dilf Eddie x reader - Prologue - In the beginning - Part one- Connection 🌶️

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This is a mini series, a Prologue to the Loving Mr. Munson series that I am writing -
This series is based the reader, giving insight into her life and what her life was like dating the infamous Robbie Munson, Eddie's son. It brings us through the first date, the first time meeting Mr. Munson and the reader catching Robbie cheating. This was a request and I hope that you all enjoy it!


You couldn't believe it, tonight you were actually going out on a date. It's not like you had never dated before, you had in highschool, you had a boyfriend in highschool. Said boyfriend had however decided that it would probably be better if you amicably broke up before college leaving the door open for the both of you to , how did he put it, 'Explore other options." You were heartbroken, not really feeling the need to explore other options, you would have been perfectly happy in a long distance relationship, calling and catching up in person when possible, he was only going to school an hour away for christ sakes, it was not like he was halfway across the country! But you decided that you were probably better off anyway, that without him on your mind you would be able to concentrate on your work, put all of your focus on learning.
You weren't even interested in being in a relationship, you were fine with being alone, you were a smart, independent girl, you had friends that you hung out with ,but you were also happy just hanging back and reading in your dorm room. You were fine being a homebody, and lived vicariously through your crazy roommate Lisa, she was the complete opposite of you, she was wild and crazy and outgoing and the two of you were instant friends . You had really won the lottery with her, you had heard nightmarish stories of college roommates that were absolute nutcases and felt fortunate that you had been placed with her.
Freshman year flew by, your grades were outstanding, your parents were extremely proud of you and you felt completely in the zone and ready for your Sophomore year. Sure your classes were be a little more difficult but you could handle it, you had no distractions in your life.... until the fateful night that Lisa took you to a party. That was the night you met Robbie Munson.
" You need to get out and live a little! You always stay cooped up in this room, studying and reading, your halfway through your Sophomore year and you haven't even been to a party, you haven't gotten laid-" Your roommate stood before ripping the textbook from your hands." Your going out tonight. There are going to be some super hot guys there, maybe you can finally hook up-"
You shook your head and grabbed at the book." I don't really care about hooking up Lisa-"
" Well I care! Your practically a Nun!" She tossed the book away. " Don't be such a nerd! Come out with me!"
" I can't, I don't have anything to wear-"
" You can borrow something from me -"
" My ass is way bigger than yours is-"
" Great! Show it off! Your way too pretty to hide yourself away in this room. " She sighed then whined," Come on!"
You sighed back. " Fine, fine! " You flopped back on your bed dramatically." Find me something to wear "
" Yes!" Lisa shrieked and ran to her closet and started throwing clothes at me.
You let her, as she called it,'Slut you up' a little bit, she did your makeup, your hair and picked out an outfit then you guys were out the door.
The party was mayhem, loud and crowded, definitely not your scene, and shortly after arriving you found yourself wandering out to the porch for some fresh air. That's when you caught a whiff of pot, that is when you met Robbie Munson.
He was gorgeous, he had the kindest eyes you had ever seen and they drew you in. You spent the rest of the night sitting on the front porch talking and laughing like you had known him your whole life. He was funny and oozed charm and charisma, you had never met anyone like Robbie Munson.
" So gorgeous girl," He flashed you a toothy smile. " I felt a connection between the two of us,did you feel a connection?"
You smiled. There was definitely something there between the two of you." I'm feeling a spark for sure."
He smiled again." Good, that's good. " He bit his lip and lightly ran a finger along the back of your hand." I think that we should see where this -" he pointed between the two of you." Goes. Whatta ya say? Want to go out to dinner or a movie sometime?"
" Yes!" You answered almost too quickly." That would be wonderful."
" Tomorrow? Is that too soon? Do you have any plans?"
" I was just planning on studying but other than that I'm open."
" You're a smart cookie aren't you?How about this Sweetheart, since midterms are right around the corner, and we could both probably use a little review why don't we do a study date? Unless you think that is totally lame-"
" No! Not at all! It would be perfect."
" We could study, I could get us a pizza, beer, we could get to know each other, super casual, super chill."
You sighed. " That sounds amazing."
Robbie smiled and it made your heart melt. "Than it's a date. Wanna study here? Pretty sure my roommates will all be out for the night, it being the weekend and all, we would have the place to ourselves."
"Sounds great." You smiled. You watched as he picked up your hand and brought it to his lips.
" Until tomorrow Cookie."
You fiddled with the hem of your sweater as you stood on the front porch of Robbie's place waiting for him to answer the door. You were so fucking nervous, it had been forever since you had been on a date, forever since you had kissed someone and sex- you practically considered yourself to be a born again virgin at this point. What if one thing led to another and you ended up having sex tonight? Would you even remember what to do? The thought made your stomach flutter.
You jumped when the door opened and you could only hope that he hadn't seen you.
A large smile spread across his face. "Welcome back Cookie, come on in."
You felt your heart pitter patter at the sweet nickname. You smile." Thanks Robbie."
He guided you into the house, and into the dining room where there was pizza and cold beer waiting .
The two of you studied for a couple of hours, quizzing each other on different subjects but also asking questions about each other along the way, you found out that Robbie was an only child, that he had been raised solely by his dad, that his mom had abandoned them, and that he was the first Munson to go to college. He had played a lot of sports in middle school and high school, but didn't consider himself a jock, he did some theater, played the guitar a little bit and had very eclectic music taste.

ou were absolutely drawn to him, and there were times when you realized that you were simply staring at him, into his big dark brown puppy dog eyes, at his full lips. He was the prettiest boy you had ever seen.
" I have a question for you Cookie," Robbie smiled and reached across the table taking one of your hands in his and making circles along the back of it with his thumb.
" Sure, fire away Munson ." You were trying to play it cool, but the truth was just the feeling of your hand in his was making your heart flutter.
" Can I kiss you?" His eyes locked with yours.
You blinked. This gorgeous boy wanted to kiss you? You had to make sure you weren't dreaming," You want to kiss me?"
He smiled." I've been wanting to kiss you all goddamned night, from the second you walked in that door."
" Really?"
" Yes really." He ran a finger down the side of your face and leaned forward across the table." So, what do you say?"
You leaned the rest of the way across the table and lightly placed your mouth on his. His lips were soft and warm on yours, pillowy and plush, and when he reached up and held your face gently in his hands, you knew you were a goner. You had forgotten how much you liked kissing, the intimacy of it, and Robbie, he was an amazing kisser. You could kiss this boy all night, and you did. The initial kiss at the table lead to kissing in the hallway, getting pressed up against the door to his bedroom, his lips trailing hot kisses down your neck. He pulled away just long enough to open the door then his mouth was on yours again and he was walking you back towards the bed. You felt the back of your legs hit the mattress and you pulled him down with you. Your heart was pounding in your chest.
Robbie pulled away, his body now hovering over yours." We can stop at anytime Sweetheart, ok?"
You looked up at him and smiled. " I don't want to stop Robbie, please don't stop, it's just that it's been a while-"
He cupped your cheek in his hand and smiled." Don't worry baby, I will take good care of you." And just like that his mouth and his hands were all over you. His touch was gentle and sweet, and you could feel your body trembling as he undressed you, it wasn't because of fear, though you were a little nervous, it was more from anticipation, knowing what was coming next. You certainly weren't a prude but you weren't typically the kind of girl to put out on the first date. But there was something different with Robbie, there was a connection, like you could see this turning into something more. Maybe you were just naive, maybe you were just horny. As much as you hated to admit it, you missed this. You missed the closeness, the warmness and weight of a male body on top of you. There was something about the hardness of his body complimenting the softness of yours. He took his time, almost painstakingly so, warming you up, making sure that your body was ready for him. You gasped as he entered you, feeling the fullness of him inside you. It had been so long since the last time you had sex that you had almost forgotten how good it felt.
Robbie groaned as he slowly pumped in and out of you, the sound of his voice was music to your ears. It felt so good and you hoped and prayed that for his sake and yours you would be able to climax. It wasn't always something that happened and your previous boyfriend, and often times he made you feel like you were broken because you didn't cum every time. He also ignored the fact that 90% of the time he fucked into you like a jackrabbit and was done in two minutes, but according to him that didn't have anything to do with it at all.
Robbie was different, he was taking his time with you, maybe it was because it was your first time, maybe not but it was incredible.
You soon felt the dizzying wave of pleasure wash over you and you were greatful for the release, and just moments after Robbie climaxed, spilling his seed into the condom that he wore. He collapsed on top of you and you ran your fingers through his thick curls. He picked up his head and smiled, his beautiful eyes crinkling at the corners. He leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss to your dewy forehead and you swore in that moment you knew, that this could potentially turn into something truly special.

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