong about your relationship with Eddie. He hadn't spoken to you since your last argument, and it really did hurt your heart that he couldn't see past his own ignorance to see how truly happy you were. It hurt your feelings to know that your father would not be walking you down the aisle at your wedding, instead it would be both of your brothers giving you away.
When you had asked your mother about your Father, about if he had changed his mind , she just looked at you with sadness in her eyes, "You know your Father, he's stubborn...he just doesn't see things the way that I do-"
" Like a rational human being? He's never going to get past this. I almost feel sorry for him. If he doesn't recognize and accept this marriage he is going to miss out on so many wonderful moments. There are going to be children some day, I'm sure of it, and his stubborn ass is going to miss out on all of it ."
" He will come around."
" Until he does I don't need his negativity in my life." You sighed." I guess I'll just have to settle for my dumb ass brother's walking me down the aisle."
Your Mother laughed. " I'm glad you are having them both walk you down, if you had chosen one over the other there would have been hell to pay."
You laughed." I know, they are always so competitive. I could never choose between them, they are both equally annoying."
" But they both love their big sister."
"They do." You smirked." Ok, so back to the guest list...."
" Ok guys hear me out-" Dustin Henderson said as he paced back and forth in the Harrington's living room. We had all gotten together to do some wedding errands, dress shopping for the ladies - Lisa, Nancy, Robin, Rosie, Izzy and princess Gracie, and the guys Robbie,Steve, Dustin, Andy and Anthony, all went to check out suits. Getting as much done as possible while we were all together.
" So I was thinking, being best man is great and all but what if I got to take my duties to the next level, "
Eddie looked from Dustin to Steve, Steve just shrugged having no idea what direction this was going."Next level huh? Let's hear it Henderson."
Dustin smiled." What if I was able to officiate your wedding!?"
" Like you could marry us?"
"Yeah! I could perform the ceremony! It would be amazing!"
Steve rolled his eyes " Always got to one up me , don't you Henderson?"
" You can really do that?"
" Yeah online! " Dustin said excitedly. " Instead of some stranger marrying you, I could."
Eddie raised his eyebrows at you, as if pondering the possibility. In your mind there was nothing to ponder. 
" I think that would be awesome Dustin." You smiled at Eddie then at Dustin." If you are up for it-"
" I already started the course online just in case!" Dustin beamed." I was hoping you would say yes!"
Eddie smiled." I means a lot Dusty, thanks for thinking outside the box-"
" Yada yada, does that mean I'm best man again?" Steve clapped his hands together, then looked at Robbie," Unless-"
" Uh, fuck no.-"
Gracie gasped as she crawled up on your lap."Eggie, Robbie said potty words!Oh no!"
I smirked at Robbie." Yeah Eggie, Robbie said bad words."
Eddie shook his head, trying his best to be serious." Robert Munson, what have I told you about using potty words? You need to apologize to Miss Gracie and tell her you promise you won't swear again."
Robbie sighed." I'm sorry Gracie."
The little girl looked from us to Robbie and smirked. "S'ok buddy."
We couldn't help but chuckle, she was so freaking cute.
" So as I was saying," Robbie continued." Me being best man would be incredibly confusing for some people, considering the last time they saw me I was the Munson with Sweetheart here. I will stick to being an Usher."
Gracie crawled from your lap to Eddie's, where she curled up and started playing with his hair. She was so gentle,and looking at him with such adoration. It made your heart melt. He would be such a wonderful girl daddy. You sighed.
Eddie rubbed your leg." Ya good Princess?"
"Yup!" Grace answered." I good!"
Eddie smiled and pat her head." I'm glad your good Princess."
You chuckled." Gracie, tell Uncle Eggie what we did today."
She beamed ." I put on pretty Princess dresses and I spun round and round. " She leaned in and whispered." I even put on a crown!"
" No way! I bet you looked so pretty !" He smiled.
" I'm going to walk and 'prinkle flowers! I show you?"
" Please do little Darlin."
Gracie jumped off his lap and stood in the center of the room. " E'rybody, watch! I'm Princess walking!" She announced. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the little girl.
She smiled, showing off her little chicklet teeth and dimples.
You knelt down beside her." Do you remember the walk?"
She nodded, her little curls bouncing. She took a step and paused, looking around and smiling at everyone, then continued, stepping, pausing, pretending to sprinkle petals on the floor. Everyone cheered for her and she ate it up. She was perfect.
Eddie scooped her up and spun her around. "You are going to be the best flower girl there ever was! Your also going to be the prettiest girl there. Well, with the exception of my beautiful bride." He winked at you. You smiled.
Grace giggled and hugged him . God was she adorable. Seeing the two of them together... It was your kryptonite, your weakness. It made you think of the future. You wanted Eddie's babies so bad. Babies with big brown eyes and dark curly hair. You wanted to watch as he loved and cared for them, raising them in a home full of love. He would be amazing. You wanted to watch as your children wrapped your husband around their chubby little fingers, asking him to have tea parties and play dolls, play catch or play cars.....you knew that he would do whatever they asked. You were ready, ready for the next chapter. Maybe right after the wedding you could start trying....
"Whatcha thinking about Dollface?"
You smiled and you watched the little girl in his arms twirl his hair around her little finger." The future Mr.Munson," You slid an arm around his waist, pulling him close." and how badly I want to make little Munson's with you."
His eyes softened and he smiled. " I think about it nearly every damn day,Sweetheart." He leaned forward and kissed your forehead.
" Aww, Sweetie,Eggie loves you!"
You smiled at the nickname Grace had given you earlier today. " I love Eggie too."
You watched as Dustin approached, smiling. "Come here my little munchkin. I know you love your Eggie and Sweetie, but it is time for you to take a nap. It has been a busy day." He reached out for her and almost on cue the little girl yawned as she crawled into his arms. Dustin kissed her cheek.
" Goodnight Princess. We will see you when you wake up."
She slowly waved at the two of you as Dustin walked away with her.
Eddie didn't waste any time wrapping you up in his arms. " So you have babies on the brain Mrs. Munson?  Well lucky for you I know exactly what I'm doing in that department Kitten." He leaned down and snuggled into your neck." I mean, we could get started any time. You could just throw your pills away. I could whisk you off to a guest room, " he kissed your neck, " or the garage," he nibbled on your ear," or the pool house."
You sighed."As tempting as that sounds Baby , we gotta get through this wedding first. I just spent a lot of money on a beautiful dress that I need to be able to fit in, that and I want to prove everyone that thinks we have to get married wrong. I know my Father has probably brainwashed his side of the family, but that's fine, less people we have to feed."
This time Eddie sighed. " You really think he would do that?"
"I do, but it's fine. " You could see a look in his eyes,"Baby, it's fine. It really is. All the people that really matter to me will be there. " You lightly kissed his lips. " And then, when our perfect day is over we can start phase two. Baby making."
" That will be the fun part."
" I'm going to be all over you Munson."
Eddie chuckled." Even more than you are now? I'm never going to fucking make it. Your going to run me ragged."
" I know, sounds awful, doesn't it? Having sex day and night, every spare moment we have? Absolute torture."
" You know, they say if you really want to get good at something you need to practice." Eddie smirked. " All this talk has got me horny as fuck."
" You think we need practice? "
" I mean I am kind of a perfectionist." He leaned in close to your ear." Why don't you meet me in the basement Dollface? "
" We will have to be discreet."
A wolfish smile spread across his face. "Sweetheart, discretion is my middle name ."
" Just don't get caught. If your not down there in 5, I'm starting without you "
"Fuck Pumpkin, I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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