Time of my life🌶️

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I could hear the cackling from outside the door, margarita and movie night and it was my sweet Princess's turn to host. I try to make myself scarce when it is girls night but tonight band practice wrapped up a little sooner than expected. I smiled to myself , knowing what was waiting for me on the other side of the door.
" Edddiieee!"  My girl came running to me , throwing her arms around me and giving me a big kiss. " Baby, your early!"
" Yeah Sweetheart we wrapped up a little early. " I waved to Nancy and Robin who were both sitting on the couch with goofy smiles on their faces. " Hey ladies, you look like your about two Margaritas in?"
" How did you know?" Nancy smirked.
" I have a sixth sense about these things." I smiled. " I'll grab a snack and retire to the bedroom, I don't want to intrude on girls night."
" Eddie stay!! " My girl looked up at me with her lazy lidded eyes, big smile on her face, I could tell that the drinks that she consumed had kicked in, she looked fucking adorable when she was tipsy. I felt her hands wander down, squeezing my ass, the other side effect of Tequila." Just stay and watch the movie with us, the girls don't care- Do you guys care?" She hollered.
" No Eddie stay! Drink with us! " Robin said loudly.
" I'm getting ready to make  nach-oos."Nancy said in a sing song voice.
I looked down at my girl as she smiled up at me, then to the other girls whom I had known forever, they genuinely looked like they wanted me to stay. "You had me at nacho's- who wants a shot?"
The girls all cheered and my baby let go of me and got some shot glasses out of the cupboard. I was totally asking for trouble now.
I lined up the glasses and poured a tequila shot for each one of us , Robin practically jumped off the couch, Nancy following close behind. We all raised our glasses in the air ." Here's to girls night." I said , and we all tipped them back.
" So, what's the movie tonight? Friday the 13th? Halloween? Hellraiser?" I asked sitting down in our big comfy chair, Princess sitting down on my lap, snuggling in.
" Dirty Dancing!" Robin said dancing her way into the living room.
Fuck. Dirty dancing. It was the default movie that the girls would watch if none of them could agree on anything else, the movie I despised. I swear I had seen it 100 times, heard the songs even more, but for as much I hated it there was something about watching my girl watch it that made me smile, that is why I sat through it numerous times.
Robin popped the tape into the VCR and fast forwarded through the previews.
In the kitchen Nancy was making our nachos and dancing to to the song Be my baby by the Ronettes in the opening credits. And so it begins.
You see these ladies don't just watch this movie, it is a fully interactive experience, and I am sure even more so with a couple margs and a tequila shot on board. They would quote the movie, dance along and all get hearts in their eyes when Patrick Swayze would show up on the screen. The dude could dance, I'll give him that.
I held my sweet girl close as she rested her head on my shoulder and slowly twirled my hair around her finger, sitting through this movie was worth it, for this reason alone.
I watched the movie silently,chuckling to myself as the girls said the lines word for word, cheered when Johnny Castle finally entered the screen and re-enacted the dancing scenes, the crawling across the floor 'Love is strange.' scene, my Angel practically dying as she sat on my lap and watched Nancy , who was clearly Baby , crawl across the floor to Robin who was clearly Johnny , and then the both of them rolling on the floor with laughter.
" You guys are fucking nuts." I laughed." Does Steve know you guys get this fucking crazy when you watch this movie? Has HE watched this with you?"
" Of course he has- but there is usually a lot of eye rolling and sighing, your a good sport Munson, you haven't made one comment." Robin said wiping the tears from her eyes as she and Nancy got up from the floor to sit back in their seats.
" Can I just say one thing though? Don't you think it's fucking creepy that Baby is like, a teenager, and Johnny looks like he's fucking thirty? No wonder her father's fucking pissed when he finds out he's been boning his daughter." There , I had finally gotten it off my chest.
" It's not creepy, it's romantic. " My Angel smiled up at me." She had a summer fling with an incredibly handsome man that can dance amazingly."
" Is it really the dancing that does it for you Doll?" I asked her , kissing the tip of her nose.
All of the girls sighed and answered dreamily." Uh huh."
Robin shrugged." I'm not even into dudes and I still think it is hot."
"  Do you know Eddie Munson, in all the time that we have been together you have never danced with me?" My girl raised her eyebrows.
" There has to be at least one time-" I stammered.
" Zero-" she made a goose egg with her hand, " Zero times Munson!"
" I'm total shit at dancing."
" You would be fine at slow dancing, you just rock side to side."
" Yeah Eddie, even a monkey could do it." Robin snorted.
" Promise me," My sweetheart said , looking up at me with her big doe eyes, " That someday we will have our first dance?"
" I promise you Doll, we will have our first dance."
We turned our attention back to the movie, and I couldn't help but think about what she had said. I've really been a shitty boyfriend, never even stepping out on the dance floor with her, and knowing how much she loves to dance. What an asshole I've been, even if I was horrible at dancing she would be so happy and regardless , she would still love me.
" Oh honey, here comes my favorite part!" She squealed, tearing my attention from my thoughts and to the tv again. " Nobody puts Baby in the corner." She copied, so this was her favorite part?
Robin and Nancy stirred again, and my eyes flicked from them to the screen and back again. These girls had this fucking dance routine down, and it cracked me the fuck up. My Princess laughed too as they re-enacted that final dance sequence to 'Time of my life' and I thought I was going to piss myself as Nancy ran towards Robin for the lift, ran directly into her and they both fell back onto the couch. I fucking burst out laughing, and so did they.
"Woohooo!" My girl cheered." Bravo! I think that is the closest you've ever gotten guys, I bet if you had had one more margarita you would have totally crushed it." She laughed.
Nancy and Robin were gasping for air, tears rolling down their cheeks.
" Like I said , you guys are fucking nuts, but highly entertaining." I chuckled. "So do you usually put on a show too, sweet girl , or do you just sit back and watch these two maniacs? " I rubbed her leg, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, smiling.
She smiled back." Oh I'm usually right in the thick of it, but I'm not going to give up the best seat in the house." She wiggled on my lap and winked.
I took her face in my hands and lightly kissed her.
" Awwww!" I heard Robin and Nancy say in unison.
I smirked." Well Sweetheart I think it's time for me to retire. I'll be in the bedroom if you need me."
My girl hopped off my lap and I stood,wrapping her up in my arms and pressing another kiss to her lips. " Love you, enjoy the rest of your night with the girls." I turned my head towards Robin and Nancy." I'm sure I will see you ladies passed out in the living room tomorrow morning. I'm thinking of making pancakes for breakfast?"
" Your the best Munson!" Robin pointed at me.
" Goodnight Princess, have fun." I kissed her one last time then went to bed.
" So, Harrington, I need you to help me out man." I leaned across the counter at Family video and whispered.
" It's nice to see you too Munson." Steve smiled and leaned down too. "Got girl troubles Munson, need help in the love department?"
" Fuck you, my girl and I are doing just fine in the love department."
" I know it, Nancy told me. Said you two are absolutely adorable together. So what's up?"
" I need you to teach me how to dance."I whispered ,looking around to make sure no one heard. "I mean I've seen you dance at parties, you probably took dancing lessons as a kid right?"
" Hold on a minute, let me clarify. Your asking me to teach you how to dance?" Steve smirked.
" Can you please not be fucking weird about this? It was hard enough for me to work up the courage to ask you."
" And why, can I ask are you interested in learning?"
I sighed. "The other night when the girls were at my place they were watch Dirty Dancing-"
" Shit, you got sucked into watching it?"
" I need you to teach me how to dance like that Johnny guy."

Random thoughts and One-shotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя