My Only Hope(Newt x Reader)

By IDareYouToRead

2.3K 119 32

Harriet and Sonya were the only girls from Maze B to make it out of WCKD, right?It was to late for everyone e... More

Introductions and Important Information
1) Still Alive
2) The Morning Trip
3) Separated Team
4) An Impossible Promise
5) Adorable and Awkward
6) Unwanted Questions
7) Soulmates
8) Mistakes
9) Letters
10) Guard Dogs
12) Same Story Different Eyes
13) The Betrayal
14) Chaotic Duo's
15) Obvious Realizations
16) Guilt
17) Second Family

11) Chains

106 8 1
By IDareYouToRead

Brenda's P.O.V

I looked outside at a group of teenagers. They seemed to be having a debate on whether or not to come in our building. After a minute they headed inside.

"Jorge, we have some people that just walked in,"I informed him.
"What kind of people?"He asked skeptically.
"I don't know. It just looked like a bunch of teenagers,"I shrugged. Despite the reassurance I could tell that he was still as suspicious as ever.

"I'll go see what they want,"I said, walking down the stairs. He called for me to be careful as I did. I always was, and he knows this so I didn't bother to say anything back. We both knew I was more than capable of handling myself.

After a short walk I stood in the doorway and saw about seven teenagers looking at everything or attempting to. They were still in what was almost complete darkness.

I turned on the lights, and they all jumped in surprise. Once they were done squinting to see they jumped back in surprise. A girl with Y/H/C hair reached for her waist. I followed her hands to see a piece of glass on her belt. She seemed clever. Judging by the fact that her instinct is to be ready to defend herself and the everyone else's was to stay frozen in fear she was probably out here for longer than them.

"Let's slowly back away,"An Asian boy with black hair suggested.
"That's the best idea in the world,"She agreed, getting ready to take a step back. I figured I should let them know they would be fine.

"The chains aren't going to break,"I assured them, watching as they jumped back again. The girl pulled the piece of glass out and pointed it at me. It was already stained red. I was right about her being out her a while then.

"Are you all living out here?"I asked.

"What are you doing with all the cranks?"She asked, ignoring my question and choosing to eye me with suspicion.
"They're our guard dogs,"I shrugged.
"Our?"A boy with brown hair asked.
"That's what I said, isn't it? Come on. I'll introduce you to Jorge."

"What are you expecting from us in return? Food? Water?"She asked.

I liked her line of thinking. She was on edge, cautious, and has a good weapon. I think we'd get along just fine.

"You've been out here for a while, haven't you?"

"Yes. How'd you know?"
"You seem to know how things work out here. Plus, I spotted the weapon on your belt. That's pretty smart. You know what you're doing,"I explained.
"Thank you, but I need answers,"She repeated.
"We have plenty of supplies. We even have a little group going. You guys, as strong as you seem, probably want some things yourself, right?"

Some of them glanced at each other while others kept their eyes on me.

"Maybe,"The girl responded.
"You're going somewhere, aren't you?"
"We have a few things that may help. Unless, you'd like to be on your own again?"

Everyone looked at each other as if they were speaking in their heads. After a second they nodded and stepped forward. I guess they decided to come.

Your P.O.V

We followed the girl, who ended up introducing herself as Brenda, up a ton of stairs, but I still didn't exactly trust her. Then again I don't trust anybody out here. The people I'm with are different because they had Aris. This girl isn't with one of my best friends, and I don't remember her while in WCKD. That means there's a possibility she could be working for them. You should always assume the worst out of people. That way you'll be prepared for anything they throw at you.

"Do you think she's trustworthy?"Newt whispered to me.
"I am the wrong person to ask. I don't trust anybody,"I answered.
"What about your friends?"He asked.
"That's different. I know I could actually count on them. Are you forgetting that I nearly slit your throat when we were strangers?"I reminded him. He just shrugged like that was a casual thing to say.

"Where'd you all come from?"Brenda suddenly asked.

We all glanced at each other. It was obvious we weren't planning on telling the truth anytime soon.

"We live around here. We're a good few miles back,"I responded. It's not exactly a lie. We did live in a building for a little bit. For them it was only about a week, but it counts.

"I take it some of you longer than others?"She questioned.

"That's our business,"Minho spoke up.
"For now,"She said, opening a door. She gestured for us to follow her inside. I wasn't sure if that was actually a good idea, but nevertheless everyone else was going in so I guess I am to.

"I found them,"Brenda announced. I looked over to see an older Hispanic man with gray hair. Something about him unsettled me.

"Seven teenagers are just living in the Scorch."

"How shocking. It's good to see you know how to count,"I deadpanned.

"Here's the thing. You've been living here but stumbled into the first random building you saw. You had no idea what was in here,"He stated like we didn't know.

"We know what we're doing. Who are you anyway?"I asked.

"I'm Jorge."
"You know what I mean. Who's side are you on? Are you working for anyone? Do you stay in one place?"I asked.
"So have you been living out here a while. In that case, you know the rules. The first one up is the first one to answer."

I glanced at the others to see what they thought. Thomas, Teresa, and Frypan gave a subtle nod. Minho, Aris, and Newt shook their heads no. I put my hand in so-so motion, and they considered it before nodding again.

"We don't have any sides, and we aren't working for anyone. We move when we find it convenient. Now tell me yours."

"Where are you going now?"
"We gave you our answers. Tell us yours,"Minho demanded.

"We don't move unless we think we're in danger which we never are. We stay here,"Brenda finally told us.
"So why'd you bring us up?"Newt questioned.

"A bunch of random people went into our space. We had to see who you were,"Brenda pointed out.
"Well, now you know. If you'll excuse us we'll get out of your hair,"I shrugged, turning around. As I did some big dude was blocking my path. I scowled at him before trying to leave. He only moved that way.

"What's your deal man? We just want to leave,"Aris asked.
"I'm missing what your names are,"Jorge responded.

"You don't need to know them,"I shrugged, masking my irritation.

"Oh, but I do. You guys are hiding something."
"Just let us go, okay? We've got some people to find,"I absentmindedly admitted. This sparked his interest as he raised an eyebrow.

"Who are yo-"
"Stop interrogating us,"Minho interrupted again. By now everyone was on edge.

"Trust me. You're going to want to tell us who you are,"He told us. I didn't believe that for one second.

"You're an idiot if you think we believe that,"Minho scoffed, turning around to look at me.

"Run,"He mouthed, while his eyes glanced at my belt. I protectively put my hand on the glass before looking at everyone. Just as I pulled it out someone snatched it, cutting my hand as they did. Despite this I kept a firm grip as the rigged edges dug into my palm.

"Give it back,"I demanded, not letting go. By now my blood was dripping to the floor. I couldn't feel my hands anymore, but I didn't give up. Then, Newt came over and tugged my hand away.

"Hey. What the hell was that about?"I snapped.
"Are you trying to cut your palm off? Look, let's all just calm down for a second,"He tried to direct, doing his best to make peace. Unfortunately, that wasn't happening any time soon.

"I think I have better idea,"I said.

Before they could react I turned around and kneed the man in the crotch. He groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

"Come on! Let's go!"I yelled, sprinting out of the room. Everyone quickly followed me. By everyone that includes Brenda and Jorge.

"If you find something grab it! There are probably more people!"I yelled, running up some stairs. It was narrow to the point where we were almost single file, but that didn't stop us.

"Now might be a good time to hold your bat Aris,"I directed, pulling it out of his bag and shoving it in his hands.

Heavy footsteps echoed from the walls. The bang of metal could be heard beneath us as our feet slammed onto it.

"There! Up there!"Thomas screamed, pointing at another set of stairs. It seemed like we were in a maze with all the twist and turns. There was no time to think of that though.

I grabbed onto the railing as I raced up more steps. I subconsciously leaned against them as my ankle started forcing me to pay attention to its pain. I clenched me jaw as it spread up my leg. Still, I had to move before they caught up.

So I did. I raced to the front taking a place beside Minho. That's when I realized something.

"Why'd they stop chasing us?"I wondered out loud.
"Who cares? Let's just go,"Minho responded. It didn't feel right that they would stop though.

For now I had to be grateful though. At least, that's what I thought.

We can to the edge of a rotunda with a drop that would kill us. We had come to a deadend.

"What if we just, you know?"Thomas asked. I looked at him in horror.

"I'm just saying we may be able to climb along the edge,"He defended.
"That's a terrible idea,"I snapped, rolling my eyes. As I did I spotted it. There were chains hanging from the ceiling.

"Let's just swing our way across,"I suggested.

"If we fall we'll die."

"Thank you Aris. That's such shocking information,"I sighed.

We heard footsteps from behind us and realized they had caught up. It was now or never.

I gave myself a running start before grabbing the chain. My hands burned as my arms threatened to give out. The blood on my palm only made it more deadly. I was basically only able to use one hand. The other one was to soaked with crimson to the point that just touching the metal caused pain. I didn't think about that though. I was more focused on living.

"Hey. That's not going to work,"The strangers yelled. I turned my head to see if anyone had followed my lead. Thomas was the first to jump after me. He successfully grabbed one and held on. Just a few feet away Minho grabbed one, his foot nearly slipping.

"This has not been a fun day,"Frypan said, before running to the next one. Teresa tossed herself over the edge. From behind us the strangers realized we actually were going through with this. Newt took the next leap.

From there it went wrong. His foot got caught on the edge, nearly sending him falling. I instantly slid myself down as his hands grazed the edge of the rotunda.

"I've got you,"I promised, reaching for him. He seemed to be paralyzed with fear.

"Come on. Just give me your hand,"I begged, holding mine out. His entire body was shaking, but he hesitantly did as I directed. Thomas had found his way closer to help in case I was about to fall to a graphic death. I couldn't afford to do that though. Newt's life was depending on me being able to hold on to this chain.

"You're going to be fine if you grab on. It's going to be okay love,"I absentmindedly promised. Something about my words to seem to calm his nerves as he finally accepted my outstretched hand. I helped him up, and he held my chain.

It seemed like time had frozen during the terrifying event, but that wasn't true. It had only been a couple of seconds. I know because across from me they had Aris. He was on his knees as Jorge put some device near his neck.

"For god's sake,"I huffed. With Newt still hanging onto the same chain I swung it closer to the edge. I threw my body over the edge causing my stomach to collide with the concrete. The impact knocked the air out of me. At the same time I was using my arms to support me. I closed my eyes and took a breath before pulling myself over the edge.

"What is wrong with psycho's?!"I exasperated, approaching them. Aris looked up at me with clear terror in his eyes.

From next to me I heard the others stand next to me, all of us ready to knock the maniacs out.

"You're from WCKD,"He stated.

For the first time here I was truly afraid of them. If they knew that what else did they know about us?

My usual confident demenear was now silent which gave the answer away. I didn't know how to get it back. WCKD has some weird supporters. They also are willing to pay a good amount of money for us.

"Just let us go. Let's just pretend we don't know each other. This-this didn't have to happen,"I pleaded.
"We just want to make it to the Safe Haven,"Thomas added without thinking. Everyone turned to look at him, and he realized he had messed up again.

"You guys are looking for Right Arm?"He asked.

"Leave my friend alone,"I demanded, drawing attention away from that topic.

"I have a better idea,"He said, smirking while he did.

"We don't really want any of your other ideas. They seem to involve murder,"Minho said.

"No. I have something better planned. You guys are going to make me a lot of money."

Yeah, we are not going to be able to get out of this one.

Thanks a lot Thomas.

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