Countdown to Christmas - A Steve Harrington one-shot

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Steve Harrington's is a closet Hallmark Christmas Movie watcher. He loves love, thinks that the movies are romantic but doesn't want anyone to know that he watches them for fear that he would get picked on and that he would never live it down. You come home early from a night out with the girls and as soon as you walk through the door he clicks off the tv. You smirked, thinking you caught him watching porn.

" Whatcha watching Baby? Couldn't wait for me to get home?"

You reach for the remote and he snatches it away.

" I was watching a serial killer documentary, it's really creepy and I didn't want you to see it."

You smirked." You and I both know you wouldn't watch a serial killer documentary, it would give you bad dreams." You sat down on his lap." Was it really dirty Stevie? " You leaned in closer."Turn it on Baby, I might be into it-" You lightly kissed his neck, and you knew that he was putty in your hands. You distracted him with kisses and nibbles until you were able to reach the remote then you took it and hit the power button.

" That's cheating, you know that neck kisses are my kryptonite-"

You stared at the screen expecting to see tits and ass and instead there is a Hallmark Christmas Show on. You looked from the screen, to your boyfriends blushing face and back to the screen." What's this?"

" Why would I need to watch Porn when I have the hottest girlfriend in the world? " He sighed." I watch these shows when your not around, they are wholesome and romantic and I fucking love them ok? Go ahead and laugh-"

" I would never laugh, it's just not what I was expecting." You smiled at him and lightly kissed his lips." I think it is sweet. What is this one about?"

His beautiful hazel eyes lit up." You see that girl there? She sent Christmas cards to troops in the Middle East, and you see that guy there? He got one of her cards - when his deployment was over he went to the town that she sent the card from, met the girl that sent the card randomly in a diner, only he didn't know it was her-"You loved seeing how into it he was, it melted your heart. " They like instantly connected, only she had a boyfriend, a real deadbeat, " he pulled you closer and covered you up with a throw blanket. " Why don't you just watch it with me?"

" I would like that Baby." You cuddled up next to him and got completely sucked in.

From that night on every Friday night you would have a date night in, get take out, open a bottle of wine and watch your Christmas shows. They were sweet, but predictable though you never complained, it was quality time spent with the man you loved. Your favorite part of those Friday nights? The incredible, dirty sex that came after . It was like even though he was a total softy when it came to Hallmark, he had to show you that he was still King Steve in the bedroom, and you had absolutely no complaints.

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