Dilf Eddie and reader - In the beginning- Part Three - Betrayal

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Your day was the fucking worst. You had to fire someone whom you were friends with inside the work place. You had to look them in the eye and let them know that the company that you worked for no longer required their services. You had to be calm and professional and all that you wanted to do was cry. This person was a good person, a hard worker but the company was downsizing in their department and they just didn't have the means to keep that person around.
You sat and watched as they cried, panicked about how they were going to take care of their family and all you could say was that you were so sorry and that you wished that there was more that you could do. You knew going into this job that this was part of your duties, but that didn't mean that you didn't feel like absolute shit.
You had held it together all day long, kept your game face on, pretending like it didn't bother you, but the second you got to your car and closed the door you crumbled. You leaned against the steering wheel and fucking lost it.
You cried all the way to your apartment, using every single fast food napkin you had in your glove box to clean yourself up. All you wanted right now was to be held in Robbie's strong arms and to be told everything was going to be ok.
You sighed when you saw his car in your parking lot, thankful that he was already there, you had given him a copy of your key a while ago so that he could come over after work and make himself comfortable. He had done the same for you, but honestly the two of you preferred your place to his, he had 3 roommates and no privacy whereas you just had Lisa, and most of the time she was at her boyfriend's place . You had mentioned to him numerous times that maybe the two of you should make the jump and get a place together. You have been together for years, talked about your life together in the future, it just made sense to you, yet Robbie still hesitated, saying it wasn't the right time, or the only apartments available were too far away. You respected his concerns, things were working this way so you would just keep plugging along.
You opened up your apartment door and walked inside, dropping your purse on the counter and heading directly to where Robbie was lounging on the couch.
" Hey Cookie, what's wrong? You look like shit, have you been crying?"
You curled up next to him, " I had the worst day today baby, I mean seriously the worst. I had to fire Nathan, you remember him right? From the company picnic? He and his wife just had another baby, and I had to let him go. I feel so fucking guilty."
"I mean it sucks , but like that's your job. You knew when you got hired what the job entailed."
You sat up and looked at him. " Yes, obviously I know that but it doesn't make it any easier. It was hard, Robbie, really fucking hard and I had to go on the rest of the day acting proper and professional and pretend like nothing happened. I lost it on my way home. That's why I look like shit ."
" Everyone has bad days Sweetheart, just get over it and move the fuck on."
Your eyebrows furrowed." Just move the fuck on? I just ruined someone's life today , but I'll just move the fuck on?"
Robbie huffed and rolled his eyes." You're being dramatic."
What the fuck was up with him tonight? This is not what you expected, this was not the Robbie that would comfort and console you. "I'm so sorry if my bad day is bringing you down."
" Oh come on, don't be like that Baby."
" Sorry, but I was hoping that maybe you would be a little more supportive. Today was really hard for me. Like, a hug would be nice?"
" You want a hug, come here."
" I shouldn't have to ask for one baby-"
" So now I'm supposed to be a mind reader?"
" No, that's not what I'm saying-"
" Look, I don't want this to turn into some stupid fight. We never fight." He ran his hands up and down your arms and squeezed your shoulders, the first comforting thing he's done for you since you've been home. " Let's just calm down. Why don't I take you into the other room, I'll help you forget all about your bad day, huh?" He smirked.
" You want to have sex?"
" You wanted me to comfort you right?"
" I wanted you to hold me."
Robbie shrugged." Same thing."
" It's not though."
BRobbie sighed. "Your being such a bitch tonight."
" Ha!" The sound left your mouth before you could even stop it. " I'm a bitch because I want you to hold me and comfort me like I have held and comforted you in the past, whenever you get pissy and stressed what do I do? I cuddle you and tell you I love you-"
" And I offered -"
" You offered to fuck me."
He stood up." It doesn't matter what the fuck I say or do, it's going to be wrong tonight."
" I'm sorry Robbie-"
" I think it's best if I just leave."
" Don't leave, I'm sorry I-"
You watched as he headed for the door, grabbing his keys off the counter. " I think we need some space. I'll call you tomorrow."
" Robbie -"
He opened the door and walked out. You curled into a ball on the couch and started crying. You cried because of your shit day, you cried because you were emotionally drained and all you wanted was some love and compassion and instead you got into a fight. The two of you never fought, and he had certainly never called you a bitch before. It made you feel horrible. Everyone was allowed to have a bad day . Maybe you had overreacted? Maybe you shouldn't have just expected him to know what you needed. Bullshit. You had been together four years, you knew all of his cues, you knew what he was feeling,when he was feeling it, except for tonight. Something was off tonight. Maybe he was right, you just needed some space.
You got up off the couch, grabbed the cordless phone and walked to your room. Today had been exhausting, you were over it. You changed into your pajamas and laid in bed. You thought sleep would come quickly but your brain was too plagued with the thoughts of everything that had happened that day. Maybe you should just call him, you couldn't fall asleep knowing that he was upset at you. You picked up the phone and dialed his number. It rang and rang and rang. No answer. You would just have to wait until tomorrow.
" Eddie, I don't know what to do. I feel like he has been so distant, he hasn't been himself and I'm worried. I ask him what's wrong and he just says nothing and changes the subject."
You heard a sigh on the other end of the line. "I wish I had answers for you Dollface but I just don't know what to say. He can be moody, I mean we all can. He hasn't said anything to me, I mean usually he will chat with me if he has something on his mind. "
" I know, you guys are close. I'm just worried ya know? He's not acting like my Robbie."
" He has been a little...off. I'm sorry I can't offer anymore insight. I'll chat with him, when he gets back, he went home for lunch, I'll see if I can get him to open up, in the meantime, keep your chin up ok? I'm sure he's just working through something."
" If I knew what it was I would help him through it."
" Just keep the lines of communication open, he will open up when he's ready. Fuck, I gotta get going, we will get to the bottom of this. Take care Sweetheart."
" Thanks Eds." You hung up the phone, at least you weren't crazy, Eddie had noticed too.
Things had been different between you and Robbie since the argument the two of you had. You knew that it wasn't unusual for couples to have disagreements, it's just that the two of you never had. He had come to you the next day, apologizing for not being more sympathetic, but it almost felt forced. You let it go and apologized back for being a bitch and then you made up, but something was nagging at you. Maybe you were putting too much pressure on him, maybe asking about getting an apartment together triggered something. But you loved each other, this was just the natural progression of a relationship right? Especially after all this time together. Why was he hesitant?
Eddie had said that he had gone home for lunch, maybe you could stop by and bring him a treat? Let him know you wanted to talk later,let him know that whatever he was going through you were there for him, you loved him and you wanted your Robbie back.
You clocked out for lunch and stopped by the little bakery down the road from your office, picked up some giant chocolate chip cookies the quickly drove to Robbie's place.
You made your way up to the door and turned the knob, opening it up and stepping inside.
" Robbie? Baby? " You set the bakery bag down on the kitchen counter and set off to find your boyfriend. Maybe he was eating outside on the back deck, it was beautiful out-
" Oh Fuck!"
Jesus, you chuckled as you just about jumped out of your skin. What the hell was he doing?
" Jesus fucking Christ!"
You started to worry ,"Robbie?"
" Fuck me Robbie, fuck me harder -"
You stopped dead in your tracks. You could have sworn you heard-
" You like it when I fuck you like that? Huh Baby?" Robbie.
Your breath caught in your throat, your heart sunk in your chest, he couldn't be, he wouldn't-
" That's it, take it, take it like the dirty little slut that you are."
You leaned up against the wall,your chest felt tight,your heart was breaking, tears filled your eyes. How long? How long has this been going on? How long has he been screwing another woman behind your back?
" Are you my dirty girl?"
" I'm your slut Robbie-" you heard the woman moan, and you were instantly sick to your stomach.
This explained so many things, this was why he had been distant and uncaring, so off. You had been so stupid and naive, so blinded by your love for him that him cheating wasn't even on your radar. And he was using that to his advantage, playing you for a fool. You were so hurt, so disappointed, so... pissed. You could feel the sadness you felt turn into rage.
" I'm going to make you cum so hard baby-"
You stood up straight. That fucker. You'd heard enough, you had had enough.
You opened the door to his bedroom, there he was, fucking some girl from behind, his back towards you,so fully engrossed in what he was doing he didn't even hear you step in. Tears spilled down your face as you saw it with your own two eyes, the betrayal.
" I'm so close Robbie-"
" How close are you?" You interrupted.
Robbie jumped, the woman gasped. He turned to face you, wide eyed.
" Wha-what the fuck are you doing here?"
You watched as the woman scuttled across the bed, quickly covering herself with a blanket, while your boyfriend stood there frozen like a deer in headlights.
" I came to bring you a treat because your Father had said you came home for lunch. I came because I wanted to talk to you, because I was worried and because I love you and I wanted to make sure we were ok." You wiped the tears from your eyes with the back of your hand, than pointed to the redhead hiding against the headboard. You recognized her, she was a waitress at the diner you frequented. She knew he had a girlfriend, she had seen the two of you together. "Really?"You glared at her than turned your gaze to Robbie. He still looked in shock, standing there ,eyes wide, mouth agape, pillow covering his dick.
" How could you do this to me, how could you throw away the last four years?Four fucking years Robbie!"
" You weren't supposed to find out like this!"
" I wasn't supposed to find out at all, was I ?How long has this been going on?"
"Since the night of our fight, I was pissed off, I had a bad day too- "
" Are you fucking kidding me?" Your heart was pounding so hard in your chest." We get into a fight and you use it as an excuse to go fuck around?" You remembered how his phone had kept ringing that night when you had tried to call him, that's why he didn't answer.
Robbie walked towards you." I'm sorry-"
You stepped away." Your sorry you got caught." You felt like you were going to throw up ." I gave you everything, my whole heart, all of my love-"
" You were suffocating me!"
You laughed. " Suffocating you?I'm so fucking sorry I loved you too much. I'm so sorry that I thought we were going to build a life together, especially since you told me that you wanted us to be together forever, that one day we would get married.What the fuck was I thinking? "
" It's complicated, Things change.I changed. I was getting bored, things got monotonous, routine.Four years is a long time, marriage, it's a fucking lifetime. I've decided I don't want that anymore."
His words stabbed you like a dagger. Boring, monotonous, words you would never use to describe your relationship with Robbie." I'm sorry that loving me was such a chore for you. I will spare you the inconvenience, because I never want to see you ever again."
" I- I-" Robbie stuttered.
Your eyes shifted to the redhead as she wrapped herself up in a blanket and proceeded to try to sneak out of the room. " I hope your taking fucking notes. Oh and by the way enjoy the sex now because after a little while he stops caring whether you cum or not."
You turned and left the room, slamming the door as you were leaving. It was all a blur, you didn't remember getting into your car, or driving to Eddie's garage, just suddenly you were there , getting out of your car and walking inside. John, Eddie and Robbie's co-worker ran to the front when the bell on the front door rang.
" Hey there, how's it going?" He asked cheerfully, then noticed the distress on your face. " Are you alright? I would ,uh, would go get Robbie but he's not here, he went home for lunch.Is there anything I can help you with?"
" Is Eddie here?"
"He is, but I'm sorry, he's kind of stuck in the middle of something-"
You sighed." Can you pass along a message from me?"
" Of course!"
" Can you let Eddie know that Robbie most likely will not be coming back this afternoon."
" Is he ok?"
"Oh yeah, he's fine, he's just busy fucking the waitress from the diner right now, I know because I just caught his sneaky ass in the act. I just figured I would let you know in case you were a little short handed this afternoon."
John's face dropped. " What? Hold on, let me go get Bossman-"
" No, he's busy," You sniffed back tears. " Can you please do me a favor ? Can you tell Eddie I'll miss him? "
" Really, just hold on a second -" John turned and went out back, but as soon as he did you were gone.
It is probably a good thing he was in the middle of something, at this moment you were unsure if you could handle seeing Eddie right now, you were way too emotional. You got into your car and drove away seeking the privacy and refuge of your apartments familiar walls.
As soon as you got home you called your office, told them you weren't feeling well and wouldn't be back for the remainder of the day. After that you wept, you sobbed and cried until there was nothing left, until your body hurt from shaking and your eyes were nearly swollen shut. You were hurt that the love you had for Robbie hadn't meant anything to him, that it was more of a burden to him than anything, that he had fallen out of love with you. It made your heart ache, the life that you two had made, had meant nothing to him and everything to you. It was obvious that he had been thinking about cheating for a while now, but was just waiting for the right moment.Would you ever be able to trust again? Would you ever be able to love ever again?
Lisa found you crumpled to the floor in your bedroom where she joined you and held you as you gave her the full account of what had happened that afternoon. She cried and raged right alongside you, and offered compassion and support. She also offered to take all of Robbie's belongings outside to burn them, which sounded like a wonderful idea but you knew you needed to be the bigger person.
She sat with you while Robbie left you a message on your answering machine, asking you for a chance to talk, to explain, which you immediately erased, you didn't need an explanation at the point, you didn't need to ever hear his voice again. And when the phone rang again, Lisa was ready to pick it up and give Robbie an earful, only it wasn't Robbie, it was Eddie's sweet ,deep voice instead.
" Hey, uh Sweetheart, "
You couldn't bring yourself to answer, so you just listened, tears streaming down your face.
"I'm just calling to check in on you. I heard what happened and I hope you believe me when I say that I am so fucking sorry,I truly am. I'm sorry he broke your heart, if it is any consolation please know that he's a fucking idiot. I love him but will never condone this type of behavior. There is never a valid excuse for cheating. Fuck," He paused." I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you came to the shop, I'm sorry I didn't make it out in time to see you. Shit, I'm going to run out of time. I just, I want you to know Princess, that I am here for you, regardless of what happened with my son. If you need me I will always be around to talk, 'kay? Take care Sweet Girl."
His kind words made you sob, maybe it was more than the words, maybe it was because you knew that not only had you lost your boyfriend today, you may have also lost your good friend Eddie. You understood that your friendship, if continued would be awkward, poor Eddie would always feel like he was caught in the middle and you couldn't do that to him, you cared for him too much. You would have to distance yourself from him and that in itself was just as heart crushing as losing Robbie.

A couple of weeks had passed since the day that your heart had shattered into a million pieces. You had mourned the loss of your relationship, you had gone through phases of sadness and anger and at this point you wanted to just forget and move on.
You hadn't spoken to either of the Munson men, Robbie had made a couple of attempts to reach out , the last time he called you, you turned his own words against him . " I mean it sucks, but, you just need to get over it and move the fuck on. Enjoy your freedom, that's what you wanted." It wasn't even that he wanted you back, he wanted you to forgive him and petty as it may be, you were still hurt and just weren't ready yet.
And Eddie, sweet Eddie, had also called to check in but you still hadn't been able to bring yourself to talk to him. You missed him, so much, more than you probably should. You missed his laugh, his cheesey jokes and his kind eyes. You needed to say a proper goodbye to him, he had been an amazing friend to you and he deserved it, especially since he seemed to be so worried about you.
You gathered up a box full of Robbie's things, his personal effects, clothing , random things he had given you over the years, trying to wipe out any remnants of memories from the past four years, you gave him everything back, everything but the birthstone ring that he had given you last year for your birthday. It was your favorite piece of jewelry, you wore it every day and didn't want to part with it. You would give these things back, but not to Robbie, you would bring them to Eddie and say goodbye.
You Collected your courage and drove to Eddie's house, stomach in knots. You made your way up to the door of the cute ranch style house and took a deep breath. You knocked and heard ." Hold on, be right there!" On the other side of the door, then footsteps following shortly after. When Eddie opened the door his eyes softened.
" Hey Sweetheart, good to see you. Come on in." he motioned for you to come in than stepped out of the way so that you could enter. His big brown eyes and handsome, sweet smile put you instantly at ease. You knew then that you were going to be alright.

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