The Truth Comes Out Eventuall...

By thegrlwithhazeleyes

163K 3.1K 161

Hey, I'm Mads Wilkinson. I'm 18 years old and I live out in LA with my older brother Sammy. I share a house w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 10

7.2K 136 7
By thegrlwithhazeleyes

Mads POV

We were on our way home from the doctors office and Nate and I have barely spoken during the car ride. It wasn't like it was awkward or anything I think we both just had a lot on our minds. I secretly wanted Nate to just keep driving until we were far away, far from our problems, far from everyone but I knew that wasn't realistic. Nat and Brooklyn were still at my house, probably wondering where I am right now and what is taking so long. I cant come up with anything to tell them on why I went to the doctors so I'm debating on telling the truth.

"What are you going to tell everyone when we get back to the house?" Nate asked. It's like he was reading my mind or something.

"The truth I guess." I shrugged. I rested my head against the window and stared outside as we drove along. I saw little kids running off the bus into their parents arms, brothers and sisters goofing off on their front lawns, and playgrounds filled with nothing but careless and carefree kids. A smile came across my face when I heard the faint laughter coming from the kids at the park as we drove by.

"What are you thinking about?" Nate asked while gently rubbing his hand up and down my thigh. He still manages to give me butterflies with everything he does.

"Hmm?" I quickly snapped back into reality and out of my daze.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours babe?"

"I don't know." I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding. "We don't chose to be here huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like we don't really have a choice whether or not we want to be born into this world." I rambled on.

"Are you thinking about keeping the baby?" That's what I loved about Nate. Even though I was asking such a broad question he knew I had a point to it.

"Thinking about it.." He grabbed my hand and I couldn't help but smile at him. "I know it was a really shitty way it happened but I cant hold what happened to me against an innocent baby that had no control over this. I cant take away a life like that ya know?"

"Ya, I know. I'm glad you are seeing the more positive side to this whole situation." Nate said smiling at me. "I'm proud of you." He said kissing the back of my hand. And with that we pulled into the driveway.

"You ready?"

"Nope." I said honestly getting out of the car.

We walked into an empty house and Nate gave me a confused look. We walked into the kitchen and saw a note Sammy had left.

Went out for food be back later.

Nate smiled after reading the note and looked right at me. He grabbed my face with both of his hands. Our lips instantly connected and I couldn't help but laugh into the kiss. He picked me up throwing me over his shoulders and carried me up the stairs.

"Nate." I yelled at him hitting his back. "Put me down." He ignored me and continued up the stairs. We entered my room and he threw me on my bed and quickly hovered over me smiling.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked pushing him off of me.

"How did I get so lucky?"


"How did I manage to score someone as beautiful as you?"

"Shut up." I laughed and playfully hit his stomach.

"I'm serious." He yawned.

"You tired?"

"A little, come here lets take a nap." He said opening his arms so I could cuddle up next to him. Within the next ten minutes we were both knocked out.


It felt like I had just fallen asleep when I heard someone come charging through my bedroom door yelling my name.

"Mads.. Nate.. Unless you want Sam to come in and see you guys like this I would suggest you get the fuck up." Jack G warned us then quickly left. Nate gave me this weird look.

"You can tell G but yet we still cant tell your brother."

"It's different Jack just sorta knew I didn't tell him anything." I said truthfully.

"If Jack knew don't you think Sam might know too? What's the big deal? Why can't he know." He asked starting to get mad now. Before I could answer Brooklyn and Natalie charged into my room jumping onto the bed.

"Sorry Nate, you have to go, we are stealing her for the rest of the night." Brooklyn told him. He got out of the bed and started walking to my door. He stopped at the doorframe and turned to stare at me. I looked straight into his eyes but the connection was broken when he shook his head and left. He can be so dramatic sometimes.

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