Ring of Amicy- Signora x Fem...

By KuroTani12

84.5K 5.6K 5.7K

Genshin Impact set in modern! au Teacher! Signora (Rosalyne) x Fem student! reader 'Amicy', the mystery of wh... More

Introduction (Must Read)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 28

1.5K 104 39
By KuroTani12

It was early December now, the arrival of ice and snow and the starting of semester end holidays. You didn't have a particularly fond memory of this season despite the fact that your birthday was part of it; in fact, the most recent memory associated with it brought you pain and trauma. To some extent, you didn't want to go out at all during this time. You feared similar things might happen again even though you knew that was highly unlikely. 

You stayed at home, catching up on some studying and assignments as discussed with Ms Rosalyne. She had told you how crucial the holidays would be for studies, and she trusted you to be serious unlike most other students. What you didn't expect was to receive a call from none other than Ms Lisa somewhere around the 5th of December, inviting you out for a 'date' as she put it....

"Hi, Y/n! How are you?"

"I'm good, ma'am. What about you? You finally have holidays now, right?"

"Hehe, yes we do! Ahh, I can't wait to curl up in my blanket all day and just sleep!~"

"Haha~ That sounds like you, ma'am~"

"That aside tho! Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes, I am..."

"Great! Would you like to go on a date?~"

"W-What?! Ms Lisa, you can't just say that to me!"

"Aww, I can just imagine your face being all red right now! How cute!"

"A-Ahem, ma'am, are you just making fun of me?"

"Sorry sorry~ But yes, I meant what I said. Wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"Uhh....w-what will I do with you? Don't you have friends of your age, like Ms Rosalyne?"

"Well, you are quite fun to be around~"

"Uh....I don't really like going out in this season...."

"Oh, don't worry~ We will be in a warm and cozy place. I also don't like staying out in the cold~"

"....Would it be just the two of us?"

"Hmm...maybe? Maybe not?~"

You sighed and thought for a moment then accepted her invitation, you were uncomfortable going out but you knew you can't let that hold you back all the time. You reached the address she sent you on the designated time, and were met by another familiar face.

"G-Good afternoon, ma'am...."

Of course, it was Ms Rosalyne. You should have seen this coming. It wasn't the first time Ms Lisa played with you this way, now it all made sense to you.

"Good afternoon, Y/n...." Ms Rosalyne replied in a slightly surprised tone, not expecting to see you. Of course, you understood all too well. Ms Lisa set you both up.

You nodded at her with a blush then looked away shyly, Ms Lisa lightly giggled then wrapped her arms around both of you and pulled you close in a group hug.

"Hehe, now everyone's here! Where shall we go?~"

You stayed silent and let Ms Rosalyne speak, she glanced at you then pulled herself away from the hug and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What is the meaning of this, Lisa?! Why didn't you tell me Y/n is coming too?!"

"Oh, would it have made a difference?~"

"Of course, it would have! That's important information, Lisa!"

"Hmmm~ Why? Do you not like being with Y/n? Are you saying you dislike her company?~"

"Stop twisting my words, Lisa! Don't you realize how inappropriate this is? She is our student first and foremost!"

Ms Lisa smirked then went closer to Ms Rosalyne to whisper, "Is it perhaps you would have dressed a little better if you knew she's coming too, dear Rosa?~"

Ms Rosalyne's face suddenly became red and she gritted her teeth before moving away from Ms Lisa, "Shut up with your nonsense! Anyways, you should tell me whoever is accompanying us, no matter who!"

"Hah~ Fine fine, my bad~ I'll keep it in mind from next time~"

Ms Lisa's lips curled up as she spoke while glancing at you, giving you a quick wink which made you realize what she was implying. She did this intentionally.

"Anyways! Now that's settled, let's decide where to go. I kept all options open depending on both of your choices~"

Ms Lisa spoke in a bubbly tone again, looking at the two of you in anticipation. You nervously glanced at Ms Rosalyne and she glanced back at you, clearly flustered by this turn of events.

"U-Um, I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I don't mind going back and letting you be by yourselves. I'm anyways not that keen on being out around this time of the year...."

Ms Rosalyne's eye widened and she felt guilty, she thought you were trying to accommodate for her and felt being at fault for revolting so openly to this.

"No, wait." Ms Rosalyne spoke while pinching her temple with a sigh, "It's not your fault, Y/n. And you are already here, I will also feel bad for making you go back this way."

"It's fine, ma'am. I won't hold it against you...."

"I said it's fine. Just stay." Ms Rosalyne said in a rather heavy voice, almost like ordering you.


You nodded, Ms Lisa watched the two of you in amusement then clapped her hands together, "Okay, everything is settled now!"

"Fine, where are we going then? Any suggestions?" Ms Rosalyne said.

"Hmmm, well we are in the marketplace and there are many things all around. I would prefer a closed space since it's so cold out~" Ms Lisa replied.

"Y/n? Any preference?" Ms Rosalyne asked.

"Uh..." you looked around the place a bit, glancing at the various shops and signboards until your eyes fell upon one that piqued your interest, "....Karaoke?"

Ms Rosalyne looked at you in surprise and followed your eyesight to find an advertisement for a nearby Karaoke place, a smirk almost appearing on her lips.

"I'm in. How about you, Lisa?~"

"Mmm...." Ms Lisa pouted and childishly glared at you, "Why did you have to pick that of all places, Y/n?!~"

"Oh! Uh, I have just never been to one and it is a closed private space so..."

Ms Lisa pouted further then sighed and nodded, "Fine~"

"Do you not like it, ma'am? I don't mind going elsewhere."

Ms Lisa looked at Ms Rosalyne with a childish glare, while Ms Rosalyne was surprisingly confident.

"Hah~ It's okay, you'll know when we get there...."

You nodded in confusion then the three of you walked over to the place as advertised. You entered the average sized established, it wasn't too fancy but gave a nice vibe due to the bright decorum and lively staff. Ms Lisa said on the way she had heard of this establishment beforehand and knew it wasn't a shady place, especially since it was in a busy marketplace. She then booked a room for everyone, dividing the booking cost equally and you decided to pay for your own drinks and snacks later.

"Ooh, this is quite comfy~" Ms Lisa complimented as you entered the booth.

"Good thing we picked the second tier, it's already larger than required. I can't imagine how large the first tier must be...." Ms Rosalyne added.

"....This actually feels really luxurious despite the decent cost." you spoke in a surprised tone, quite awestruck by the quality.

Ms Rosalyne was the first to settle down, sitting on one of the ends of the large sofa on the left side. You contemplated whether to sit beside her or move to the other sofa and let Ms Lisa sit beside her but your thoughts were interrupted by Ms Rosalyne.

"Is there some problem, Y/n? Come and sit." she patted the place beside her, casually calling you to sit. You blushed lightly then nodded and sat beside her, keeping reasonable distance between you two. All of a sudden, Ms Lisa also walked in and sat on your other side, making you push towards Ms Rosalyne and be squeezed between them.

"L-Lisa, there's a whole empty sofa in front. Why are you coming this side?!" Ms Rosalyne exclaimed.

"Oh?~ Are you telling me that you want your sweet Y/n all to yourself? My, don't be so possessive, Rosa~"

Ms Rosalyne blushed then sighed and looked away, "Forget it, it's not even worth arguing with you."

Ms Lisa chuckled and was about to pick up the song tablet but you spoke while beginning to stand up, "U-Um, I can go and sit on that sofa—"

"No need." both of them spoke together and grabbed each of your arms and pulled you down, making you nod without questions. Ms Lisa then picked up the song tablet and brought it towards you, resting her head on your shoulder as you held it and browsed with her. Ms Rosalyne watched the two of you and came closer to lean against your other shoulder and look at the screen, she didn't rest her head completely at first but eventually did out of instinct.

"Who will begin first?" she asked and looked at you, at the same time you turned your head towards her and both of you were caught in close proximity, lips placed closely as you gazed into each other's eyes. She was the first to come back to her senses and shift away, a faint red color on her cheeks appearing as she focused on the screen again.

"Mmm, let me begin first. I won't be in the mood once Rosa sings~" Ms Lisa mused and selected a song then picked up the mic.

"On second thought....Y/n, wanna sing a duet with me?~"

"W-Wait, me?! I'm not sure, it's my first time here I don't know how things work...."

"Oh, it'll be fine. Come on, we'll do an easy one first~"

You thought for a moment, Ms Rosalyne patted your shoulder with a smile on her face to encourage you and you nodded at her then stood up and picked up the second mic. You then walked beside her and took a deep breath as the song began, Ms Lisa began first and you tried to get into the rhythm by humming the tune along. She finished the first stanza and let you take over from the pre chorus, nervously you started singing in a low voice, barely loud enough to be audible in the booth. Both the teachers were looking at you seriously, focusing all their attention on you which made you even more nervous.

Ms Lisa then smiled and looked in front so as to not make overwhelm you, but you could still feel Ms Rosalyne's intense gaze on your back. You gave a shy glance to her from the side, and she simply smiled in return and clapped along to the beat. Ms Lisa then joined in and sang together with you, you slowly eased out and felt more confident and followed along with her, both of you swaying side-to-side as she hugged you closely. Ms Rosalyne watched you two in surprise; she could feel a deep connection between you two but didn't want to have the wrong idea again. 

Then she laid her sight on your face, a bright smile adorning it. That's when she realized it wasn't what she was thinking, she felt a 'pang' in her chest seeing you being so happy and enjoying yourself. Perhaps it was the first time she saw you smiling so much, and she was secretly glad she came today and that Lisa planned this— whatever motive she had. The song finished and Ms Lisa cheered for you by hugging you affectionately and Ms Rosalyne also clapped alongside.

"Well done, Y/n! See, I told you it'll be fine! And you actually sing so well, don't tell me it was your secret talent all along?~"

"Thank you, ma'am and no, I don't think I have ever sung....I just followed the beat and tried my best, haha~"

Ms Lisa smiled and patted your head then you looked over at Ms Rosalyne who smiled as well, "It was truly amazing, Y/n. Seriously, you can consider taking up this field."

You blushed and rubbed the back of your head in embarrassment, "T-Thank you, ma'am. But I'm fine with what I'm doing, I just want to keep this as a fun side thing..."

Ms Rosalyne nodded in agreement then you and Ms Lisa sat down while she chose a song on the tablet now. You couldn't deny you were really anticipating to hear her sing, especially since Ms Lisa had a strange perception on it. You drank some water then checked your phone and found a text from Ms Lisa that came 2 minutes— who was sitting right beside you.

Ms Lisa: Come to the restroom with me

....Okay, I also want to talk

Ms Lisa sneered looking at your reply then stood up, "I'll use the restroom for a bit. Accompany a lady, would you, Y/n?~"

"O-Oh, sure. I also want to use it."

"Don't start without us, Rosa!~"

Ms Lisa shouted before going out and you followed behind before briefly looking at Ms Rosalyne, "Would you like us to bring something, ma'am?"

"Thank you but no need. I'll be waiting for you both."

Ms Rosalyne smiled and you smiled back then walked out of the booth and followed Ms Lisa to the bathroom which was fortunately empty at the moment. Ms Lisa stood in front of the common mirror and fixed her hair and make-up while you waited behind her, she glanced at you and curled her lips up then spoke.

"Enjoying the date, Y/n?~"

You looked at her wide-eyed briefly then sighed, "....Was this your plan all along, ma'am?"

"Hmmm~ Maybe? Why? Are you not liking this?"

"It's not that....I just feel Ms Rosalyne isn't comfortable...."

"Hehe~ How considerate you are, I almost feel jealous for how much you always consider her comfort. Most people in love would find all opportunities to be with their crush even at the expense of making the crush uncomfortable.....after all, love makes you blind~"

"....Is it really love if you don't care about the other's personal space? Isn't that just selfishness?"

"Well, love makes you selfish too. Tell me, don't you have.....urges sometimes?"

"Urges? Of what kind?"

"Simply speaking, sexual urges~"

Your face reddened at her bold statement, "W-What?! No! That's—! E-Even if I do it has nothing to do with you—!"

Ms Lisa giggled seeing your reaction, "My apologies for making you uncomfortable. But I was serious, love is often mistaken for lust, you should keep that in mind."

You exhaled out then walked beside her and fixed your appearance in the mirror, "I understand that but....what does it have to do with you arranging this? I never told you that I wanted to meet her and do something...."

"Hehe, I know~ I had a few reasons for doing this, one of them was to see her reaction to it."

"....I don't think she likes it. I agree that you should have informed her first."

"Well, it wouldn't be a surprise then, would it?~"

You pondered more and Ms Lisa was finally finished touching up her make-up and turned to face you, "If you are in doubt so much then think about how she made you sit beside her on her own. And how she could have been the one to get up and sit on the other sofa if it was so cramped up~"

You looked at her in shock, "But, that was just....a minor thing, wasn't it?"

Ms Lisa hummed then turned around to walk out, "I'll leave that for you to decide~"

You watched her go out and sighed, "This is so difficult....But, I guess she has a point...."

You pondered and felt your face heat up recalling the earlier incident. At the same time, Ms Lisa was waiting for you outside and pondering on her own, "Rosa....will this finally make you understand? You can't keep running away...."

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