The Other Winters [Male OC x...

By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

66K 1.6K 1.8K is the Resident Evil (Mostly Village) Story that we are making because once the ideas come in... More

Blue Winters
Prologue: Escaping The Baker House
Chapter 1: Military Training
Chapter 2: Blue's First Mission
Chapter 3: Family Dinner Gone Wrong
Chapter 4: The Village
Chapter 6: Alcina Dimitrscu
Chapter 7: Showing Mercy
Chapter 8: Peace With The Enemy
Chapter 9: The Four Pieces Of Rose
Chapter 10: The Need To Know More
Chapter 11: Donna and Angie
Chapter 12: Journey to Moreau's Lab
Chapter 13: The Winter Brothers
Chapter 14: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 15: The Factory
Chapter 16: The Real Fight
Chapter 17: Heisenberg's Downfall
Chapter 18: Who Am I?
Chapter 19: Saving Rose
Chapter 20: Comatose
Chapter 21: Waiting For You
Chapter 22: Awakening
Chapter 23: Ending The Past
Chapter 24: Ending The Past 2
Chapter 25: Ending The Past 3
Chapter 26: Mysterious Flower
Chapter 27: A New Threat?

Chapter 5: The Four Lords

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By Xx_BlueEcho_xX

Chapter 5: The Four Lords

I went back to the village so that I can do what I came here to do and that was to find Rose and skidaddle out of here, I pass by the spot where I encountered Monster Santa and saw an old lady....a very sketchy one.

Blue: Hola Cabron!

Old Lady: Hmm? Oh.....a visitor?

Blue: Yeah, you wouldn't happen to know where I can find a Kidnapped baby?

Old Lady: Ahh, you must be the child's uncle, I believed that the father would be here

Blue: I don't even know where he is, also you seem to know about me and my connection to Rose, so tell me Lady.....what do you know?

Old Lady: I know who you are, Blue Winters, you have come seeking the child but Mother Miranda wouldn't easily give her up

Blue: Okay.....and who is this Mother Miranda?

Old Lady: Worry not, for you will know and see her....soon

Blue: Neat!

Eveline: [Facepalms]

Old Lady: Hmm, didn't think he would be this.....cheerful....let's see how that changes after a few....experiences

She walks off and I walk towards the castle but find a.....wooden cart? I get closer and it opens up to reveal a unit of a man.

Eveline: Good Lord! Run a mile! body shaming

Eveline: Shut it you hypocrite!

....damn she got me there

Duke: Ahh! Ethan-!'re not Ethan Winters

Blue: No that would be my brother

Duke: Oh so you're Blue Winters, well it is an honour to finally meet you, I am the Duke

Blue: Hello Duke, also am I famous? Because that old lady and now you know me and my brother. Last time I checked, I haven't been here before

Duke: Let's just say that this village has been....expecting you and your brother, well more on Ethan Winters. No one really expected you to come but here you are, it must mean something

Blue: Well, maybe it's just fate. Tell me Duke, what is your role here and where can I find my niece?

Duke: Well Mr Winters, if you must know, I am a merchant, I will sell and buy items with my customer.

Blue: Ooooh, I see now

Duke: Yes and about your other request, well let's just say that the search will be difficult but the one who took her was Mother Miranda

Blue: Mother she is the leader, is she strong?

Duke: Indeed she is, and it's just not her, she has other people known as the Lords. They're her children that she took in, you better be prepared for a fight

Blue: Oh trust me, I'm have any Desert Eagle ammo?

Duke: Of course! But it will cost you

Blue: Bet, I basically ransacked the houses.....I'm sure the people won't mind

I exchanged the borrowed currency for some ammo and got ready to leave, the duke wished me good luck and I thanked him before heading towards the castle. I found more of these creatures which I learnt were called Lycans, however they were no match for me because I have the firepower.

Blue: Time to teach you boys a Smith and Lesson!

After some fun, I got closer to the castle and found a lever, I was ready to pull the lever down as I already knew it would help me progress further ahead.

Eveline: Behind you

Blue: Hmm?

Heisenberg: What do we have here?

I looked behind me to see a man in some fine drip while also looking homeless at the same time. He had a massive hammer and he looked like a hunter of some sorts, however I knew that wasn't the case as I got a bad vibe from him.

Blue: Hola Cabron, who are you?

Heisenberg:'re not Local

Blue: You don't say? Mr.......

Heisenberg: The name is Karl Heisenberg

Blue: Good to know, now if you will excuse me, I have a child to find-!

I couldn't finish what I said as I felt something stab me in the stomach, it was a long piece of metal. I couldn't do anything else as more metal pieces clambered ontop of me, controlled by the man known as Heisenberg.

Blue: W-What?

Eveline: Magnetism?

Heisenberg: Hehe, Mother Miranda is going to love you

Blue: G-Good to know

The metal pieces continued to stuck to me until my vision was obscured and my consciousness was gone......


I couldn't really focus on what happened next, my vision kept going in and out but I could see that I was being dragged....but where?

Eveline: Blue! Wake up!

Blue: W-Wha? W-Who goes there?

I felt my vision slowly return and heard many voices around me, I was on the floor with my hands restrained together by one of those medieval looking things with chains attached to the ground.

There were multiple figures in my line of sight, one being Heisenberg.

There was a creepy looking doll.

And a girl covered in black clothing, even her face was covered.

and a....fishman in front of me.

Doll: Move ugly! I want to see him!

Blue: See....who?

My vision was back and I could see a tall lady-......

Good lord she is tall.

Then....there was the lady in the mask that saw before.....this must be Miranda.

[She has the mask on.]

Doll: He's awaaaaake~!

Heisenberg: Both of you shut the fuck up!

Blue: Wow Karl, Bit ride innit?

Heisenberg: You be quiet as well Winters! You have no place to talk!

Blue: How about no? You're homeless and I don't listen to those people

Doll: Hahahahahaha!

Heisenberg: Do you want me to kill you right now?

Blue: Oh bet! Let's go right now! Take these chains off me and we'll go a few rounds!

Doll: Fight! Fight! Fight!

Heisenberg: Fine! I'll break your-!

Miranda: Enough!

Miranda had enough of the bickering and this got the fish man to go back while the Doll hops onto the woman in black's lap, looked real cute, so she controls it or something? Neato.

Blue: Oh hello Miranda

Miranda: Ah so you have deduced who I am, Blue Winters

Blue: Yeah it was kind of obvious, I heard a lot about you and so I knew that the leader of everyone here would be you

Miranda: And that is why I see you as a threat, more so than your brother

Blue: Oh so we're threats now? Interesting, now that we got that out of the way, you all know my name, but I don't know yours?

Tall Lady: You don't need to know, man thing

Blue: Wow, so mean. We could all be friends and have some ice cream and milkshakes.

Heisenberg: Alright Blue, if you must know, that tall one is Alcina Dimitrscu, ugly over here is Salvatore Moreau-

Moreau: Heeeey :(

Blue: Isn't your name Heisenberg?

Heisenberg: Yes why? Oh you-!

Eveline: Hah, good one

Doll: HAHAHAHA! He's funny! Can we keep him alive?

Alcina: He is right about one thing at least.....a good joke, I'll admit

I could see that the quiet lady wanted to laugh but refrained from doing so, I looked at Miranda with a smug look-

(Adam: It was more of a :3 face which caught Miranda offguard)

-and she speaks.

Miranda: T-The Doll is Angie and Donna Beneviento is the quiet one

Angie: Heyo!

Donna: [Waves]

Blue: Thank you, was that so hard? To introduce yourselves? I thought I was bad at is Rose?

Miranda: Oh so you are looking for Rose, I expected Ethan Winters to come for his child

Blue: I'm not going to lie, I don't know where he is but that doesn't matter because I'm here and I know you have her!

Miranda: Perhaps I do, but what are you willing to do, Blue Winters? For this child that isn't even yours?

Blue: I'm willing to go through hell for Rose, and anyone that gets in the way will either end up dead or begging to be put down......

Everyone: 0_0

Blue: you have ice cream?

Eveline: What the hell was that switch up?

Miranda: Enough of your games! Blue Winters!

Blue: Game? You're the one with the mask! Who are you? The unnoticed version of Batman that didn't get the green light to be published?

Alcina: You have quite the mouth on you, stupid man thing

Blue: I'll take that as a compliment.

Alcina:.....The fact that you're stupid or that you won't shut up?

Blue: Yes. Now......why am I here again?

Miranda: We are deciding who will deal with you and I have decided that Heisenberg will

Heisenberg: Yes!

Alcina: What?!

Blue: Oh damn, maybe next time......wait is my life being wagered?

All: Yes

Blue: Oh ._.

Eveline: Of course, now do something about it!

I'm trying, just be patient.

Miranda: Now don't worry, if you're lucky, I'll let you live and keep you for my own plans

Blue: Neato

Heisenberg: Gentleman! Lycans! It's time-!

Blue: For the main event!

Heisenberg: Oh, you think you're cute?

Blue: Cabron, I'm adorable

Heisenberg didn't like that while some of the others just laughed, he explains to me that I have ten seconds to run, he was going to use his hanner to break the chains connected to my restraints but I hold my hands out.

Blue: Oh don't worry, I got this

Heisenberg: Wait what?

I got up and used my hidden strength to break my restraints, shocking everyone. Even the Lycans above were flabbergasted, I took them off my wrists and stretched my arms and other limbs.

Alcina: What? He broke it? What is this man thing hiding?!

Donna: Impressive......

Angie: Damn that was hardcore!

Moreau: T-That looked like a scene out of a movie! I hope he likes movies....

Miranda: Incredible display of strength, Blue Winters~

Blue: Oh thank you! :D

Everyone: I-Is he that thick headed?

Heisenberg: What the Fuck?! Is Miranda-?!

Blue: Hehe, let it be known that this was almost the day you caught Blue Winters!

Miranda: We did capture you.....

Blue: Not anymore!

I pull my mask up and equip my hat before jumping down a hole.

Donna:......He was cool

Eveline: Did you really have to flex your strength like that?

Blue: Yes, it was necessary to send a message

I encountered many trapped lycans that were trying to reach for me but couldn't because wooden barricades were preventing them from doing so.

I continue to run until I ended up in a open space, I thought I was sage until I saw the giant spinning spike machine. Thinking quickly, I hid in the corner where I couldn't be reached. It stopped and I heard Hobo Magneto on some speakers.

Heisenberg: It looks like it's the end of Blue Winters!

Blue: Are you sure about that?

Heisenberg: What? How?! You should be dead!

Blue: Skill Issue

Heisenberg screams in anger and I could hear that doll laugh at him, I leave this cave area until I was back outaide and near the castle. I don't know who lives there but it must be one of these new enemies.

Blue: Well, that went went, it was nice meeting the residents of this village

Eveline: Yeah, I'm sure they're soooooo friendly, they might even offer you ice cream

Blue: Really?!

Eveline: W-What?......NO!

Blue: Aww......

I walk towards the castle and I was prepared for the worst, I have to be ready to fight.....

For Rose.

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