Chapter - 11

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Fury enters.

FURY: What are you doing, Mr. Stark?

TONY: Uh- kind of been wondering the same thing about you.

FURY: You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract.

BANNER: We are the model's locked and we're sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we'll have the location within half a mile.

TONY: And you'll get your cube back, no muss, no fuss. What is Phase Two?

Steve enters and slams a large HYDRA gun on the table.

STEVE: Phase Two is SHIELD used the Cube to make weapons. (to Tony) Sorry, computer was moving a little slow for me.

FURY: Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're 

TONY: I'm sorry, Nick. 

Tony turns the screen towards Fury. 

TONY: It shows a plan for some a missile. What were you lying?

STEVE: I was wrong, Director. The world hasn't changed a bit.

Thor and Natasha along with Iris enter. Banner looks at Natasha.

BANNER: Did you know about this?

NATASHA: You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?

BANNER (laughs): I was in Calcutta; I was pretty well removed.

NATASHA: Loki's manipulating you.

BANNER: And you've been doing what exactly?

NATASHA: You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you.

BANNER: Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy. I'd like to know why SHIELD issuing the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction.

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