A Vampire Life | Book 4

By Anslee247

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With the death of another family member, how will it affect the new path of motherhood that Taylor is on. Fin... More

A Trail Of Bodies
Family Friend
Tristan de Martel
Moms Coming Home To You
Blast From The Past
Prophecy Coming True
Our Boys
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Ghost Of Taylor's Past
Three Breeds. One Baby
Salvatore Boarding School
Reaper Pole
Death Threat
Almost Out
Momma Alpha
President Teller
Zane Christopher Orton
We're Here For You

Mrs. Ripper

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By Anslee247

*Jax gasped for air as he grabbed his chest. He slowly stood to his feet as it was dark and quiet. He didn't know where he was until he started to walk farther through the woods and saw that he was in Mystic Falls*

Jax: Why the hell am I here?...*Jax walked through Stefan and Damon's house. He looked in shock as he didn't need to open the door. He saw everyone sitting down and talking. It looked intense but no one looked at him until Jeremy and Bonnie both looked over*

Jeremy: Jax?

Jax: Bonnie?...*Everyone looked confused*

Bonnie: Jeremy...They...They can't see him!

Elena: Jer? He is...*Caroline gasped*

Damon: Can you see him?

Jax: Wait...Am I...Am I dead!!?

Bonnie: How did you? What happened?

Jax: I...He...*Jax felt his chest was healed*...He ripped out my heart...*Bonnie covered her mouth*

Stefan: Jermey can you see him?

Jax: If..If I'm dead...Then...My boys...Taylor! She...

Bonnie: It'll be okay. We will figure it out.

Jeremy: He's dead.

Caroline: If he's dead...Then...

Elena: We...Taylor...

Bonnie: Where is your body?

Jax: Not sure but I can feel myself being pulled to it.

Bonnie: Follow it. It'll most likely lead to Taylor...*Jax nodded and they started walking. He looked around and saw that everything looked the same, exactly the same*

Jax: This the otherside?...*Bonnie nodded*...Have you been here the whole time?...*She nodded again*...I thought you people couldn't see others over here?

Bonnie: Which means something is really wrong or someone is helping? Klaus's mom?

Jax: No way...She was out to get me...*Jax sighed*

Bonnie: How did it happen?

Jax: Some guy after Klaus and then...Nothing. Like I was still there but then...Then I heard her. I haven't ever heard her scream like that before...She was...

Bonnie: Broken...*Jax looked into her eyes and Bonnie rubbed his shoulder*

Jax: Bonnie...She won't make it. Do you have a plan to get back?...*Bonnie went to say something, looked away from and looked back at him*

Bonnie: No.

Jax: No?

Bonnie: Not yet?...*Jax sighed*...Doesn't mean we aren't working on it...We're here...*Jax looked confused how they made it so fast*...We're dead...*He nodded...Taylor stepped out of the shower and looked at his stuff in the room. Jax sighed as he watched and saw her eyes. Taylor got dressed and walked downstairs*

Taylor: I have to let the club know...*Kelly looked at her and nodded. Kelly looked at Eric and shook his head slightly at her*

Eric: Think I'll come with you...*Kelly sighed as she watched them leave*

Jax: She's spiraling...

Bonnie: I know...*Taylor walked through the clubhouse doors and everyone smiled at her. They welcomed her back and asked where Jax was. Eric looked at her and Taylor felt like the room was spinning. She couldn't even admit to herself that her husband was dead and now she had to tell all the people that loved him...That Jackson Teller was dead*

Taylor: Jax is dead...*Everyone froze and looked at her*

Clay: What did you just say?

Taylor: Jax is dead...*Gemma stood up*

Gemma: The hell did you just say!

Taylor: He...Jax uh...*Taylor broke and fell to her knees. Taylor held her stomach and sobbed deeply. Eric bent down, wrapped his arms around her and Taylor held onto him. She not only lost her husband but her child and the pain was too much to bare. Eric held her and she couldn't bring herself to stand*

Eric: There was an incident.

Gemma: What type of incident!?

Eric: Jax...Jax was murdered...*Jax sighed as he watched. Gemma gasped and grabbed her chest*

Gemma: Where...Where is my son?

Clay: Gemma...*Taylor snapped, ran for Clay and grabbed his throat. Eric tried to pull her back but Taylor was running on fumes*

Taylor: This is your fault! My husband is dead because of your own personal gain! You will pay for this! DO YOU HEAR ME!

Eric: Love...*Eric pulled her arm and she yanked off him. Taylor growled loudly in Clay's face and made her eyes glow*

Gemma: I knew it. I knew that eventually him being with you would only get him killed.

Taylor: Excuse me?...*Gemma slapped Taylor and Taylor hissed her fangs. Eric grabbed both of her arms and pulled her back. He knew she was about to kill everyone and would do it without thinking twice*

Jax: BOTH OF YOU STOP!...*Jax yelled but nothing would fix it. Even if they could hear him...He had to watch his family fall apart and it was all because of Clay. Taylor struggled in Eric's grip and the guys watched as her eyes glowed*

Taylor: I will rip you to shreds! He was my husband and I LOST HIM!

Gemma: WHERE IS HE!....*Eric let go of Taylor as her body snapped and she yelled in pain*

Eric: Outside now!

Clay: Is...Is she turning?

Opie: Thought wolves needed a full moon to do so?

Eric: When something tragic happens...Wolves...They turn and have no control of it. Usually don't remember the shift...Jax is at the house if you wish to see him.

Opie: Let's go...*They left and Clay stayed behind for a little*

Clay: I thought I told you Taylor!?

Tristan: Well...Your step son threatened me.

Clay: Do you know how this is going to look when they find out!? My hands have to stay clean!

Tristan: And they are Mr. Morrow. I told you I want the kids and to get to the kids...You have to...Have some collateral damage.

Bonnie: This was Clay...Not Esther?

Jax: Taylor was right...Clay as a vampire...

Bonnie: He'll stop at nothing...

Gemma: Where is he?

Pam: Downstairs...*The guys followed Gemma downstairs. Gemma broke down as she saw Jax*

Gemma: Not my baby...*Jax sighed at his mothers pain*

Jax: I'm okay mom.

Pam: Where is Taylor?

Eric: She...She uh...She had to shift. It was too much for her.

Pam: That's not good.

Gemma: Oh well...*Kelly raised an eyebrow*

Kelly: Oh well?

Gemma: That alpha douchebag got my son killed!

Kelly: Watch your mouth!...*Kelly felt her eyes change at hearing Gemma's words*

Gemma: This is my boy! Laying here! Cold and dead!...She...*Opie finally got the courage and walked down to see his brother*

Opie whispered: Jax...

Jax: Opie...*Bonnie held Jax's hand for comfort*

Gemma: She got him killed.

Eric: Taylor was the target and they went after him...*Clay heard as he slowly walked down and Gemma ran to him as Eric glared his eyes at him*...Whatever is going on. There is a war brewing and you guys need to prepare yourselves for what is coming or about to blow off.

Opie: There a way to get him back?

Eric: Bonnie is dead as well. They are trying everything to get them both back. Freya said that she is working on something for both of them. It'll just take time.

Opie: So no funeral?...*Eric sighed*

Eric: We have the funeral...It makes...Makes everything look natural. People don't ask questions this way and when he comes back. If people still ask...We just erase the memory...*Opie nodded*

Gemma: Those boys?

Kelly: We help Taylor help them.

Gemma: Then we find who killed Jax...*Taylor walked down naked and Eric saw her eyes...Cold, numb and hungry*

Taylor: And we will.

Eric: Love?...*Kelly sighed as Taylor looked blank. Taylor closed Jax's coffin and walked back upstairs....Days, weeks went on and Taylor was in and out. Kelly made sure to keep the boys occupied while she was home but they always cried as they wanted their mother. Eric kept a close watch, making sure she didn't fall too far off the deep end but she was usually unpredictable when this would happen. It was the day of Jax's funeral and Taylor wasn't here yet. Eric sighed as she was ignoring his phone calls*...We should go. She isn't coming and we'll be late.

Kelly: Well...I will stay here with the boys and you go to the funeral in case she shows her face...*Taylor then walked through the door drunk*

Eric: Where have you been? I have been calling you for hours.

Taylor: Out...*She said with a drunken attitude*

Eric: You do remember what today is? Your humanity is off...Why are you being such a child?

Taylor: I don't think I'm going...

Eric: Taylor...

Kelly: She isn't going and you'll be late. Just go...*Kelly sighed and walked up to her nephews. Eric sighed and left with Pam. Pam knew Eric was worried. If Taylor made too much noise...Well, king Bill would have to step in and even though she isn't in Louisiana. They knew he would be the only one to truly take care of her. Kelly saw Taylor finally come downstairs and noticed she had all black on*...Are you going to the funeral?...Like that...*Taylor smiled and walked for the door*...I miss my sister...*Taylor froze*...I...*Kelly sniffled*...I know you are just on the surface and I miss you...You'll need a friend to come back to when this is over. I love you...Always and forever sister...*Taylor shook off the tears and walked out of the house. She fed to help with feeling what she was feeling. To ignore the fact that she was actually about to go to her husband's funeral. Until the blood gave her life again, until she felt the ripper running through her veins and until she felt her humanity get pushed right back down. Pam and Eric popped their fangs as they smelled blood and saw Taylor dragging a human over*

Taylor: I made it...*Gemma groaned*

Gemma: You are kidding me right?...*Eric walked over to her and she smiled at him*

Eric: Seriously?

Taylor: I got hungry and I thought...What if I needed a snack.

Eric: She is dead and nothing left is in her.

Taylor: Just a tad bit left. We can share her.

Jax: I forgot just how savage she is when she is like this.

Bonnie: Yeah...She truly gets that from Klaus...*Jax grinned and nodded*...You doing okay?

Jax: I..It hasn't really hit me yet. I mean...When I saw my boys...It definitely did but I...I can't wrap my head around this just yet...*Bonnie nodded and sighed*

Eric: Can you come and sit now?

Taylor: No...*Eric raised an eyebrow*...You told me to come and I showed my face.

Eric: It's too hard for you. Taylor, I can see it in your eyes that you are fighting with your humanity. Don't do this and think of your boys.

Taylor: Stop it.

Eric: Admit it.

Taylor: I SAID STOP!...*Eric nodded*

Eric: Then go back to New Orleans and I will help Kelly take care of the boys...*Taylor looked away and felt the hunger again*

Wendy: The hell is wrong with you?...*Taylor looked at Wendy and smiled*

Gemma: Don't. She is not herself right now.

Taylor: I bet you taste real good.

Eric: Taylor...*He said sternly for her to stop*

Wendy: Bet Jax thought so...*Taylor smiled again*

Taylor: So much that he left you after you killed his baby?...*Wendy gasped and Eric glared at Taylor*...Even good ol doc showed up.

Tara: He was my friend.

Taylor: Right. Even after you broke his heart too?

Gemma: Please. Just leave...*Taylor glared her eyes at Clay and made her eyes glow*

Taylor: You should watch your back. You got people watching you.

Opie: Red?

Eric: GO! I don't want you here anymore...Not for those boys...*Taylor looked at Eric and he saw her heartbreak even more. He never wanted to tell her to go...Ever but Taylor was a loose cannon like this and if she hurt those boys...Eric knew she wouldn't be able to come back from that. Taylor threw her arms up and walked away from Eric. Eric shed a tear and Pam felt his pain as he watched her walk away. Eric cleared his throat and got himself together*...Sorry. She..I.

Opie: We know...*It wasn't long after the funeral that Eric decided to call Klaus. He thought Klaus should know what is about to come to New Orleans*

Klaus: Yes mate?

Eric: Taylor should be on her way to you. If not, she should be there by now...*He smiled at Abel as Abel showed him how he could fly. Eric saw Taylor in both of her boys and he sighed wishing she was here right now*

Klaus: Why?

Eric: Because I kicked her out. She can't be here right now. Not now...She...Klaus, she is dangerous and if she hurts the boys...*Klaus sighed and looked at Hope*...We get anything?

Klaus: Freya?

Freya: Esther put a spell on them...*Pam and Kelly looked over as they heard*...She knew Clay would side with Tristian and that we would come after her. She didn't think they would have gone after Taylor or Jax but...They crossed her. Jax and Bonnie are together. She has to get more information and will be in touch. We just don't know how long it will be, when we can get them back or...What the price will be to bring not one but two people back from the dead.

Eric: What do you mean...Price?...*Freya sighed and looked at Klaus*

Freya: You can't bring someone back from the dead and it does not have consequences...*Eric sighed and looked at his boys again*

Pam: Well, as long as it doesn't kill you.

Freya: I will be fine. This is a mess. We will figure it out and then Jax will kill Clay. We just have to keep Taylor holding on...Eric, don't lose hope. I know she may be scared right now but deep down I know for a fact she wouldn't hurt her boys...*Eric nodded and sighed*

Abel: Mommy?

Eric: Mommy...Is...*Kelly looked at Eric*...Mommy is visiting pop Klaus. She'll be back.

Abel: I miss mommy...*Eric sighed and picked him up. Abel cried as Eric held him*

Eric: Me too buddy. Me too...

*Have a great day lovely people and hope everyone is having a great summer! Don't forget to comment and vote. I hope everyone is still liking everything :) Can't wait to keep sharing with you all! Xoxo ~ Anslee❤️*

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