come back... be here x e.o

By lizzieisagoddess

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The delicate beginning rush The feeling you can know so much Without knowing anything at all And now that I c... More

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By lizzieisagoddess

Somewhere in Los Angeles, California
November 13th, 2014

Alexandra POV

I've been staying with Clay and Rene for a couple days now, and it's only Thursday. It's been fun to be back and be hanging out with them, but it's also slightly weird at the same time.

Leighton had to leave yesterday due to some emergency which sucked, but I understood that she had to go home.

I'm not going to lie though, I was slightly happy over that. Not in a "I didn't want her here" kind of way, but because now I can actually hangout with them without worrying that they'd say her name.

I rolled over on the bed and sighed a little. I knew that Clay had made plans for the two of us today, but I didn't know at what time.

So I had decided to set the earliest alarm and have now been sitting in the bed for the last hour.

I knew that one of them was awake because I smelt the coffee aroma linger towards the guest room. I sat up slowly and looked at my phone to see a new text from Mac.


I know you are trying to catch up with them
but something happened that you need to know about.

What happened?

I was slightly nervous to read her next text as I didn't know what to expect.

Lily passed away last night

Lily my ex?

her parents called to tell you
She had stage four cancer and was doing chemo
things took a turn.
They said that you deserved to know

Give them my condolences please

I will.
Are you going to be okay?

I mean yeah.
I don't wish death on anyone,
but she was a bitch..

That's understandable then

I do feel bad for Lily's parents but at the same time, she fucked my life over. She spread shit about me for years and I don't appreciate that. But she also didn't deserve to die so young either.

I slowly got out of the bed and tossed on my sweats that were on the end of the bed.

The one nice thing about crashing here is that they don't judge me... for well being me.

I slowly made my out of the room and down the hall towards their kitchen.

As soon as I turned into the kitchen, I saw a person that I wasn't expecting to see here at all.

I wanted to walk out, I wanted to just go back to the bed and not come back out until Clay came for me.

But I didn't move. I was frozen in my tracks.

She hadn't noticed me standing there yet, as it looked like she was lost in her own little world.

I heard footsteps from upstairs and turned to see Rene in his work uniform.

He just kept walking towards the door, oblivious to the circumstance that I had found myself in or he knew and wanted to leave quickly.

I looked back and she was still lost in whatever she was doing.

I could sneak a coffee quickly, I could just grab something and run back to bed. But I didn't want to.

I leaned against the fridge and just looked at her. I was slightly happy to see her, but at the same time I was mad nervous.

I took a deep breath before deciding that I should probably speak up.

"Good Morning", I went to say slightly nervously as Clay walked in.

She looked up immediately when he walked in.

"Oh? Good Morning Lizzie", he says slightly confused before he silently laughs when he noticed me.

He calmly sat down at the island to not draw attention to me.

"Good Morning", she says before going back to whatever she was doing.

"Are you okay?", he mouths to me and I just shook my head.

"So Lizzie, when did you come back?", he asks her and she looks at him.

"I came back last night. I crashed in the one room after seeing someone had the other taken that I usually crash in", she says before saying, "I didn't think you'd both have company or I would've just went to Moms and dealt with her whole spiel about my life.".

I just weakly smiled and he looked at me briefly. She saw him look over and turned her head before she saw me.

"Alexandra?", she says slightly skeptically and worriedly.

"Hey", I mustered out and she weakly smiled.

"Uh I'm going to go and pop in to see my uncle real quick. I was just coming for coffee, but I'll grab one somewhere else", I tell them and she looks at me.

"We haven't talked or seen each other in years and your just going to leave?", she asks and I slowly exhale a shaky breath.

"Sorry, it's just. My mind is just not in a good space right now. It was nice seeing you though", I tell her before walking out of the kitchen.

I heard footsteps follow behind me as I walked into the guest room.

"What's going on Alexandra Rhodes?", she asks as she follows me into the room.

"Nothing Elizabeth Chase", I tell her and she grabbed my arm.

"Look at me please", she says and I turn around to look at her.

"Please don't lie to me, what's wrong?", she asks and I motioned for her to sit.

"My ex uh Lily, you never knew her or met her. But Mackenzie just messaged me this morning telling me that she passed. I just need a little time to figure shit out.", I tell her and she furrowed her brows.

"I'm sorry for your loss", she said sadly and I just nodded. I could feel the tears threatening to fall out.

I did hate and despise my ex, but at the same time she was my everything after having to leave Lizzie.

"Did you want to go on a run or a hike?", she asks carefully not to trigger anything and I hum a little.

"I had plans with Clay", I tell her and she shook her head.

"Fuck him, he had you all week and I'm only here until late tomorrow", she says and I laughed a little.

"You know what I'm down. But are you sure? The paps will have a field day", I tell her and she shrugs.

"I mean I don't care, they already are harassing me over a lot of different things right now", she says and I looked at her confused.

"Plus I haven't been spotted yet, so maybe we'll luck out. Also I have my favourite person to keep me away from them", she says and I smiled a little.

"I am sorry for not reaching out Liz", I tell her and she nodded.

"No Aly don't. It's also my fault too. I knew that Clay would give me your number, but I was afraid of you not wanting to talk to me", she says and I laughed a little.

"Well I need to change for a hike, so either skedaddle or stay I don't care.", I tell her and she laughed as she got more comfortable.

"Had I known it was you in here I would've come in for cuddles instead of sleeping alone in the other guest room", she says and I just rolled my eyes before shoving her shoulder slightly.

"As if I'd let you cuddle me", I tease her and she looked at me.

"Mhm you always did, plus you give the best cuddles", she teases me back and I just shook my head as I got up.

"Yeah yeah, I know I do.", I tell her as I walked to my bag.

I opened it before grabbing another pair of sweats, a tee and a pair of boxers along with my sports bra.

I looked at her and she looked at me with scrunched brows.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom", I tell her and she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Don't. I already made up my mind", I tell her jokingly before walking into the bathroom.

I purposely left my sweats and tee with my bag before I walked over to the bathroom.

I stripped out of my pyjamas and into my boxers and sports bra before cursing. I walked out and saw her eyes light up as I walked to my clothes.

"You are taunting me. Bitch", she says slightly annoyed and I smiled a little.

"You should've seen the way your eyes lit up", I tell her as I slip on my sweats.

"I hate you right now", she says and I look at her with a slight smirk.

"No bodyguard for Lizzie then", I joke and she tossed a pillow at me.

"Hey that was uncalled for Miss Olsen", I tell her and she smirked a little.

"I think it was definitely called for Miss Carrington", she says back with the smirk still laced on her face.

Suddenly my phone lit up and she looked at it. "Who's calling me?", I ask and her brows furrowed.

"Leighton?", she says before going to stand up to leave.

"Lizzie don't leave, it's all fine and dandy. Leighton is my best friend from back home, she's probably calling to check in on me", I tell her and she faintly nodded before getting comfortable again.

"Can you answer for me darling?", I ask before realizing what I had said and saw the blush on her cheeks.

"Mhm yes I can", she says before smiling and pressing answer.

"ALEX?", I hear Leighton yell and I laughed before motioning for Lizzie to talk.

"Sorry Alexandra can't come to phone right now..?", Lizzie said while looking at me.

"Why?", I hear Leighton ask and I laughed a little.

"Oh because she's dead", Lizzie says and Leighton screams loudly.

"Elizabeth what the fuck? Don't say that", I say sternly and hear the relief in Leighton's breath.

"What're you gonna do about it huh? Alexandra Rhodes", she taunts me and I look at her with a raised brow.

"Elizabeth Chase. I swear to god, please apologize to my friend", I say back and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I was just trying to make a slight joke. My bad", Lizzie says and I shook my head at her.

"You are a bitch Olsen", I say loudly and Leighton gasps.

"Uh she hung up", Lizzie says and I laughed as I walked over to the bed.

I sat down against the head board as my phone rang again.

"Come here with my phone", I tell her and she stands up from the bed before walking over and getting back on. I don't get why she did that so don't ask me.

She moved closer to me before handing me my phone.

"Alexandra Rhodes Carrington. You are a sneaky, conniving little bitch", Leighton says staring into my eyes.

"What did I do?", I ask her as I glare back at her.

"I think you failed to tell her who I was", Lizzie says looking at me smugly.

"Well one because she is a huge fan of the Olsen trio and two because I knew how she'd react", I say to Lizzie and she looked at me with a raised brow.

"And how would she react Aly?", she asks and I look at her before we both heard, "OH MY FUCKING GOD. MY BEST FRIEND IS FRIENDS WITH ELIZABETH OLSEN, THIS IS UNREAL. WHAT EVEN IS LIFE?".

"See this is why", I say and Lizzie laughs as she moves my hands from in front of me.

"What?", I ask and she smiles as she moves to sit between my legs. I moved my one hand to her lap as she rested her head on my collar bone.

"Sorry, but this may be a little loud", I apologize and she laughed before I yelled, "LEIGHTON MARIE CALM DOWN".

I could hear Leighton laughing as she walked back over to her phone.

"Sorry I'm just a huge fan of yours. You are so pretty and so cool. I wish I was still there now", she says and Lizzie looks at me.

"She was here?", Lizzie asks and I laughed.

"Yes she was, you missed her. She left yesterday", I tell Lizzie and she just nodded.

"Well it was nice meeting you over face time", Lizzie says and Leighton smiles at the two of us.

I knew for a fact that I'd be questioned on our cuddling or our friendship closeness when I get back home. I knew just based off of Leighton's smile.

"Just keep an eye on this one. I have to go as I have things to do unfortunately", Leighton says and I just smiled as Lizzie said, "I always used to and I always will".

"Good bye Leighton", I say before Lizzie giggles and waves bye before she hangs up.

"She seems cool and fun", Lizzie says and I laugh a little.

"She is very cool and fun yes, but I think she is also slightly a psychopath", I joke and Lizzie smiles.

"I want to actually meet her some day though", Lizzie says moving her head to look at me.

"I think you both will", I tell her and she smiled a little.

"Now let's go eat and go for our hike", I tell her and she laughed.

"Yes let's go", she says before going to sit up but my hands were blocking her.

"Alexandra move your hands", she says and I laughed before tapping her thighs.

I moved my hands and she slowly pushed herself off me before getting off the bed.


"Piggy back ride?", she asks me softly and I nodded before getting off the bed and bending down.

She climbed onto my back and I held her legs as I carried her out of the room.

"He's going to kill us", she whispers and I laughed as I walked into the kitchen before putting her down.

"Sorry Leighton called and then had a fan girl moment when she realized that Lizzie was the one I always mentioned as her and not her name", I apologize and he laughs.

"It's all good", he says and she laughs.

"Oh I'm kidnapping Aly, you've had her for the last bit and I want to hang out with her", she says with a slight laugh and he smiles brightly at us.

"That's fine with me. I'll find something to do.", he says and I looked at her.

"Eagle Rock?", I ask and she nodded as we both went to get our food.

. . .

I have been back in Stretford for the last week or so now. Leighton practically coerced me into staying with her since getting home.

But I finally was able to escape her and was in my moms car heading home now.

She wanted to know everything, how I met Elizabeth, how our friendship blossomed.

I lied about somethings because there's some that happened that I'm not ready to share with her.

I knew how she'd react to the fact that she was my first kiss, first date, and practically most of the firsts especially during the summer before I moved here.

I was lost in my thoughts and singing along to a song which made me laugh.

I was thinking already about that one summer night when we were home alone and this song practically described that night very well, well for the most part except the one thing.

I sang the next little bit loudly as I drove.

We fucked on the bed
Fucked on the floor
Fucked so long I grew a fuckin' afro
Then I fucked to the left (left)
Fucked to the right (right)
She sucked my dick 'til the shit turned white

Like I said for the most part.. but again that's a story for another time.

I continued to listen to music, I just wanted to get home. I needed to just relax and lay down.

I found myself finally pulling up to my house before getting out and locking her car. I walked up to the front door and walked back in.

I tossed her keys back into the dish before walking into the house more. I walked straight past the living room and saw my mum passed out on the couch. I walked quietly past her and over to Mac's room.

"Mac?", I say and she looks at me.

"I saw Elizabeth", I say to her and her eyes go wide.

"Oh my god, how is she?", she went to say but then smirked.

"Did you finally confess your true feelings for her? Did you finally tell her that your in love with her? Please tell me you did because I truly think you'd both be very good together", she asks with a huge grin and I shook my head.

"No I didn't tell her, I didn't think it was a good idea. She's not ready for that yet plus I fear that when I tell her that she won't feel the same for me", I say and she looks at me with a slightly saddened expression before she shook her head.

"Damn what the fuck, and I think she does. I think you need to tell her before it's too late", she says and I nodded.

"I am going to nap, please don't say anything to anyone though about me seeing her", I tell her and she nodded.

"I got you", she says with a smile and I laughed as I walked away.

I walked out of Mac's room before walking down the hall. I walked up the steps to my room and walked straight over to my bed.

I flopped onto my bed before my phone dinged with a text from an unknown number.


Hey, it's Liz
Clay gave me your number

I smiled brightly when I saw that it was her before putting her number into my phone and nicknaming it Darling ❤️.

That was now her nickname and forever will be, just based off that gorgeous smile she had when I called her it, and by the slight blush that formed.

I figured it was you

"She's either going to kill me for the sarcasm or just completely ignore it", I thought to myself when I saw the text bubble.

Darling ❤️:
Sarcasm nice touch angel.

I smiled brightly at her calling me angel. I felt bad for the sarcasm but she seemed okay with it. Normally she'd be mad if I was sarcastic, or she misses me and doesn't want to argue.

Darling ❤️:
How was your day?

It wasn't horrible but..
I was about to go for a nap

Darling ❤️:
Oh wow 😭

I'm sorry 😭

Darling ❤️:
It's okay,
go and have a nap

I'll message you when I'm awake

Darling ❤️:
You better

Good night dork

Darling ❤️:
Good night Angel

Oh did I say dork?
I meant darling 😉

Darling ❤️:
Haha you're so funny 🙄
Text me later 😊

I smiled as I locked my phone and laid my head onto my pillow. I smiled a little more as I slowly fell asleep.

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