Cigarette And Lavender || Sal...

By httpsolivierstars

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"Its just I hate myself sometimes and I really hate how I act. I'm so fucking mean to everyone, especially yo... More



552 13 14
By httpsolivierstars

Sals pov

I take a long hit off the cigarette, feeling the grey toxin fill my lungs. I pass it back to Larry. The sound of cars driving by the parking lot, makes my head pound harder. I glance up at Larry, he looks lost in thought. I nudge his shoulder, to get his attention. He glances over at me. "What's on your mind?" I question

"Our parents." He states "Wow, you sure are talkative today." I say teasingly "I dont know dude,... it's just- he.. he wont quit. He needs to go to rehab, and I dont know how mom would take it." He says with a deep sigh. Lisa has separation anxiety, because of Larry's dad. It would be hard on her, but he'll be sober. Once he gets out, I'm sure things will get better since he wont be drunk off his ass most the time.

I look up at the sky, in search of any visible stars."I know Larry." I say as I lay my hand on his shoulder. "But we can spend as much time with her as we can, and when he gets out things will be alot better." I state.

He stands from the rickety bench, and stretches his arms. "We better get back inside." He says tiredly. I nod, and we begin to walk inside.

We make it to the elevator, which is surprisingly crowded considering it's the middle of the night. I squeeze in between an older man, and a middle aged women who likes like shes been crying.

I hate hospitals, their so full of death and sadness. They have this atmosphere that I cant quite describe.

The elevator dings, and the doors open once again. Larry and I step out, and begin to walk down the hall. "I dont want to go back to school tomorrow." I say as I rub my eyes. "Same here." He responds.

        I glance up at the top of the doorway, of what I assume is my father's room. We walk in. Lisa is sitting in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs. She looks up upon hearing the door open. "Oh, there you guys are. Well the doctor offered to bring us some cots to sleep on, if you guys are planning on staying." She says with a yawn.

I clear my throat, before speaking "I dont know about him" I say gesturing to Larry, before continuing "but I'm going back home, because We have school." Larry looks over at me "I dont know dude." He says, whilst rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. "I'm probably gonna stay here with mom." He states. "Okay, I'll just take the Subway." I respond. "Could you drive me to the subway station?" I question. "Yeah, for sure."


The drive to the subway, is rather quiet. No music, No Talking. The only noise coming from the passing cars, that makes my brain feel like its thrashing against my skull. I open the center console, and pull out my as needed migraine prescription. I pop two of them into my mouth, and wash it down with a Luke warm water bottle I found in floor of the car.

The car comes to a slow stop, and I look up. I turn to Larry "Call me if anything happens ok?" I say gently "I will." He responds "I love you dude." I say as I reach for the door handle. "I Love you too." He replies, before I slam the door shut.

I walk down the short flight of stairs, I glance around at the seemingly vacant area. The next, and last, subway leaves in 20 minutes. I pull my phone from my pocket, and look through my notifications. Two missed calls from Ash, a concerned text from Todd, and four missed calls and six texts from Travis.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, at the sight of all the calls and texts from Travis. He usually never calls or even texts more than once or twice in a row.


Travis's pov

"How did you even get these?" I slur, whilst taking another swig of the bottle. She giggles "Okay so, do you remember Ronnie?" The name sounds familiar, but I cant quite remember who it is. She continues, "He's my uncle, the alcoholic one?"

"Oh yeaah I remember him." I respond. She takes another drink before continuing. "Well him and my mum was drinking on the front porch together, the other day. My mom came inside, and passed out on the couch, and he went to my parents room to talk to my dad." She begins to giggle "well I hopped out the fucking window and climbed back through with an already open case of beer in my hand. Do you know how hard it is to do that? Especially when my moms sleeping right there, because the fucking bottles clink together and shit. But anyways I didnt get caught."

we both break into fits of laughter, that's soon interrupted by the impatient ringing of my phone. I glance at the caller ID. "Who is it?" She slurs. "Its sal." She nudges me with her elbows, and wiggles her eyebrows at me playfully. "Its not like that." I say with a giggle. "I think it is like that, based on some of the stuff you were saying earlier." She whispers, as I put the phone to my ear. I shush her, whilst holding back a laugh.

"Hello? Ttavis, are you okay?" He questions. "I'm great! Better than ever." I slur out. He goes quiet for a moment. "Are you drunk?" He asks, I nod my head. Emile let's out a hushed laugh, before whispering "he cant see you, dummy." I giggle at my own stupidity "Just a little." He sighs. "Where are you?" He asks, his tone laced with frustration. I slightly furrow my eyebrows. "When did this become an interrogation?"

"I'm not interrogating you, Travis." He pauses. "I really cant deal with this right now, and I know that sounds harsh. I have a lot going on, and I- I just need to know that your safe." He says in a shaky voice. "I'm safe, I promise." I reply. "Okay, Well I have to go. Call me if you need anything.....I love you, bye." My eyes Widen, and I feel my face heat up. I'm too shocked to speak. I pull the phone from my ear, and look down at the screen, to see that he's already hung up.

A/N :
Wow...This took a while. Sorry abt that. Anyways I hoped yall liked this. Have a good day/night, eat, drink water, and take any meds prescribed to u. If anyone ever needs to talk about anything, my messages are open. I love you all thanks for reading! ♡♡

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