Evans Tale - HP X MCU - WTM...

By ictvibes

98K 2.2K 425

The Avengers and the Hogwarts sit down to watch the past, present, and future to stop catastrophe from happen... More

Characters: Part I
Characters: Part II
Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Announcement - Poles
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12

Chapter - 8

4.3K 121 19
By ictvibes


"You knew all along, didn't you?" Loki asked.

"Yes, I knew. I am sorry for everything that happened, I wish there was a way for me to explain to Odin. That- that it wasn't you, but Thanos behind all of it." Iris said remorsefully. "But-, I knew that your hatred, I am sorry- your previous hatred for us mortals must have stemmed from someone else, who taught you that we are lower beings than you. So, I knew even if I somehow even got to Asgard, there was no way he would ever listen to someone who was apparently a lower being than him." Iris said chuckling bitterly at the end.

"Do not apologize for something you have no control over. He was eager to give me a punishment, even I would have tried to tell him or even show my memories of - of those times he would have just dismissed me." he replied his voice getting caught.

"If you wouldn't mind me interjecting," said Wanda and continued, when Loki nodded, "Your father calls himself the Protector of the Nine-Realms, well I would very well question the way that man has brought up his children, if he can twist his words so, that it seemingly looks as if he is the nice person. Don't get me wrong, but his whole idea of being the protector came from going on wars across these realms, showing his dominance and then showing them that he has taken them under his care so that nobody can harm them, while he nonchalantly exploits them all."

"She is very right. I mean it would also make sense as to why he never told you of your true heritage."  said Iris, her blood boiling.

"You are right, don't you see brother, it is only mother and the values that she instilled in us-"

"That have made us what we are today." Thor finished the sentence for Loki.

The Avengers were all looking at each other shocked. They then quickly realized that people were staring and wanted to ask questions. But it was Thor and Loki's private life and they could see on their faces, as to how they didn't want to answer questions.

"Why don't we continue on with the movie." Vision said and the brothers looked at him gratefully.

But one thing was now on top of their minds. Who is this, Thanos?


The scene shows some mountains in the distance. The quinjet speeds by. 


Natasha is piloting the plane. Loki is strapped down in the back of the plane. Cap, in suit but no cowl, and Tony, in the suit but without the helmet, is standing behind the cockpit and they are talking while Iris is standing beside Natasha catching up with her about her latest mission.

FURY (over quinjet radio): He saying anything?

NATASHA (into headset): Not a word.

FURY (over quinjet radio): Just get him here, we're low on time.


STEVE: I don't like it.

TONY: What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?

STEVE: I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop.

IRIS (shouts): I second this.

TONY: Still, you were pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?

STEVE: What?

TONY: It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple of things. Y'know, doing time as a Cap-sicle. 

STEVE: Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in.

IRIS: We are like a package deal. (pointing at herself) Buy one, (then pointing at Tony) get one free.

Nat chuckles.

TONY (ignoring Iris): Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you.

There's a flash of lightening and a roar of thunder.

NATASHA: Where's this come from?

Loki leans forward, looking around.

STEVE (to Loki): What's the matter? Scared of a little lightening?

LOKI: I'm not overly fond of what follows.

Loki looks to the sky.

IRIS: Oh god! Please don't tell me that it's Blondie.

Loki looks at her questioningly. Before realising that she was one of the personnel present during the New Mexico fiasco.


There's a crash on top of the quinjet. Something as landed. 


Tony, Steve, and Natasha look up, shocked and jolted.

IRIS (annoyed): Great this is just great! Just what we needed.

"What a brat!" Percy scoffed.

Bellatrix did nothing but glare at him, which made him cower instantly. Molly wanted to stand up, but she knew there was nothing she could do which wouldn't lead to her untimely death.

The twins, along with Bill, Charlie and Ginny had a hearty laugh at this.

"I am sorry for this. I didn't realise that I was acting this way." Iris apologized to the blonde god.

"It is fine Lady Iris. I get it that you were stressed, I know now that you mean no harm." the God replied smiling.


There seems to be a shadowy figure holding onto the quinjet. We make it out, it is Thor Odinson, God of Thunder. He is serious. There's another flash of light.


Natasha speeds up. Steve runs for something, he grabs his cowl while Tony grabs his helmet which attaches itself to the suit. Tony pushes a button and opens the ramp of the jet.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: What are you doing?

Thor enters, jumping down on the ramp. He hits Iron Man away, causing him to fall on Cap. He grabs Loki by the neck and jumps out of the plane.

MIDNIGHT WITCH (as if telling a story): There go the brothers along a new journey.

IRON MAN: Now there's that guy.

NATASHA: Another Asgardian?

MIDNIGHT WITCH: You catch up so quickly, don't you.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: That guy's a friendly.

NATASHA: Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki, or kills him, the Tesseract's lost.

MIDNIGHT WITCH: He won't, even I can guarantee it.

Iron Man begins walking to the edge of the ramp.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Stark, we need a plan of attack.

IRON MAN: I have a plan. Attack!

Iron Man flies out of the jet and Cap makes for a parachute.


The midnight witch jumps out of the quinjet and starts levitating towards the ground.

NATASHA: I'd sit this one out, Cap.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: I don't see how I can.

NATASHA: These guys come from legend, they're basically Gods.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: There's only one God ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.

Cap straps on the chute, grabs his shield, and dives out the plane, headfirst.


Thor and Loki crash down on a cliff. Thor throws Loki to the ground, he groans.

THOR: Where is the Tesseract?

LOKI: Oh-ho, I missed you too.

THOR: Do I look to be in a gaming mood?

At this point Iron Man landed just behind them and was about to walk towards them before he was stopped by the Midnight Witch. She casted an invisibility spell around them.

LOKI: Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the All-Father have to muster to conjure you here? Your precious Earth.

Thor drops his hammer, Mjolnir, and pulls Loki to his feet.

THOR: I thought you dead.

LOKI: Did you mourn?

THOR: We all did. Our father

LOKI: Your father. He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?

THOR: We were raised together, we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?

LOKI: I remember a shadow, living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I who was and should be king!

It got all too overwhelming for Iris. She didn't even realise that her spell had started fading.

THOR: So, you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights? No. The Earth is under my protection, Loki.

LOKI: Well, yes.

THOR: Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. Throne would suit you ill.

Loki pushes past Thor and walks away, Thor follows.

LOKI: I've seen worlds you've never known about. I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it.

This brought Iris back to the reality and she found this to be a vulnerability she saw through him. The perfect time to put her plan to action.

THOR: Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be-king?

LOKI: I am a king!

THOR: Not here. You give up the Tesseract; you give up this poisonous dream! You come home.

LOKI: I don't have it.

Thor summons Mjolnir and holds it ready.

LOKI: You need the Cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off I know not where.

THOR: You listen well brother-

Iron Man flies in, knocking him and Thor out of frame. Loki stands waiting.

LOKI: I'm listening?

MIDNIGHT WITCH (snorts): You do have a sense of humor. Well, I guess that would have to be - so that you know- for you to become the God of mischief.

LOKI: And lies.

MIDNIGHT WITCH: It's cute, I must say. How you think you threaten me with that... menacing face that you are trying to make I take.

Loki scoffs.

IRIS (into her earpiece): Will you stop worrying!

NATASHA: How can I when two hotheads are going against one another.

IRIS: Oh, don't worry, honestly it looks so pretty nice to me, two wild bears in their natural habitat... fighting. It is honestly so amazing Nat, if only were you here to see this.

NATASHA: Will you stop talking as if I am in heaven?!

IRIS: What makes you think that you will go to Heaven and not Hell.

NATASHA (cutting the connection): BYE!


Thor and Iron Man crash through the trees to the ground, Tony lifts his faceplate. 

THOR: Do not touch me again.

TONY: Then don't take my stuff.

THOR: You have no idea what you're dealing with.

TONY: Uh- Shakespeare in the park? Doth mother know you wearth her drapes?

THOR: This is beyond you, metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice.

TONY: He gives up the Cube, he's all yours. Until then-

Faceplate drops.

IRON MAN: -stay out of the way.

Iron Man takes a few steps.

IRON MAN: Tourist.

Thor throws Mjolnir, hitting Iron Man square in the chest, sending him flying, landing on his back.

TONY (inside the helmet): Okay!

Loki smirks from the cliff top as Thor summons Mjolnir then swings it in circles, Iris laughs heartily.

LOKI: Whose side are you on, mortal?

IRIS: Well obviously on Tony's. But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't love to see your brother kick my brother's ass. and secondly this mortal has a name, it is Iris.

LOKI: Well..... Iris, I didn't know he is your brother.

IRIS: Oh! He is not, well in short, he is my brother in everything but blood, we only met two years, but there is nothing that I wouldn't do for this man. Even if I have to die for him I would do so without hesitation, again and again if I have too.

She saw the struggle within him. His eyes changing color once or twice before giving up, he suddenly looked tired.

 Iron Man gets to his feet and fires an arc pulse blast at Thor, then flies at him, kicking him through a tree. Thor stands, summoning a bolt of lightning as Loki watches in the distance, standing beside Iris. Thor sends the bolt at Iron Man.

JARVIS: Power at 400% capacity.

TONY: How bout that?

Iron Man fires at Thor. The two stand ready then fly at each other, smashing through the trees and scraping up a cliffside. Trees are toppled as they crash to the forest grounds. Thor and Iron Man stand quickly. Thor sends in a left hook so Iron Man is about to punch but Thor grabs his fist. Iron Man is about to send in his left hook and Thor grabs that too. Thor begins to crush Iron Man's right gauntlet with ease.

Inside the helmet; Tony looks at the HUD which is alerting him. He groans and thinks. Iron Man lifts his palm, that is being crushed, and he fires a blast at Thor's face -- it does nothing to Thor so he headbutts him. Thor headbutts him back. Iron Man flies back, coming to a stop before launching himself at Thor. Iron Man throws Thor into a broken tree. Thor then stands and the two go at it for a bit longer -- a fist fight. Thor summons his hammer about to slam down on the chest of Tony but Iron Man ditches, causing Thor to fall. Behind the rising Thor, Iron Man swoops in and punches him. They get ready to sends blows at each other until Cap's shield ricochets off both their chest.


Cap catches his shield.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: That's enough!

He jumps down of the tree and approaches Thor and Iron Man.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Now I don't know what you plan on doing here?

THOR: I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes!

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Then prove it. Put that hammer down.

IRON MAN: Uh, yeah! No! Bad call, he loves his hammer.

Thor swings his hammer back, sending Iron Man behind him.

THOR: You want me to put hammer down?

Thor leaps, swinging Mjolnir, Cap raises the shield over his head. When the two connect there is a loud boom and a flash of light. The three are thrown backwards. They slowly get to their feet and come together.

CAPTAIN AMERICA: Are we done here?

Thor looks around.


PS: It was fun to write this chapter. I really hope you all enjoy it. Do let me know your thoughts in the comments and do not forget to vote it is really appreciable.

Much love <3

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