🌺 Successor Kid and Monkie K...

Af Demon_Murder

9K 369 39

Welcome to Book 2 🧋 Mere

🧋Welcome to Book 2🧋
1: ✨ Cheers ✨
2: Spider Queen's Back!!!
3: Uh oh
4: Frenemy
6: Problems
7: Whoop
8: Antidote
9: 🕷
10: Yay, city saved!
11: New App
12: Vacation?
13: Gifts?! :0
Gifts Pt 2
14: Oop-
15: Large Dumpling
16: Tang, MK, and Y/n
17: Huh?
19: Creature?
20: Alien robots?
21: Alright
22: Befriend
23: :(
24: Leatherhead
25: Food Wars?
26: Who?
27: Rounds
28: :3
29: Monkey King
30: Tang's job?
31: Mini Y/n and Mini MK Adventures
32: Little girl?
33: Hm
34: Shadows
35: Story time
36: Missing Friends
37: Macaque?!
38: Strange...
39: Flower?
40: Huh?
41: Spider Demons!
42: Spider Y/n
43 (Back to 2nd pov)
49: 72 Transformations
50: The End is Here!

5: Celestial Realm here we come!

201 6 1
Af Demon_Murder

Tang questioned, "So, how exactly does this work?" Red Son huffs, "Ugh." He turns to the group, 'If I tried to explain mystical inter dimensional travel to a bunch of peasants, it'd melt your brains!" The group turns to you who sighed, "You guys. He's the only one who knows what to do, so we have trust him." Red Son chuckled and sarcastically says, "Great speech, Flower  girl/boy/person. Super motivational." You softly sighed.

Tang questioned, "Uh, are we sure mortals can travel to the Celestial Realm, yes?" Red Son yelled, "Of course they can!" He continues, but is stopped when Pigsy asked, "Safely?" Red Son huffs and shrugs, "Sure. Probably." Mei, Pigsy, and Tang yelled, "Probably?!"

Red Son deadpans, "I did say it'd melt your brains." He points at Sandy and Gyomei's hair, which were on fire. But it goes away as they see the realm.

Tang gasped, "The Celestial Realm."

Pigsy crossed arms, "So some special pills, a fancy peach, and a furnace. Where are we gonna find these things?!" They all turned to Red Son, who doesn't have an answer. You tilted your head in confusion, "You don't know?" Red Son turns embarrassed, "What?! I do know! I know that they're somewhere! I'm a demon! It's not like I've been here before." You sweatdropped and nodded, "Uh huh."

Then Tang says, "Well, in legend, Monkey King said stole-" "Stole? That's not the Monkey King I know," said Sandy.

Tang sighs, "Borrowed the Peaches of immortality from the Heavenly Orchard so unless they did the sensible thing and moved then, they'll still be there! The pills of the Great Master Lao Tsu, Monkey King stole- uh, borrowed some of those too, they must be in Lao Stu's alchemy lab." Red Son questioned, "And what about to furnace? I can't make anything without that."

Tang hums and crossed his arms, "It could be there in the lab, but my guess is it will be in the Jade Emperor's throne room." Red Son smirked, "Alright, then. I'll be off to grab that peach. Toodles!" He leaps off, but Mei grabs him. Mei glared at him, "What? Like, we just let you wander off on your own?" Red Son escapes her grip and pats her head, "You just wait here like an obedient, little-" However Mei bites his hand and he yelped. You shook your head with a soft sigh.

Bob: :(

Mei grits her teeth, xNo, I'm keeping you where I can see you!" Red Son tried to swing her off. Gyomei sighs and started praying.

Pigsy says, "I'll go for the pills. Uh, they're just regular-looking pills? You know, like normal pills?" Tang sighs and shook his head, "I better come, too." You then stated, "I'll go get the furnace." Gyomei tilts his head, "On your own? Are you sure?" You nodded with a grin, "Yep! Besides, what's the worse that can happen? I'll be fine." You then leap off and away.

Sandy says, "You guys go get the items and get back here as fast as you can. I'll stay here with Gyomei and Bob. Bob and I'll knock some sense into the engines." Everyone nods and spits off.

Meanwhile Sandy and Bob were working on the engines. That's when Sandy sees Mo with a strange device, "What you got there, Mo? Some kind if ominously beeping spider-thened tracker?" Mo taps it and it exposed, sending off a signal. Mo hisses and Gyomei tilts his head confused. Sandy says, "Uh, I'm sure it's fine."

Meanwhile the spider demons located where they were.


You arrived at the footsteps of the temple and looked around in amazement, "Wow." You walked up the steps, "Guess this is the throne room." You looked to see two lion statues and entered the temple. You looked around, "Whoa... This is a pretty big place..."

You walked up to the furnace, "Huh... That was easy..." That's when you heard Spider Y/n chuckle. You turned to him/them as he/they took/take out three blades. You narrowed your eyes and tighten your grip on the golden staff.

Spider Y/n spoke, "Let's dance." You sighed, "Alright."


Mei says, "So, I heard you helped both MK and Y/n beat your dad." Red Son huffs, "That was one time! My father, the Great Demon Bull King, was... not himself. But in no other instance would I ever assist those sorry excuses for heroes."

Mei tilts her head, "But you're totally assisting right now." She then gasped, "You are a hero!" Red Son turns confused, "Huh?" She then excitedly shouts, "Red Son, Red Son. Hero if the city. Saving dads. Saving the world, Saving spicy barbecue one bite at a time. But two, get one free." Red Son shouted, "Would you give me that!? Let's just get this peach-" However Mei takes Red Son for a vlog shoot, "Mei and Red Son, heroes on a quest! Okay. Let's go!"

Red Son glares at her as she walked ahead, "I just decided, she's next on my hit list."


Tang fanboyed, "Every item is just brimming with untold, dangerous power!" That's when he knocked something over and Pigsy turns to him, "Tang. Stop screwing around!" Tang hums, "Lao Tsu's pills. If I know about the legends, they won't be easy to find."

However Pigsy grabbed the pills, "Is it them?" Tang screams in excitement and examines them, "That's them!" Pigsy deadpans and Tang calms himself down, "Ahem. Yes." Pigsy grins, "Great! Let's get going then!" However their celebration is cut short when Huntsman appeared, "What's the rush, little piglet?" He then tosses a net at them, to which they narrowly escape and run off, screaming.

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