Monsters We Became { Bleach A...

By Ahemaitt

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It was supposed to be a simple mission, retrieve the device and return to Hueco Mundo--how will the Hollows r... More

Part 1
01 - As Night Falls
02 - Outside, Oasis
03 - Lies Kindling
04 - Cultivating Fire
05 - Literary Smoke
06 - Stifling Growth
Part 2
07 - Ensnared Ink
08 - Unfettered Words
09 - Reflecting Elysium
10 - Shattered Shelter
11 - Exposure
Part 3
12 - Unto Reality and Sacrament
13 - Into Revelations
14 - Beyond Belies
15 - Condemnation
16 - Odium and Candor
Part 4
17 - Starved Confessions
18 - Mercy
19 - After Repose
20 - Blamelessness
Part 5
22 - In the Hollows, Perdition
23 - Beneath the Rocky Ridge of Clemency
24 - Rises the Unmasked Sun

21 - The Prophecy of the Serpent

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By Ahemaitt

What was once a private room at the back of Castle Paito with a table and couch for occasional meetings was now closer to a throne room, dedicated to the hearing of citizens and guards – a change brought about, in part, due to refugees from a strange Shinigami presence in the forest.

Koukou, dressed in a brilliant shade of purple, laid across the white throne of stone with a white silk cloth draped over her while an Adjuchas with an insectoid mask read from an aged parchment inked in black.

To the Queen that skulks beneath the sands,

Know that one day time will one day come for you, as it does for all things!

It has been over a century since last you bested me, alongside your servant that wields the power of time and the Earth itself. My army has grown stronger and I grow bored of watching nothing unfold day-after-day. The scampering of insects into your domain has not escaped my notice, so I know that the same is true for you. Come, entertain me with either another battle or bring your army so we might watch the insects fight in our names.

I anticipate your timely arrival,

Baraggan the God King of Hueco Mundo

The Menos finished reading the note with trembling voice and hands, "You're not going to send us all to die at the hands of that guy's army, are you?"

"No. Why would you believe that?" Koukou exhaled sharply, "You are one of the new arrivals, are you not?" – The other Hollow nodded, along with his two companions – "Then know that I have no interest in throwing your lives away. Baraggan sends a letter seldom different from this at least once a century out of boredom. It is enough for me to pay him a visit and best him in battle. Though –" She paused and coiled deeper into the cushioned seat, " – he will need to wait a while longer."

"Bylosse, would you please write a letter informing Baraggan that he must wait? And you three" – the trio of Hollows standing shoulder-to-shoulder froze under a dense cloud of golden reiatsu – "will deliver the letter today. Swallow your fear, no harm will come to you so long as they are informed that you are under our protection."

While her words did little to stave off the fear extruded by the two humanoid Adjuchas, the third, with their four legs unshaken by the task laid before them, bowed,

"We won't let you down, Lady Koukou."

"It's done," Bylosse handed the letter, rolled and marked with a ring of crystal, to the thin purple Hollow who nearly dropped the paper, juggling it between his hands before finally catching it. With a final bow, the three left the room and two more entered.

"Hello, Ilfeen and Nitaal. What do you have to report?"

Ilfeen, the smaller of the two Hollows, jutted forward like a marionette. Six yellow eyes lined in orange looked out from a circular white mask, black sclera amplifying their inhuman glint. Around the mask's gnashing teeth and curled into a sneer upon its cheeks was the same strong hue. Elongated limbs and hands clasped together in a predatory prayer that did not match the soft voice that came from behind the veil,

"There is no longer enough housing. Several disputes have broken out over the last few homes in the cliffs and I fear that some will soon try to evict others. Blood will follow. Will it be possible to create more?"

Koukou nodded, "As of now, there are plans to expand the entirety of Bosque Santuario deeper into the mountainside and beyond. It will not begin for a few months, so it may be necessary to create temporary solutions. Nallundra will construct something suitable in time."

"About Nallundra..." The other Hollow, Nitaal, stepped forward, "we are also running low on food. The recent harvest is not expected to last as long as the previous ones, leaving only a few more months of food. We know Nallundra has been working hard to produce more, but there's little more space and water. Lake Kristylian is at the lowest point it has been since I arrived over two centuries ago." A hand rushed to the side of his skull-like mask, "More importantly, we are low on spirit orbs. Without those, I fear that civilization will break down."

"A few months should be enough time, but your concern is appreciated. Please stretch the food supply for as long as you can. We are only low on food supplies because the last group arrived unexpectedly and was much larger than any other– the timing was less than ideal." Koukou shifted farther onto her side, the silk falling from the back of the throne and onto her. "Spirit orb production has already been increased, it should not take long to see the results. That is our highest priority."

"As for the water supply," Koukou shifted again, as if in discomfort, "Mizuki did find a Hollow of suitable skill to aid Madorean during one of his excursions, however, she refused to join. While we look for another, there are a few newcomers with less-suitable powers he is teaching to fill in the gaps."

"Are those all of the concerns? Or is there more that needs to be addressed?"

The two hollows standing in the walkway looked at eachother, uncertain, but a glint of fear sprung in the many eyes of Ilfeen as she knelt and looked up to Koukou, like a sinner begging for help from a mighty god.

"There have been rumors of strange Shinigami in the trade district. I mean, in addition to the first ones from last month. None of the guards say they saw or sensed anything, but we're terrified! I know the number of active guards has increased since last time, but isn't there more that can be done?" It was a perspective echoed behind Nitaal's skull-like mask just the same, a talon scratched the side of his head in nervousness.

This was the most difficult task for Koukou to answer. They had already increased the guards in the trade district to the maximum capacity. Stationing more guards amongst the traders would require pulling them from either the post at the top of Tower Vare or from the front gate, and could open up more security risks than it would mitigate. All for unsubstantiated rumors.

Even she did not sense the reported Shinigami's spiritual pressure despite the web of reiatsu she'd woven amongst the many lights. To mask the shadow cast by one's own reiatsu within the labyrinth of golden energy would require exceptional skill or special technology. Technology that was not beyond comprehension, and there was little reason to doubt the claims of her citizens.

"It may be necessary to seal off one of the entrances to Bosque Santuario and re-station those guards until this matter is settled. Did anyone see the Shinigami?"

"I think," The two Hollows looked at each other, "Someone said they were wearing a black mask or something, but that didn't make sense to us."

For this first time since Hollows had entered the room, Koukou sat straight up on the throne, leaning forward with full attention. That description had not escaped her memory, nor the implication and severity of their presence. Even Bylosse, who stood at the edge of the room in silence, looked on with hardened eyes. Both Adjuchas trembled.

"I will convene with Madorean and Mizuki on the matter. If that is everything, you are both dismissed."

Not long after their departure did Koukou speak. To Bylosse. To herself. To the air.

"Nearly a century since the last unfamiliar Shinigami stepped into Bosque Santuario, and now two in a few months. A year earlier or a year later would have been fine, so why now? The timing could not be more inconvenient."

"Their timing does seem to be too convenient. I suspect there was a spy amongst the refugees, or at least one of the Shinigami from that group in the Forest survived and relayed information to the Seireitei." Bylosse answered.

"A possibility, but it does not explain why Squad Zero is getting involved." Koukou pulled herself back into the throne and leaned her head against a hand, half-facing away from Bylosse, "Unfortunate. Without Kaisett's gaze, our information is limited. What do those stationed in the forest say?"

"Nothing new. There is still an increase in activity from the group of Shinigami. Many Hollows are afraid, so they are looking for safety – we may have more refugees come before long. But there's been nothing of masked Shinigami with tied-up hair."

"It seems that I may have made a mistake, all those years ago. No Shinigami would ever have escaped from Rymenocc... if only he could have understood."

"Rymenocc would have caused a civil war had he been left alive. We both know that he was beyond convincing the day Leucyra was killed."

For a time, Koukou sat silent. The reality of the past played in her mind. Leucyra died on the very first mission to the Soul Society, one meant to obtain a prototype Gikon. After Kaisett learned of their existence, they spent weeks deciding what plan would be best. It was an untold risk to go alone into enemy territory–Rymenocc and Koukou both rejected the idea. Regardless, alone would be the only way. More than that and all of the Shinigami would become aware of their presence in an instant, too deep into the Seireitei to escape notice.

It was Koukou who finally gave into Leucyra's offer. 'I'll go alone and transform using the first person I meet,' She said, 'Then I'll grab an orb and get out–Shinigami none the wiser.' The words flowed with such confidence that Koukou convinced herself nothing could go wrong. How could they have known that the form she would choose would cause such a stir?

When Rymenocc came back carrying her body he was inconsolable. Words of burning wrath accused Koukou of cruelty for her non-response. And it was true. After all, she'd seen many allies die. Why then, did the first Hollow to die under her command sting a hundred times more? Holding the orb Leucyra had sacrificed everything to obtain only to find that the Shinigami were no farther along in development than they–it twisted the knife of loss deeper. But the rest just added it to their scars while Ryemnoc's wound festered.

From that day forward, Rymenocc was changed. Once a supporter of the plan to form a bastian against the hungry darkness threatening their existence, he came to detest every corner of the idea that involved contact with those from the other spirit realm. More than that, he became harsh, tolerated no transgression. Those who could not learn to behave met burning blade.

It would have been tolerable, save for his indiscriminate hatred of those same beings that took his friend's life. He cursed the existence of Shinigami and all they had taken until his dying day. If only he could see past the shroud of wrath.

"It is..." A sigh escaped her lips, "... pointless to dwell in the past. What is your opinion, Bylosse? Do you believe it best to close the secondary entrance or leave it open?"

"If we close it and we are invaded, we can concentrate our guards, but there will be no escape should we begin losing. Leave it open and we risk getting attacked from multiple sides: defending will become impossible." Bylosse noted, testing reality out loud, "In my opinion, it is best to close Tower Vare's entrance. We have a better chance of defending ourselves from an invasion."

"Then that is what we will do. Close the entrance at Tower Vare and have those guards stationed at the front gate and a bit beyond. That should make it more difficult for anyone to sneak in unseen. In addition, please cancel all searches for additional Hollows with water-based powers and have Mizuki stand guard, too."

"Lady Koukou, please forgive my rudeness. I understand why you are taking this so seriously and will follow your orders. However, these are only rumors. We don't have any evidence and no one has been injured; is this not going too far?"

"While there is still a chance that these tales are untrue, they cannot be ignored. I am in no condition to fight should these rumors blossom into reality. So this is the best I can do to ensure we are all safe." Koukou placed a clawed hand on her abdomen, the silken blanket slid from her lap. Tucked below a coiled tail and careful hand was the swollen touch of life. She was pregnant–very, based on the size of her belly.

"Will it be alright if I leave to take care of everything now?" A heavy gaze fell to Koukou, curled on her throne. No matter how torturous the sight of her carrying another man's child, smelling him on her clothes, hearing their whispers, or watching a caress became, Bylosse would serve her. Until the day death took him away–and perhaps after. A personal hell all his own.

"Yes. Thank you, Bylosse."

Hoof-beats echoed from the foyer like the rhythmic jangle of a tambourine, growing louder as they approached the closed door to the back room of Keep Paito. It served as no surprise when the beaming Soujimaru slid open the door and skipped inside. No longer was his body hunched with inhuman proportions, he insead appeared humanoid. Black fur still covered his goat-like legs and matched the skin on his arms. But every other inch of the cheerful Hollows was bone-white bespeckled by stains of color. The same smiling golden eyes shone behind that ram-like mask that had always been, unaffected by the problems of the world.

Koukou remained coiled upon her seat as he approached, mind focused elsewhere.

"Have you decided on a name for them yet?"

"No, but I have some ideas." She found his tone entirely too cheerful for the moment and cast his question aside before diving back down into the depths of thoughts. Where to look for a water-wielding Hollow that still has sentience, how to best improve the fields, what should be done about the guard stations... Soujimaru's words drifted into the background of her mind. He continued to talk about names, about clothing, until he realized his words were disappearing into the space between them.

"Hey!" The call interrupted her trance, "Sorry, I started to ramble. What I wanted to tell you is that when everyone started freaking out about the Shinigami, I was there. He was impossible to sense and moved faster than a swordsman's strike, but I just set up a series of threads that light up when they come into contact with a Shinigami's reiatsu! It should bypass whatever cloaking thingy they're using that makes it hard to detect them.

It worked when we were making tanabata decorations with Hollow reiatsu, so doing the same with Shinigami reiatsu was easy. I was going to test it with Mizuki, but he seemed extremely busy. That and I haven't seen Aizen around today. Do you still have some Shinigami reiatsu s– Wait."

Right after the word had left his mouth and by the time Soujimaru turned around, the door to the room slid open and Aizen entered, dressed in a standard Shinigami Shihakusho.

"Aizen, there you are! Did you see any purple threads on your way in?"

"Hello, Soujimaru. I did. Those reiatsu response threads are quite interesting."

Soujimaru opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter any words, Koukou interrupted him, "I will tell him, Soujimaru. Thank you for your help."

"Y-yes, of course." The smile faded from his face as the severity of her tone warned him to leave. He was out of the room before Aizen moved.

Aizen rose far above Koukou in that precarious seat, even as she raised her head from her hand. An eased palm took its place and lifted that masked face a step towards his own. If there were any onlookers, the scene would have brought dismay. A Shinigami taking control of the sightless gaze that watched and commanded so many Hollows was unthinkable, yet became reality. She leaned into the gentle touch.

His other hand rested upon the woman's stomach, where it met the feathered embrace of her tail, clawed fingers placed upon his own. Below the depths of golden energy making up her form and the taint of purple reiatsu hidden just beneath the surface, was the wine-dark presence of their unborn.

Without bending a knee, Aizen leaned forward until his lips were at the line of Koukou's cheek. A knowing whisper, calm as the spring, flowed into her mask-covered ear.

"Is everything alright? You seem upset."

"There are more rumors of the Shinigami from Squad Zero surveying the area. They are cloaked, even I cannot sense them."

Fear. Subtle in those pragmatic words, but unmistakable. Hollows are beings born from fear and despair, and the distant waiver in her voice served as a reminder that even the strongest were servants of that ever-present grasp. Fear drove those not overwhelmed by the weight of despair forward, away from the sinking pits and towards new heights. This emotion was not what bothered Aizen as he frowned and brought his head back. There was a power behind the stillness of the words that followed.

"It's time to consider leaving Bosque Santuario for a time, Kou. At least until after–"

"I know what you're going to say, and I already told you that I can't leave them to die, Sousuke."

The fingers lifted her chin higher with more pressure. At this distance, her own reiatsu grazed his skin, allowing her to perceive the flicker of anger across his brow. The expression softened after a moment, but a glint resided in his gaze.

"You are taking an unnecessary risk by staying. As I'm sure you are aware." He let his hand drop from her chin and her head lowered with it – just a touch. "Should any members of Squad Zero arrive, I ask that you leave Bosque Santuario."

"I will," A sharp breath, "Do what I can."

Her words did nothing to change the emotion lingering in the Shinigami's eye. After all, that statement was no different from 'no'. It was pointless to argue. Short of dragging her from Bosque Santuario with his own two hands, she would not leave despite the obvious risks. An unmistakable fact that irritated Aizen to no end. And yet, it should have been foreseen – Koukou had dedicated centuries to these Hollows, hoping that some solace might come to this god-forsaken wasteland. It would always be too much to ask for her to abandon them.

A few months. That is all it would take for her to return to full strength. Not enough time. He pulled his hand from her stomach and stood, towering above the woman laying against the throne.

"The Central 46 is considering authorizing the extermination of the remaining Quincies. I will be unable to visit Bosque Santuario for a few days as a result."

Silk fell to the ground as Koukou sat up, "The Shinigami won the war and the remaining Quincies agreed to their terms. There is no ongoing conflict, is this proposal not needless cruelty?"

"It would seem they are afraid of what they are unable to control. Again."

"Is that why coexistence is impossible? None of us are so different that an understanding cannot be reached."

"Reality is often cruel," He brushed hair from his face, the harshness of his words abating, "When I return, we will discuss these matters further."

"What more is there to discuss of my leave? I have given you my answer."

A crack formed in that calm facade that kept his thoughts from sight. Anger colored his emotionless voice, "Your life is worth more than a hundred of theirs. If they are so weak that they are unable to defend themselves, then let them die."

"I will not."

Aizen left without another word.

Koukou's tail struck the side of the throne. This conversation was not over, and it would not be until those differences could be overcome. For now, the exhaustion of the day was beginning to drag her to its depths. Each thought of the day swam through her mind. Before the headache drowned her, it was time to rest.

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