Starting Over

By BasicallyBrandi

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Caroline was his soul mate, but just a month after the birth of their second child she passed away. Luke and... More

Chapter 1- How It All Began
Chapter 2- The Fall of the House of Bryan
Chapter 3- The Lectures
Chapter 4- The Meltdown
Chapter 5- Everything's Too Late
Chapter 6- Confessions
Chapter 7- I Love You!
Chapter 8- Wait? What?
Chapter 9- Bridget's Sisters
Chapter 10- Thanksgiving Eve Morning
Chapter 11- A Day at Vanderbilt Medical Center
Chapter 12- Our Dramatic Thanksgiving
Chapter 13- The Nut House Christmas Party
Chapter 14- Leaving Home
Chapter 15- Dirt Road Diaries
Chapter 16- Another Trip to Vanderbilt...
Chapter 17- A Day Out on the Farm
Chapter 18- Caroline's Letters
Chapter 19- She Knew
Chapter 20- Talk It Out
Chapter 21- Welcome, Tia!
Chapter 22- My SHLB!
Chapter 23- Mystery Illness
Chapter 24- Do What?
Chapter 25- Announcing the News to the Family
Chapter 26- On the Road
Chapter 27- A Day in the Life....
Chapter 28- Father's Day
Chapter 29- Celebrity Karaoke: Couples Edition
Chapter 30- It's My Birthday!
Chapter 31- Flights, Layovers, & Unruly Passengers
Chapter 32- Backed Against A Wall
Chapter 33- Her Next Caroline
Chapter 34- 54785 Kane Ranch Road
Chapter 35- Packages & Letters
Chapter 36- Road Trip
Chapter 37- Back to Tennessee
Chapter 38- Kidnapped
Chapter 39- The Cabin
Chapter 40- Redbird
Chapter 41- Our Arrival at Blackberry Farm
Chapter 42- Our Wedding
Chapter 43- The Reception
Chapter 44- Delays, Delays, Delays
Chapter 45- Turks and Caicos
Chapter 46- Realization
Chapter 47- Our New Reality
Chapter 48- To Kentucky in a Blizzard?
Chapter 49- Snow Day
Chapter 50- Day One
Chapter 51- Going Home
Chapter 52- The Trial
Chapter 53- Our Crazy Life
Chapter 54- Bridget's Birthday
Chapter 55- Moving Day
Chapter 56- Luke's Birthday
Chapter 57- Where is Everyone?
Chapter 58- I've Got to Fix This
Chapter 59- I'm Going Home Now!
Chapter 60- What's Wrong With Kenzie?
Chapter 61- She's Going to be Okay
Chapter 62- The Hermitage Hotel
Chapter 63- Farm Tour
Chapter 64- Leesburg, Georgia
Chapter 65- The Interview
Chapter 66- Happy 1st Birthday, Keegan & Kinley!
Chapter 67- Back to Leesburg
Chapter 68- Talking with Jordan
Chapter 69- The Funeral
Chapter 70- Our Secret Spot
Chapter 71- What? No!
Chapter 72- A Night Out
Chapter 73- The Results
Chapter 74- The Will
Chapter 75- Tweet, Tweet, Tweet
Chapter 76- Caroline's Letters...Again
Chapter 77- Just Me & The Boys
Chapter 78- Whiney, Complaining Luke
Chapter 79- I Tried
Chapter 80- It's Christmas
Chapter 81- Mexico Beach
Chapter 82- New York City
Chapter 83- We're All Sick
Chapter 84- Crash My Playa- Part 1
Chapter 86- On the Road Again
Chapter 87- Fast
Chapter 88- Welcome to Louisville
Chapter 89- Europe Bound
Chapter 90- We're Home
Chapter 91- Spring Break... Checkin' Out (Part 1)
Chapter 92- Spring Break... Checkin' Out (Part 2)
Chapter 93- Bad News
Chapter 94- Laid to Rest
Chapter 95- ACM Cabela's Archery Event
Chapter 96- It's ACM Day!
Chapter 97- The Nuthouse Fan Club Party
Chapter 98- My Beautiful Life

Chapter 85- Crash My Playa-Part 2

948 45 8
By BasicallyBrandi

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me about this last week so I knew what to expect? Did you seriously think I would be okay with Jamie or Mark up my ass for no apparent reason?" I questioned my husband.

"Bridget, we had it under control until now. There was another threat made this afternoon," Mark said before Luke cut him off.

"Right after you left Mark called me. The threat was made again, but in it they said what you were wearing," Luke told me.

"Luke, you're scaring me," I cried as he pulled me into his arms.

"Baby, you're going to be okay," Luke told me, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"We need you to stay here. We can keep you safe in here," Mark told me.

"But I don't want to spend the whole time in here. I want to be able to socialize and learn about Luke's fans," I cried as Luke pulled me into his arms once again.

"We have to find out who it is first. I promise we are on this. But, Bridget we need something from you," Mark said as Luke cut him off.

"Not now, Mark. She's been through enough," Luke told him.

"Luke, we need to know. We need to rule them out," Mark said.

"No," Luke firmly stated.

"What? Just tell me. I have a say in all of this," I interjected.

"We need to know who these girls are you have been hanging out with. We need to rule them out," Mark told me.

"I don't have any way to get ahold of them. I just have to go find them," I told him.

"You're not doing that. I'm not taking that chance," Luke objected.

"Luke, if that's the only way she needs to go. She needs to find them," Mark said, "Me and Jamie can both go with her. She will be okay."

"No. I'm not allowing it. It's not going to happen," Luke told him.

"Luke, this isn't your call. It's my life that's at stake. If I'm willing to take that risk why don't you just let me go?" I asked my concerned husband.

"You can't risk your life like that. We have six kids at home. They need you," Luke answered me.

"But, what kind of mother would I be if I had the chance to make a difference and didn't take it? If I let you talk me out of it?" I questioned Luke.

"Bridget, I don't want anything to happen to you. I can't go through that again," Luke spat out, "I can't lose another wife."

"Don't even pull that shit on me, Luke. You can't bring Caroline into this. This isn't about her. This is about you and me and dammit, Luke, I'm going to find them. If you don't like it you can kiss my ass," I said as I got up and headed towards the door.

"Luke, you can't keep bringing Caroline up. You're going to kill her yourself doing that," Carter commented as stopped at the door.

"Just sit the fuck down. No one asked you," Luke said as he got up and headed towards me.

"Luke, you just go sit the fuck down. You have to deal with this with him and I swear to God, I won't come back if you don't figure out how to fix that," I said as I walked out the door slamming it behind me.

"Go after her," I heard Luke yell as the elevator doors opened.

I quickly got into the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. As the doors closed I saw Mark and Jamie bolt from our suite. I went to grab my phone and realized I didn't have any pants on and I was still wearing Luke's shirt over my bikini. I had to do something. I couldn't go out like this. I hit the button for the fourth level.

"Please let them be here," I said to myself as the doors opened to the fourth floor.

I got off and started walking down the hallway in the direction that they went earlier in the day. I had no idea what I was doing or even if I was safe. I had no way to call Luke or let him know I was okay. I wondered aimlessly down the hallway praying I would see someone I knew. The more I wandered the more I got scared. I had no phone, no key to get back to the suite level, no nothing. My only option was to go back down to the lobby and ask for someone to call the room or escort me back to the suite. I walked back to the elevator and pushed the button and waited for the elevator to get to the fourth floor. As the elevator opened Kelsy came out.

"Oh my God! I need to use your phone," I shouted, "I don't have time to explain. I'll pay for the charges."

"Okay. Let me get to my room," Kelsy said as we ran down the hallway to room 458.

"Thank you so much," I said as I ran in and grabbed the phone off the nightstand immediately dialing Luke's cell phone number.

"Hello?" Kerri said curiously answering Luke's phone.

"Where's Luke?" I asked.

"He went to find you," Kerri told me.

"I'm in Kelsy's room. 458. Take a right when you come out of the elevator. Bring me a pair of shorts. Just you," I told her.

"I'm on my way," Kerri said before I disconnected the call.

"What's going on?" Kelsy asked me as I started pacing back and forth.

"I don't know exactly. There was some kind of threat made on my life. I went all brave and left to find all of you so you can be cleared from the suspect list and left the security detail. Luke's left to go find me. I'm having a nervous breakdown," I panicked.

"Calm down. You'll be okay," Kelsy assured me.

"How can you be sure?" I questioned her.

"Honestly, I can't. I just have faith," Kelsy said as there was a knock on the door.

"You know who Kerri is right?" I asked in a worried voice.

"Of course I do," Kelsy said as she looked through the peep hole, "It's her."

"Where's Bridget?" Kerri asked as she walked right into the room.

"I'm right here," I said as a sense of calm washed over me.

"Here's you some shorts," Kerri said as she handed me the shorts, "You've got to call Mark to get ahold of Luke. He panicked when you left without any security."

"You have your phone?" I asked her as I held out my hand.

"No, but I have yours," Kerri said as she placed my phone in my hand.

I dialed Mark's number, but he didn't answer so I called Jamie.

"Hello?" Jamie said curiously.

"Jamie, where's Luke? I need to talk to Luke," I told him.

"Hold on," Jamie said.

"Bridget, baby? Where are you?" Luke questioned.

"I'm with Kelsy," I told him, "I'm okay. Kerri's here too."

"Where are you? I'm coming to get you," Luke said in a worried tone.

"Room 458," I told him, "Luke, I'm scared."

"I'll be right there. I'm on my way. I'm getting in the elevator now," Luke said.

"I love you," I told him before the call disconnected, "Luke? Luke? Luke?"

"What happened?" Kerri asked as I pulled the phone away from my ear and tried calling Jamie again.

"I don't know. The line just went dead," I said, "I don't have any service."

"I'm so scared right now," I started crying.

"It's okay," Kerri said as she pulled me into her arms, "Kelsy will you stand out in the hall and watch for Luke?"

"Yes. I will," Kelsy answered her.

"Thank you," I told her as she stepped outside the door.

 I stood there wrapped in Kerri's arms and cried. I didn't know what to do. I should have service on my phone and Jamie should have too. Someone had to have jammed all the cell signals in the area. I don't know what I would do if something happened to Luke. I've been in this position before and I really thought I was going to lose it.

"He's coming!" Kelsy yelled through the door.

Kerri immediately let go of me and ran to the door flinging it open in just enough time for Luke to come barreling through the doorway.

"Luke!" I screamed as I ran into Luke's arms.

"I was so scared something was going to happen to you and when the cell phone lost service I panicked. I was terrified that something happened to you. Bridget, I don't know what I would do without you. I can't live without you," Luke said as I cried in his arms.

"I...I...I just..." I stuttered.

"Shhh, I'm here now. You'll be okay," Luke assured me as he lightly kissed the top of my head.

"You are more than welcome to stay here," Kelsy offered.

"Actually, I was hoping that you would go with us back up to our suite," Luke told her.

"I would be happy to," Kelsy said.

"Mark and Jamie are ready," Kerri told us.

"Come on, baby. Let's go," Luke told me as we started moving towards the door.

"Kelsy, you too," Kerri said, "Do you know where we can find Mandy and Kim?"

"They were down at the bar talking to some guys when I came back upstairs," Kelsy answered as we went out the door.

"Jamie, once we get upstairs I want you to go down to the bar and get them," Luke instructed him.

"Yes sir," Jamie answered as we walked down the hallway.

Jamie escorted us to the elevator and Mark was waiting in the elevator. We all stepped in and went up to the suite level. When the elevator doors opened there was about everyone I knew. I didn't want to see anyone. I just wanted to go into our suite and not have everyone hovering over me.

"Are you okay?" Cole asked me.

"She's okay, but she don't need everyone hovering over her," Luke said as he opened the door to our suite.

"You were reading my mind," I smiled at Luke as we stepped into our suite.

"You act like I haven't known you forever," Luke said as he leaned down to kiss me lightly on the lips.

"You two are so perfect," Kelsy cooed.

"Thank you," Luke and I said in unison as we chuckled.

"Make yourself at home," I told Kelsy, "You want something to drink?"

"No, thank you," Kelsy said politely, "I'm fine."

"Come see this view," I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the balcony.

I stepped out onto the balcony with Kelsy by my side and heard her gasp at the beauty of it all. We stood looking over everything time and time again. Luke came out and wrapped his arms around me.

"I can't get over how perfect you are," Kelsy said as she watched the waves crashing on the shore.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked her.

"The two of you. You're perfect together. It's so obvious you are so in love. And Team Luke loves Bridget as much as they love you," Kelsy answered him without turning her head.

"Thank you, I guess," Luke said not really knowing what to say.

I just laughed. We stood there in silence taking in the salty sea air. For the first time since those elevator doors closed I felt safe. Safe in Luke's arms. The only thing that would make this more perfect is if there wasn't some madman out there threatening to kill me. I shuddered at the thought.

"Hey!" Mark yelled, "We have Mandy and Kim on the way up now!"

"Thanks, will you show them in please?" Luke asked.

"No problem, boss," Mark said.

"I need something to drink," I said as I pulled away from Luke, "Ya'll want anything?"

"I'm good. Kelsy, do you want anything?" Luke asked her.

"Umm, yeah, water will be fine," Kelsy answered finally acting starstruck.

"He won't bite. I promise," I laughed as I walked back into the suite.

I went straight to the bar. I needed something hard to deal with all of this. I need a drink to calm my nerves. I filled a glass with ice and filled it with bourbon before grabbing a bottle of water for Kelsy. I walked back out on the balcony, handed Kelsy the bottle of water, then sat in one of the chairs out there. Luke turned to look at me when I went to take my first sip.

"Bridget, you're not supposed to be drinking. You heard what the doctor said," Luke enlightened me.

"Luke, right now, I really don't care what the doctor said. I need a damn drink," I informed him.

"I'm not trying to stick my nose in where it don't belong, but you probably shouldn't be drinking if your doctor advised against it," Kelsy said.

"It's okay," I told her, "It's only my obstetrician."

"Oh," Kelsy stated.

"We've been talking about having another baby, and he said that alcohol consumption can affect our fertility rate. But it's all okay because we know now isn't the right time to even try," I answered her unspoken questions.

"Do you really think that's something you need to be broadcasting?" Luke asked me.

"I won't tell anyone," Kelsy assured us.

"It's not like it matters. I don't care who knows," I said, "I'll shout it from the top of the balcony."

"Bridget, how much of that did you have before you came out here?" Luke questioned me.

"None," I told him as I took a big drink.

"Take it easy," Luke urged me.

"Kim and Mandy are here," Mark informed us.

At that we all moved back into the suite and sat in the bedroom. Luke and I plopped down on the bed and the girls sat down on the chairs surrounding the room. We all sat and chit chatted for what seemed like forever. Kerri came and went checking on us every so often, surely by the orders of Mark who was more paranoid about a piss ant attacking Luke than he was anything else.

"We've got him! We found him!" Mark shouted as he went running through the suite and out the door.

"What?" Luke questioned as he jumped up and ran for the door.

"They found him," Kerri informed us stopping Luke midstride, "He's at the bar. They started tracking the ip address again and he sent another email to BubbleUp and they caught him. They have the bar on lockdown. Mark and Jamie are going to make sure charges are pressed."

"What do you mean?" I asked Kerri.

"Luke didn't tell you?" Kerri asked, "Because it has been international the FBI is involved. He will be extradited to the United States and stand trial there. Basically, Mark and Jamie are making sure they throw the book at him."

"Luke, why didn't you tell me?" I asked him as I walked over to him.

"I just didn't alright. I didn't want you any more scared than you were," Luke told me.

"You should have told me. I deserved that much," I stated as I crossed my arms.

Luke didn't say anything. No one said anything. We all just stood there in silence. After a few minutes of silence Luke's phone buzzed. He checked it.

"It's a picture of the guy," Luke said as he showed me, "Do you know him?"

"That's the guy that bought us the drinks in the little diner," I cried as I took the phone and showed it to the girls.

They all just gasped. That explained why he was so insistent on talking to me. That drink may have been spiked.

"What do you mean? He bought you drinks?" Luke asked.

"Yes. When I went down to get something to eat. As I signed the check the waiter brought us some drinks from a guy at the bar and when I didn't drink mine he tried confronting me as we left. If it wasn't for them who knows what would have happened. They kept him away from me. They let me get away," I explained as I started to cry again.

"It's okay. He can't hurt you anymore," Luke said as he pulled me into his arms.

We all stood there in shock over everything that happened. I cried and Luke just held me.

"I think Bridget and Luke need some privacy," Kerri said.

"I think that would be nice," I smiled at Luke knowing he was exhausted and really needed some rest. The girls started filing out of the room as I broke from Luke's embrace.

"Wait," Luke exclaimed, "Leave your full names and addresses with Kerri please. I would really like to do something for you after all of this."

"I'll find ya'll tomorrow. Want to have brunch?" I asked them.

"Sure," they all said in unison.

"That would be great," Kelsy told me as they followed Kerri into the other room.

"So, what do you want to do my love?" Luke asked me as he pulled me into his arms once again.

"Well, I was thinking maybe a little room service then a drink on the balcony," I answered my husband with a smile and a kiss.

"I think that sounds perfect. I could use some quality time with my beautiful wife," Luke said.

We ordered room service and spent our meal sitting in our bed rather than at the table across the room. We talked and completely forgot about everything that had happened during the day. The whole evening was everything I could have dreamed. I forgot why we were there and everything that had happened.

"Luke, you know you have to talk to Carter," I said as I climbed onto his lap while we watched the sunset over the Caribbean.

"I know. I just don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I'm ready," Luke admitted.

"But you have to. You can't go on stage tomorrow night feeling all this hate," I told him.

"I don't hate him. He's one of my best friends. I don't know where I would be without him," Luke told me.

"Then talk to him. I'm going to brunch with the girls, so you can talk to him then," I told Luke as I tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp.

"Where do you think you are going?" Luke questioned playfully as he held me down and started tickling me.

"Luke...stop...Luke...please stop... Luke..." I screamed as we moved from the chair to the floor of the balcony.

"Why should I stop?" Luke laughed as he continued to tickle me.

"Luke...please...stop..." I begged as he scooped me up into his arms and walked to our bed.

Luke gently laid me down on the bed. He was staring straight into my eyes and I could see the exhaustion and fear in that he had experienced. The same exhaustion and fear I had when that lunatic Brad Bennett kidnapped him. But this was a little more. It was more because Luke still wasn't completely over the flu. He needed to be in bed asleep, not playing games.

"You know what?" I asked him as he straddled me.

"What's that?" he asked as he leaned down and kissed my neck.

"You need to rest," I said as he moved to the other side of my neck, "You have a show tomorrow and don't need to be up all night participating in extra-curricular activities."

"But I like extra-curricular activities," Luke said as he continued kissing my neck.

"Luke, you need to rest," I tried to push him away unsuccessfully.

"I'll rest later. I want you now," Luke smiled as he kissed me passionately as I gave in to his kisses.

I awoke at five in the morning to the warm salty breeze blowing across our naked bodies through our room from the open balcony doors. I shivered lightly before getting up and wrapping into a plush robe. I covered Luke's bare body with the blanket and he immediately curled up into a ball. I could stand right here and watch him sleep all day, but I have things to do. First and foremost, I needed a cup of coffee. I scanned the room for the room service menu we had last night.

"Ahh! There it is," I whispered as I spotted it on the table under the shorts Luke had been wearing last night.

I threw Luke's shorts on the floor and grabbed the menu. I knew I would need at least two pots of coffee. Luke will surely wake up while I'm drinking mine. He's been getting up fairly early, well earlier than normal anyway.

"Room service. Can I help you?" the polite woman said with a think Mexican accent.

"I need two pots of coffee, two platters with biscuits and gravy, bacon, eggs, one scrambled, one over easy, and fried potatoes, and a pitcher of orange juice," I told her.

"Will that be all?" the woman asked.

"That will be all. How long will it be until it's ready?" I asked.

"About 30 minutes for the food, but the coffee will be delivered in the next five to ten minutes," the woman answered.

"Thank you," I said as I disconnected the call.

I went and got the bottle of creamer that Luke and I had brought with us out of the mini fridge, putting it on the table waiting for the coffee to be delivered. After I got that taken care of I went to the closet to find clothes for me once I decide to get dressed. As soon as I had everything set out in the bathroom I heard a knock at the door.

"Yes," I said as I opened the door allowing the man with our coffee push the cart with the coffee on it into the room.

"Your coffee ma'am," he said, "Where would you like it? In the bedroom?"

"Here is fine. My husband is still in bed," I told him as I held my robe tightly closed and handed him a tip.

"Okay. Thank you," He said as he exited the door.

I pushed the cart into the bedroom to the table across the room from our bed. I quickly made me a delicious cup of coffee and stepped out on the balcony to watch the sun rise over the horizon. The view was so breathtaking I didn't hear Luke get out of bed and sneak up behind me.

"Good morning, beautiful," Luke said as he wrapped his arms around me and softly kissing my cheek.

"Sweet mother of God, Luke," I exclaimed, "You scared the shit out of me!"

"I'm sorry, baby," Luke apologized, "Where's the coffee?"

"It's on the table across the room. You want me to get you a cup?" I asked lovingly.

"I've got it," Luke smiled as he turned towards the doorway.

"Oh my God, Luke! Put some clothes on! Someone might see you!" I shouted.

"Only after I get a cup of coffee," Luke laughed as he strutted across the floor.

"Well, your shorts from last night are next to the table," I enlightened him.

Luke just chuckled. He slipped on his shorts, made his coffee, and returned to the balcony to keep me company. I stood with Luke by my side and his arm wrapped around me watching the sun slowly rise while we waited for the food to be delivered. It was completely perfect. As soon as the food was delivered we ate and chatted about what we were doing that day. By now so much time had passed that everyone was slowing starting to rise. We could hear them congregating in the hallway and then there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," I said as I got up and opened the door to see Carter's smiling face.

"Good morning, Bridge," he said as he walked right into our suite.

"Good morning," I said as I pulled my robe tightly closed once again.

"Where's Luke?" Carter asked, "Still in bed?"

"No, but he's in the bedroom," I told him as we walked into the bedroom.

"Good morning, Luke," Carter said.

"Good morning," Luke returned.

"I'm going to go get in the shower and get dressed so ya'll can talk. You need to talk. And Luke, I'm talking to you. Talk to him," I told them as I went into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I quickly turned the water on and dropped my robe to the floor. The hot water felt amazing as it rushed down over my body. I let the thoughts of the night before enter my mind. The passion that Luke and I had experienced was more than we had in months. It was perfect. And as much as I knew now wasn't the time for us to get pregnant it would have been perfect to find out a few weeks from now that I was expecting. I lightly brushed my hand over my stomach and wondered if last night we had created another life, but deep down something just told me that it didn't. I finished rinsing my hair and then turned the water off. From that moment I could hear the conversation between Luke and Carter.

"I know I should have told you. I should have at least hinted that Kenzie was yours, but I promised Caroline that night that I wouldn't tell anyone what happened," Carter explained to Luke.

"I have to move past this. I know this. Bridget has told me and told me since yesterday. I can't completely forgive you right now, but I'm working on it. I understand why you did it. You only did what I would have done in that situation. I have to forgive Caroline before I can completely forgive you, but I do know, thanks to Bridget, that I can. I don't want to lose the brother I have gained in you," Luke admitted.

"I can understand that," Carter told him.

"It's going take me getting back to Nashville before I can forgive Caroline, but I will. I know how I have to do it. Can you just give me until then?" Luke asked.

"You got it," Carter said as I emerged from the bathroom.

"Hey baby," Luke said as he walked over to me wrapped me into his arms yet again, "Why do you have to look so beautiful?"

"Luke, you're something else," I said as I lightly pecked his lips with a kiss.

"I'm going to leave you two alone," Carter said as he excused himself from our suite.

As soon as we heard the door close Luke picked me up and threw me on the bed, straddling himself on top of me again.

"Oh, what I can do to you right now!" Luke said as he started tickling me again.

"Luke! Stop!" I screamed in fits of laughter.

"I'm not going to stop!" Luke shouted as he continued to tickle me and I wiggled trying to get out of his grasp.

"Baby, please!" I screamed again, "I have somewhere to be!"

"Right here in this bed!" Luke said as he leaned down and started kissing my neck.

"No! Not now! I have plans!" I informed him and he completely stopped sitting up, but still straddling me.

"What do you mean?" Luke pouted, "You don't want to spend some time with me?"

"Of course I want to spend time with you, but you have sound check before long and I have brunch with the girls downstairs. You have a busy day," I informed him, "Luke, you don't have time to stay in the bed with me all day. We can do that tomorrow."

"Oh," Luke said in a sexy voice, "So, if I give you up today then I get you all day tomorrow?"

"That's right," I smiled.

"Promise?" Luke questioned me.

"Promise," I answered him as he climbed off of me and I sat up.

"I love you," Luke told me as he leaned over and kissed me.

"I love you too, Luke. With all my heart. Forever. Faithfully," I responded just before I got out of the bed and went to grab my phone off the charger, "I'll be back soon."

I went back over to Luke and kissed him one last time before I walked out the door. I got in the elevator and went to meet the girls in the lobby. When the door opened only Kelsy was waiting.

"Where's Mandy and Kim?" I asked her as I noticed Jamie over in the corner.

"They went to see some guys they meet last night. They said they would meet us this afternoon," Kelsy told me.

"So, it's just us?" I questioned her.

"It's just us," Kelsy smiled.

"Well, let's go get something to eat," I said as I turned and smiled at Jamie knowing Luke had told him to watch over me.

I spent the afternoon seeing the sights in Rivera Maya with Kelsy. We had a blast and even did a little shopping. Kelsy was so excited to help pick out something for Kenzie, Jordan, and Kris. After we were done it was about time for her to get over to the venue for the concert so she helped me get up to the room with my bags. I opened the door to our suite and Luke was standing there talking on the phone.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked him, "Why aren't you already at the venue?"

"Our children are giving Momma hell," Luke said, "I've been dealing with this for an hour now."

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked him as I took the phone away from him.

"I tried calling you, but you didn't answer," he told me.

"You had Jamie following us. Why didn't you just call him?" I questioned.

"You weren't supposed to know he was there," Luke said.

"Just go. I'll take care of Kenz and Til," I said.

"How did you know it was them?" Luke asked.

"Woman's intuition," I laughed as I finally put the phone to my ear, "Hello?"

"How's your day been?" LeClaire asked.

"It was great until now. What are they doing?" I questioned.

"They have been fighting all day. Bridget, I just don't know what to do with them. My kids never fought like this," LeClaire said.

"Are they there with you?" I asked.

"Yes," LeClaire answered.

"Will you put it on speaker so I can talk to them?" I questioned.

"Hi, Momma," Kenzie said.

"Hey, Aunt B," Til said.

"What did we tell you before we left?" I asked them with no answer, "We're done with it. You are both grounded as of right now. All phones, tablets, electronics of any kind go to your grandmother right now. I have things to do now. We will discuss this farther when we get home Saturday."

"Yes ma'am," Kenzie and Til said in unison.

"I'm going to go. You better change your ways by the time we get home. We better not get another call about the two of you," I said, "We love you. Bye."

I disconnected the call and looked through the hallway and saw Luke shirtless, looking through the closet for something to wear. Kelsy was staring at him. I laughed just enough to catch the attention of both of them.

"I guess you two haven't been properly introduced," I chuckled, "Come on Kelsy."

"It's okay. You need your privacy," Kelsy said while trying to back away from me.

"Come on. It's okay," Luke said to her.

She just looked at him and then back at me like she was seeking my approval before she followed me to where Luke was. She stopped about five feet away from him.

"He won't bite," I told her as I grabbed her arm and walked with her to Luke's side.

"Nice to officially meet you," Luke said as he reached out and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you too," Kelsy returned quietly.

"Luke, what are you wearing?" I asked as I started rummaging through his clothes.

"Jeans and a shirt," Luke answered matter of factly.

"Well, here's some jeans and I'll find you a shirt. Go get dressed," I directed him.

"I'll see ya'll at the show?" Luke asked as he went into the bathroom.

"We'll go down with you," I told him.

"Sweet," Luke shouted through the door, "I'll introduce you to the band."

"Thanks," Kelsy managed to muster.

Luke came out of the bathroom and I threw a shirt at him. He slipped the shirt over his head then slipped his boots on. Moments later we were on our way to the venue surrounded by Luke's entire security team. When we entered the venue I got a VIP pass for Kelsy and I literally thought she was going to flip out. She got to experience the show from a point of view not many ever have before. She was absolutely thrilled. After the show we parted ways when she went to find Kim and Mandy.

Over the next few days Luke spent the majority of the time in the bed and I was out on adventures with Kelsy, Mandy, and Kim. The last day Luke managed to go out fishing with the guys. As it turned out the girls flight was on the same day as ours and we got to say our goodbyes at the airport. Mandy and Kim never got the opportunity to meet Luke like Kelsy did, but that will change. Luke and I have plans on doing something extra special for the three of them for keeping that creepy guy away from me. Just something to say thank you.

 **Author's Note**

Wow! We have found out who the creep was that was after Bridget and she's now safe. Did you expect it to be the guy from the bar? What has Luke got in store for completely forgiving Caroline and Carter over keeping Kenzie's paternity from him? Will Bridget end up pregnant again? What does Luke and Bridget have planned to do for Kelsy, Mandy, and Kim? What do ya'll think about the chapter?

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