Hawkins High Reunion- Part 2🌶️

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One hour. One hour until Eddie's reunion. One hour until you see his old high school, his old classmates that harassed him and one hour until you saw the girl that Eddie secretly pined for throughout High School. Chrissy Cunningham, Chrissy Cunningham Carver to be exact. She was the picture perfect cheerleader, that dated the star athlete- captain of the basketball team and swim team, Hawkins high star Quarterback-Jason Carver, aka Eddie's arch nemesis. Jason Carver hated Eddie in high school, hated him because he had long hair, listened to metal, played Dungeons and Dragons and maybe sold a few drugs to party going teenagers, or teenagers looking to forget about life for a little while. And when the most popular kid in the school paints a target on your back, it isn't long before other kids follow suit and before you know it you are the town freak. It hurt your heart to hear Eddie recount his high school experiences, but he just shrugged it off. Despite all of the horrible things that happened, there were more good memories than bad, he had made life long friends that supported each other through thick and thin and that was what was important.
It was evident this morning that Eddie was nervous about seeing his classmates again, it wasn't until you met up with Eddie's Uncle Wayne at Benny's diner for breakfast that you started to see his nervousness dissipate.
" I'm going to tell you right now boy," Wayne said over a steamy cup of coffee," That not one of those judgmental assholes grew up to do anything spectacular with their lives. A majority of them stayed right here in this shitty little town. That asshole Carver kid,sells cars at a dealership just outside of Indianapolis , and his little dickhead friends- a lot of them work at the Plant that I retired from. The most successful people to ever come out of this town are all the kids you hung out with." Wayne stabbed at an egg while we watched Eddie shuffle around his pancakes on his plates. " Eddie, Son, I can't tell you how proud I am to have you as my boy. You weren't perfect, you did a lot of stupid shit , but you learned from it.You were a young single dad that barely had a pot to piss in, you worked hard, damn hard and raised that kid in a loving home. You started your own successful business, you got your son a college education, he's still a dumbass but he has a degree. "
Eddie chuckled. " I know I've got a lot going for me-"
" Because you worked your damn ass off! Walk into that school gymnasium with your head held high."
You smiled. " Damn Uncle Wayne, your good. You should have been a motivational speaker! I know who I am going to for my next pep talk!"
A smile spread across his weathered face. " Thanks Darlin, oh and please,call me Wayne." He sipped his coffee." It's because I'm old as hell and I've seen some shit in my day. You gotta make the most of what you've got." He snickered." Motivational speaker I am not, especially since the older I get the crankier and more opinionated I get. And I'm pretty sure I would get fired for calling someone a dumbass."
Both you and Eddie laughed.
" So Wayne, have you seen this Chrissy chick? Did she really let herself go after high school?"
It was Wayne's turn to laugh." You don't have anything to worry about Darlin. Your about as pretty as they come."
You turn to Eddie and raise your eyebrows, " What is it with you Munson men and your charm? You better watch out Eddie, it might be time for me to upgrade to Wayne."
Eddie just about choked on his juice and Wayne dropped his fork and laughed.
" You may look sweet but you got a lot of sass in you girlie, I knew it the first time I met ya."Wayne said through chuckles. " You two Are meant to be together, two peas in a pod. Both full of piss and vinegar. " he pointed at you."I bet you're a real handful."
You watched Eddie wipe at his face with a napkin, smirking." Oh, you have no idea."
You wanted to look your best for him, you wanted to feel worthy of walking in on the arm of the Sexiest man in Hawkins, in the world. The invitation had said semi-formal, so you had gone out and bought the classiest but sexiest dresses you could find. Your roommate had helped you narrow it down to a black strapless satin dress that flared at the waist or a form hugging red lace  off the shoulder dress that showed off all of your best assets. You went with the latter. Eddie loved your body, worshipped your body, made you feel more confident in your own skin. You never would have worn a dress as sexy as this before, you would have been self conscious of your hips, your breasts,your ass, but you knew that Eddie loved those things about you, and seeing you in this dress was going to drive him crazy. And with sexy red lacy lingerie on underneath he was going to go even crazier seeing you out of it.
You had kicked him out of the bathroom after a steamy shower together, so that you could prepare. You blow dried and curled your long silky hair, fussed over your makeup and slid into your sexy red lace. You looked at yourself in the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door, ran your hands over the tight fitting dress and smiled. Yup, he was going to go crazy.
You slowly opened the door and peeked out and your breath caught in your throat. There he stood in a black fitted suit, with a black button down shirt on underneath, and a black tie that at first glance had what looked like little white flowers but upon further examination you realized they were really skull and crossbones. Typical Eddie. The way that his suit was tailored it emphasized his broad shoulders, his trim waist and his tight ass. The suit fit him like a dream. And to top it all off he had his wavy lock's pulled back into a messy bun at the nape of his neck. The sight of him alone made your heart pound , your body hum, you wanted him so badly. It was going to be a long night, him looking so absolutely delicious and you had to wait till the end of the night to touch him.
" Wow," was all you could manage to get out.
Eddie turned at the sound of your voice and his jaw dropped. " Holy Fuck."
He took a couple of long strides toward you, eyes slowly feasting on the sight of you."  Goddamn Sweetheart, you look absolutely stunning. Just so fucking beautiful." He wrapped you up in his arms. " That dress, your hair, your body, it's just, your just-"
" Why Edward Munson, you seem a bit flustered." You smiled up at him, sliding your hands down past his waist and squeezing his ass.
" A bit flustered? Just a bit? " Eddie leaned forward and nipped at your lower lip, then kissed your jaw, your throat, you could feel goosebumps on your skin under his warm lips. " You shouldn't have worn this dress Sweetheart." He mumbled into your neck.
" And why is that?"
" Because I'm not going to be able to think about anything other than what I'm going to do to you when I take it off."
You felt your body get hot." It's going to be equally as painful for me not being able to put my hands all over you. You are, damn sexy Mr. Munson."
Eddie growled." Do we really have to go now? Why can't we just stay in and I can tie you up to the bed with my necktie and I can fuck you into oblivion." He grazed your shoulder with his teeth and lightly bit down and it made you shiver.
" That sounds absolutely amazing, but Baby, your friends are counting on us to be there. And look at you- you look so fucking gorgeous, I want everyone to see what a sexy motherfucker you are now."
Eddie sighed and kissed you one last time." Alright, but when we get back tonight Darling-"
" I will be ready with open arms and open legs."
Eddie chuckled. " I can't wait to collect my reward at the end of the night."
You squeezed his ass with both hands and he pressed himself against you. God, you wanted him. " Ok, ok, we really need to get going." You said more to yourself than Eddie. Sadly you let go of him and ran into the bathroom and looked yourself over one more time. Your skin was still flush from his kisses. You decided last minute to throw on some shiny red lip gloss , perfect finishing touch. You zipped it into your small wristlet for touch ups later and stepped into your heels.
" Will you stop already? Every fucking time you walk out of that room you continue to get hotter. Red fucking lipstick? Red heels?"
You smiled coquettishly." I need to look worthy of being on your arm Edward."
" No one is going to be looking at me Sweetheart. " Eddie smirked and pulled something out of his suit jacket pocket." I, uh got you a little something. I hope you like it. I knew that you were going to be dressing up-" he handed you a little velvet box. "Open it!"
You smile and flip the lid of the box open. Inside was a beautiful diamond pendant with matching earrings. "Baby, you didn't have to do this!"
Eddie smiled and took the box from your hand, gently taking out the necklace and clasping it around your neck. It was perfect. " I wanted to. I wanted to show you how much I care for you, love you and besides, it is our three month anniversary."
You ran the pendant along the thin sliver chain. " It's beautiful, I love it. I love you." You lightly pecked his lips mindful of the bright red gloss on your lips. " I don't have anything for you I didn't know we were celebrating month anniversaries -"
" Princess, you have already given me so much, you have given me your love,your affection, your touch. I don't need anything, just you." He smiled a special smile at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling, dimples deep in his cheeks.
" Eddie! Your going to make me cry! Your so incredibly sweet!"
" Don't cry babe, you'll ruin your makeup."
You smile and give him a hug. " I love you."
" I love you too angel. " he kissed the top of your head." Why don't you put those diamonds in your pretty little ears and we'll head out to see if Jason fucking Carver has any hair left on is big fucking head."
You could feel the nervousness rolling off of Eddie as you sat in his car in the parking lot waiting for Steve, Nancy and Robin to show up.
" It's going to be fine baby."  You reached over and rubbed his knee and watched as the bouncing subsided.
" I am so fucking nervous. Just looking at the school, so many fucking memories."
" Nancy told me about your lunch time rants." You smirked." I say if they are all a bunch of assholes you jump up on a table, flip them all off and say Adios Fuckers!"
Eddie laughed." That is definitely something I could do." He put his hand over yours and squeezed it. " Why am I so fucking nervous? Like we are adults now right?"
You both looked up as Steve Harrington pulled into a parking spot across from where the two of you were parked.
Eddie sighed," Here goes nothing."
You both got out of the car and walked over to Steve's SUV.
" Holy Shit Munson, look at you! I've got to say, you clean up real nice. I half expected you to show up in your ripped jeans and leather jacket." Steve joked.
" Yeah well the invite said semi- formal."
" Oh no,it can't be, I don't believe it, but is thee Eddie Munson conforming to society's rules?" Robin teased.
Eddie shook his head and smiled."Shut the fuck up Buckley."
Robin smiled and clapped her hands together. "And there he is, there's our boy!"
Nancy smiled at you."You guys make a very handsome couple."
" I mean we knew you would look great-" Steve nodded to you." But Munson here, is like a Cinderella transformation. Tattered, torn clothes to slick suit."
" Your all a pain in my ass." Eddie smirked.
" But you aren't as nervous now are ya?" Robin pat him on the back.
" No."
" Well let's go people! We aren't getting any younger!" Steve clapped his hands together then started towards the door.
Robin was jittering with excitement, and Eddie slid an arm protectively around your waist.
When you reached the double doors you stopped and turned to Eddie. " Are you ready Baby? "
Eddie drew in a deep breath." As ready as I'll ever be."
" Your amazing Baby, remember that. Your going to blow them away."
He took both your hands in his and brought them to his lips, kissing your knuckles." I'm glad your here, thank you for coming Princess."
" Of course! Now come on, I want to show you off. Those bitches are going to be so jealous."
Eddie chuckled and we walked through the doors.
Steve was already chatting away, the social butterfly of the group, and though he had graduated one year earlier he still knew everyone. Nancy pressed on her ' Nancy Wheeler- Harrington' name tag that also had her adorable senior picture on it. The woman had not changed one single bit over the years.
Robin checked in as well , her tag had a picture of her in her band uniform on it. She laughed, turning back to face you." Look at this nerd!"
" You were so cute in that hat!" You smiled.
When Eddie stepped up to the table the woman sitting behind blinked up at him.
" I'm, uh, Eddie-"
" Eddie Munson? Wow." She looked at him with a surprised look on her face. "I wasn't expecting to see you here, you've really changed."
" Yeah ,well, I grew up." He stood there patiently waiting for his name tag.
You watched as she ogled him for another minute then you cleared your throat." Oh look Eddie, I see your name tag!" You pointed to where it lay on the table before you." Heather? It's Heather, right? Can I just grab this?"
" Oh, yeah!" She blinked, then handed you the name tag. It had Eddie's senior picture on it and it was so freaking cute.
You peeled the backing off and lightly pressed it onto Eddie's chest. " There you go Edward Munson."
" Why thank you Sweetheart." He took your hand and the two of you followed the Harrington- Buckley group down the hall and into the gymnasium. The high school was small, smaller than the one that you had attended, and in a small town like Hawkins you could see how easily it could be for everyone to know everything about one another and how everyone would be in everyone else's business. Kids could be absolutely brutal.
" This place still looks and smells the same, like books, sweat and teenage tears."Eddie chuckled, eyes wondering the hall to the open double doors. You could see streamers and balloons and hear music faintly playing.
" Holy shit, they decorated it to look like it did for the Prom of 86!"  Nancy smiled.
" I never would have known, because I wasn't cool enough to go to the Prom of 86." Eddie snickered as we walked in. The gymnasium was packed with people, hugging and looking at posters and catching up.  You lightly ran your hand up and down Eddie's back as you watched those intense eyes scan the room.
Eddie pulled you close and whispered, pointing." He was an asshole, he was an asshole, she was an asshole- that kid there, he was cool- I used to sell him weed."
You smiled." But the real question is, do you see Carver?"
" I haven't seen him-"
" Eddie.Fucking. Munson. Is that you?"
Eddie whipped around to the sound of a male voice behind him. " Holy Shit!Jeff?" A smile slowly spreading across his face. " No fucking way!"
Jeff, this was Corroded Coffin and Hellfire Club Jeff.
" What the hell have you been up to man? It's been forever!"
" Ah you know, life. I have a son, Robbie, I'm a Mechanic- I own my own shop where I repair and restore foreign and vintage cars-"
" That's fucking cool man." Jeff shook his head." I can't believe your here."
" I can't believe I'm here. Harrington and Buckley told me about it, my girlfriend talked me into coming." Eddie gestured from you to Jeff."Sweetheart , Jeff, Jeff,Sweetheart."
Jeff shook my hand." Nice to meet you."
You smile." Nice to meet you too! Now you were in Hellfire and Corroded Coffin with Eddie right?"
" That's right. I grew up with this kid." Jeff pat Eddies shoulder.
" What have you been up to?"
" I'm married, unfortunately my wife couldn't make the trip, I have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, I work with computers, I'm just an old fuck with a dad bod now." He pat his stomach than pointed to Eddie. " This son of a bitch went the opposite way, dude your in better shape now than you were in high school, you bastard."
Eddie laughed." I was a scrawny little Fucker. Man, I'm so glad I ran into you here. I was kind of dreading it. Have you heard from the other Coffin guys?"
You turned and scoped the room while Eddie chatted with his friend, Eddie was one hundred percent the best looking man in the room, though you had to admit Steve wasn't bad to look at either. You watched as Nancy and Robin huddled close clearly whispering about former classmates. You decided to take a little stroll around the gymnasium, check out the photos and memory walls that were scattered about. You squeezed Eddies arm lightly and mouthed that you were going to wander about and he smiled and winked at you.
It was fun to look at the fashion, the hairstyles of the people in the photos, look around the room and see if you could match up any of the faces in the photos with the faces in the room. You got to a large picture and stopped. It was a picture of Eddie, in all his glory, playing his guitar in the talent show. His head was thrown back, foot up on his amp and it looked like his fingers were flying up the fretboard. He was so fine. You had yet to see him play his guitar in real life, but after seeing these pictures... You couldn't wait to show him this.
The next photograph was Prom king and queen 1986- Jason Carver and Chrissy Cunningham. You studied the picture. Chrissy was for sure a beautiful girl, small and petite,long blonde hair , and blue eyes, and if you hadn't known what an asshole Jason was you might have thought that he was cute too. Athletic build, again blonde hair and blue eyes. The picture perfect couple.
" Ahh, the good old days, it seems like it was a million years ago." You heard a quiet female voice behind you. You turned and there before you was Chrissy Carver. She looked the same, just older, slight crows feet at the corners of her eyes, body a little fuller but she was still in great shape. She smiled at you and extended her hand, "Hi, I'm Chrissy, Carver, and you are? First of all too young to be part of the class of 86." She chuckled.
You smiled and lightly shook her hand and introduced yourself. " Definitely not class of 86, but I'm here with my boyfriend, he was class of 86. I was just admiring his picture." You gestured to the picture of Eddie.
Her eyebrows furrowed." Your here with Eddie Munson? He's here?" Her eyes darted around the room.
" Yes he's here, in fact," you scanned the room and caught his eye, he smiled. You waved for him to come over." He is coming over as we speak. "
You watched her jaw drop, her eyes wander over him as he closed the distance between you.You could see his eyes widen as he realized who you were standing with.
" He was so nervous about coming, you know because of everything that happened in high school,  sounds like he was treated like shit."
Chrissy shook her head." I'm afraid it's true, I never quite understood it. He was always so nice and kind to me, it was my husband-"
Eddie had finally reached us." Hello ladies, " he kissed your cheek and slid an arm around your waist. " Chrissy, nice to see you."
She stared at him eyes wide." Eddie, you look fantastic. I can't believe your here."
" I figured it was time to come back, the Harrington's persuaded me to come, and it was a good excuse to come visit my Uncle."
" I'm glad you came back. You just kind of disappeared after high school."
" No, I was here- everyone was just caught up in their own lives to notice. It's fine. I'm sure no one cared what happened to me, everyone hated me-"
" I didn't hate you Eddie, I thought you were sweet-"
" You were always nice to me, I appreciated that. " Eddie nodded. " Life got real complicated for me after graduation. I became a Father, like right after high school, had to work a lot to support my son, his mom left so I had to raise him on my own. Wayne, my friends, were amazing. It was hard, but I made it. For as much of a fuck up as I was in high school, I turned out alright . I own my own business, an auto restoration shop,put my kid through school, found myself an amazing woman, I've got a lot to be proud of. I wanted to come back and show everyone that they were wrong about me." He smirked and pulled you closer.
" Sounds like you did alright for yourself Eddie-"
" Holy shit it's the Freak."
You felt Eddie's body tense for a second then relax as you squeezed him.
Jason Carver walked through the crowd looking cocky and arrogant and to your amusement , old. He was no longer the Prom king that you had seen in the photo, with the perfect hair and athletic build. His hair was slightly thinning and he had a beer gut. You smirked to yourself. Time had not been as good to Jason Carver as it had been to Eddie. Karma is a bitch.
Chrissy's face turned red. " Jason, Honey," she started as if pretending that she hadn't heard him call Eddie a Freak." You remember Eddie Munson?"
Jason smirked." How could I forget the Freak of Hawkins High? "
Eddie just shook his head and smirked." I see some things haven't changed Carver , your still an Asshole. I was hoping you would grow out of it."
Chrissy, clearly embarrassed by her husband's actions tried to change the subject." Jason, Eddie works with cars too. He owns a shop-"
" Grease monkey? Seems fitting." Jason said smugly. What a fucking dick.
" And what is it you do?" You asked. Jason then turned his attention on you, looking you over a slow smile spreading across his face. " I run a car dealership just outside of Indianapolis, a big outfit, I've been salesman of the year last five years." He said , proud of himself.
You gave him an amused smile." Must be your sparkling personality. " You heard Eddie chuckle."I'm surprised that they don't see through your phony facade, see your inner douchebag. Good for you for keeping that shit hidden."
Jason's smile faded." Your a real class act Sweetheart."
You felt Eddie stir beside you, but you squeezed his hand." I'd say the same for you. You clearly peaked in high school, you still obviously think you're the shit. Your middle aged man that should know better and yet your still a fucking bully." You watched his face falter.
Jason took one step closer." You don't know shit. Your just going to stand there, Munson ,and let her fight your battles for you."
Eddie shook his head." I didn't come here for a fight Carver. Your the one that can't move on." Eddie looked down at you and smirked, " and to answer your question, no, I don't need her to fight my battles, but to be perfectly honest with you, she's doing one hell of a good job."
" Your a coward, always running away,"
" I'm an grown ass man that doesn't feel that it is necessary to fight, Jason."
Chrissy tugged on Jason's arm." Come on Honey, I want to show you this poster of us-"
" We are kind of in the middle of something here ."
Eddie glanced over at Chrissy. " We aren't in the middle of anything. As far as I am concerned this discussion is over."
You looked at Chrissy, who still looked mortified. " You are a Saint for putting up with his shit. You seem so sweet, I truly hope he treats you better than he treats everyone else."
Eddie drew you in close." Come on Doll, let's go for a walk."
You smile up at him." I'd love that."
You heard Jason mumbling under his breath as the two of you walked away.
" Hey, you guys aren't leaving yet are you?" Harrington asked as you walked past a table where he and Nancy and Robin sat.
" No, just had a little run in with fucking Carver, just need to get out of here for a few, going to give my girl the grand tour."
" I can't believe I missed it! You had it out with Jason, and I missed it?"
" You didn't miss much, but I'll tell you what, my sweet Princess here, she is a fucking sniper with words. She took Jason down a couple of notches in mere seconds." He kissed you on the top of the head.
" Just gave him a taste of his own medicine." You smiled.
" Shit, I would have loved to see that!" Steve shook his head.
" That's what you get for being so popular Harrington, Mr. Social butterfly." Robin smirked.
Eddie took my hand." We'll be back guys." He gave them a little wave then then pulled you out into the hallway.
" I'm going to show you my favorite hangouts in this god forsaken school." He wandered down the corridor, " There is the Cafeteria, where I sat with Hellfire and jumped on tables , ranting about whatever was on my mind. My friends loved it, the jocks hated it and the lunch ladies were sick of my shit and probably had a party the day I actually graduated because they knew they wouldn't have to deal with that again." Eddie smiled and we peeked inside. " Our table was over by that window there." He pointed them squeezed your hand." So moving on-". He pulled you further down the hallway then stopped." This was my locker. Mostly home to the homework I didn't do,doodles I drew in class and my lunchbox full of pot that I would sell to kid's after school in the woods behind the football fields."
You loved watching him reminisce, it made you smile. He showed you the library, the auditorium and last but not least, the drama room.
" This is where we would have all of our Hellfire meetings. I would put blood, sweat and tears into those campaigns. We spent so many hours in this room."Eddie reached for the doorknob, gave it a turn and to our surprise we heard a click and the door opened." No fucking way. I can't believe they left this door unlocked." He looked down the hallway to make sure the coast was clear than he stepped inside tugging me in. He flipped the light switch and closed the door. He chuckled." Holy shit, it looks the same! I can't fucking believe it," he jogged over to the corner of the room. This room must have been filled with props from the last 30 years worth of school plays. You watched as he moved a few fake boulders out of the way then dragged forward what appeared to be a throne.
" I sat in this chair at the head of a table for every single campaign. It was my "privilege " as Dungeon Master of Hellfire to sit on this throne." He sighed then slowly sank into it. A slow smile spread across his face." I had my folders and maps and guidebooks, and strategy guides all set up in front of me. Some of the best nights of my high school life were spent right here in this chair." He leaned back,legs spread apart, elbows resting on the arms of the chair. You gulped, Jesus Christ, did he look sexy.
" Sooo, some of the best moments of your life were spent here in this room, in that chair?" You smirked.
Eddie raised his eyebrows at you. "Chair? This is not simply a chair Sweetheart, it was my throne."
" Oh sorry." You turned and walked to the door, slowly turning the lock, trying to be as quiet as possible.
" What are you doing Princess?" Eddie smiled amused.
Your lips turned up into a mischievous smile, and you flipped off the light switch. The room went dark for a moment and then some dim emergency lighting came on." Oh Dungeon Master, " You started ,walking slowly across the room, reaching behind you and lowering the zipper of your dress. "Would thou bestow upon me the honor, the privilege, of joining you on your throne and perching upon your lap?" You step out of your dress as soon as the lace hits the floor. You stood before Eddie in your red lace push up bra ,barely there red lace thong and your heels.
" Fuck. " He leaned forward resting his forearms on his thighs." You have no idea what you are doing to me right now Sugar."
The lighting was dim but you could see exactly what you were doing to him. The look on his face, a look of pure, raw lust, his eyes fixed on you, your body.
" What am I doing to you Eddie?" You asked running your hand over your chest.
He sat back on the throne, running a hand slowly over his face." You called me fucking Dungeon Master, Sweetheart." He loosened the tie around his neck.
" I did." You took a couple steps closer, you could hear his breath hitch, then in an instant he reached out and grabbed you around the waist, pulling you onto his lap.
Eddie buried his face in your neck, began kissing and nibbling your skin. "Your driving me fucking insane." He whispered, biting your earlobe.
You gasped." I haven't even started yet baby."
He moaned. " Can you feel what you're doing to me right now? Can you feel how fucking hard I am?"
You most definitely could. You finished untying his necktie and threw it to the floor, unbuttoned his suit coat ,than you ran your hands up his chest to his broad shoulders and slid the jacket down behind his back." Your so fucking sexy." You breathed. You saw his breathing quicken as you slowly started to unbutton his shirt. When you finally reach the bottom you tug at it to release it from his trousers and open it wide revealing his inky , taut body beneath. God you wanted him so badly.
You lightly ran your perfectly manicured nails lightly down his chest, you saw him shiver and it made you smile. " What's the matter Baby?"
" Your fucking teasing me, I'm about to lose my goddamn mind." He reached out and cupped your face in his hand, slowly running his thumb over your full lips. You lightly bit it and drew it into your mouth and he groaned.
" Fuuck-" he threw his head back and you pounced. You kissed his neck, throat , chest , slithering your way down his body until you were between his legs, on your knees before him. You worked quickly at his belt, his pants, pulling and tugging until they were down on the floor and finally his cock was free. You locked eyes with him , licked the tip then slowly took him into your mouth.
" Jesus Christ Princess, f- fuck," he stuttered as you bobbed your head, back and forth , slowly taking him fully in,running your tongue along the underside of his penis,swirling then pulling off with a pop. You kitten licked the tip, lapping at him,then running your tongue along his shaft.The moans spilling from his mouth were making your panties wet.
" You look so fucking gorgeous with your pretty mouth around my cock. Fu- fuck."
You pulled back, switching to your hand , slowly stroking as you looked directly into his gorgeous eyes." Do you want more, my darling Mr.Munson? "
"Mmmmmm.-" he said , biting his lip.
" I need you to use your words baby," you teased." What do you want? What do you want me to do-"
" Fuck me, please-" he panted.
" Alright, my sweet boy." You got to your feet and stood above him.
He reached forward and unclasped your bra, watching it fall to the floor then leaning forward , sitting on the edge of his throne , he took your breast into his mouth.
It was your turn to groan  as he licked and sucked, leaving a sloppy trail of kisses from your breast to your navel. It gave you goosebumps.
He hooked his thumbs around your panties and pulled them down. "Please," he mumbled into your tummy." I need to be inside you."
You tilted his chin up and leaned down to kiss his lips. When you pulled away you spun around, facing away from him, straddling him,slowly lowering yourself down onto his perfect cock. You gasped, he was so deep from this angle, you were so full.
" Oh god, Eddie. You feel incredible."
He pressed his chest into your back, you could feel his rapid heartbeat,his face nuzzled into your hair, one hand reaching around to fondle your breast, the other sliding between your slick folds and circling the bud inside.
" Your so wet for me." He whispered, his breath hot on your neck as he drove up into you. You both groaned.
" Feels so good Eddie, so fucking good."  You rocked your hips and when that wasn't enough you bounced up and down at an unrelenting pace, you needed it, you needed that sweet release. You had wanted this, wanted him from the second you stepped out and saw him in that suit.
He bucked his hips wildly, slamming into that soft spot deep inside you , you fought to hold back your cry. You could feel the wave of ecstasy wash over you as you whimpered his name." Eddie, Eddie, oh Eddie,"
A low growl came out from deep within his chest, you could feel the vibration on your back. He dragged his teeth lightly across your skin and he gently bit your shoulder, a moan escaping your lips, sending him spiraling over the edge.
You pressed back against him , panting, your legs screaming from the workout you gave them, but the burn worth it as his arms wrapped around you. He brushed your hair aside and placed soft kisses along your neck and your back then snuggled in. " I love you so fucking much Sweetheart. " he nibbled on your ear ." Thank you for defending my honor, your fucking hot when your heated."
You giggled." Oh course Baby, I would do anything for you. I love you."
He pulled you close one last time." I suppose we should be getting back, people are going to wonder where we went."
" I suppose you are right." You sighed, exiting his lap. You searched the floor for your dress , bra and panties, dressing as you found  each article of clothing. Once Eddie was sufficiently dressed you flipped on the light switch and gasped. " Oh no Baby!"
" What?" Eddie asked a look of concern on his face.
You smirked and pointed to his chest. There were red lip prints trailing from his neck all the way down to his belt. " I , uh , forgot about the lip gloss."
Eddie smiled as he looked down." I shall wear them as a badge of honor, 'tis a great privilege to wear the mark of a lady as beautiful and enchanting as you." He picked up your hand and kissed it, then winked and flashed you a devilish smile.
" Your incorrigible." You smiled back.
He bowed dramatically then took the band out of his hair and shook his head, his curls tumbling over his shoulders.
You wrapped a curl around your finger than gave it a little tug, winked back then started buttoning up his shirt with your nimble fingers. When you got two from the top he stopped you.
" I'm not putting that fucking tie back on. I was sophisticated Eddie Munson long enough." He tucked his shirt back into his pants.
" Still pretty fucking sexy if you ask me." You leaned in and kissed his full lips again. You chuckled as you pulled away ." I must look like a mess. I need to find a bathroom and make myself presentable."
" You look fucking fantastic," he grabbed your ass and pulled you against him again. He kissed the tip of your nose and leaned his forehead against yours." That was easily the best experience I have ever had in this room."
You smiled. " Your welcome Dungeon Master."
Eddie slapped your ass." Come on beautiful." He shoved his tie in his pocket, took your hand and draped his suit coat over your shoulders. When he got to the doorway he turned and looked at the room one last time then flipped the light switch off.
You cleaned yourself up in the nearest girls room, fixed your hair with a clip and reapplied your makeup, you couldn't wipe the smile from your face.
When you reached the gymnasium you made your way back over to the table where your friends were sitting.
" Jesus Christ Munson, did you get lost? This school isn't that big." Steve stared at Eddie a second." Wait a fucking minute. Weren't you wearing a tie? Wasn't your hair back?"
" Your so observant Harrington."Eddie smirked.
" Is that, lip stick on your chest? " Steve lowered his voice." Did you two have sex? Like here in the school? "
Nancy backhanded Steve." That's none of your business, nosey!"
" A true gentleman doesn't kiss and tell Harrington."
You could feel a blush warm your cheeks. You heard a slow song playing in the background, " Baby, will you dance with me?"
" Absolutely, Love." He slung an arm around your shoulder and walked you to the dance floor, Steve and Nancy following close behind.
You didn't speak as he wrapped his arms around you, you just moved around the floor in comfortable silence, again enjoying the closeness. You watched as Steve spun Nancy around,you watched her smile, then wave for Robin to come over and cut in.
You watched as eyebrows raised as people recognized Eddie, watched as women slowly looked him over then looked back back at their husbands. It made you giggle into his chest and it made him hold you closer.
The rest of the night was more dancing, and reminiscing, Eddie making casual conversation to people that came over, curious to see what he was up to these days, apologizing for their shitty behavior in their youth. At the end of the night the five of you walked out of the school and down to the parking lot laughing,feet sore and totally exhausted but happy that you had attended.
" So Sweetheart," Eddie whispered in your ear," What do you say when we get back , we pop a bottle of wine and soak in that amazing tub-"
" Hey Freak!"
Eddie groaned and shook his head. "Fucking Carver, just has to get in the last fucking word-"
Jason stepped out from beside his car, Chrissy again looking absolutely mortified." Jason let's go!"
" Wait a minute Chrissy, I have unfinished business here with the fucking freak of Hawkins."
" Uh Eddie? " Steve walked up beside him. " Do you want me to take care of him?"
" No, I got it."
" I'll be your backup."
" Ok Harrington." Eddie stepped infront of you protectively." I already told you Carver, we have no unfinished business, I'm over it, I've moved on-"
" Oh look, he's going to be a man and not sic his little guard dog on me-"
You peeked around from behind Eddie, knowing full well that he was referring to you,but he held you back with his hand.
" What the fuck did you just say about my girl? " Eddie said through gritted teeth.
Jason smirked, knowing he had struck a nerve ." I said that I'm glad to see that you put your guard dog back in her cage-"
Before anyone could register what was happening Eddie hauled off and nailed Jason right in the nose. Chrissy screamed, Jason landed on the ground with an "Oof", and Steve hollered " Holy Shit!"
You held onto Eddie as he shook out his hand." Fuck! "  he looked over at Chrissy who was knelt down beside Jason." I'm uh , sorry Chrissy."
She sighed and looked up at Eddie." It's been a long time coming. I'm surprised it took you this long to knock his fucking lights out." She took some tissues out of her purse and dabbed at his nose as he sat dazed for a moment. "You should probably get out of here."
" Do you need any help getting him to the car?"
" I got it slugger." Steve pat Eddie on the back." It's about damn time."
Nancy went over and stood with Chrissy while Steve helped Jason up and into his car. Jason glared at Eddie and started to say something when Robin leaned over." You just got knocked the fuck out Carver. I'd say if you were a smart man you would just let it go."
You looked up at Eddie and then waved  goodbye to the others as you closed the gap to Eddie's car. " Thank you for defending my honor."
He smiled down at you" Of course, I would do anything for you baby. I love you." He kissed the top of your head then opened the door for you." Can I be totally straight with you?"
" Always." You sat down in your seat and he closed the door for you.
He walked around and climbed in. " I have been dreaming of beating his ass for years, but honestly it was anti climatic, and it kinda hurt my hand, he's got a fucking hard head."
You laugh." My poor baby." You take his hand and kissed his knuckles." I bet I know of a way I can make you forget all about your hand. And I PROMISE that you will get the climax you are hoping for."
Eddie smiled and started the car and the engine purred." Let's get the fuck out of here."

Random thoughts and One-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang