𝗔 𝗦𝗮𝗶𝘆𝗮𝗻 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗼...

By Laurentiino

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In a cruel twist of fate, Bron, a mild-mannered accountant in his mid-thirties, met his untimely demise due t... More

Chapter 2: The Shape-Shifting Showdown: Oolong's Redemption
Chapter 3: Fire Mountain's Fiery Challenge and Chi-Chi's Arrival
Chapter 4: Strawberries and Shenron's Blessing
Chapter 5: Tournament Trials and Jackie Chun's Challenge
Chapter 6: Reunion of Bonds: A Saiyan Family's Destiny
Chapter 7: The Triumph of Mastery: Raditz's Redemption
Chapter 8: Clash of Saiyans
Chapter 9: Senzu Secrets and Saiyan 'Alliances'
Chapter 10: Clash of Titans: Saiyans vs. Frieza
Chapter 10.5: Newfound Power
Chapter 11: Mutated Super Saiyan
Chapter 12: A Challenge For The Next Generation
Chapter 13: The Future Fighters
Chapter 14: Perfection
Chapter 15: This Is True Strength!
Chapter 16: Majin Buu's Reckoning
Chapter 17: The Destroyer Arrives
Chapter 18: Level Of The Gods
Chapter 19: Universe 6 Tournament [1]
Chapter 20: Universe 6 Tournament [2]
Chapter 21: A God Gone Rogue
Chapter 22: The Tournament of Power! [1]
Chapter 23: Tournament of Power [2]
Chapter 24: A Tale As Old As Time
End: One And The Same

Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

1.3K 40 7
By Laurentiino

In the fading light of the day, Turles materialized before his mother, Gine, who had been engrossed in a conversation with the venerable Grandpa Gohan just moments before his teleportation. As he stood there, a striking figure clad in Yardratian clothing, Gine's eyes brimmed with a whirlwind of emotions--love, surprise, and concern all intertwined. It had been five long years since she last laid eyes on one of her sons, and now, here he was, right before her.

Unable to contain her feelings any longer, Gine rushed to Turles and embraced him tightly, pouring all the love she had been holding back into that heartfelt hug. When she finally released him from her grasp, her voice took on a stern tone as she inquired, "Young man, you had me worried sick! Where on earth have you been all these years, and what in the universe are you wearing?"

In response, Turles spoke calmly, explaining his decision to set his pod's coordinates for the distant planet of Yardrat. His intention was to acquire new techniques and become a stronger fighter. Gine was dumbfounded by his choice, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that her son was safe.

Interrupting their reunion, Turles asked about his younger brother, Kakarot. Gine replied that he was out hunting for food.

As the mother and son were caught up in their emotional reunion, a soft clearing of the throat brought their attention to Grandpa Gohan, who had been observing their interaction from the sidelines. Realizing her oversight, Gine hastened to introduce the two.

"Gohan! I apologize," she said, flustered. "I was so overjoyed at the sight of Turles that I completely forgot to introduce you." Gine smiled sheepishly, grateful for the presence of the wise elder.

Gohan, with a warm smile, waved away her apology. "No need to worry, my dear," he said kindly. "I've been enjoying the company, and your son here is a spitting image of Kakarot. You've spoken fondly of him."

Turles, though not one to show too much emotion, allowed himself a smirk. The fact that he was actually interacting with the legendary Grandpa Gohan was not lost on him. "Thank you for your kindness to my family," he said appreciatively.

Gohan's eyes twinkled with wisdom as he nodded. "The pleasure is mine," he replied. "Family is everything, and I'm delighted to have you all here."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape, Turles, Gine, and Grandpa Gohan heard a faint humming sound in the distance. Turles recognized it instantly--there was no mistaking that tune. It was Kakarot, his younger brother.

Curiosity piqued, Turles stepped out of the small, weathered house and found himself face to face with Kakarot, who was hauling a lifeless tiger on his back. The two brothers stood there, eyeing each other for a moment, as if trying to grasp the reality of their long-awaited meeting.

Kakarot, with a mixture of wonder and uncertainty, finally broke the silence, his voice tinged with excitement, "Are you... my brother?" he asked tentatively, almost as if he could hardly believe it.

Turles couldn't help but smirk, feeling a connection that ran deeper than words could express. With a nod, he confirmed, "Yes, I am Turles, your brother."

Kakarot's face lit up with joy, and he couldn't contain his enthusiasm as he exclaimed, "Turles! This is amazing! We really do look like twins! I never thought I'd get to meet you!" His genuine happiness filled the air around them.

"Nice to finally meet you too, Kakarot," Turles replied warmly, his heart swelling with a mix of emotions.

Not wasting any time, Kakarot's attention shifted to the tiger he had brought back from his hunt. "Hey, can you help me cook this thing?" he asked, seeking Turles' assistance in their impromptu feast.

Turles chuckled, more than willing to lend a hand. "Of course, I'd love to help," he said.

Side by side, the two brothers worked together, skewering the tiger and preparing it for cooking. Turles, with his innate sense of control, raised a finger and sent a well-calibrated blast towards the tiger. The power was just right, enough to cook the meat to perfection.

With a flourish, Turles announced, "Ta-da!"

Kakarot's eyes widened in amazement and gratitude. "You're incredible, Turles! I've never seen anyone cook like that," he praised, his admiration for his elder brother growing.

As the evening hues painted the sky, Gine and Gohan stepped out of the humble abode and beheld a heartwarming scene before them. The two brothers, Turles and Kakarot, were engrossed in conversation, their bond visibly growing stronger with each passing moment. A smile of contentment spread across Gine's lips as she saw her sons finding comfort in each other's presence. With an air of camaraderie, she and Gohan approached the duo.

"Nice catch, Kakarot," Gine complimented, her eyes glinting with motherly pride as she acknowledged the tiger that rested nearby, a testament to her younger son's hunting skills.

Gohan, the wise and gentle soul, added his words of admiration, saying, "Indeed, truly amazing as always, Kakarot."

Pooling their efforts, they wrapped the tiger in cloth, preparing to share in the bounty by dividing it into portions. The group gathered around, forming a tight circle, their closeness a reflection of the family ties that bound them together.

With genuine curiosity, Gine turned to Turles and gently probed, "Tell us, dear, about the things you've learned on your incredible journey." She was eager to hear about the experiences that had shaped her second eldest son during his absence.

Turles, usually reserved and aloof, found himself compelled to share with his newfound family. He spoke earnestly, recounting the valuable techniques he had acquired from the skilled Yardrats. With a blend of passion and detachment, he explained how each technique worked and its potential in battle. The intricacies of his teachings painted a vivid picture of his time spent on the distant planet, a testament to his dedication to self-improvement.

As he spoke, Gohan's eyes sparkled with fascination, his mind soaking in the knowledge that Turles so generously offered. Gine, on the other hand, beamed with maternal pride, basking in the growth and strength her son had attained on his solitary odyssey.

Under the golden sun that bathed their secluded home, a harmonious scene unfolded--a montage of cherished moments as Turles, Kakarot, Gine, and Grandpa Gohan spent time together, their hearts interwoven in the tapestry of family.

In the warmth of the morning light, Turles and Kakarot trained side by side, their figures a blur of motion as they exchanged techniques and sparred playfully. With each clash, their bond as brothers deepened, their camaraderie growing stronger with every shared breath.

As the day progressed, they gathered around the table for a hearty meal, their laughter mingling with the aroma of the food. Gine's culinary prowess had prepared a feast fit for a Saiyan, and the family savored every bite, their smiles reflecting the joy of togetherness.

Under the shade of an ancient tree, Grandpa Gohan shared his wisdom with the young Saiyans, recounting tales of battles past and lessons learned. Turles listened attentively, finding a sense of guidance in the elder's words, while Kakarot hung on every syllable, his eyes wide with wonder.

In the tranquil afternoons, Gine and Turles would wander through the vibrant fields, conversing about life's mysteries and Turles' experiences during his journey across the stars. Gine's nurturing presence offered a comforting embrace, and Turles found solace in the motherly love he had missed for so long.

At times, they would play with the wildlife of the land, showcasing their agility and control, as Kakarot chased after birds and butterflies, and Turles demonstrated his newfound Yardratian techniques. Their antics delighted Gine, who watched them with pure affection, her heart brimming with pride.

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the bond among the family members flourished like a resilient flower, blossoming into something beautiful and unyielding. Each member found strength and purpose in the presence of the others, and their collective determination to protect and support one another made them an unstoppable force.

Over the course of five transformative years, the bond between Turles and Kakarot deepened, their days filled with ardent training and moments of profound understanding. Under the watchful eye of their beloved Grandpa Gohan and Mother Gine, their journey of growth and self-discovery unfolded like an ancient scroll, each passing day etching a new chapter in their lives.

With unwavering dedication, Turles patiently imparted his knowledge to his younger brother, guiding him on the path of a true Saiyan warrior. He taught Kakarot the art of sensing ki, the unseen life force that flowed through all living beings. Through rigorous exercises, they honed their ability to perceive the energy signatures of others.

Amidst the emerald fields, Turles and Kakarot practiced the art of flight, their figures soaring through the sky like mythical creatures, their spirits unburdened and free. Together, they reveled in the exhilaration of liberation, transcending the limits of the earthbound realm.

But it was in the realm of energy-based attacks that Turles truly left a profound mark on his brother. With focused determination, he trained Kakarot to harness the raw power coursing within him, shaping that potent energy into devastating attacks. The young Saiyan displayed an uncanny aptitude for this, absorbing his brother's teachings like a sponge, his eyes reflecting the flames of newfound passion.

And there, amidst the tranquil landscape, Grandpa Gohan watched with admiration, witnessing the blossoming of a legacy, generations intertwined in a dance of shared knowledge and wisdom.

Impressed by Kakarot's remarkable progress, the wise elder couldn't help but express his delight. "Kakarot, my boy, you truly are a fast learner," Gohan praised with a warm smile, his voice tinged with pride.

Kakarot beamed, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. "Thank you, Grandpa Gohan. I have the best teachers," he said, casting a fond glance at both Turles and Gohan.

Turles, though often reserved, couldn't help but return the smile, an unspoken affirmation of the unbreakable bond that had formed between them. "We're family, Kakarot. It's what we do for each other," he said, his voice carrying a subtle tone of affection.

Days passed in the tranquil embrace of nature, and as the sun cast its warm rays upon the land, Turles and Kakarot ventured into the wild, their Saiyan instincts guiding them in the pursuit of sustenance.

It was on one such hunting expedition that fate would intertwine their paths with a newcomer. A girl on a sleek motorcycle emerged from the winding trails, her azure hair flowing in the breeze. Turles' discerning eyes recognized her immediately--Bulma, the brilliant and adventurous young woman whose reputation preceded her.

As the motorcycle came to a stop beside them, Bulma flashed a friendly smile, her vibrant personality illuminating the surrounding woods. "Hey there!" she called out, her voice brimming with confidence.

Both Turles and Kakarot responded with warm greetings, welcoming her presence with an air of curiosity.

"I'm Turles, and this is my brother Kakarot," Turles introduced, polite and composed.

Bulma extended her hand, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. "Nice to meet you both! I'm Bulma. I'm on a journey to find all seven dragon balls and make a wish!" she announced with unbridled enthusiasm.

Kakarot's eyes widened with wonder, captivated by the notion of mystical wish-granting orbs. "Wow, that sounds amazing! What are you going to wish for?" he inquired, his innocent curiosity evident.

A subtle blush brushed across Bulma's cheeks as she replied, "Well, that's a secret. You'll find out when the time comes. Anyway, how old are you boys? You two look like twins but one of you is older than the other." 

Turles smirks, "I'm 15 and Kakarot is 12. We look identical because genes work differently when you're an alien." Bulma was dumbfounded, "You two are aliens?!" The brothers nod and show her their tails. "Humans  don't have tails," Kakarot says. "Woah! I really met aliens! My day just got a lot more interesting." 

In a show of camaraderie, Bulma proudly displayed the two dragon balls she had already collected, eliciting admiration from the brothers. Turles, ever the observant one, couldn't help but reveal that their Grandpa possessed one of these magical spheres.

Kakarot, on the other hand, shrugged casually. "I didn't think it was anything special," he admitted, unaware of the significance of their discovery.

Bulma's eyes sparkled like sapphires as she realized the potential of their revelation. "You have one too? That's fantastic! Take me to your Grandpa," she requested with a grin, her excitement palpable.

Turles exchanged a knowing look with Kakarot, and a silent understanding passed between them. With a nod, Turles spoke, "Sure, we can take you there."

"We're pretty far away from the house, so you'll have to hold onto me," Turles advised Bulma, his voice composed yet tinged with reassurance. "And make sure to secure your motorcycle as well." Bulma's brows furrowed with confusion, but she followed his instructions without protest, trusting in the two Saiyan brothers.

As Kakarot placed his hand on Turles' shoulder, a knowing look passed between them. Turles focused his energy, centering his mind on the presence he sought Gohan. With a concentrated expression, he pressed two fingers to his forehead, a gesture that signified the activation of his teleportation technique.

In the blink of an eye, space and time seemed to fold, and with an almost imperceptible sensation of displacement, they found themselves standing before Gohan and Gine. Bulma's eyes widened with astonishment, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of the seamless and awe-inspiring teleportation.

Bulma, still grappling with the dizzying reality of the experience, couldn't help but look around in wonder, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings and the emotions swirling around her.

As the excitement and novelty threatened to overwhelm her, Bulma clutched her stomach, feeling a wave of nausea wash over her. "I think I'm gonna be sick," she admitted, her voice trembling.

With a tender gesture, Kakarot patted her back soothingly, his compassion evident in his eyes. "I felt the same way when he first did that," he confided. "But don't worry, you'll get used to it."

The gentle breeze rustled through the leaves as Gine and Gohan stood there, their faces alight with warmth and curiosity.

With welcoming smiles, Gine and Gohan extended their greetings to the blue-haired girl. "Hello, dear. I'm Gine, and this is Gohan," Gine introduced herself and the old man, the venerable figure who had been a source of wisdom and love throughout her time on earth.

Bulma returned the gesture, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Nice to meet you both," she said, her voice carrying a note of wonder.

Eager to share her quest, Bulma produced the two dragon balls from her bag, holding them up like precious gems gleaming in the sun. Her voice danced with enthusiasm as she explained, "These are the dragon balls--seven mystical orbs. Once they're all collected, they can grant any wish. Your boys mentioned that you have one of them."

Gohan's eyes widened, the surprise evident on his face. He had always treasured the four-star ball, but he had never imagined that it held such magical properties. "Indeed, I do," he replied, retrieving the coveted sphere from a safe place and handing it to Bulma.

"Thanks, old man, I appreciate it," Bulma quipped with a playful grin.

Gohan chuckled, charmed by her spirited nature. "No worries at all," he replied, his heart warming to this young adventurer who had stepped into their lives.

Gine, the epitome of motherly warmth, turned her attention to Bulma, intrigued by the notion of her ambitious quest. "So, you're setting off on an adventure to collect all these dragon balls?" she inquired, her smile encouraging.

Bulma nodded enthusiastically, her azure locks swaying with her movement. "Yes, that's right. It's an exciting journey, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead," she replied, her eyes alight with determination.

Gine's gaze then shifted to her boys, her love for them palpable in her every look. "You wouldn't mind if my boys accompanied you, would you?" she asked, her heart hoping for the bond of friendship to bloom between her sons and their new companion.

Bulma considered the proposition with a nonchalant shrug, her smile warm and welcoming. "I don't see why not. It would be nice to have some company on this adventure," she stated, her openness inviting.

Kakarot's eyes widened with excitement, unable to contain his enthusiasm. "Yes! That sounds awesome!" he exclaimed, his eagerness infectious.

Turles, though more reserved, couldn't help but share in his brother's sentiment. "This is going to be fun," he affirmed, a glimmer of excitement lighting up his eyes.

And so, with the blessings of Gine and Gohan, the young trio bid farewell to the gentle sanctuary they called home and set forth into the great unknown--an adventure brimming with possibilities, camaraderie, and the magic of the dragon balls. 

Unbeknownst to Kakarot and Bulma, Turles knew where the dragon balls were because he was able to sense them. Although, he was not going to say anything because he was looking forward to their adventure. 

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