That's the way I love you

bimbo296 tarafından

165K 6.1K 254

Becky's life takes a tumultuous turn when she discovers the painful truth about her boyfriend, Nop - he had b... Daha Fazla



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bimbo296 tarafından

The debate competition had come and gone, and Becky was feeling a mix of emotions as she met Nop afterward. She had performed exceptionally well, and while she had hoped Nop would be there to witness her success, his absence had left her feeling disappointed and hurt.

Becky: (with a hint of frustration) Nop, where have you been? You've been ghosting me for days, and I couldn't even reach you during the competition.

Nop: (defensively) I've been busy, Becky. You know how much work I have to handle.

Becky: (disappointed) I understand you have work, but I thought you said you would try to be there. It was important to me, and I wanted you to see how much effort I put into it.

Nop: (sighs) I said I would try, and I did. But things got really hectic, and I couldn't make it. Is that such a big deal?

Becky: (feeling hurt) Yes, Nop, it is a big deal to me. You promised, and then you just disappeared without a word.

Nop: (annoyed) I don't see why you're making such a fuss about it. It's not like I abandoned you.

Becky: (teary-eyed) I just wanted you to be there for me, to support me like you used to. But lately, it feels like you're always too busy for me.

Nop: (frustrated) I have responsibilities, Becky. I can't just drop everything whenever you want me to.

Becky: (angry) I'm not asking you to drop everything, Nop. I just wanted you to be there for something that's important to me.

Nop: (raising his voice) I can't always be there for everything, Becky. It's not fair for you to expect that of me.

Becky: (wiping away tears) I'm not expecting you to be there for everything, but when it's something that matters to me, I thought you would understand.

Nop: (crossing his arms) You're being too clingy and dependent on me. I have my own life and my own priorities.

Becky: (hurt) I'm not being clingy. I just wanted my boyfriend to be there for me when I needed him.

Nop: (frustrated) I've been busy working day and night, and you don't appreciate that. Instead, you just keep complaining and making me feel guilty.

Becky: (crying) I appreciate your hard work, Nop, but I also need to know that I can count on you.

Nop: (rolling his eyes) I'm here now, aren't I? I just finished my work, and I came to see you.

Becky: (sniffles) It's not just about being physically present, Nop. I need to know that you care and that I can rely on you.

Nop: (sighs) I do care about you, Becky. But you're always making a big deal out of things, and it's exhausting.

Becky: (voice trembling) I'm sorry if I expect too much from you. I just thought we were supposed to be there for each other.

Nop: (frustrated) Maybe we're not meant to be together if you're always going to be like this.

Becky: (heartbroken) Are you saying you don't want to be with me anymore?

Nop: (shrugging) I don't know, Becky. Maybe we need some space to figure things out.

Becky's tears flowed freely now, feeling the weight of Nop's words. She had hoped for understanding and reassurance, but instead, she felt as if she was being pushed away. The argument had reached its peak, and the pain in her heart was too much to bear.

Becky: (whispers) Maybe you're right... maybe we do need some space.

Nop: (with a hint of frustration) Fine, if that's what you want.

The tension in the car was palpable as Becky and Nop continued their heated argument. Becky's frustration and disappointment had reached a boiling point, and she couldn't bear to sit beside him any longer.

Becky: (voice trembling with anger) Just drop me off here, Nop. I can't take this anymore.

Nop: (shouting) Are you crazy? We're in the middle of the street! I can't just leave you here!

Becky: (firmly) I don't care! I can't be in the same car with you right now!

Nop: (clenching his jaw) Fine! If that's what you want!

The car came to a screeching halt, and Becky's heart pounded in her chest. She was done with this argument, done with feeling neglected and hurt by Nop's actions. As much as she loved him, she couldn't bear to be treated this way.

Becky: (raising her voice) I can't believe you're acting like this, Nop! You're supposed to be my partner, my support, but all you do is push me away!

Nop: (angry) You're always expecting so much from me! I have my own life and my own priorities!

Becky: (teary-eyed) All I wanted was for you to be there for me, to show that you care! But you can't even do that!

Nop: (frustrated) You're suffocating me with your constant need for attention and reassurance!

Becky: (crying) I just want to know that I can rely on you, Nop. Is that too much to ask?

Nop: (coldly) Maybe we're just not meant to be together if you can't handle me being busy!

Becky felt a stab in her heart at Nop's words. She had hoped he would understand her feelings, but instead, he was pushing her further away. She couldn't take it anymore; she needed to get out of the car.

Becky: (determined) Stop the car, Nop. I mean it. I need to get out.

Nop: (angry) Fine! Get out then!

He pulled over to the side of the road, and Becky quickly opened the car door, tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't believe how things had escalated, how the person she loved was acting so cold and distant.

Without another word, Becky stepped out of the car and closed the door behind her. She stood on the side of the street, feeling a mix of shock, hurt, and sadness. She couldn't believe how their argument had ended like this, with Nop driving away without a care.

As the car disappeared from view, Becky felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness and heartache. She had wanted nothing more than to resolve their issues and find a way to reconnect, but it seemed like Nop was unwilling to do the same.

With a heavy heart, she wiped away her tears and started walking, not knowing where she was going or what the future held for her and Nop. All she knew was that her heart was broken, and she needed time to heal.

As Becky walked alone through the rain-soaked streets, tears streaming down her cheeks, she couldn't help but feel a sense of numbness inside. The argument with Nop had left her heartbroken, and she was lost in her own thoughts, replaying their heated exchange over and over in her mind.

The rain poured heavily, drenching her to the bone, but she didn't care. She needed to be alone with her thoughts, even if it meant enduring the cold and wet weather. As she continued walking, her vision blurred from both the rain and her tears, causing her to stumble and trip on the slippery road.

Becky: (whispers) Ugh, just great...

She didn't stop or attempt to regain her balance. Instead, she picked herself up and kept walking, not even noticing the near miss with a passing car. Her mind was too consumed with the argument and the pain in her heart.

Suddenly, she felt a rush of wind and heard the screeching of tires. Before she knew it, a car was coming dangerously close to hitting her. Fear gripped her heart, and she froze in panic, unable to move out of the car's path.

But just in the nick of time, a hand reached out and pulled her away from the oncoming vehicle. Her heart pounded in her chest as she turned to see who had saved her. And there, standing before her, was a beautiful stranger with a handsome face, her concern evident in her eyes.

Stranger: (worried) Are you alright? You could've been seriously hurt!

Becky: (shaken) Thank you... thank you for saving me.

Stranger: (gentle smile) It's okay. Just be careful next time, especially on a rainy day like this.

Becky: (nodding) I will. I... I wasn't paying attention.

As Becky stood there, tears streaming down her cheeks, she couldn't find the words to explain why she was alone in the rainy street. The emotional turmoil she had been through had left her feeling raw and vulnerable, and she found solace in the presence of the compassionate stranger, Freen.

Freen: (gentle voice) Are you okay? Why are you alone in the street?

Becky couldn't find the words to explain her emotions, so she simply shook her head and continued to cry. But instead of pressing for answers, Freen stepped closer and wrapped her arms around Becky in a comforting hug.

Freen: (whispering) It's alright, you don't have to tell me anything. Just let it out.

Becky felt a wave of relief wash over her as she hugged Freen tightly, finding solace in the stranger's warm embrace. Freen didn't judge her or ask intrusive questions; she simply offered support when Becky needed it most.

After a few moments, Becky's sobs began to subside, and she pulled away from the hug, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Freen gave her a reassuring smile, understanding that sometimes words weren't necessary.

Freen: (softly) Do you want me to take you home? It's not safe to be walking alone like this.

Becky hesitated, feeling a mix of gratitude and shyness about accepting help from a stranger. But Freen seemed genuine and caring, and Becky knew she could use some assistance getting home safely.

Becky: (nervously) I... I live a bit far from here. It's okay, I can manage.

Freen: (insisting) It's not a problem. I can give you a ride on my bike. Here, take my helmet.

Freen handed Becky her helmet, encouraging her to accept the offer. With a grateful smile, Becky finally agreed, realizing that she could use some kindness and assistance at this moment.

Becky: (softly) Thank you,  You're really kind.

Freen: (smiling) It's the least I can do. Come on, let's get you home safely.

Freen helped Becky put on the helmet, making sure it was secure before mounting her bike. She then handed Becky her jacket, seeing how cold and shivering Becky was from being out in the rain.

Freen: (gently) Here, wear this. It'll keep you warm.

Becky: (surprised) Oh, I can't take your jacket.

Freen: (insisting) It's alright. I have another one at home. Besides, you need it more than I do right now.

With a thankful smile, Becky put on the jacket, feeling the warmth seep into her cold body. She climbed onto the back of the bike, wrapping her arms around Freen's waist, feeling a sense of comfort and safety she hadn't felt in a while.

As they rode through the rain-soaked streets, Becky felt a sense of calm settle over her. The night had taken an unexpected turn, and she had found comfort and support from a complete stranger. Freen's kindness had made her feel seen and cared for, and for that, she was grateful.

As they arrived at Becky's home, she stepped off the bike, feeling a mixture of sadness and gratitude. She turned to Freen with a heartfelt smile.

Becky: (grateful) Thank you,  You have no idea how much this means to me.

Freen: (offering her hand) I'm Freen, by the way.

Becky: (giving a small smile) I'm Becky.

Freen: (smiling) It was my pleasure. Take care of yourself, okay?

Becky: (nodding) I will. Thank you for being there when I needed someone.

Freen: (softly) Anytime. Goodnight, Becky.

Thank you for the vote. I appreciated it. So, how do you guys think in this story.

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